NDA: Clinton KNEW she could be prosecuted

Hillary Clinton -- I did not have factual relations with the USA nice little bombshell just in from the WashingtonFreeBeacon.com:

Clinton Signed NDA Laying Out
Criminal Penalties for Mishandling of Classified Info

by Lachlan Markay

Dem presidential candidate and top aides signed NDAs warning against ‘negligent handling’ of classified information

As the nation’s chief diplomat, Hillary Clinton was responsible for ascertaining whether information in her possession was classified and acknowledged that “negligent handling” of that information could jeopardize national security, according to a copy of an agreement she signed upon taking the job.

Translated: she knew precisely what she was doing when she signed that document, and she knew precisely what was expected of her and what could potentially occur to her if she were to abrogate that agreement.

It was all made plain and clear, up front.  A copy of that Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) is here.

A day after assuming office as secretary of state, Clinton signed a Sensitive Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Agreement that laid out criminal penalties for “any unauthorized disclosure” of classified information.

Hillary Clinton DELETESPart of the document she SIGNED states “I have been advised that the unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized retention, or negligent handling of SCI by me could cause irreparable injury to the United States or be used to advantage by a foreign nation.”

The FreeBeacon continues:

The language of her NDA suggests it was Clinton’s responsibility to ascertain whether information shared through her private email server was, in fact, classified.

“I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with appropriate management authorities in the Department … in order to ensure that I know whether information or material within my knowledge or control that I have reason to believe might be SCI,” the agreement says.

It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to realize Clinton acquired her own email server because she wanted total control of the information, and to ensure that its contents were not readily discoverable — when in fact likely the precise opposite occurred.  Just ask the Chinese and the Russians.

It’s already been revealed there were classified emails on her server.  They were marked “TS/SCI”—top secret/sensitive compartmented information.”  A valuable list of US security clearance delineators is here.

The incredibly smarmy Clinton arrogance and imperious conceit enters the picture when, despite all of this and, having signed her NDA and knowing so, she still believed she was of such import that she would not be touched or held accountable for any action.  The private server was an obvious attempt at avoiding her responsibilities and duties.  She, as with Obama, have administrations that are the opposite of transparent.

They were and are they most opaque by design.

Hillary Clinton jeopardized US security, lied about it, and couldn’t care less about it.


Hillary vs Petraeus

Joe Biden is IN?

Joe Biden Pointing AgainLet’s run through the theories.

1 Joe Biden is IN

The most obvious theory for Biden running, even as late as this, is that Hillary Clinton is unelectable or may even face indictment of some sort for her involvement in the email scandal that she only brought upon herself.  This may source from some kind of “insider information” possessed by the DNC or the Spite House regarding Hillary’s future viability as a candidate.  They may know something the public does not.  Hillary has not one but two substantial albatrosses about her neck: Benghazi and her server.  Of the two, I’d wager the most likely negative outcome would be from the FBI email investigation.

Some people ask about the cash aspect.  But if Hillary is swept aside, the organization and funding once funneled to Hillary could be shuttled to Slow Joe from the DNC.  Joe Biden just might be the Spite House Plan B in all its hair-plugged fleshy splendor.  The support of Obama could make a huge monetary difference, as I suspect Joe wants to continue what Obama has already installed in place.  Or so Obama may believe.

A new CNN/ORC poll, in terms of Demorat presidential favorability, indicates that Joe Biden pulls 51%, Hillary 46%, Sanders 41%, O’Malley 14%, Webb 14% and Chafee 7%.

Additionally, most everyone knows there is no love lost between the Clintons and the Obamas.  The blood is thick and turpid.  This naturally stems from Hillary running against Obama in 2008.  Apparently Hillary walked into the Spite House and asked for the dogs to Kabuki Theatrebe called off entirely.  They were not called off entirely.

That Obama spoke somewhat negatively about the FBI investigation was pure Kabuki Theater.  He did it to appease the Hillary contingent.

Hillary is much more of a Centrist.  She will bend to the prevailing Political Prairie Winds.  She learned that from Willie J.  What is Biden?  The VP.  Obama’s VP.

2 Joe Biden is OUT

Some analysts ask: what’s in it for Joe?  Some analysts say that it’s nothing more than a “Republican plot” to muddy the waters.  Yes, those insanely paranoid Leftist analysts.

The theory goes that Biden has run before and not done well.  And where is his financing right now?  His cash?  Some say the DNC knows Biden can’t pull a sufficient amount of cash at the last second.

Hillary GlassesFurther, it appears that Obama is doing his public best to try to shield Hillary Clinton, minimizing the importance of her emails.  This, of course, pissed off the FBI and Director James Comey, and it put him in a political jackpot.

It is said that Biden has been decked with the same dreck as Obama because of his position.  He is too closely aligned to Obama whereas Hillary is a bit further away, at least now.

Can Biden actually win?  Not many people think he can.  He will play for the Emotive Factor regarding his son Beau, and the deaths of wife and daughter he lost in 1972.  Yes, both tragedies.  But can emotions carry him to the White House over a Republican?  Some say Biden could win the Demorat nomination.  But he couldn’t win against the GOP.

And: just how Left is Joe Biden?  Can he run against a Bernie Sanders and cast aside the appeal of Sanders?  Because the Corporatist aspect of the DNC won’t allow Sanders to win.  He kills cash.  The DNC can’t afford their cash to be killed.  Biden needs to, therefore, win.  But can he, against Sanders?  It is theorized that Hillary can.

Then there are the many resplendent “Bidenisms” and the many hours of glorious YouTube material provided us over the years, including asking the crippled man in the wheelchair to stand up.  Ooopsie.

Then there is the Hillary Factor.  If Biden were to step in, some elements fear the Hillary Scorched Earth Policy.  She would pull out some of the worst incidents and positions of the Obama Administration and use those against Biden to get elected.  She would attempt to distance herself from Obama and Biden.  She would reveal the Emperor as he is: naked and ImperialObama certainly cannot condone that or allow it to be illuminated.

Plots, subplots and sub-subplots.

So what do you think?

Is Biden in or out?

I’ll take that bet.

Biden is in.

That’s how electable and huggly-snuggly is Hillary.