The freedom of Delta. The freedom of Georgia.

Following the Parkland, Florida shooting, Delta Airlines thought it would be an excellent idea to listen to the inherent wisdom of 16-year-olds with regard to the Bill of Rights.

Delta Airlines decided to sever corporate discounts offered to the NRA because of, well, corporate cowardice. They’d much rather side with those who’d remove American freedoms — specifically, the Bill of Rights — than with our foundational documents.


NRA backlash: United, Delta are latest companies to dump gun lobby promotions

by Mike Murphy

Airlines United and Delta are the latest, and among the biggest, in a string of companies cutting largely promotional ties with the National Rifle Association in the wake of last week’s mass shooting at a Florida high school.

Fine. Delta and other companies are well within their rights to eschew their partnerships, affiliations and discounts with other entities at a moment’s notice if it’s within contractual limits.

Freedom. I’m all about it.

On the other hand, it’s freedom that allows other entities to react to Delta’s corporate decision.

Georgia governor signs bill nixing Delta tax break after NRA split

by Brooke Singman

Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal on Friday signed into law a tax bill that fellow Republicans used to punish Atlanta-based Delta in retaliation for the airline’s decision to sever ties with the National Rifle Association. 

The final version of the bill dropped a tax break worth millions to the airline. Until it was removed, the amendment would have renewed a jet fuel tax exemption taken off the books in 2015. 

But GOP lawmakers, led by Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, moved quickly to punish Delta for its split with the NRA.

“Businesses have every legal right to make their own decisions, but the Republican majority in our state legislature also has every right to govern guided by our principles,” Cagle said in a statement.

The bill — which includes a sweeping income tax cut – passed both chambers on an overwhelming vote on Thursday.

Delta was quick to bleat in response that — wait for it — their dropping of the NRA was mostly symbolic. It only involved “13 members.” That’s their official number. From

Only 13 people used that Delta NRA discount

by Danielle Wiener-Bronner

Delta says only 13 people used its NRA discount.

The airline’s decision to end the discount cost it a tax break in Georgia that would have been worth tens of millions of dollars.

Delta (DAL) was offering discounted travel to NRA members heading to their annual convention in Dallas in May. But it pulled the offer on Saturday, under public pressure after 17 people were shot to death at a high school in Florida.

The decision angered Georgia Republicans, who stripped an exemption for jet fuel out of a tax bill that was signed into law on Friday.

Frankly, I couldn’t care less how many NRA members were affected. It only makes it sweeter when Delta admits it became punitive due to political prairie winds.

And that the mathematics bottoms out at “13 lonely NRA subscribers = millions of Delta Airlines dollars lost.” Boo-fucking-hoo.

Why would that be? Because Atlanta, Georgia is the headquarters and national hub of Delta Airlines via Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.

Thus endeth the lesson.



Angela Merkel LIED about no-go zones

But wait. Wasn’t the clarion call throughout all of Europe, from Brussels, from Norway, from Sweden, from France, from the UK, from Deutschland that “there is no such thing as a ‘no-go’ zone” in any of these countries?

Why? Because it would fly in the face of what GOWPs have insisted, wrongly, for years. There is no difference between cultures. All are good. Most any culture than a Western Culture was better yet. No difference between Islam and Western Civilization whatsoever — though they’ve been at war with Western Civilization for thousands of years. Damn. That ugly history thingie.

From the

Angela Merkel admits there ARE ‘no-go’ areas in Germany that ‘nobody dares’ to enter

by Sebastian Murphy-Bates

  • Chancellor said there are parts of her country police and others fear going to 

  • She argued a zero-tolerance approach to crime must not tolerate such areas 

  • Her spokesman Steffen Seibert declined to name the specific locations today

  • He said Merkel’s words speak for themselves, leaving some officials speechless 

Let’s examine the situation a bit more closely. Are these dangerous no-go zones due to Buddhists? Christians? Shinto priests? Catholics? Atheist enclaves? The Illuminati? Uh, no.


Chancellor Angela Merkel has claimed there are ‘no-go areas’ in Germany, leaving ministers speechless.

