Covid-19, freedom and law enforcement

Never in the history of this nation has it been under such terrible assault in terms of freedoms and liberties.

And I submit that the Wuhan-19 virus has merely accelerated the underlying subtext of nudging freedoms to the side via Leftists and Demorats, ably abetted and assisted by the American Media Maggots.

Multiple cases in point? The numerous actions around the nation by over-reaching governors and mayors in terms of setting proclamations and edicts restricting the rights of residents and citizens dealing with “sheltering in place” and keeping American businesses closed and dark — with clear and obvious disastrous effects on local and national economies.

Is this coming around? Are there changes in the air? Perhaps there are. Let’s deal first with a major event that occurred Thursday morning, with the release of General Michael Fllynn. The details from AP:

Justice Department is dropping Flynn’s Trump-Russia case

by Michael Balsamo and Eric Tucker

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department on Thursday said it is dropping the criminal case against President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, abandoning a prosecution that became a rallying cry for the president and his supporters in attacking the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation.

The action was a stunning reversal for one of the signature cases brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. It comes even though prosecutors for the past three years have maintained that Flynn lied to the FBI in a January 2017 interview about his conversations with the Russian ambassador.

Lending credence, obviously, to what I’ve been saying and writing here on my blog, and on my program, BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show:

This has been nothing more than a SOFT COUP against a presidential nominee, a president-elect and a sitting president — simply because he was not in keeping with the historical precedent of installing an actual politician behind the Oval Office desk.

In particular a man who is brusque, frequently unpolished, takes crap from few because he doesn’t have to, and is considered to be the proverbial “bull in the china shop” in terms of how the Deep State functions in DC.

His potential was that of blowing apart the jobs and lives of those who have insinuated themselves, like dangerous ticks, into all facets of federal DC politics, and how the massive cadre of unelected parasites have taken collective umbrage at being, first, “outed” and then, second, targeted for pest removal because — the Deep State is an infection upon the nation that must be destroyed.

Wiretapping, Russia, Mueller, dossier, bed piss, FISA courts, Urkraine, strippers, impeachment, Iran, illegals, travel bans, red tape, federal judges and now even a pandemic seems not to deter OMB — Orange Man Bad — President Donald John Trump, the guy with the dead orange cat on his head, from completing his duty to fulfill his campaign promises.

Much to the chagrin and absolute horror of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Anarchists, the Religious Climate Change Leftists, and Globalists everywhere.

They are cornered, they know it, and like wounded dogs they will do and try anything, anything at all, in order to survive. Because their survival is paramount and if you, the Little People, deign to get in the way with yout petty little lives, the LDAMM will smash you like the proles, serfs, commoners, groundlings, unwashed, rabble and insect-like subjects you truly are.

The Wuhan-19 pandemic provided the perfect opportunity for Leftists, Globalists, Progressives and Demorats to push the envelope in order to see just how much oppression you will take as American citizens. Because once they know and identify this Wuhan-19 threshold, they’ll know with greater accuracy how much more to push you when the Fear Porn subsides.

And make no mistake, the LDAMM are all about pushing the Fear Porn right now. In order to relinquish your rights, freedoms and liberties, you must be subjugated with the constant bath of fear — individually and for your family, loved ones, friends and acquaintances.

We have seen, as a result, the shameful acts carried out, thusly, by various law enforcement officers throughout the nation when the obey the edicts of their mayors or governors who have gone out of their way to create a class of criminals from individuals who had no intent of committing crimes but, instead, unlike true criminals, simply wanted to step outside like human beings or worship or get some food or, worse yet, to not allow the Wuhan-19 pandemic to cripple them financially, kill their businesses, eradicate everything they have worked their lives for, go into bankruptcy. They want to pay their bills, their mortgage, feed and clothe their kids.

And now, in my areas of the United States, that’s considered a crime. And certain law enforcement officers are, shamefully, carrying out these edicts against good, honest American citizens.

Unlawfully. Wrongfully. Unconstitutionally.

But first, let’s talk about the alleged science and the numbers utilized in supposedly justifying the removal of freedoms all around our nation. The models, the statistics, and the motivations behind it all.

Because, as per normal, when people “say” it’s not about the money, power or control? Oh yeah; it’s all about the money, power and control.

We were told from the outset that we had to “flatten the curve,” that all would be well, that the models were working, that we could place confidence in the WHO, the World Health Organization, upon whose logic, training, education and experience we could rely.

Though it was run by a Nigerian Director who isn’t really a doctor, put into place by his Chinese superiors, lied about his background, covered up for the Chinese, belittled President Trumps ACCURATE, TIMELY and APPROPRIATE response to place a travel ban on those from first China and then Europe.

Yes, that World Health Organization. The one embracing the strict Chinese Lockdown Model which, resultingly, various Leftist governors and mayors have been following religiously like the strictest of Koran tenets.

The WHO that is Xi Xenping’s Puppet. From

How WHO Became China’s Coronavirus Accomplice

by Hinnerk Feldwisch-Drentrup, 4-2-20

Beijing is pushing to become a public health superpower—and quickly found a willing international partner.

While the novel coronavirus is changing the world, China is trying to do the same. Already a serious strategic rival of the United States with considerable international clout, it’s now moving into a new field—health.

After initial denials and cover-ups, China successfully contained the COVID-19 outbreak—but not before it had exported many cases to the rest of the world. Today, despite the falsehoods it initially passed on, which played a critical role in delaying global response, it’s trying to leverage its reputed success story into a stronger position on international health bodies.

We now know that China locked down Wuhan, a city of over 11 million people, immediately. They allowed no one to move or fly from Wuhan into any other points in China. Yet it purposely did not place such limits anywhere else. Chinese could fly anywhere and everywhere around the planet, from Wuhan. And did.

Simultaneously — and this indicates clear consciousness of guilt — China began gobbling up PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) supplies from the world: masks, gowns, gloves, all in an attempt to corner the market, which it did. And then would sell back to various governments and organizations for inflated prices. In some cases a 50-cent mask sold for $8 dollars.

Most critically, Beijing succeeded from the start in steering the World Health Organization (WHO), which both receives funding from China and is dependent on the regime of the Communist Party on many levels. Its international experts didn’t get access to the country until Director-General Tedros Adhanom visited President Xi Jinping at the end of January. Before then, WHO was uncritically repeating information from the Chinese authorities, ignoring warnings from Taiwanese doctors—unrepresented in WHO, which is a United Nations body—and reluctant to declare a “public health emergency of international concern,” denying after a meeting Jan. 22 that there was any need to do so.

After the Beijing visit, though, WHO said in a statement that it appreciated “especially the commitment from top leadership, and the transparency they have demonstrated.” Only after the meeting did it declared, on Jan. 30, a public health emergency of international concern. And after China reported only a few new cases each day, WHO declared the coronavirus a pandemic March 11—even though it had spread globally weeks before.

Why wouldn’t WHO Director Tedros cooperate? China spent millions of dollars installing him in that position of power. He became their dancing monkey. And the Chinese hated him for it as well because, as we already know, China is literally the most racist and ethnocentric country on earth. Ask blacks who work there. Ask Muslims.

The Chinese have made it quite clear. You can’t trust them.

One reason is that official data from China is often highly dubious—which can lead to ill-advised health policies in other countries, since studies based on information from China are the first used to understand COVID-19. Countless cases of people dying at home in Wuhan—some being described in social media posts—will probably never go into the statistics. And while a report by Caixin on the Chinese province of Heilongjiang said that a considerable percentage of asymptomatic cases has not been reported—which amounts to about 50 percent more known infections in China, according to a South China Morning Post report on classified government data—WHO takes numbers reported by Beijing at face value.

Using those initial skewed and poorly-reported statistics — in some cases no statistics at all, conclusions and models were drawn for not only the United States but other countries.

