Facts and hatred

Mandatory Credit: Photo by AP/REX/Shutterstock (9190148a)
Sutherland Springs Shooting. Law enforcement officers gather in front of the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs after a fatal shooting, in Sutherland Springs, Texas
Shooting, Sutherland Springs, USA – 05 Nov 2017

This would seem to be quite the incongruent post but, if you follow along, you’ll soon come to understand the linkage I’m attempting to make.

On the heels of Sunday’s shooting at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, Demorats, Leftists and the American Media Maggots came out in full force and barked sharply about firearms, gun deaths, white people. SLF. Standard Leftist Fare.

Then they began to excoriate those who were sending prayers, as did certain personnel in my comments section. Typical Leftist pap: “What is needed, clearly, are more prayers and no gun restriction. Oh and thoughts. Thoughts and prayers, yup, that will do it.”

Time.com wrote:

Democratic leaders and gun control advocates shut down the immediate and familiar outpouring of “thoughts and prayers” for the victims of the South Texas church shooting on Sunday, calling for stronger gun laws.

“Represent,” Time, “represent.”

Because, well, “thoughts and prayers” refer to religious people and everyone knows that religious people are stupid and Caucasoid and ill educated, driving around in Ford FX4 Off Road pickup trucks with loud motors and damaged exhaust pipes, flying Confederate banners and Ed Gillespie bumper stickers with Gadsden Flag front license plates, looking to run down little Muslim kids and children with higher melanin counts. Race baiting? Nah.

It’s all you ig’nant Southerners with that easily-mocked and stupid drawl like, well, Bill Clinton. Wait. That’s not what you meant.

When Speaker Paul Ryan wrote this on Twitter:

He got this loving retort from highly-paid and relevant actor extraordinaire Wil Wheaton:

These social media responses as well:

And lest we forget that profound and insightful Teutonic Keith Olbermann, Mein Fuhrer:

The embracing, kind, inclusive and understanding Chelsea Handler?

How odd that Laura Ingraham happened to address the issue on her Monday show.

Of course, as we all know, it’s only Caucasoids who are mass murderers. Just ask Ruben Navarrette.

Except for one thing: those damnable facts. It’s too bad Tucker didn’t have immediate access to the facts — facts even acknowledged by Leftist organs. First, from Slate.com:

Mass Shooters Aren’t Disproportionately White

by Daniel Engber

Where the myth came from, and what it gets right and wrong about the demographics of mass killings.

Stephen Paddock shot more than 500 people from the windows of his Las Vegas hotel room Sunday night, killing 58 of them. In the days since, a familiar story has been passed around the internet about the blinkered way in which we talk about these sorts of massacres. We’re so quick to blame Islamic terrorists, this story goes, that we don’t address the stark, distressing truth about mass shootings. The killers aren’t angry immigrants, by and large. They’re white men.

Of course they are. Ask any Leftist, Demorat or American Media Maggot. Or Ruben Navarrette.

“These shooters are almost exclusively coming from a single socio-economic class and racial group,” wrote actor Cole Sprouse in a widely shared Twitter thread. We must now address “what part of whiteness influences this kind of Petri dish for gun violence and killing.”

Because, after all, actors are particularly insightful and full of professorial knowledge.

This wasn’t just a social media phenomenon. The Huffington Post published Sprouse’s tweets as a “Powerful Take on Whiteness and Mass Shootings.” An article in Elle called the link between white men and mass shootings “a general rule” and proposed that “our refusal to confront toxic white male violence is why this problem will metastasize.” The progressive news site ThinkProgress said that “when we talk about mass shootings, we are talking about white men.” Newsweek wondered if “white men commit mass shootings out of a sense of entitlement.” A CNN opinion piece bemoaned the fact that “America has silently accepted the rage of white men.”

In a narrow sense, these stories are correct: The plurality of mass killers are white. But the notion that white men of privilege are disproportionately represented among mass shooters—indeed, that they make up “nearly all” of them—is a myth.