Officials have previously dismissed the notion there are places in the country that  police and other outsiders can’t visit.

But Merkel said she favours a zero-tolerance policy on crime that includes preventing no-go areas, which she called ‘areas where nobody dares to go’ in an interview with n-tv on Monday.

You can imagine the PSH that occurred from the hallowed halls of Brussels right to the Storting in Oslo.

‘There are such areas and one has to call them by their name and do something about them,’ she said.

Asked to name the areas, Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert told reporters today  ‘the chancellor’s words speak for themselves.’

Interior Ministry spokesman Johannes Dimroth likewise declined to identify no-go areas, saying security was a matter for local not federal authorities.

Of course they wouldn’t identify specific areas. It’s embarrassing as hell when you’re caught in an abject lie which is harmful to your very own citizens.

Let me also point out that Snopes indicates there is no such thingie as a “no go zone.”

Rumor: Several European and Americans cities have been designated Islamic ‘no-go zones’ where Sharia law prevails.


A number of localities in the United States, France, and Britain are considered Muslim “no-go zones” (operating under Sharia Law) where local laws are not applicable.



This is another in a continuing series of entries indicating Snopes is as honorable and truthful as an 1800s snake oil salesman, Tammany Hall or Boss Tweed.

I cannot for the life of me understand how people still refuse to realize that one can jump onto a thing called “the internet” and find, for example, this bit of buttery political goodness from the BBC which has Angela Merkel saying roughly the same thing in 2010.

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed

Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have “utterly failed”, Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

She said the so-called “multikulti” concept – where people would “live side-by-side” happily – did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate – including learning German.

Hold on with that car wash mister. Angela Merkel hinting that immigrants should “learn German” and “assimilate”? Oh hell no. Way too judgmental.


Even back then she saw a problem.

Mrs Merkel told a gathering of younger members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party on Saturday that at “the beginning of the 60s our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany and now they live in our country.”

She added: “We kidded ourselves a while, we said: ‘They won’t stay, sometime they will be gone’, but this isn’t reality.”

The money shot.

“And of course, the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side-by-side and to enjoy each other… has failed, utterly failed.”

This, of course, is a massive, massive issue in Germany and all of Europe. Angela Merkel outright lied to Germany and the rest of the EU about the problem though she knew the truth back in 2010 and dared to speak it at that point.

The final question: why would Merkel have done this?

The answer is multi-faceted yet fundamental. Merkel leans Left and, like many Germans, still feels she must somehow “atone” for Germany’s role in WWII. She is the quintessential GOWP — Guilty Overeducated White Person. She feels pain. Therefore Germany and by dint of that, the rest of Europe, must suffer along with her. There must be penance and an accounting.

Let’s not forget that Merkel won Time magazine’s “Person of the Year Award” in 2015 for opening her borders to Syrian “refugee” Muslims.

Further, in a way, it was a popular concept with fellow GOWPs, certainly in the elitist political classes. She also had to “compete” politically with the other German parties. Like the US, Leftists like the votes and others enjoy the cheap labor.

So why admit it now?

Politics, of course. She is teetering on the edge.

As Frank Underwood said.

She must regain power.

She, like politicians, like governments, will lie when those in power benefit.

Cui bono?



Leftists are insane, Pts I, II and III

It’s again time to larf our collective arses off at Leftists — particularly GOWPs, of course. Those I term Guilty Overeducated White People. Everyone else isn’t usually this cretinous. Oh wait. With one immediate exception.

First up to bat:

Two Black Cooks Fired At NYU For Making ‘Racist’ Meal

by Paul Bois

Two African American cooks at NYU have been fired after preparing a meal during Black History Month that a student deemed “racially insensitive” against black people.

According to CBS News, the two cooks were fired as a result of a complaint by a sophomore, who says she confronted the head cook about the “racially insensitive” meal but was “lied to” and ultimately “ignored.” The meal, the student claimed in a Facebook post, consisted of barbecue ribs, collard greens, watermelon, Kool-Aid, and mac and cheese.