Over time, however, other discoveries were made and studies published. The information now indicated the Wuhan-19 was much more prevalent and widespread than anyone imagined and, thusly, that meant its fatality rate necessarily plummeted. A number of studies were cited, this one from USC:

Early antibody testing suggests COVID-19 infections in L.A. County greatly exceed documented cases

by Leigh Hopper

USC and L.A. County Department of Public Health officials have released the preliminary results of their antibody tests, which show a surprising number of residents have been infected with the coronavirus.

USC and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health on Monday released preliminary results from a collaborative scientific study that suggests infections from the new coronavirus are far more widespread — and the fatality rate much lower — in L.A. County than previously thought.

And that was true for the nation, not just Los Angeles.

That led to the heinous conclusion by two now-infamous Kern County (CA) doctors that the time has come to quarantine the sick and release those who are fine, getting them back to work and re-vitalizing the economy. Of course, for suggesting that, the video from Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi of Accelerated Urgent Care was removed from YouTube for “violating community standards.” You can still watch it here.

Then, the worst of all possible worlds for WHO sycophants like all the various and sundry Leftist and Demorats governors and mayors who pretended to utilize “science” in order to justify their Draconian decrees.

The World Health Organization kicked the Chinese model to the curb, in favor of the Swedish model — which embraced no lockdown. From the NewYorkPost:

WHO lauds lockdown-ignoring Sweden as a ‘model’ for countries going forward

by Jackie Salo, 4-29-20

The World Health Organization lauded Sweden as a “model” for battling the coronavirus as countries lift lockdowns — after the nation controversially refused restrictions.

Dr. Mike Ryan, the WHO’s top emergencies expert, said Wednesday there are “lessons to be learned” from the Scandinavian nation, which has largely relied on citizens to self-regulate.

“I think there’s a perception out that Sweden has not put in control measures and just has allowed the disease to spread,” Ryan told reporters. “Nothing can be further from the truth.”

Ryan noted that instead of lockdowns, the country has “put in place a very strong public policy around social distancing, around caring and protecting people in long-term care facilities.”

In other words, they quarantined and protected the sick, not so the healthy population. And they treated people like adults. Such a concept.

So now we have a massive paradigm shift. The proverbial “sea change.” The WHO discards the Chinese model and embraces the Swedish model.

This is the highly vaunted WHO. The scientific WHO. The WHO whose numbers and thoughts are utilized by American Leftists and Demorats who wish to keep their own populations under thumb.

And, of course, trust the CDC. Until we saw this:

The CDC Confesses to Lying About COVID-19 Death Numbers

by Matthew Vadum, 4-9-20

Can any government statistics on COVID-19 deaths be trusted?

It is an open question now that we are learning that the highly respected, world-class Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been lying to us.

That the CDC isn’t telling the truth to Americans is no conspiracy theory:  it’s right out there in the open for everyone to see.  The CDC openly admits that it is fudging the COVID-19 death figures.

We know this because, among other truth-tellers, a plainspoken small-town physician from Kalispell, Montana, has pulled back the curtain.

Dr. Annie Bukacek, MD, explained in a presentation how death certificates are made.  (See “Montana physician Dr. Annie Bukacek discusses how COVID-19 death certificates are being manipulated,”

But wait; there’s more.

Bukacek refers to a March 24 CDC memo from Steven Schwartz, director of the Division of Vital Statistics for the National Center for Health Statistics, titled “COVID-19 Alert No. 2.”

“The assumption of COVID-19 death,” she says, “can be made even without testing.  Based on assumption alone the death can be reported to the public as another COVID-19 casualty.”

There is a question-and-answer section on the memo.

One question is, “Will COVID-19 be the underlying cause?”

The answer is:  “The underlying cause depends upon what and where conditions are reported on the death certificate.  However, the rules for coding and selection of the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID-19 being the underlying cause more often than not.”

Another question is, “Should ‘COVID-19’ be reported on the death certificate only with a confirmed test?”

The answer is: 

“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.”  [Boldfacing in original]

“You could see how these statistics have been made to look really scary when it is so easy to add false numbers to the official database,” Bukacek says.  “Those false numbers are sanctioned by the CDC.”

“The real number of COVID-19 deaths are not what most people are told and what they then think,” she says. 

“How many people have actually died from COVID-19 is anyone’s guess … but based on how death certificates are being filled out, you can be certain the number is substantially lower than what we are being told.  Based on inaccurate, incomplete data people are being terrorized by fearmongers into relinquishing cherished freedoms.”

And we trusted the numbers coming out of New York City hospitals as well. Until this.

New York City is lying about Chinese virus death rates

by Matthew Vadum, 4-3-20

The mass hysteria over COVID-19 in the U.S. is driven in large measure by misleading statistics and bad math about the disease’s body count.

Now that New York has become the epicenter of the pandemic in the United States, we are now regularly inundated on cable TV news with the latest pandemic statistics from the city.  The statistics grow gloomier by the hour.

In New York City, the death of anyone who dies who tests positive for COVID-19 is counted as a coronavirus death.  This is the case even if the coronavirus failed to play a significant role in the person’s passing or illness.

A medical doctor once explained this critical distinction to me.

Arguing against ordering excessive tests for his patients, he said that plenty of old people die who have cancer present in their bodies.  Sometimes they don’t even know the cancer is present because the growth is tiny and slow-growing and doesn’t affect them.  As they age, they die of some other cause even though they do in fact have cancer.  When they die, it is not counted as a cancer-caused death because the cancer cannot be said to have killed them.

Then there is this audio from a video that was removed from YouTube because it revealed altogether too many material facts — and I knew it would be taken down. So I copied the audio and have it here for you to hear.


So what is the motivation for skewing the statistics? Cooking the books? Funeral directors happened to weigh in.

Funeral Directors Blow Whistle on Fake Coronavirus Death Reports

by Warner Todd Huston, 5-2-20

Funeral directors in New York are busting the fake coronavirus death certificates that state authorities are fraudulently assigning to people who have died this month.

New York authorities are desperate to make the pandemic seem far worse than it is to keep getting more federal financial assistance, and now they have been caught lying on death certificates to keep the cash rolling.

For instance, funeral director in Williston Park, N.Y., told Project Veritas that “Basically, every death certificate that comes across our desk now has COVID on it.”

Project Veritas essentially found that funeral directors are finding nearly everyone who has died is marked as a victim of the virus no matter what has really happened to the deceased.

“They are putting COVID on a lot of death certificates because people who are going to their hospital with any kind of respiratory distress, respiratory problems, pneumonia, the flu — the flu-like symptoms lead into the COVID-19,” said Joseph Antioco of Schafer Funeral Home.

“To me, all you’re doing is padding the statistics. You’re putting people on that have COVID-19 even if they didn’t have it. You’re making the death rate for New York City a lot higher than it should be,” Antioco added.

Wait. The statistics are being padded for money? For federal cash? From

US Hospitals Getting Paid More to Label Cause of Death as ‘Coronavirus’

by Wayne Dupree, 4-15-20

Senator Scott Jensen represents Minnesota. He’s also a doctor. He appeared on Fox News with Laura Ingram where he revealed a very disturbing piece of information.

Dr. Scott Jensen says the American Medical Association is now “encouraging” doctors to overcount coronavirus deaths across the country.

Jensen received a  7-page document that showed him how to fill out a death certificate as a “COVID-19 diagnosis” even when there isn’t a lab test confirming the diagnosis.

“Right now Medicare is determining that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you get $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, three times as much. Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact on what we do.” (Dr. Sen. Scott Jensen, from Fox Interview)

So make no mistake. There are deaths. Some hospitals are zoos. But there is so much more going on than can be documented here in just this brief post. Money is involved. Influence is involved. China is involved and attempting to pull as many international strings as possible so as to avoid their nation being destroyed — as well it should — because of their staggering negligence, if you wish to be positive, or what could be interpreted as an attempt at war — by way of crashing the economy and killing what will turn out to be hundreds of thousands of lives around the planet.

So with the aforementioned knowledge, that Leftist governors and mayors are essentially doing the work of China by keeping American citizens locked up and the economy split apart — which obviously serves the needs of Leftists and Demorats and works against President Donald Trump — we see that our current US scenario becomes a couple of things.