“Oh myth, can I have another cup of coffee please?

What those initial Mother Jones numbers showed, though, was that white people weren’t overrepresented among mass shooters. The media outlet had found that roughly 70 percent of the shooters in mass killings were white—certainly a majority. But according to Census Bureau estimates for 2012, whites accounted for 73.9 percent of all Americans. (Keep in mind that the definition of whiteness is both vague and forever changing. In the 2010 census, the “white” category includes those whose families originate in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Mother Jones, for its part, categorizes one Moroccan immigrant killer as “white”; leaves the race field blank for a Turkish immigrant; and describes several shooters of Pakistani, Palestinian, Afghan and Kuwaiti extraction as “other.”)

Uh-oh. Leaks in the hull?

I’m not sure where Kimmel and Leek got their stat about mass murders perpetrated by teenagers, but that figure, too, wasn’t that far off from U.S. demographics. At any rate, it certainly wasn’t true—as many argued then, and many do today—that mass shooters were “almost exclusively” or “disproportionately” or “nearly all” white. (Mass shooters are disproportionately men, however—more on that below.)

Of course mass shooters are disproportionately men. Ask anyone in Chicago.

Here’s another way of looking at it: Instead of asking why so many mass shooters are white, we could ask what it is about mass shootings that differentiates them, even to a small extent, from the broader trend of racial inequalities in murder rates. Why might the huge disparities that we see in homicides, born of systematic disadvantage, be diminished (though not reversed) in our most extreme episodes of violence?

Don’t stop there. Keep going.

All of that is a very long way of saying the data don’t support the whites-are-overrepresented-among-mass-shooters meme. On the other hand, they do back up the notion that these killers are nearly always men. In the Mother Jonesdatabase, 97 percent of the listed killers are men; in the one from USA Today, that number is 94 percent.

Guilty. Then from NYMag.com:

Whiteness Doesn’t Cause Mass Shootings

by Jesse Singal

Yesterday’s horrific massacre in Sutherland Springs, Texas, in which 26-year-old Devin P. Kelley killed 26 people and injured many others at the town’s First Baptist Church, has spurred the tragically familiar call from Americans begging for politicians to take some action — any action — in response to what feels like an epidemic of mass shootings. Today, many are arguing for enhanced gun-control legislation, perhaps legislation which would take into account what appears to be an important connectionbetween domestic violence and these sorts of acts.

But in a Democracy Now! segment from earlier today, George Ciccariello-Maher, a political science professor at Drexel University, made a different case. He argued that while it’s important to examine the policy ramifications of Kelley’s murders, including the possibility that “targeted gun control for domestic violence [offenders]” or similar policies might prove effective, the bigger conversation should be about the fact that he was white.

Evil Caucasoids. Evil religious Caucasoids. Evil Constitution-embracing Caucasoids.

But the full damage done by these whiteness-violence claims goes deeper. And to explain this, it’s important to explain why some people are making these arguments in the first place. When Ciccariello-Maher and others posit whiteness as an explanation for violence or other bad behavior on the part of whites, they are, in part, offering a rejoinder to the pernicious idea that blackness can explain such behavior on the part of blacks. As many scholars have shown, perhaps most comprehensively the Harvard University professor Khalil Gibran Muhammad in his excellent book The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime, and the Making of Modern Urban America, this idea has a long, ugly history.

Thank you.

Let’s say, for a minute, that Engber is wrong and mass shooters are disproportionately white. If this is reason enough to claim that their race is an important causal factor, then a conservative interlocutor could easily jump in and say, “Oh, well then I guess blackness is causing black crime, since black people commit violent crimes at higher rates.” That is a real discrepancy, after all — it’s one that can be explained by socioeconomic factors, including institutionalized racism and urban neglect on the part of predominately white American power structures, but it’s also easily exploited by racists as “proof” of the sorts of claims spotlighted in Muhammad’s book. Or what about Europe? In those European countries that have been hit by recent mass-casualty attacks, those attacks have been overwhelmingly committed by Muslims. Does it follow from this that we need to talk about “Muslim culture,” or that Muslims are essentially violent in a way Christians and Jews are not?