“Sophomore Nia Harris, who is black, said the head cook dismissed her objections and told her black employees planned the menu,” reports CBS News. “She posted about the menu and her experience on Facebook, saying she ‘was lied to, placated, and ignored.'”

Hello to Nia. In my world you would have been addressed quite honestly, up front. I would have told you that my chefs worked hard to prepare and cook that meal, that they had experience in doing so.

I would only have ignored you after my one-time discussion in which the above facts were relayed. I would not lie to you and couldn’t care less about placating you. Had you continued I would have larfed your arse out the door. Frankly, all those ingredients make up a great meal. If you objected to the specific contents or could not consume the meal due to perceived allergies, your obvious course is to avoid the meal itself. That is called rational choice. Something of which you possess no concept.

Finally, one complaint does not necessarily constitute any correction required whatsoever. It merely comprises an opinion. Nia’s Leftist crybaby post on Facebook is below.

Worse yet, however, is that due of political correctness two good black cooks were fired because one black female nitwit had her panties in a bunch.

Author Bois concludes:

When Aramark, the company in charge of food distribution, revealed that black cooks had in fact prepared the menu, Nia’s outrage ensued.

In response to the student’s public condemnation of the “ignorant” meal, NYU fired the two black cooks. The incident also prompted a public apology from NYU President Andrew Hamilton, who said the menu was “inexcusably insensitive.”

So, “Black History Month” at NYU was celebrated by getting two black individuals fired because of one triggered student.

But wait; there’s more. You’re really going to appreciate this one. The above was stupid. This one is just plain moronic — again, from the Land of Leftards.

Seattle Residents Complained About A ‘Confederate Flag.’ It Was Actually The Flag Of Norway.

by Emily Zanotti

“Suddenly there is a Confederate flag flying in front of a house in my Greenwood neighborhood.”

Over the weekend the Seattle Times jumped at a news tip: there was a Confederate flag flying beneath the American flag in the city’s Greenwood neighborhood, and residents were very concerned.

Only, it turns out, it wasn’t the Confederate flag at all. It was the state flag of Norway, and a group of friendly Norwegians were just trying to show their patriotism and support for their Olympic Team when their very concerned neighbors contacted local media.

Let’s look. Here are the flags for Norway and the Confederacy. Identical, right?

“Hi. Suddenly there is a Confederate flag flying in front of a house in my Greenwood neighborhood. It is at the north-east corner of 92nd and Palatine, just a block west of 92nd and Greenwood Ave N.,” the tipster wrote, according to the Times. “I would love to know what this ‘means’ … but of course don’t want to knock on their door. Maybe others in the area are flying the flag? Maybe it’s a story? Thank you.”

Translated: “I don’t have the courage to ask the question myself. I might incur some blowback or sarcasm. I’ll let someone else take the brunt of my question.”

Eager to get the scoop, reporters for the Seattle Times hopped into a car and hightailed it to view the offending flag for themselves. Only, it turned out, they weren’t in for quite the controversial sighting they’d anticipated.

“That’s a Norwegian flag,” said the Norwegian owner of the flagpole in question. “It’s been up there since the start of the Olympics.”

I can literally sense the disappointment from here.

Summary: GOWPs searching desperately for something with which to become butthurt. Because Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots are essentially nothing unless and until they become victims of _________. Fill in the blank. It’s their life essence.

But wait, there’s even something more moronic than the Norwegian flag. It’s a mathematical sign. Close your eyes, take a breath, then read:

Students in Louisiana thought this math symbol looked like a gun. Police were called

by Scott Berson

A discussion among students at Oberlin High School in Oberlin, La., about a mathematical symbol led to a police investigation and a search of one of the student’s homes, according to the Allen Parish Sheriff’s Office.

On the afternoon of Feb. 20, detectives investigated a report of terroristic threats at the school, where they learned that a student had been completing a math problem that required drawing the square-root sign.

Students in the group began commenting that the symbol, which represents a number that when multiplied by itself equals another number, looked like a gun.

Your American Taxpayer dollars were spent in two of the above cases.

Your Leftists and American Media Maggots at work.