First, a test bed for pushing the freedom envelope.– how much will you take?

And second, the final revelation that Demorats and Leftists are actually working against America and for Chinese interests, still continuing to push for Globalism simultaneously, which is nothing more than a naked and abject power grab in order to centralize control, and strength. As if that worked well for the EU.

The Wuhan-19 response model has changed, according to the WHO, from the Chinese to the Swedish. Let my people go.

So those governors and mayors wanting their denizens locked up have all changed their minds, right? Now is the time to embrace the Swedish model.

Let’s just examine a few stories. From Kalifornia:


The Crazy Bernie furniture store in Fresno has received a $5,000 citation from the city for operating as a non-essential business.

Storeowner Bernie Siomiak — known for his eccentric television commercials — shared the information on his Facebook page Wednesday.

Siomiak wrote on the Facebook post that he is being “cited again” after he made statements for non-essential businesses to re-open at Councilmember’s Garry Bredefeld press conference on Tuesday.

“Told it was unlawful to operate my website and to cease immediately,” Siomiak wrote on the Facebook post that went up today. “I have tried to reach the lady who is in charge at the city but so far no luck. I wonder how many fines they are handing out for doing the safest form of business there is.”

According to a statement from the city, he was issued a warning notice on March 31, a $1,000 citation April 23 and a $5,000 citation Wednesday after the city received complaints about the continued operation of his store and advertisements of his store website for pick-up sales, which are not allowed at this time.

Bad Benrie. From Wisconsin, where a woman dared to allow her children to play with others:

In the UK, neighbors are snitching on their neighbors. Hey. Just like Mayor de Blasio is telling New Yorkers.

More than 200,000 report neighbours to police for breaking virus lockdown rules

Police have fielded nearly 200,000 calls from members of the public snitching on neighbours or reporting other lockdown breaches, it emerged yesterday.

House parties, public loitering and other coronavirus-related concerns are being swiftly reported to police, who have now issued more than 9,000 lockdown fines in England and Wales.

There have been hundreds of repeat offenders, senior officers revealed, while breaches of social distancing are partly responsible for a doubling in antisocial behaviour offences.

On May 1st, CHP officers arrested protesters who had gathered at the state capitol after having not acquired a permit to protest there — because the CHP said no protests would be authorized. Tell you what. Let’s not even talk about the First Amendment issues. Let’s talk about the “Governor Newsom says you must social distance and you should wear a mask in close quarters.” Let’s talk about that. Because here are photos of CHP in the background doing precisely what the protesters were accused of doing. Not wearing masks. Not social distancing. That’s a fucked-up look, CHP, endemic of, again, “do as I say but not as I do.”

From Tennessee:

UPDATED: Knox County, Tenn., Bans Communion, Hymnals—and Even Bibles—at Church

by Paula Bolyard, 4-30-20

One of the things we’re beginning to see as states move toward “reopening” is elected officials and health directors mandating even more stringent precautions than had existed in prior orders. In Ohio, for example, Gov. Mike DeWine announced last week a plan to reopen the state, even while ordering restaurants, stores, and their customers to wear masks — something that wasn’t required under his previous shutdown order.

It’s even worse in Knox County, Tenn., where the health department just announced that while churches may reopen on May 1, the Lord’s Supper is forbidden.

The order was announced by Knox County Health Department Regional Hospital Coordinator Charity Menefee, who announced that Communion is not part of “core worship.”

No. Not kidding.

From New Mexico:

New Mexico governor orders roads closed to city of Gallup in effort to stop coronavirus spread

by Morgan Phillips, 5-1-20

New Mexico Gov. Lujan Grisham invoked the state’s Riot Control Act to slow the spread of coronavirus and sealed off the roads into and out of the hard-hit city of Gallup, she announced Friday.

To help control a surging outbreak in the city, the Democratic governor locked down the city at the request of Gallup’s mayor, Grisham said in a news release.

The Riot Control Act allows the state’s governor to enact temporary restrictions under a state of emergency, including prohibiting residents from being on public streets and the use of certain streets and highways.

Beginning noon Friday, all roads into the city were shut down and businesses were required to close from 5 p.m. until 8 a.m. in the city of 22,000. Additionally, only two people are allowed in a vehicle at the same time.

To this date, New Mexico has had 163 deaths as of this writing. Allegedly, the lock was lifted May 4th. I’ve seen nothing about that and cannot confirm. Yet that’s worth walling off a city, according to the Leftist female governor. Won’t wall of for illegals, but certainly will wall you off. No, not kidding.

From Oregon:

Oregon DHS Announces Plan to Confiscate Children if Foster Parents Test Positive for Coronavirus and Deemed Unable to Provide for Them

by Jim Hoft, 5-3-20

Several states reopened last week. Several more will open at least partially this week from the Fauci lockdown.

But Democrat-led Oregon is not one of them. Oregon, a state with 4.14 million residents, did not reopen on Friday. In fact, the liberal state is not reopening anytime soon.

Leftist Governor Kate Brown is extending the state’s lockdown until July 6th. After the 4th of July, naturally.

Yet Oregon is ranked 40th of all the states in Coronavirus deaths.

On April 22nd the state initiated a plan to remove children from foster homes if one of the parents comes down with coronavirus.

The state of Oregon will remove the children and place them with “substitute care” if the parents are deemed unable to support them.

This law was actually published online on the Oregon Department of Human Services website.

Likely the State of Oregon cribbed this idea from the WHO’s Dr Michael Ryan, who advocates removing children from families by force and isolating them during Wuhan-19. Not kidding.

In Kalifornia, Governor Newsom “allows” us to do a limited number of things.

Calif. Gov. Newsom releases list of approved outdoor activities: ‘Wash the car,’ ‘watch the sunrise’

by Jessica Chasmer, 5-1-20

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has released a list of outdoor activities that are approved under the state’s shelter-in-place order, including watching a sunset and “throwing a baseball” as long as it’s not in a group.

“We want you to see sunsets,” the governor said. “We want you to enjoy activities outdoors. What they don’t want is people congregating outside in large groups.”

Oh bless you, anointed one. Not kidding.

From Chicago, Illinois:

“If We Need to We Will Arrest You and We Will Take You to Jail” – Chicago Commie Mayor Outlaws Parties Under Her Watch

by Jim Hoft, 5-2-20

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot released a video on Saturday. The commie mayor will NOT ALLOW parties in her city. If you attend a party you will find yourself in jail.

From Hawaii:

Citrus Heights newlyweds arrested in Hawaii for violating quarantine, officials say


A newlywed couple from Citrus Heights was arrested while on their honeymoon in Hawaii for allegedly not following the state’s mandatory traveler self-quarantine order, Hawaii’s governor’s office said Friday.

Borice Lepovskiy, 20, and Yuliia Andreichenko, 26, were taken into custody on Thursday by special agents from the Hawaii Department of the Attorney General, the governor’s office said.

The couple arrived at their Waikiki-area hotel Wednesday night. Officials said the front desk manager read them the requirements of the self-quarantine order.

“[The couple] reportedly said this contradicted what airport screeners told them. They also indicated they planned to visit friends and go to parks and beaches and claimed airport screeners told them that was okay,” the governor’s office said in a statement. “The hotel manager reiterated the rules and said the couple scoffed at him again and then left the hotel.”

The couple returned to the hotel after midnight with pizza, telling the manager they were allowed to be outside and buy food, officials said.

The couple “refused to sign the required quarantine acknowledgment,” the statement said.

On Thursday, the hotel’s general manager was told the couple left their room again. When they came back, the couple was told — again — they violated the self-quarantine order.

“AG Special Investigators were notified and arrested the couple. They are being charged under Hawai‘i Revised Statutes for unsworn falsification to authority and violation of the 14-day quarantine,” the governor’s office said.

Evil criminals! Hawaii has had 17 deaths from Wuhan-19. Not kidding.