Leftist excuses made by Leftists taking into account every Leftist meme possible. You have to see beyond that. And I’m sure you do.

Leftists believe there is no such thing as an evil person, only a misunderstood person. They couldn’t be more wrong, ignorant or naive themselves.

Look, Leftists, I can see you a mile away. So can Conservatives. You don’t respect the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence or the Bill of Rights. In your world everything is gray and in flux. I get it. People of any religious bent are evil — except for Muslims, because you fear them and at least recognize that if you go against them they’ll kill your ass. I get your cowardice on that, too.

I also understand your final play: gun confiscation. Outright confiscation. Some Leftists are brave enough to talk for the rest of you and advocate it. I at least admire the honesty and clarity of those few Leftist souls making that argument. It’s why I admire Bernie Sanders. At least he’ll tell you he’s a Socialist all day long.

Bottom line? Guess what? Gun confiscation isn’t going to occur.

Unless, of course, you wish to revisit 1861.



Nancy Pelosi’s marble loss, Part XXXI

Nancy Pelosi is no longer a California representative. She is now nothing more than a target-rich environment — though she’s held California’s 12th District since 2013.

First aside: imagine her chagrin at never having held a senatorial seat in California. Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein and even the neophyte Kamala Harris hold and held seats she’d never acquired. She’s had to run every two years as opposed to every six years for senators. Oh the pain, oh the shame.

Then from TheAmericanMirror.com:

Every Nancy Pelosi press conference is now a dementia-sodden incident rife with mistakes, malaprops and much worse in public.

At least she has a firmer grasp on bubbling mouth foam than does her compatriot-in-arms Jerry Brown, governor of Fornicalia.

That’s not saying much.



26 people killed in Texas church shooting, suspect dead

Occurring at about 11:30 Central time on Sunday, Devin Patrick Kelley, 26, of New Braunfels, Texas, approached the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, opened fire with a Ruger AR15-style rifle, and killed at least 26 persons.

Less than twenty-four hours after the event — just like the New York truck attack on Tuesday, October 31st where 8 persons were killed by a Muslim ISIS sympathizer — we know a good deal about the shooter and the circumstances. Quite unlike the Las Vegas mass shooting on Sunday, October 1st, where 58 people were killed by Stephen Paddock.

One way to know you’re in Texas. Look at the motto on the rear of the police SUV.

Whereas the bodies had not yet cooled before Demorats, Leftists and the American Media Maggots called for the abolition of the 2nd Amendment, two brave Texans, I believe, will be shown to be the reason that Kelley and killed before any sort of police response and, more importantly, was unable to drive to another location and perhaps kill even more people.

Let’s examine some of those Leftist comments.

Just off the top of my head, 37,000 people died in vehicle accidents in 2016. Not a peep. 44,000 to 98,000 people die in US hospitals each year due to medical mistakes — the third leading cause of death in the US. Not a peep. There were 762 murders, 3,550 shooting incidents, and 4,331 shooting victims in the city of Chicago — a Leftist haven — in 2016. Almost every victim and suspect was black. Not a peep. The FBI’s 2015 Uniform Crime Report found that nearly three times more Americans were killed by knives or other “cutting instruments” than shot and killed by long guns. Not a peep.

From AJC.com:

Bystander, neighbor chase gunman who killed 26 at Texas church

by Jared Leone

Two men followed the gunman who killed 26 people and injured more than 20 others at a Texas church Sunday, leading police to the man’s location, according to reports.

Bystander Johnny Langendorff watched as Devin Kelley traded gunfire with a neighbor who had grabbed his own rifle and engaged the gunman as he tried to flee the scene at First Baptist Church.