Billy Graham passes at age 99

That’s the news. But the post won’t be directly about Billy Graham. Oh no. It will be about the reaction, by the Left, of Graham’s passing.

And this is one amongst a number of major reasons why we’re seeing the corruption of our society. By Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots. Let there be no mistake about it.

First this, from the Washington Post which bleats that “Democracy dies in darkness.” Perhaps George Will dies in darkness as this is the best he could pull out of his nether regions for the passing of Reverend Graham.

Billy Graham was no prophet

by George Will

Asked in 1972 if he believed in miracles, Billy Graham answered: Yes, Jesus performed some, and there are many “miracles around us today, including television and airplanes.” Graham was no theologian.

Neither was he a prophet. Jesus said “a prophet hath no honor in his own country.” Prophets take adversarial stances toward their times, as did the 20th century’s two greatest religious leaders, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Pope John Paul II. Graham did not. Partly for that reason, his country showered him with honors.

Graham’s effects are impossible to quantify. His audiences were exhorted to make a “decision” for Christ, but a moment of volition might be (in theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s phrase) an exercise in “cheap grace.” Graham’s preaching, to large rallies and broadcast audiences, gave comfort to many people and probably improved some.

“Cheap grace.” It’s Will’s summary, essentially, of Graham’s work. That really is the best he can do. Read the rest of the article if you wish to waste time.

Frankly, I would rather George Will have saved much paper and just written a single word about Billy Graham: “meh.”

Those are his true thoughts. Let’s be honest.

Better yet, I would have preferred Will’s complete silence. His days of being “conservative” are long over. Whatever value he once proffered has evaporated. George Will means as much to conservatism as does a fish to a bicycle.

Then we transition over to a true Leftist who praised Graham’s death. I am including the actual Tweets in case you think I’m making this up. I am not. There are people this coarse and evil who are writing things that people read and take to heart.

And you ask yourself “how did we get to Parkland?” Question, meet answer:

Teen Vogue Contributor Goes Off the Rails in Disturbing Attack on Billy Graham: “Have Fun in Hell”

by Benjamin Arie

Liberals are more tolerant, inclusive, and caring than the rest of the world — just ask them. That “tolerance” was on full display Wednesday, when an outspoken feminist and “Teen Vogue” columnist used the death of renowned Christian pastor Billy Graham to spread hatred.

Lauren Duca, a columnist with a verified Twitter account and nearly half a million followers on that social media platform, posted the vile message just hours after news stations reported Graham had passed away at age 99.

Apparently one of the most well-respected Christian leaders of the last century is going to hell, because a leftist feminist said so.

She doubled-down on that nasty sentiment in a follow up tweet.

That’s what Leftists think of a man of God.

Do the math.



Press lies again about guns and the Parkland suspect

We know that seventeen people were killed by a 19-year-old shooter named Nikolas Cruz, at his former high school in Parkland, Florida this past Wednesday, Valentine’s Day.

Nikolas Cruz was initially described as an Hispanic by media but then was magically converted to a White Hispanic (would that be similar to an Hispanic Black?) and then a Caucasoid because, well, the meme didn’t fit the event. We learned later that he was Hispanic. Remember, if you’re an American Media Maggot, only Caucasoids can be mass shooters. All others are inviolate. With some notable “exceptions.” But that was before the AMM went “all in” on Caucasoids — so they may be excused.

Teacher: FL School Shooter Had A Hispanic “Pride” Issue, “Didn’t Like To Speak Spanish”

by Ian Schwartz

Alicia Blonde, a teacher at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, remembered school shooter Nikolas Cruz as someone who had a “pride issue” with his Hispanic background and “didn’t feel comfortable in his own skin, in his culture.”

Blonde lamented that Cruz “didn’t really like to speak Spanish too much.”

“I remember him being a very quiet student,” the teacher told MSNBC’s Ali Velshi. “He has a Hispanic background. I remember that he didn’t really like to speak Spanish too much. I think there was some pride issue there. He didn’t feel comfortable in his own skin, in his own culture.”