From Missouri:


by Bryan Kirk, 5-4-20

Scores of Missourians who tipped off county authorities that local businesses had violated COVID-19 lockdown requirements in March and April are now worried about being publically shamed after their names and addresses were published on Facebook.

Jared Totsch, who shared the names on his Facebook page on April 16 after obtaining the list of 900 complainants from St. Louis County official under Missouri’s Sunshine Law, said on his Facebook page that tipsters should have realized their information could be made public, according to a report in the newspaper Independent.

Now, some of those who snitched may be worried these business owners may show up at their homes or businesses, and Totsch said he thinks that’s just too bad.

“If they are worried about retaliation, they should have read the fine print which stated their tips would be open public record subject to a Sunshine request, and should not have submitted tips in that manner, to begin with,” Totsch said. He added that he released the information to discourage this kind of behavior in the future.

You know what they say about snitches and stitches. Not kidding.

From Kansas City, Missouri:

A conservative law firm is calling a new order in Kansas City, Missouri, “Nazi-like” for requiring churches to “surveil, track, and spy” on anyone who attends an in-person service, but the mayor is pushing back.

Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas’ 10/10/10 rule took effect May 5, restricting nonessential businesses, like churches, to 10 people inside and 50 people outside, as long as they practice social distancing.

In addition, nonessential businesses can operate at 10 percent maximum capacity.

The mayor said in late April that venues “need to keep track of those who come in” for more than 10 minutes, and the written order states each “should consider maintaining a record of customers.”

He’ll check back for your “papers.” Not kidding.

Then most recently from Dallas — and luckily this has drawn large attention from media — the semi-Conservative media, that is.

Dallas salon owner jailed for reopening in violation of court order

by Lavendrick Smith, 5-5-20

A Dallas salon owner will spend a week in jail after she was found in contempt of court Tuesday for violating an order to close her salon during the coronavirus pandemic.

In addition, Shelley Luther was fined $7,000 for contributing to operate her business, Salon à la Mode, in violation of a judge’s temporary restraining order issued against the business.

The problem? She failed to kiss an Obama advocate’s ring and, unconstitutionally, admit guilt in his courtroom.

This is her attorney.

Thankfully Texas came a bit to its senses.

Dallas Salon Owner Gets Out of Jail After Texas Supreme Court Orders Release

by Bryan Roth and Paul Weber, 5-7-20

Dallas salon owner Shelley Luther walked out of the Dallas County Jail shortly before 2 p.m. on Thursday, after the Texas Supreme Court ordered her release.

Luther was met with cheers and hugs from supporters who have rallied around her since she reopened her North Dallas salon: Salon A La Mode, despite state orders against it.

“I just want to thank all of you who I just barely met and now you’re all my friends,” said Luther to the crowd. “You mean so much for me and this would have been nothing without you.”

Again, in Kalifornia:

California restaurant defies statewide order, opens for dine-in service

At a tiny roadside diner in El Dorado, where the sign promises home cooking, people are not staying home any longer.

Café El Dorado opened its doors for dine-in service on Friday for the first time since the statewide stay-at-home order went into effect March 19.

“We either run around in fear of getting a virus or we’re homeless,” said owner Cherie Baldridge. “I’m going to be homeless if I don’t open my business back up.”

From the packed parking lot to the bustling dining room, the restaurant saw its first lunch rush in more than a month.

“I found myself just smiling the whole time. I was like, ‘Wow this feels awesome,'” customer Kathy Ralph said.

“It felt like getting back to normal,” Glenn Ralph added.

The quaint restaurant along Pleasant Valley Road serves breakfast and lunch and only seats about 25 people. Nearly 100 people made their way through for the diner’s reopening. Baldridge said social distancing is just not possible.

“If you want to come in, come in. If you don’t, you don’t,” she said.

That’s called freedom. That’s called being an adult.

Luckily, after having watch law enforcement officers all across the nation arrest fathers in parks in front of their kids — for being in an empty park, arresting boarders in the ocean by themselves, and many many other examples of over-wrought enforcement, there are a few lights on the horizon.

From Arizona:

Some Arizona sheriffs won’t enforce Gov. Ducey’s stay-at-home order

by Melissa Blasius, 5-1-20

At least three Arizona sheriffs say they will not fully enforce Governor Doug Ducey’s extended stay-at-home order.

Most non-essential businesses have remained closed across the state, but there is some rebellion.

Some businesses have reopened without permission, when the governor failed to lift the stay-at-home order on Thursday. Some Arizonans have also protested, saying social distancing rules should be loosened immediately, in part to save small businesses from ruin.

Anyone who defies the governor’s stay-at home-order, including businesses that reopen in violation, are committing a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail and a $2,500 fine. Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb said he won’t enforce the penalties. Lamb said the governor’s order seemingly conflicts with the U.S. Constitution.

“Keeping people from going out and working and being able to live their lives like they normally do,” Lamb said. “I think you can make a clear claim that that’s a constitutional violation.”

Lamb added that refusing to let people inside businesses and restricting gatherings could be a violation of the First Amendment right to peaceful assembly.

Mohave County Sheriff Doug Schuster, at Thursday’s Board of Supervisors meeting, said his deputies are not going to be the “social distancing police.”

“It’s my job to ensure their freedoms and liberties are safeguarded,” Schuster said. “I am not going to make criminals out of law abiding citizens that are struggling to make ends meet and put food on the table.”

He clarified Friday, saying it is recommended and advisable to take precautions against coronavirus.

Friday afternoon, a spokeswoman for the Gila County Sheriff’s Office told ABC15, “We are encouraging people to follow CDC guidelines, but we will not be arresting anyone or closing any businesses.”

Acting with discretion and Constitutionally. Now there’s a concept to embrace. But wait; there’s more.

This is from the Washington Post. And of course they believe this is horrible.

Why ‘constitutionalist sheriffs’ won’t enforce coronavirus restrictions

by Zoe Neveremer, 4-23-20

In Snohomish County, Wash., Sheriff Adam Fortney is refusing to enforce the governor’s stay-at-home order. He claims the order “intrudes on our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” On April 22, he told constituents via a Facebook post that “along with other elected Sheriffs around our state, the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office will not be enforcing an order preventing religious freedoms or constitutional rights.”

These Washington sheriffs are far from alone. They’re part of a nationwide group of sheriffs who feel beholden to no one but their voters. As they have on issues such as immigration and gun regulations, they will lead rebellions against higher levels of government — in this case, undermining public health efforts in the name of their interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. Here’s how.

Sheriffs are unlike other elected officials.

Unlike police chiefs or commissioners who are generally appointed, sheriffs are law enforcement officials elected by residents of their counties. While research finds that police generally try to carry out their responsibilities in a nonpartisan manner, sheriffs are influenced by the desire to be reelected. Sheriffs run for office in the same way that members of Congress or the president do: they run on campaign platforms they believe will win a majority of votes. Sheriffs’ campaign platforms consist of their political and law enforcement records, personal philosophies and policy priorities.

What sheriffs promise to do is quite likely to come true, because they have much more autonomy than do other elected officials. Legislators can’t do much without first going through lengthy and involved policymaking efforts that involve collaborating with their fellow legislators. Governors and presidents have to work with the legislative branch of government. Because sheriffs don’t have these constraints, their personal attitudes are quite likely to affect how they carry out their jobs.

So remember: if you’re a Leftist, allowing law enforcement to utilize discretion and not carry out ramrod, goose-stepping Leftist edicts is, well, just not cool, man.

Constitutionalist sheriffs believe that the Constitution appoints sheriffs as the ultimate law enforcement authority, even above the federal government. The Constitutionalist Sheriffs and Peace Office Association (CSPOA) claims to have over 400 members. Constitutionalist Sheriffs vow not to enforce federal laws that they consider a violation of individual rights granted by the Constitution.