“I pulled up to the intersection where the shooting happened and I saw two men exchanging gunfire,” Langendorff said, according to the San Antonio Express-News. “The other gentleman said we needed to pursue (Kelley) because he shot up the church. So that’s what I did. I just acted.”

The pair followed Kelley until he lost control of his vehicle and ran off the road. Authorities were there moments later, according to KSAT.

It is still unclear if Kelley was shot by the armed resident or if it was self-inflicted.

Then there was this from MySA.com:

Hero describes how he tracked down church shooter after attack

by Kelsey Bradshaw

As emergency responders rushed into Sutherland Springs following the state’s deadliest shooting, two men were headed the opposite direction – chasing after the suspected shooter.

Two locals took on the man who authorities say shot and killed 26 people at the First Baptist Church Sunday morning as the suspect was trying to flee the scene. 

Johnny Langendorff was one of the men who chased after suspected killer Devin Kelley, a 26-year-old from Comal County, he told KSAT in a television interview. 

The pair chased the man down FM 539 headed North before the shooter lost control and ran off the roadway. Langendorff said the other man with him jumped out of the car and drew his rifle on Kelley.

“He didn’t move after that,” Langendorff said.

I’d call that a rather ready clue in terms of who was responsible for the stopping of Kelley. Some additional insight here.

If there’s one thing we know — but Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots don’t — it’s that it takes a person with a firearm to stop a person with a firearm.

We now know, Monday, that the second citizen involved was 55-year-old Stephen Willeford, above.

  • Devin Patrick Kelley, 26, was leaving First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs after he opened fire on parishioners, killing 26 people

  • Stephen Willeford had ‘grabbed his rifle and engaged the suspect’

  • Kelley fled the skirmish and got back in his SUV to flee the scene at 95mph

  • Willeford then jumped in the truck of neighbor Johnnie Langendorff and told him to chase Kelley

  • Kelley eventually lost control of his vehicle during the high speed chase 

  • He called his father to say he had been shot and didn’t think he would make it

  • Police then believe that Kelley shot himself dead

CNN reported about the suspect, Devin Kelley:

Kelley was once a member of the US Air Force, spokeswoman Ann Stefanek said. He served in logistics readiness at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, starting in 2010.

Kelly was court-martialed in 2012 for two counts of Article 128 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, assault on his spouse and assault on their child, Stefanek said. Kelley received a bad conduct discharge, confinement for 12 months and a reduction in rank, she said. The Air Force did not provide a date of the discharge.

Kelley purchased the Ruger AR-556 rifle in April 2016 from an Academy Sports & Outdoors store in San Antonio, a law enforcement official told CNN.

When Kelley filled out the background check paperwork at the store, he checked the box to indicate he didn’t have disqualifying criminal history, the official said. He listed an address in Colorado Springs, Colorado when he bought the rifle, the official said.

We know that Kelley worked as a security guard for a Texas waterpark this past summer, according to a resume under his name that appears online.

We know that he is married to Danielle Shields Kelley, and that his mother-in-law has an address in Sutherland Springs, where Danielle is from. His wife’s mother, in fact, attends the First Baptist Church. My first question knowing that: is she one of the victims?

It is becoming evident that Kelley had ties to and/or knew about that church. How personal was this attack?

Heavy.com writes:

Another former classmate, Nina Rose Nava, wrote on her Facebook page: “…in complete shock! I legit just deleted him off my fb cause I couldn’t stand his post. He was always talking about how people who believe in God we’re stupid and trying to preach his atheism. Smh.” It’s not clear why the killer would say he briefly taught Bible classes if he was fixated on atheism.

CBS unearthed a photo of Devin Kelley that shows him with the beard. According to KSAT-TV, “His parents lived in one home, while Kelley lived in a ‘barndominium’” on a “wooded property behind a cattle guard.” His neighbor, Mark Moravitz, told KSAT: “Nothing abnormal. Regular guy. I mean, the only thing unusual across the street is we hear a lot of gunfire, a lot of times at night. We hear gunfire a lot, but we’re out in the country.” The New York Times reported that his parents’ home is worth $1 million.