Of course, not the American culture but “his culture.” Meaning: Hispanic. The intimation being: “he was a bad Hispanic.” I wonder just how much hate and/or discontent Cruz had received over what must have been pressure to correspond to “his culture”? A question for another day.

Then we were told Cruz had associations with White Nationalists. The American Media Maggots went gallivanting off with that meme as well. Eureka! We have rooted out the true evil nature of his Caucasoid soul. See? We knew it.

Media run with unconfirmed report tying Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz to white nationalist group

by Brian Flood

The Associated Press inaccurately reported that Florida high school massacre suspect Nikolas Cruz was “confirmed” to be a member of a white nationalist group – but it appears the news organization was duped by attention-seeking trolls.

Cruz reportedly has confessed to police that he killed 17 people when he opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., on Valentine’s Day. Republic of Florida leader Jordan Jereb reportedly told the AP that Cruz was a member of his white nationalist militia and even participated in paramilitary drills.

“Leader of white nationalist group has confirmed suspect in Florida school shooting was member of his organization,” the AP tweeted on Thursday.

Media Research Center contributing editor Tom Blumer wrote that the AP went to “great excuse-making lengths” after it “abandoned skepticism” when contacted by Jereb.

“It’s reasonable to ask if what supposedly fooled them was really narrative-fitting information that was too convenient to conscientiously check,” Blumer wrote.

There must be a political motive, the AMM insists.

Then, from the

Local law enforcement: No ties between militia and Florida high school shooter

by Karl Etters

Local law enforcement sources have not found a connection between accused Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz and a Tallahassee-based paramilitary group.

Leon County law enforcement sources told the Tallahassee Democrat that they could not find information linking Cruz, 19, to the Republic of Florida Militia, as claimed by the group’s self-proclaimed leader Jordan Jereb.

His comments to the Anti-Defamation League and The Associated Press set off a media firestorm Thursday at about midday that Cruz was connected to the alt-right, white nationalist group.

Hours after news outlets around the nation reported Cruz’s alleged ties, Leon County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Lt. Grady Jordan told the Tallahassee Democrat investigative work did not yield any connections.

The actual truth emerged. Corrected by local law enforcement — who should know.

At least the AP admitted that they fell for the ruse.

White nationalist appears to disavow connection with shooter

PARKLAND, Fla. (AP) — A white nationalist appears to have lied to The Associated Press and other news organizations when he claimed that Florida school-shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was a member of his obscure group.

Law enforcement officials have said they didn’t have any evidence to support the claim that Republic of Florida leader Jordan Jereb made in interviews with several news organizations.

Jereb told The Associated Press on Thursday that Cruz had participated in paramilitary drills in Tallahassee, where his group is based. Jereb said he didn’t know Cruz personally and that “he acted on his own behalf of what he just did and he’s solely responsible for what he just did.”

Law enforcement officials said they hadn’t confirmed any such ties.

Lt. Grady Jordan, a spokesman for the Leon County Sheriff’s Office in Tallahassee, said he knew of “no known ties” between Cruz and Jereb’s group.

Let’s examine the individual named Jordan Jereb. There isn’t possibly a bigger, more useless goober in the state. Jereb’s Evil Empire has ten affiliates at best according to law enforcement. I know of sewing circles with more fearsome and menacing members.

Yet the AMM were more than willing to risk whatever may be left of their tattered reputations to hope with all fervency that Jereb was in fact totally correct. It must be. It has to be.

You have to ask yourself why the American Media Maggots continually “fall for the ruse” if it has anything to do with President Trump or essentially any conservative value, tradition or belief? Why?

Because they so want anything and everything conservatives stand for to be wrong, injurious, evil. In these days, with emphasis against President Trump. He has kicked over the American Media Maggot beehive and remained predominantly unstung.

Just who deceived whom? It was the AMM who tried to deceive you. This is a running theme with the AMM and resulted in their being typified as Fake News. They continue to prove worthy of the appellation.

What passes for “good journalism” today consists of either a single source or an anonymous source in altogether too many cases.

What happened to the “good old days” of three confirmed sources prior to publication?

Those days are long gone.

And they’re not coming back in any foreseeable future.