Constitutionalist sheriffs have been attacking stay-at-home orders, which elevate the rights of the community over the rights of the individual. For example, Sheriff Daryl Wheeler, who identifies himself as a constitutionalist sheriff, posted a letter to Bonner County, Idaho, Facebook page asking the governor to “reinstate the Constitution” because “Covid-19 is nothing like the Plague.” This sentiment is echoed by sheriffs across the country.

I think you can clearly grok the gist of the article. Free-thinkers can go right to hell and should never interfere in Leftist philosophy. To which I reply: thank God for Constitutionalist Sheriffs in this nation. We need more, not fewer.

And this from, I hope you’re sitting down, a Kalifornia Sheriff.

California sheriff says he can’t enforce coronavirus orders making ‘criminals’ out of business owners, others exercising rights

by Bradford Betz, 5-6-20

Southern California sheriff on Tuesday announced he will not be enforcing the state’s stay-at-home order on the grounds that doing so would make “criminals” out of business owners and others who are merely exercising their constitutional rights.

Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco delivered the remarks during a meeting with the county’s board of supervisors, who were deciding whether or not to remove the county health officer’s order.

Bianco said that the state order forced residents into their homes, closed their businesses, kept them from going to church.

“In the name of a public health crisis, our civil liberties and constitutional protections were placed on hold,” Bianco said.


“Not only do we not have the resources to enforce unreasonable orders, I refuse to make criminals out of business owners, single moms, and otherwise healthy individuals for exercising their constitutional rights,” Bianco said. “There cannot be a new normal. We are talking about a country formed on the fundamental freedoms of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Any new normal is a direct attack on those basic rights which set us apart and make us the greatest country in the world.”

Thank you, Sheriff Bianco.

Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones wrote yesterday:

It is time.

It is time to let people out of their houses and responsibly open the economy, to let businesses thrive and employees and former employees get back to work.

It is time to develop a plan to open ALL businesses. If car washes, Starbucks, adult boutiques, and pot shops have been considered ‘essential’ throughout this, really aren’t ALL businesses essential?

It is time to reflect on decisions we have made under the pretext of this pandemic: Such as why we were forced to let over 1100 inmates out of Sacramento’s Covid-free jail into a community where the law-abiding are still locked down?

It is time to place responsibility for hygiene and healthy practices back into the hands of the public, rather than being forced upon them by government.

It is time to recognize that this year is and will continue to be tragic because of the pandemic, but that it does not mean that the next SEVERAL years have to be devastated as well by economic and social ruin from continued inertia. Remember Newton’s Law of Motion (and lack of motion).

It is time to understand that stay-at-home equals loss of tax revenue, and THAT equals significant cuts to law enforcement and fire departments next year, including potential public safety layoffs all over California and the nation.

It is time to recognize that We the People have willingly acquiesced to loss of freedoms, loss of income, and loss of social connection for the greater good, but now we are ready to responsibly get back to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

It is time.

Thank you, Sheriff Jones.

Please again note that those officers deigning to use discretion in enforcement are markedly Sheriffs as opposed to Chiefs of Police. Elected vs appointed. A large difference in freedom there, eh wot?

As Mark Pantano wrote: “What has the government learned? All they have to do is declare an “emergency” and Americans will give up their jobs, close their businesses and confine themselves to their homes. They will tolerate criminals released and parents arrested for playing outside with their kids.”

This addendum as well. Demorats are saying: “While Americans have lost their jobs, dying of Wuhan-19, while the economy is tanking, let’s sow more chaos and division, change voting laws and ram through everything we can of our Leftist agenda. Fuck Americans. Especially those who didn’t vote for us.”

From the

Democrats trying to use coronavirus crisis to rewrite all US election law

by David Harsanyl, 4-9-20

I’m sorry, but you have no constitutional “right” to vote by mail. You have no constitutional “right” to vote six days after an election is over. Nor do you have any “right” to censor information related to an election. Not even during a pandemic.

This week, the US Supreme Court ruled that a lower federal court couldn’t overwrite Wisconsin’s election laws and force the state to accept ballots without any postmark deadline nearly a week after the election. Likewise, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that Gov. Tony Evers didn’t have the authority to arbitrarily suspend in-person voting.

If these dictates had been allowed to stand, they would have created destructive precedents, taking elections out of the hands of local legislatures. If we discard legal norms every time there’s a crisis, we no longer have a nation of laws.

The usual suspects, of course, lamented the alleged anti-democratic animus of Chief Justice John Roberts’ high court. Liberal pundits, apparently unable to differentiate between partisan policy preferences and the rule of law, launched into their customary hysterics, denouncing the Supreme Court for disenfranchising minorities and putting people’s lives at risk.

But the court doesn’t exist to fix your local government’s incompetence or make life safer. It exists to uphold the Constitution.

BINGO. Pay attention, people. This is critically important.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has already proposed mandating automatic and same-day voter registration, ending ID requirements, compelling states to have 15 days of early voting and forcing states to adopt voting by mail, among other liberal pet projects. She wants the federal government to bribe states billions to adopt these standards.

And she wants those changes implemented by November.

She isn’t alone. In “Phase 4” of the coronavirus rescue package, Democratic leaders are reportedly including provisions that would compel all states to offer voting by mail. Presidential hopeful Joe Biden also supports such a mandate, because, he claims, “all the experts” say we should do it.

Folks, this is a power grab. A cynical and overt power grab.

Democrats have spent years weakening the integrity of elections, but voting by mail opens up the process to real-world voter intimidation, disenfranchisement, fraud — and a host of other problems.

Then again, people of goodwill can disagree over the particulars of election policy. It’s far more critical to note that neither the Senate, nor the House, nor the White House, nor federal courts have any business compelling states to adopt uniform standards regarding mail-in ballots or IDs or voting machines or much of anything else. A national mail vote is meant to federalize the election, leaving smaller states to the vagaries of a national ­majority. It’s exactly the kind of situation the Founders wanted us to avoid.

“Let’s make sure this crisis doesn’t go to waste.”   –Rahm Emanuel

This is another is a series of examples illustrating what happens when we’re not paying attention as a nation, when we are distracted. Nothing good. Something bad. A perfect opportunity for Leftists and Demorats to cheat, aided by the American Media Maggots.

Fear Porn is distracting us from seeing the obvious. Our freedoms are taking wing, leaving the nation, courtesy of the LDAMM.

Judge Andrew Napolitano wonders how we can get our Constitutional freedoms back.

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Coronavirus crisis — Does America still have a Constitution?

I have been taking some heat from friends and colleagues for my steadfast defense of personal liberties and my arguments that the Constitution — when interpreted in accordance with the plain meaning of its words, and informed by history — does not permit the government to infringe upon personal freedoms, no matter the emergency or pandemic.

For those who agree with me, worry not. We will persevere. For those who trust the government, worry a lot. You are not in good hands.

The purpose of the Constitution is to establish the government and to limit it. Some of the limitations are written in the Constitution itself. Most of the limitations that pertain to personal freedoms are found in the Bill of Rights — the first 10 amendments.

These amendments were ratified to restrain the federal government from infringing upon personal liberties. Since the enactment of the 14th Amendment in 1868, and subsequent litigation, these amendments, for the most part, restrain the states as well. The courts have characterized these protected liberties as fundamental.

So, the rights to thought, speech, press, assembly, worship, self-defense, privacy, travel, property ownership, interstate commercial activities and fair treatment from government are plainly articulated or rationally inferred in the first eight amendments. The Ninth is a catchall, which declares that the enumeration of rights in the first eight shall not mean that there are no other rights that are fundamental, and the government shall not disparage those other rights. The Tenth reflects that the states have reserved powers to themselves.

Dennis Prager chimes in:

Our Dress Rehearsal for a Police State

All my life, I have dismissed paranoids on the right (“America is headed to communism”) and the left (“It can happen here” — referring to fascism). It’s not that I’ve ever believed liberty was guaranteed. Being familiar with history and a pessimist regarding the human condition, I never believed that.

But the ease with which police state tactics have been employed and the equal ease with which most Americans have accepted them have been breathtaking.