This, by the way, cinches my first thought: the shooting was personal.

Court records in Comal County show they got married in April 2014, when he was 23 and she was 19. U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), told The LosAngeles Times of the motive, “I’ve been talking to some community members. They think there was a relative there. It was not random…There’s going to be some sort of nexus between the shooter and this small community… somebody in that church will help us find answers.”

As per normal these days we look to social media for some answers. Kelley’s Facebook page was pulled rather rapidly, but not before I captures this and other screen shots from various sources. Please note them.

Then there was the below photo with an Antifa reference. True or not? Unknown yet.

Kelley also had this post about a firearm. Oddly enough, it is a Ruger AR-556 with a number of accessories attached.

It would appear at first blush that Kelley leaned Left considering his associations on Facebook and other forms of social media.

And why do I say I frequently seek news sources from UK media? Here is one excellent example, from the UKDailyMail.com:

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Creepy, crazy and weird’: Former classmates say Texas gunman was an ‘outcast’ who ‘preached his atheism’ online before killing 26 in the state’s worst ever mass shooting

by Jenny Stanton

  • Devin Patrick Kelley, 26, shot dead 26 people and injured 24 others in Texas
  • Walked into First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs in Texas and opened fire 
  • He was wearing black, tactical gear and carrying a military style assault rifle
  • Kelley was shot by local Stephen Willeford, 55, and died after a car chase
  • Former classmates have described him as an ‘outcast’, ‘creepy’ and ‘weird’
  • Another said he talked ‘about how people who believe in God were stupid’
  • LinkedIn reveals Kelley was an Air Force veteran and ex-Bible studies teacher
  • He was court martialed in 2014 for two counts of assault on his spouse and child
  • He was living in New Braunfels, a suburb of San Antonio, and was married 
  • Did you know Devin Patrick Kelley? Please contact Jenny Stanton by emailing jenny.stanton@mailonline.com

The Texas church shooter who mercilessly shot dead 26 people and injured 24 others was an ‘outcast’ who ‘preached his atheism’ online.

Former classmates say Devin Patrick Kelley, 26, who stormed First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs in Texas and opened fire on Sunday, was ‘creepy’, ‘crazy’ and ‘weird’.

Patrick Boyce, who attended New Braunfels High School with the killer, told DailyMail.com: ‘He had a kid or two, fairly normal, but kinda quiet and lately seemed depressed.

‘He was the first atheist I met. He went Air Force after high school, got discharged but I don’t know why. 

Nina Rose Nava, who went to school with the gunman, wrote on Facebook: ‘In (sic) in complete shock! I legit just deleted him off my fb cause I couldn’t stand his post. 

‘He was always talking about how people who believe in God we’re stupid and trying to preach his atheism’ 

Christopher Leo Longoria replied: ‘I removed him off FB for those same reasons! He was being super nagtive (sic) all the timd (sic).’

I think we’re beginning to realize something of a theme.

He was married to Danielle Shields, and they appear to have a child together. She was previously a teacher at the First Baptist Church.

Kelley lived at his parents’ home with his wife and child and neighbor Mark Moravitz told ABC News he would sometimes hear gunshots coming from near that house late at night.

The gunman’s mother-in-law, Michelle Shields, also appears to have been a parishioner at the church and was friends on social media with the pastor’s wife.

It is not clear whether they were at the church at the time of the shooting.

