Dreamers lovingly embrace Democrat Nancy Pelosi

U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi tries to talk as protesters demonstrate during a press conference on the DREAM ACT on Monday, Sept. 18, 2017 in San Francisco, Calif. Several dozen young immigrants shouted down Pelosi, the top Democrat in the U.S. House, on Monday during an event in San Francisco, following her recent conversations with President Donald Trump over the future of a program that grants many of them legal status. (Lea Suzuki /San Francisco Chronicle via AP)

First, a brief cut.

Next, a slightly longer cut of the same event.

Poor San Fran Nan. She is shaking. Her head is shaking. Her hands are shaking.

Out-shouted by the very persons — the ungrateful whelps! — upon which she’s built her entire collapsing career. Air quotes. “Career.” Because, frankly, it’s coming to an end. She just isn’t sufficiently cogent to Grok that realization.

How was it covered by Leftist organ MotherJones.com?

Immigration Activists Shout Down Nancy Pelosi Over Trump Dreamer Deal

by Ashley DeJean

They repeatedly called the minority leader a “liar.”

Immigration activists shouted down Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) during a tense press conference in San Francisco on Monday, protesting a tentative agreement with President Trump to pass a law that extends protections for young immigrants known as Dreamers.

In addition to ensuring recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program can stay in the country, Trump’s apparent agreement to work with Democrats reportedly includes tougher border security measures, something immigration advocates say is a non-starter. No concrete details have yet been released about the deal-in-the-works, and the president himself has offered contradictory statements on whether an agreement has been reached at all.

“We undocumented youth will not be a bargaining chip for Trump’s xenophobic agenda,” the protesters shouted at Monday’s press conference. They repeatedly called the minority leader a “liar.”

Half an hour after the press conference started, Pelosi left. “Since you don’t want to listen, we’ll have to just go,” she said.

Bingo, Nancy Pelosi.

You haven’t lost a sufficient number of marbles to finally realize that true Leftists think that you are insufficiently left for the Left.

But who cares, right Nan?

You got yours.



Building the Leftist tsunami

Older man struck and injured by Antifa rioters in Berkeley, early 2017, for wearing a red baseball cap which read “make America great again.” Where would the American Media Maggots be if this were an older black man struck down during an “alt right” rally?

After the recent forcible and violent removal of various statues across the nation by elements of Antifa and aligned sympathizers — to include the City of Baltimore removing the Taney, Lee, Jackson and Confederate women’s statues in literally the dead of night . . .

. . . I and many others knew that we had to do what I term the Logical Extension: the waters will build to the point where one can only assume this will lead to the greater call for anything even remotely aligned with our Founding Fathers.

Just as President Trump suspected.

Because, after all, there was no blame on both sides. It was only the white supremacists who were fighting and becoming violent. Apparently they must have been fighting each other. To me, a startling revelation but good to know.

Who is violent again?

And, further, as Al Sharpton confirms.

Tucker Carlson spoke about what I said on my radio shows this past Tuesday and Thursday. Where are we going?

Would it shock you to know that the bulk of America — 62%doesn’t want anything done with Confederate monuments, as in “let them be?”

But, for Leftists, it’s just the beginning. “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” As I said, the Charlottesville event is peripheral to their ultimate goals. Goals that at once are clear and foggy, simultaneously. Clear because we know where Leftists wish to go. Foggy because much of their rhetoric and hate-filled bombast is predicated upon everything but history.

As I also said and wrote directly following Charlottesville, yes, this is about racism but actually — only peripherally. This is but one step in a prior set of steps and a continuing series of steps by Leftists. It’s all pointing to a much larger issue involving — just as Barack Hussein Obama publicly stated he wished to do — the fundamental changing of America.

By Leftists, of course. And some Republicans. But not Conservatives. [Excellent article by Peter Beinart here.]

Think: frog and boiling pot. For example, ambush killings on police are up 167%. Police officers shot and/or killed are up 56% per CBS. Just this past Friday, August 18th, six officers were shot and two were killed in Florida and Pennsylvania.

Leftists, Antifa and BLM members are cheering nationwide. Have no doubt.