People will argue that a temporary police state has been justified because of the allegedly unique threat to life posed by the new coronavirus. I do not believe the data will bear that out. Regardless, let us at least agree that we are closer to a police state than ever in American history.

“Police state” does not mean totalitarian state. America is not a totalitarian state; we still have many freedoms. In a totalitarian state, this article could not be legally published, and if it were illegally published, I would be imprisoned and/or executed. But we are presently living with all four of the key hallmarks of a police state:

But listen to this:

The reason I believe this is a dress rehearsal is that too many Americans appear untroubled by it; the dominant force in America, the left, supports it, and one of the two major political parties has been taken over by the left. Democrats and their supporters have, in effect, announced they will use state power to enforce any law they can to combat the even greater “existential” crisis of global warming.

On the CNN website this weekend, in one of the most frightening and fanatical articles in an era of fanaticism, Bill Weir, CNN chief climate correspondent, wrote an open letter to his newborn son. In it, he wrote of his idealized future for America: “completely new forms of power, food, construction, transportation, economics and politics.”

“You cannot get there without a police state.”

If you love liberty, you must see that it is jeopardized more than at any time since America’s founding. And that means, among other things, that at this time, a vote for any Democrat is a vote to end liberty.

Steve Apfel wrote, concerning the perils of submitting to petty tyrants:

  • We let bureaucrats decide for us what businesses are more important than others to society.
  • Without a squeak we acquiesce to being put under de facto house arrest.
  • We hardly blink when troops are deployed to enforce lockdown.
  • People believe they’re doing their duty by reporting on neighbors.
  • Passively, we observe our right to protest neatly cut off when public gatherings are outlawed in the name of social distancing.
  • We accept the obligation to go bankrupt and hungry as the cost of beating the virus but don’t expect our lawmakers to make the same sacrifice that they imposed on us.
  • That the chance of death in lockdown due to hunger, addiction, depression, violence, neglect, etc. may be higher than dying from the virus matters not one iota to the commissars of lockdown.
  • With bovine servility, we greet every inroad into private lives by lawmakers who too often have a rotten past.
  • We are blind to the political basis of the divide between those who advocate keeping the economy closed until the cows come home and those desperate for the economy to reopen.
  • Though we may see it, we fail to grasp that deliberate destruction of the socio-economic fabric is about exercising power over people instead of a life-or-death imperative.
  • Bureaucrats blame the pandemic for threatening untold lives: “The World Food Programme suggests that 130 million people around the world could be pushed to the brink of starvation by the end of 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.”  Wait a minute!  “As a result of”?  COVID-19 causes sickness and death, mostly of minuscule proportions.  It took just 1 in 1 million Indians to die to panic bureaucrats to lock up a billion people.  What virus ever caused people to starve?  Lockdown policies did that.  The dire condition of our world is no fault of a virus.  It was man-made.  More to the point, it was expert-made and government-administered.

I said for quite some time that security and liberty are a scales. And I’ve said this for years: law enforcement officers, REMEMBER YOUR OATHS to uphold the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. You owe NO allegiance to a transitory governor or mayor acting improperly or unlawfully. NONE.

I’ll let Dan Bongino talk to my law enforcement brothers and sisters:

I’ll also let another law enforcement officer talk to my law enforcement brothers and sisters, from Facebook.

I somewhat began this post with General Flynn, and I’ll somewhat end the post with my thoughts on General Flynn because they too have to do with law enforcement.

I worked for the FBI and US Marshal and locals. This problem and issue with handling Flynn is institutional in the FBI. There are MANY other agents who knew what was happening, what was wrong, but did nothing. They KNEW about Comey. They KNEW about McCabe.

Just as I called bullshit on UC Berkeley PD, Portland PD, San Jose PD, Sacramento PD. Berkeley PD, I call bullshit on the FBI.

It hasn’t stopped with Comey. It’s continuing with Wray. When you have the alleged “premiere law enforcement” agency of the entire US acting this way, it’s not a “one-off.” I still speak to agents. They’re not stupid. But they know if they air dirty laundry their careers are over. That is institutional fear. There is NEVER an excuse to NOT do the right thing, ESPECIALLY at the FBI. Agents are embarrassed and ashamed, and they SHOULD BE.

Look, I HAD to play by all the rules. I couldn’t show bias. I couldn’t have political motivations. I had to apply for all my search and arrest warrants. I had to OBEY the Constitution and Bill of Rights. If I didn’t, I faced discipline or criminal prosecution.

So no, I don’t excuse the FBI.

I PAID political prices for doing the right thing several times on my department. I was told to my face not to apply for Lieutenant because I’d never make it. Guess what? I didn’t.

Why? For doing the right thing against the wishes of my “superiors.”

So I’m VERY sensitive about doing the right thing. Why? Because stains like those created by the FBI taint ALL of law enforcement and LE can ill afford that, at all, in these times.

NO SLACK for the FBI.

What I can also say is this: keep pushing Americans who want to pay their bills, feed their kids, not see their lives ruined and the lives of their children and grandchildren.

Keep pushing, Leftist governors and mayors. I submit, especially the hotter it gets, that we’re just a measly few weeks away from many in government seeing just how the “consent of the governed” truly works.

After all of this, though, what will we have learned? What should we learn? Nothing more than a continuance of this.

Freedom is never free.

“The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear.”
– Aung San Suu Kyi


“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
– Benjamin Franklin


“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

God bless America, the last and best experiment on the planet with regard to freedom and liberty. Because when we lose it here — and people keep wanting to be here because of it — what other country do you go to find it?

You already know that answer.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 4-28-20: Cybersecurity Expert MIKE FITZPATRICK On Hacking & Wuhan-19

Hours 1 and 2: BZ spoke again to the founder and CEO of NCX GroupMIKE FITZPATRICK, a cyber-security expert with close to 40 years experience!

BZ and MIKE discussed China, hacking, the Wuhan-19 pandemic, as well as Event 201, a “global pandemic exercise” that somehow magically corresponds to precisely what China managed to unleash upon the entire planet.

Here is the highlight video from Event 201. Question: how did they possibly know that a Coronavirus would meld the transmittable link between animal and human, creating a global pandemic? Why not go with what they knew — something similar to H1N1?

Furthermore, it was planned late last year. Coincidence? BZ doesn’t believe in co-inky-dink.


EVENT 201: Coronavirus crisis is ushering in a new world order — and it was all planned out LAST fall

On this week’s Wednesday night special, Glenn Beck revealed how a group of global elites prepared for a future coronavirus pandemic just months before China reported its first case. And the actions our governments, media, and world organizations are taking right now were planned out in a “high-level pandemic exercise” on Oct. 18, called Event 201.

Last fall, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security partnered with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to host a “pandemic tabletop exercise” that was stunningly accurate in predicting the current coronavirus pandemic.

Imagine that. Does the collective group of players sound remotely familiar?

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The truth about Joe Biden

The truth is, he has early onset dementia, otherwise known as Alzheimers.

For a time, this was funny. People called him “Uncle Joe” and just chalked up his behavior — including egregious and sexually-inappropriate behavior with kids, young girls and women — as “well, that’s just Joe.”

First it was Lucy Flores.

Former Nevada lawmaker accuses Biden of inappropriate kiss

by Katie Galioto

Lucy Flores, the former Democratic nominee for Nevada lieutenant governor, on Friday accused former Vice President Joe Biden of what she described as an inappropriate encounter when he campaigned for her in 2014.

Writing in “The Cut,” Flores said she was standing at the side of the stage at a campaign rally when she felt Biden approach her from behind and lean in to smell her hair.

SOP for Joe Biden.

“He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head,” Flores wrote. “My brain couldn’t process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused.”

“I couldn’t move and I couldn’t say anything. I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me,” she added. “My name was called and I was never happier to get on stage in front of an audience.”

“Well, that’s just Joe” everyone said. They all knew it about him. That kinda wacky Joe Biden, what a great guy.