As it turns out: yes, it was personal. From the UKDailyMail.com:

REVEALED: Texas shooter sent ‘threatening texts’ to his mother-in-law, who attended church where he massacred 26 people before calling his father to say goodbye before committing suicide

by Ashley Collman

  • Officials say Devin Patrick Kelley was in a domestic dispute with his mother-in-law Michelle Shields, who attended First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas

  • At an afternoon press conference, it was revealed that Kelley sent ‘threatening texts’ to his mother-in-law

  • Officials wouldn’t go into further details about the family fight

  • Wilson County Sheriff Joe Tackett said that Kelley and his wife Danielle were estranged 

  • Danielle used to work as a teacher at the church, her mother is friends with the pastor’s wife

  • Records show they were married in April 2014, when Kelley was 23 and his bride was 19

  • He was also married at least once before, to a Tessa K Kelley

  • The couple divorced in 2012, the same year he was court-martialed for domestic violence   

  • After killing 26 in the church on Sunday, Kelley fled in his car and was found dead behind the wheel 

  • The official cause of death is pending, but officials believe he committed suicide by gun 

  • Before killing himself, he called his father and said he didn’t think he was going to make it, officials said  

All things considered, I say this: contrast and compare to the Las Vegas shootings. Examine and notice how quickly we learn things about all the other shooters, killers and terrorists.

Las Vegas still does not pass the smell test. Another reason why myself and others do not trust the investigators running the Las Vegas case. There is good reason, I submit.

Finally and most importantly, condolences to the families who lost loved ones in the First Baptist shooting. Your names have not yet all been revealed but trust me, you are in the thoughts and prayers of thousands and thousands of Americans throughout the United States.



26 persons killed in Texas church shooting

The original story is here.

Following a press conference from Texas Governor Abbott, new information is:

There are 26 confirmed deaths in the Texas church shooting.

The suspect, 26-year-old Devin Kelley was armed with a Ruger AR15 type rifle. As the suspect exited the church, a local resident armed with a rifle engaged the suspect, who dropped his firearm and fled from the church. The citizen pursued the suspect.

Kelley fled in his vehicle, crashed, and was found dead. It is unknown if the suspect shot himself or was shot by the citizen.

Kelley was dressed in all black gear and wearing a ballistic vest.The victims range in age from 5 to 72.

More information forthcoming.



Brazile admits: Hillary rigged the Dem campaign against Sanders

You want to find collusion?

You want to find corruption?

Donna Brazile, former DNC chair, comes clean. And it ain’t grand for the Demorats.

From Politico.com:

Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC

by Donna Brazile

When I was asked to run the Democratic Party after the Russians hacked our emails, I stumbled onto a shocking truth about the Clinton campaign.

And what would that be, Donna?

Before I called Bernie Sanders, I lit a candle in my living room and put on some gospel music. I wanted to center myself for what I knew would be an emotional phone call.

I had promised Bernie when I took the helm of the Democratic National Committee after the convention that I would get to the bottom of whether Hillary Clinton’s team had rigged the nomination process, as a cache of emails stolen by Russian hackers and posted online had suggested. I’d had my suspicions from the moment I walked in the door of the DNC a month or so earlier, based on the leaked emails. But who knew if some of them might have been forged? I needed to have solid proof, and so did Bernie.

Anyone’s Spidey Sense tingling right about now? Anyone thinking of that Santayana quote?

By September 7, the day I called Bernie, I had found my proof and it broke my heart. 

Brazile held her mud during the campaign through gritted teeth. She did so because, well, she and Hillary are women. But once the dam breaks on the powerful — witness Harvey Weinstein — and the first person takes the hit or spills the beans, then the gates open and those once holding back for fear of the powerful no longer fear the powerful. There is vulnerability.

And oh yes, Hillary’s people were lying to the DNC.

The Saturday morning after the convention in July, I called Gary Gensler, the chief financial officer of Hillary’s campaign. He wasted no words. He told me the Democratic Party was broke and $2 million in debt.

“What?” I screamed. “I am an officer of the party and they’ve been telling us everything is fine and they were raising money with no problems.”

You can imagine that Bernie Sanders and his people weren’t terribly pleased though it did tend to validate their beliefs all along.

Things changed when Brazile found this, the crux of the biscuit.