This is direct reflection on the temper of the times and has been brewing the prior 8 years under Mr Obama, who both tacitly condoned and openly supported these eventualities. Would anyone dare to intimate that Mr Obama could not see the eventual results of his words writ large across the land? We’re suggesting he was that daft?

A condemnation of Cambridge Police “before all the facts are in” by Mr Obama as he and Professor Gates appear to “match.”

An equally biased support of Trayvon Martin before the case was in and prior to a verdict, in which George Zimmermann, not a Caucasoid but an Hispanic, was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. FDLE, DOJ and FBI cases were dropped for lack of evidence.

This is called a trend, one of many biased statements, identified as a pattern.

How would the press react if President Trump said, regarding a case involving a black police officer shooting a young white suspect, that “if I had another son, he’d look like ______”? There would be chaos for days if not weeks, aided and abetted by our favorite American Media Maggots.

I am certain, and you cannot convince me otherwise, that Mr Obama isn’t looking upon the events of the past two weeks or so and not applauding and smiling, calling like-minded friends and politicians, confident in knowing that what he set in motion, despite the loss of Hillary Rodham Clinton, is still in play to a growing extent.

  • It is time to read and become familiar with Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals.”
  • It is time to read and become familiar with the “Cloward-Piven Strategy.”
  • It is far past time to read Eric Arthur Blair’s “Animal Farm.”
  • And it is shockingly past time to read EAB’s “1984.”

[By the way, each link above is to a site where you can read each book for free.]

Please allow me to provide you with a few salient “1984” quotes.


“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”

“The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.”

There are more.

But I think you get the gist.

The waves are building.

The tsunami is developing.

Will it be ameliorated or will it be abetted?



Responsibility: where does it lie?

Ben Shapiro makes an excellent argument: at the level of the individual.

You need go no further than that. Ben Shapiro at Northwestern University. Leftist: 0. Shapiro: 1. This presents much of what you need to know about Leftists and their unsustainable philosophy.

Infinitely better than I could have stated.



Leftists run the platforms

But they don’t run me.

I am sorry to hear of this.

Today, however, it’s what you get when you are Conservative or have a message that pushes back against Leftist norms in any fashion whatsoever.

The translation is this: Leftists run media. Realize it. Process it. Understand its ramifications — and they are multiple. In many ways this was an absolutely brilliant strategy not unlike fire stations vs police stations.

Those who know this paradigm will know of what I speak. The preternatural brilliance thereof.

They are in the process of harshing the mediums, but they cannot eliminate the messages. It will turn out that Marshall McLuhan was egregiously wrong, not just a tad bit wrong.

Even the typesetters fucked things up. How’s that for Chance Theory?

Is McLuhan right? Where is the emPHAsis now? Why is it important or is it important?

I think you know the answer.

But what occurs when a particular mindset controls not only all the messages.  .  .

But the mediums as well?

I submit: it’s time for conflagration.



The ultimate in Identity Politics

An all-black political party?

Maxine Waters thinks, well, perhaps that’s an element whose time may come shortly.

Let’s be blunt for just a very few seconds here, shall we, Maxine?

Bottom line: blacks are losing their political clout. Thanks, in large part, to you and politicians like you. Not to mention the various Poverty Pimps and Racial Pimps like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson who, you’ve likely noticed, have been remarkably quiet for a while.

Blacks are also losing political clout by continuing to be their very own worst enemies, via the violence endemic in Chicago and elsewhere. Almost 800 homicides in 2016 Chicago, the highest in 19 years. 75% of those murdered are black. 71% of murderers are black.

The Mexican and Hispanic populations are taking off. Muslims and Middle Eastern people are taking over entire communities and have done so in Dearborn and Hamtramck. Asians continue to out-perform most everyone else and yet find they are themselves hounded by the Politically Correct Left. I predict that, soon, there will come the phrase Privileged Asians. You read it here first.

Then there is the abortion issue.

An African-American woman is almost five times likelier to have an abortion than a white woman, and a Latina more than twice as likely, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Margaret Sanger would be proud. Hillary Rodham Clinton as well.

Finally, here’s how absolutely daft is Maxine Waters.

I wonder if she’d had wanted this when a black man, Barack Hussein Obama, occupied the White House?

Obvious racial tones, anyone?