Biden has long had a reputation for overly familiar physical contact with women — most notably when he massaged the shoulders of new Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s wife in 2015 and during swearing-in ceremonies for senators and their families.

“Biden was the second-most powerful man in the country and, arguably, one of the most powerful men in the world,” Flores wrote. “He was there to promote me as the right person for the lieutenant governor job. Instead, he made me feel uneasy, gross, and confused.”

But wait; there’s more. Actual sexual assault. From


by Chantal da Silva, 03-27-20

Joe Biden’s campaign team has vehemently denied the sexual assault allegations of a former Senate staffer who says she wanted to come forward to ensure that “powerful men” are held to account.

Last year, Tara Reade, had been among a number of women to speak out about how Biden’s behavior had made them feel uncomfortable in the past.

At the time, Reade said she was still left disturbed by memories from nearly 30 years ago when, while working as a Senate staffer for Biden in 1993, the then-senator would do things like put his hand on her shoulder or run his finger up and down her neck. Other women told similar stories of shoulder rubs or nuzzling of their hair.

Oh come on. “That’s just Joe.”

Now, however, Reade says that during that same time period, Biden sexually assaulted her, pushing her against a wall and digitally penetrating her. When she moved away, the former Senate staffer says, Biden said he thought she had “liked” him.

Yeah. When I finger-fuck a chick against her will, I simply assume that “she likes it.” Likes it; hell, she wants it.

Thank God for a worldwide pandemic, because otherwise the American Media Maggots may have had to pay attention to this claim for, say, an hour or two.


But because the American Media Maggots are who they are, and because the Deep State couldn’t take Orange Man Bad down with Russia, Mueller, pussy, impeachment or anything else short of a worldwide pandemic — hold that thought — the Demorat choice for President of the United States is standing all alone.

And he’s not well. Not by a long shot.

First, “it’s just Joe.” Or is it?

Then the issue began to be discussed in public.

I’ll be honest. It would be so easy to pile on Joe Biden.

But it really isn’t funny any more. It’s just really sad.

Joe should have retired two years ago in order to actually enjoy life with his family.

Instead the DNC and the Demorats thought it would be exquisite to hang their 2020 hats on his addled pate. They used him like a cracked tool and hung him up damaged.

“A brokered convention can’t happen,” pundits said. “How stupid is that?” pundits asked.

Yeah. Plenty stupid.

What next?




Democrats don’t want Trump to speak in public; so what’s Biden doing speaking in public? That’s right: insulting voters

As is his frequent wont, when you counter or fail to agree with Joe Biden, he wants to “take it outside” and beat your ass.


Biden, on video, lashes out at Detroit worker in profanity-laced gun dispute

by Tyler Olson, Allie Raffa

Former Vice President Joe Biden got into a heated and profanity-laced argument with a worker at a Fiat-Chrysler auto plant Tuesday while touring a factory in Detroit, after the individual accused the Democratic presidential candidate of trying to take away his Second Amendment rights.

“You’re full of shit … I support the Second Amendment,” Biden shot back, stressing he’s not going to take guns away.

This after Biden stated he’d appoint Beto O’Rourke to do just that. From

Biden, Beto, and Gun Control

by John R Lott, Jr

November 2020 will be known as the gun-control election.

Tuesday night, former Vice President Joe Biden announced that Beto O’Rourke “will be the one who leads” his gun-control effort. “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15,” O’Rourke, a former Texas congressman and Democratic presidential candidate himself, famously promised in a debate in September. They are “weapons of war, designed to kill people efficiently on a battlefield,” he warned.

O’Rourke vowed to “buy back every single assault weapon” but said that he would use force if people didn’t voluntarily agree to selling their guns.

After O’Rourke’s comments, President Donald Trump tweeted that O’Rourke had “convinced many that Dems just want to take your guns away.” Biden has now locked himself into that position.

So I’d say yes, citizens are justified in their concerns that Joe Biden will eviscerate the Second Amendment.

Here is the video of presidential candidate Joe Biden threatening to beat a citizen because he disagrees with Joe’s position on the Second Amendment.

Apparently, this is how Joe Biden goes about trying to convince a citizen that he or she should vote for him.

Or this view on YouTube.

Or this story from CNN:

Then from

Beto ‘Hell yes’ O’Rourke’s endorsement has Joe Biden fending off allegation that he’s a gun-grabber

by Todd J Gillman

Auto worker in Detroit confronts former VP, invoking Texan’s stance on AR-15s as he accuses Biden of trying to undermine Second Amendment rights

WASHINGTON — Beto O’Rourke’s endorsement at a Dallas honky tonk on the eve of Super Tuesday gave Joe Biden a huge jolt in Texas last week. But it also came at a price, associating him with a demand for mandatory buybacks of assault-style weapons that came back to bite him Tuesday, and could haunt him into the fall.

As the former vice president stumped in Detroit, an auto worker accused him of being a gun-grabber and cited his new alliance with O’Rourke, who memorably declared at a Houston presidential debate in September that “hell, yes, we are going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”

That inflamed gun rights advocates, who view “mandatory buyback” as a euphemism for confiscation that would violate their constitutional rights.

As well it should. Our nation is unlike any other. We are not the UK, not Germany, not Australia. Our history is different from every other nation. This country is a great experiment in progress. If it were not a great country, streaming brilliance, goodness, heart, freedom, liberty — then people would be avoiding it. They, not surprisingly, are not.

The NRA used the Biden-O’Rourke alliance to paint the Democratic front-runner as a dangerous radical on guns, asserting that he would name the Texan as his “gun control czar,” which may not be much of a stretch.

Correct. Not much of a stretch at all. Which is why the citizen in Detroit reacted as he did. asked questions as he did, made comments as he did.

“I’m going to guarantee you, this is not the last you’ve seen of this guy,” Biden told a raucous crowd at Gilley’s, his arm on O’Rourke. “You’re going to take care of the gun problem with me. You’re going to be the one that leads this effort. I’m counting on you.”

And so let’s examine the bottom line at this point in time, Tuesday, March 10th of 2020.

The Demorat Party is embracing:

  • A 77-year-old angry white early Alzheimer’s patient, or
  • A 78-year-old angry white Communist who has enacted a total of 7 bills in 29 years in Congress.

Biden: “Don’t try me, pal, you want to go outside?” Outbursts like this and easy anger are symptoms of early onset Alzheimer’s.

Even absent that, this is no way to attempt to “win over” the people from whom you want a vote.

– “You are full of shit”
– “Shush!”
– “You don’t need an AR-14”
– “Don’t be a horses ass”
– “An AR is a machine gun!”
– “I’m not working for you”

Conclusion: Biden is either

1. Stupid, or
2. Addled.

You don’t need a president who is either or both.

Then there are the Demorats and Leftists who are insisting that Trump stop campaigning “because Coronavirus.” From

And this afternoon, Biden and his Democratic rival, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, announced within a span of minutes that they were canceling their planned rallies in Cleveland tonight ahead of the Ohio primary next week. The campaigns said the cancellations were made out of concern “for health and safety” and after consultation with local officials. The separate decisions came after Ohio’s governor, Mike DeWine, a Republican, said that public-health experts had recommended banning spectators from sporting events and concerts.


Biden and Sanders have each criticized Trump for bungling and then downplaying the outbreak, yet until today, they have continued to hold rallies even as conferences, university classes, and other large gatherings are being canceled around the country.

CNN reports:

Trump campaign ‘proceeding as normal’ during coronavirus pandemic

by Betsy Klein and Sara Westwood

(CNN)As the novel coronavirus spreads across the globe and the United States, President Donald Trump’s campaign is insisting the pandemic will not impact his reelection scheduling and strategy.

“What we’re doing at the campaign is proceeding as normal,” Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh told reporters on a conference call Sunday.

So writes with great glee:

Why Coronavirus May Be the Biggest Threat Yet to Donald Trump’s Re-Election

by Brian Bennett

The biggest threat to Donald Trump’s re-election in 2020 may be COVID-19.