When I got back from a vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, I at last found the document that described it all: the Joint Fund-Raising Agreement between the DNC, the Hillary Victory Fund, and Hillary for America.

Meaning: the fix for Hillary was in black-and-white.

The agreement—signed by Amy Dacey, the former CEO of the DNC, and Robby Mook with a copy to Marc Elias—specified that in exchange for raising money and investing in the DNC, Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised. Her campaign had the right of refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it would make final decisions on all the other staff. The DNC also was required to consult with the campaign about all other staffing, budgeting, data, analytics, and mailings.

I had been wondering why it was that I couldn’t write a press release without passing it by Brooklyn. Well, here was the answer.

In a word, rigged. Rigged for Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders.

Braile, of course, is no saint. She’d cheated for one of Hillary Clinton’s presidential debates. From the WashingtonExaminer.com:

Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with Clinton campaign

by Eddie Scarry

Veteran Democratic operative Donna Brazile finally admitted that she used her former position as a CNN commentator to relay questions ahead of debates to Hillary Clinton during the Democratic primary.

For months, Brazile has avoided confirming that hacked emails from the campaign showed her forwarding the questions, which were asked at separate debates. But in a new essay for Time magazine looking back on the hackings, she said it was true.

This, by the way, resulted in CNN dropping Donna Brazile as a commentator like a yak drops a hot rock.

I dunno. Anyone starting to identify a trend or a pattern here?

Even more shocking, Brazile considered kicking Hillary to the curb altogether following a September 11th incident involving Clinton. From PBS.org:

Brazile says she considered replacing Clinton with Biden

WASHINGTON — The former head of the Democratic National Committee says she considered replacing Hillary Clinton as the party’s presidential nominee with then-Vice President Joe Biden.

Brazile writes that she considered initiating Clinton’s removal after she collapsed while leaving a 9/11 memorial service in New York City. Clinton later acknowledged she was suffering from pneumonia.

But Brazile says the larger issue was that her campaign was “anemic” and had taken on “the odor of failure.”

Ultimately, the DNC head says she thought of Clinton and all the women in the country who were so excited about her and decided she “could not do this to them.”

The NewYorkPost.com also wrote:

Did Hillary’s rigging at the DNC push Biden out of the race?

by John Podhoretz

The stunning revelation by longtime operative Donna Brazile that the Hillary Clinton campaign secretly took control — literal control — of the Democratic National Committee a year before Hillary became the party’s nominee is the talk of American politics.

As it should be.

Consider, then, that a formal agreement signed by the DNC and the Clinton campaign was executed in August 2015, two months before Biden made his decision.

There was another person out there — then-Vice President Joe Biden. Though grieving over the tragic loss of his son Beau, Biden was still seriously considering a late entry into the race. Indeed, it would not be until October that Biden would declare himself out of contention.

Over the previous six years, Democrats had lost 60-plus House seats, nine Senate seats, 14 governorships and 1,000 state and local offices. Russians didn’t do that. Democrats did — with the help of a surging Republican Party that found itself after election night in its strongest electoral position across the country since 1928.

Even Fauxcahontas, Elizabeth Warren, was displeased with the news about Hillary Clinton. Insert your finest Dr Smith voice here: “Oh the pain!”

For God’s sake, the fix was in against anyone but Hillary Clinton since 2015. Oh, by the way; Warren is the person the DNC is eyeballing for 2020. I say: “please oh please.”

The Demorats in disarray? From the DailyBeast.com:

Democrats Determined to Wage Civil War Forever

by Gideon Resnick and Sam Stein

Donna Brazile lit another match. But, really, the flame hasn’t gone out since Trump won.

During the final week of the most important election of the calendar year, the Democratic Party finds itself in a familiar place: subsumed by internal divisions and sniping.

Some DNC members argued that it behooved the party to come to grips with its past—even in full public view—before moving forward; that it took particular courage for Brazile, who infamously passed Clinton a debate question, to help validate Democrats’ complaints with the DNC.

Others outside the DNC were furious with Brazile, calling the essay a selfish attempt to sell books at a time when the party’s fundraising is flagging and its attention should be on the upcoming, critical races. “She’s playing into Trump’s hands,” one Clinton campaign vet said. Brazile declined to comment until her book was formally released.

Clinton allies, meanwhile, insist that they did more to help the DNC than to harm it. The joint fundraising agreements were made available to her and Sanders (which DNC Chairman Tom Perez noted in a letter to DNC members on Friday.). And though Clinton was afforded a large degree of operational control over the committee (which former Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver told The Washington Post they did not have), she also helped it get out of debt, even as she reportedly pillaged a huge amount of the money that had been ostensibly donated to help state parties.

Note to Conservatives: just when you think the Demorats are infinitely more cohesive than you could imagine, they are less cohesive than you could imagine. Go team.

But where are the American Media Maggots in the whole affair? From TheHill.com:

Network newscasts don’t mention Brazile Clinton-DNC revelations

by Joe Concha

The broadcast evening newscasts on three major networks on Thursday didn’t mention bombshell revelations by former Democratic National Committee interim Chairwoman Donna Brazile.

Brazile has written in a new book that she discovered evidence that she said showed Hillary Clinton’s campaign “rigged” the Democratic presidential primary.

“ABC’s World News Tonight,” “NBC Nightly News” and “CBS Evening News” all didn’t report the allegations by Brazile on Thursday evening despite it receiving considerable coverage on cable news and in print and online media. Brazile was also trending as one of Twitter’s top topics on Thursday.

Despite the Brazile blackout, the ABC, NBC and CBS evening newscasts all featured reports on special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election and the recent indictments of Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his business associate, Richard Gates.

The so-called Big Three evening newscasts draw more than 20 million viewers combined on a nightly basis.

Nah. No media bias in American newsrooms, eh wot?

Is there possible criminality involved? From FoxNews.com:

Gregg Jarrett: Hillary Clinton’s scheme in ‘rigging’ the nomination may have been criminal

by Gregg Jarrett

Hillary Clinton has spent a year crying about how the presidency was stolen from her. Turns out, she stole the Democratic nomination from Bernie Sanders.

The critical question now is whether she committed crimes in her theft of the nomination. 

There appears to be little doubt that Clinton rigged the election process. It was so unconscionable and unprincipled, that Brazile’s discovery of the incriminating document left her in tears. So she says.

It gets better. As I am wont to say: “but wait, there’s more.”

The Federal Election Commission must immediately launch an investigation. So, too, must the Department of Justice and the FBI. It appears that Clinton may well have violated several laws which could constitute serious crimes. 

First, federal law sets strict limits on campaign contributions.  Financial records must now be subpoenaed to determine whether these laws were broken. Given Clinton’s past record of shady transactions such as the Whitewater land deal and her sale of cattle futures, there is a strong chance that a document trail will lead investigators to multiple violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act. 

Second, if Brazile’s account of Clinton’s artifice is true, it is likely that campaign finance reporting laws were broken under the same Act. Hiding campaign money through false or misleading campaign reports is illegal. In egregious cases it is a crime, not just a civil penalty.    

Finally, the funneling of campaign funds from one source to another smacks of money laundering. Any transaction that seeks to conceal or disguise proceeds of illegal activity constitutes money laundering. So, if it can be shown that Clinton violated campaign contribution limits or reporting requirements, then the channeling of the proceeds from one source to another would be the “laundering” of it.

Let’s let Tucker Carlson fade out with a Bernie Sanders representative, shall we?

Woo-hoo. Cheating Demorat women. Represent.



Like a good cat in a fresh cat box, the Demorats are pawing the sand over their shite, glancing around to see who’s actually paying attention.

Whilst the American Media Maggots, trust me, are whistling past the graveyard.