The spread of the novel coronavirus is shaping up as a test of Trump’s core pitch to voters: that they are better off than they were when he took office. Sharp drops in the stock market, school and office closures, crashing oil prices and widespread disruptions to other major industries have some Trump supporters concerned that the virus is triggering a new financial crisis that could hurt Trump’s bid for a second term more than any political test he’s faced so far.

“Remember,” say the Demorats and Leftists, “it’s Trump who enabled Coronavirus and tanked the stocks and exposed you to destruction, chaos and a terrible death.” They wish. Oh yes, they wish. From

House Dem Admits They Block Legislation Because ‘We Don’t Want to Give the President a Win’

by Collin Anderson, 2-4-20

Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D., N.J.) expressed frustration with her Democratic colleagues at a recent town hall, admitting they block legislation because they “don’t want to give the president a win.”

Speaking at a Livingston, New Jersey, town hall on Thursday, Sherrill revealed the “shockingly different mindset” of congressional Democrats who prioritize resisting President Donald Trump over passing legislation that could help their constituents.

“When I go, you know, I’ve gone up to people and said, ‘I need to get this piece of legislation passed,’ and they say ‘Oh yeah, we just passed it,'” Sherrill said. “I said, ‘Yeah, we just passed it. I need the Senate to pass it and I need the president to sign it,’ and they said ‘Well, we don’t want to give the president a win.'”

Yet and still it appears that Sanders and Biden continuing to campaign until today is just peachy nifty.

The real issue is that they can’t pull the numbers that a Trump rally can. Thusly, Trump needs to stop campaigning because, well, “it’s not fair.”

Tough shit.




Democrats threaten US Supreme Court justices

Not a good idea for anyone to do this at any time, for any reason.

First, the Wednesday, March 4th story from the

Chuck Schumer threatens Kavanaugh and Gorsuch will ‘pay the price’ if they rule the wrong way

by Becket Adams

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer threatened Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch Wednesday after the conservative Supreme Court justices signaled a willingness to uphold a Louisiana law requiring doctors who perform abortions to acquire hospital admitting privileges.

And that clinics be within 30 miles of a hospital.

These are Senator Schumer’s comments on video at the pro-abortion rally outside the Supreme Court building in DC.

Senator Schumer said:

“They’re taking away fundamental rights. I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind! And you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

Oddly enough, it appears Senator Chuck Schumer was successful in promulgating frothing insanity there at the US Supreme court.

What “awful decisions” have been made by Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, might you rightly ask? The answer is: no decisions. These words were predicated but upon a decision the likes of which Gorsuch and Kavanaugh may make in the future.

They haven’t made a decision yet. And no one knows precisely how they will decide. Additionally, of interest is the fact that Schumer didn’t threaten any other so-called “conservative” justice like, say, Justice Thomas. Schumer only threatened the jurists nominated by President Trump.

Also: why might admitting privileges and a nearby hospital be important? Because there can easily be medical complications in any abortion — and a Planned Parenthood or similar facility is not a hospital and does not inherently possess life-saving equipment and people inherently trained in life-saving measures as one would customarily acquire at a certified hospital or trauma center. Admitting privileges at a given hospital indicate a better trained individual familiar with local medical facilities, procedures.

Senator Schumer is stating, quite unequivocally, that he is against this. That means that he essentially could not care less about the life of the child — obviously — but more importantly, he apparently could not care less about the life of the mother.

As you might expect, some people did not care for the remarks — Chief Justice John Roberts in particular. From

In rare rebuke, Chief Justice Roberts slams Schumer for ‘threatening’ comments

by Pete Williams

“You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” the senator from New York said of Trump appointees to the bench..

WASHINGTON — Chief Justice John Roberts publicly chastised Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Wednesday over comments Schumer made outside the Supreme Court as the justices were hearing a case on abortion rights.

In a highly unusual written statement issued late Wednesday, Roberts said, “Statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous.”

“All members of the Court will continue to do their job, without fear or favor, from whatever quarter,” Roberts said.

Of course, Senator Schumer fell back on the standard Mark I, Model I lying-ass excuse of “I didn’t mean it.” From the

Speaking on the Senate floor, Schumer said his words “didn’t come out the way I intended to.”

“My point was that there would be political consequences for President Trump and Senate Republicans if the Supreme Court, with the newly confirmed justices, stripped away a woman’s right to choose,” he said. He added: “I’m from Brooklyn. We speak in strong language.”

Uh, no. He said precisely what me meant to say. What he said wasn’t generic, it was very, very specific. He didn’t name President Trump. He didn’t name Senate Republicans. Schumer named, quite literally: Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. Very specific names.

As Hugh Hewitt wrote in response:

“It is far more grave than a mistake. It is a threat against individuals who live with them daily. It is an attack on the judiciary. It is an incitement to violence. It is a debacle and a terrible day for the country.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said:

“Contrary to what the Democratic leader has tried to claim, he very clearly was not addressing Republican lawmakers or anybody else. He literally directed the statement to the justices, by name. And he said, quote, ‘if you go forward with these awful decisions,’ which could only apply to the court itself. The minority leader of the United States Senate threatened two associate justices of the U.S. Supreme Court. Period.”

Now let’s think about what Schumer really meant.

The reality is that there won’t be so-called “political consequences” to any Supreme Court jurist. They are appointed for life. You can’t reduce their pay. You’d have to reduce the pay for all of them. So what could Schumer mean? Logically, what’s remaining?

I suppose, yes, you could dox them. Reveal their home addresses on the internet. The places where they shop or worship or their favorite restaurants. Clubs they attend. Personally-excoriating information.

The last thing possible would be actual violence. This would be wrong — not to mention illegal — on so many levels.

What Schumer’s rhetoric does do, as we have seen so many times before by Leftists, Demorats, Antifa et al, is grant a sort of tacit carte blanche to those who really do wish to enable violence. We’ve seen that on so many prior occasions.

You know: the kind of national Leftist violence we’re going to see on November 4th when President Trump is re-elected.

Senator Chuck Schumer views what the Supremes could do as “incrementalism.” You know: the kind of “incrementalism” that Leftists and Demorats pull on Republicans and Conservatives in terms of the First Amendment or the Second Amendment. Or essentially anything else involving freedoms and liberties.

Finally, you noticed my headline indicated “Democrats” and not just Senator Chuck Schumer. Why? Because that’s precisely the headline you’d get were things reversed.

What do you think the results would be had House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said those things of Leftist jurists Ginsburg and Sotomayor? The headline would have lumped all Republicans together; you know it and I know it. And we both know that the story would have been topping the news for at least a week. “Racist” this, “sexist” that. “Republicans threaten the lives of female Supreme Court justices.”

So save the faux “outrage” and the outright threats, Senator Schumer, over “ruling the wrong way” and abortion. The Supreme Court has been ruling against Conservatives for decades and you didn’t see politicians threaten jurists. As a matter of fact, the history of threatening jurists rests with the Demorat Party.

From in 2019:

Five Democratic senators just declared all-out war on the Supreme Court

by Ian Millhiser

Whitehouse is one of five senators (the others are Sens. Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Dick Durbin (D-IL), and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)) who filed a brief earlier this week in a Second Amendment case the Supreme Court’s Republican majority could use to dismantle what remains of America’s gun regulations. Whitehouse is also the lead (and only) counsel on the brief.

The brief itself is less a legal document than a declaration of war. Though parts of it argue that the high court lacks jurisdiction over this case, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. City of New York, the thrust of the brief is that the Supreme Court is dominated by political hacks selected by the Federalist Society, and promoted by the National Rifle Association — and that if those hacks don’t watch out, the American people are going to rebel against them.

Oddly enough, that didn’t happen. The world didn’t stop rotating on its axis. But doesn’t the rhetoric sound a bit familiar? Did Schumer tap the Five Angry Demorats for inspiration?

I submit: yes he did.

We all know the truth here.

Schumer threatened sitting jurists on the US Supreme Court.

And he meant every word.