Charlottesville PD sued: let the lawsuits commence

I advocated for this on my August 29th and August 31st Berserk Bobcat Ballroom radio shows. I also wrote this post on August 31st indicating that lawsuits were well past due on behalf of those persons who were injured by the clear and obvious negligence displayed by certain specific law enforcement agencies when they purposely determined to step back as Antifa appeared, and shirk their law enforcement responsibilities. Their oaths. Their honor.

Then: Laura Ingraham picked up my mantra on Tucker Carlson’s show later in the week. Perhaps it’s time to remove some very select and pointed elements of “qualified immunity” that is commonly granted to law enforcement agencies.

Why does so-called “qualified immunity” exist? Because, on their faces, law enforcement agencies across the nation attempt to do the job to which they’ve been tasked. They try to do the “right thing.” An excellent article is here.

When they fail to do the jobs to which they’ve been tasked, then, in my opinion, qualified immunity should be lost.

That is to say, Leftist law enforcement agencies and their masters will not change their stripe and begin to do the jobs to which they’ve been tasked unless they are sued within inches of their lives. They must be made to pay, and they must be made to bleed.

If for no other reason than to set an example, provide a chilling effect and send a quite clear message.

If you happen to live within the jurisdictions I recommended in terms of suits — the San Jose PD, Charlottesville PD, Berkeley PD and UCD PD — well, sorry. It may possibly suck to be you in the future because I can only hope that your law enforcement agencies are going to be drained and their overarching entities — city and state administrations — will likewise be so as well.

There must be pain, there must be loss and there must be consequences. For what? you may ask.

For not doing your damned jobs.

But listen to this, from a CBS station. It questions yet attempts to justify Berkeley PD’s non-reactive responses.

I emphasize, though: cash must be diverted from customary necessary requirements to lawsuits. If you must suffer as a Leftist law enforcement agency, due to locale, so be it. You, as a local citizen, signed up for this. Your zip code is your vote.

First, from the

Lawsuit alleges Charlottesville police were ordered to stand down at white supremacist rally

by Andrea Noble

Robert Sanchez Turner claims cops turned blind eye to violence on the ground at Aug. 12 rally.

A man who was assaulted during a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, is suing the city and state police, alleging that officers were ordered to stand down and failed to act even as they witnessed the attack.

According to the federal lawsuit, Robert Sanchez Turner was sprayed in the eye with pepper spray and beaten with canes, and had urine thrown on him during the Aug. 12 rally in Charlottesville, as police officers stood less than 10 feet away and did nothing to stop the assault or arrest the assailants.

“By commanding their subordinates to stand down while hundreds of white supremacists and their sympathizers assaulted and seriously injured counterprotesters, these defendants were essentially accessories to, and facilitators of, unconstitutional hate crime,” states the lawsuit, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Times.

Nexus Caridades Attorneys, which filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia, is expected to announce additional details about the case Friday.

This is just one lawsuit. But I ask: please let it grow and become a national debate.

From the

Report: Lawsuit to target Charlottesville police over rally’s violence

by Josh Delk

Nexus Caridades, a Virginia-based law group, reportedly plans to sue Charlottesville police over the violence that resulted from a white supremacists’ rally earlier this month, citing a client who was injured in the violent clashes. 

The case alleges that plaintiff Robert Sanchez Turner sustained injuries in the violence because of the police “standing down” and failing to intervene in the situation, in which white nationalist groups attacked anti-racist protesters, the attorneys told The Daily Progress.  

But that’s just one case. On, frankly, the wrong side. The greatest number of potential suits exist on the side of, say, Patriot Prayer or those who are not Antifa-friendly. That is a vast untapped megabucks source for attorneys.

But still: Why?

Because some law enforcement agencies still purposely choose to not do their job in various venues across this nation. Not a decision made by line-level troops. No. But a decision made in concert with various other applicable government levels to include mayors, city managers, bureaucracies, bureaucrats, union members and those beyond civil service.

Those with a Leftist bent, weak of mind, unable to think for themselves, coat-tail hangers, sycophants, Those incapable in independent and/or true critical thinking. Because that is the last thing taught in any college today. Only Lockstep Thinking is promoted and encouraged. Non-variancy. Mindless response.

The pro-bono legal group plans to formally announce the litigation on Friday in Emancipation Park, where the Aug. 12 rally took place. Also targeted in the suit are the city of Charlottesville, its chief of police and the superintendent of the Virginia State Police. 

And I say: excellent. Be general and then yet become quite very specific.

Name names. Most cops wear name tags, velcro tabs, name plates, possess badge numbers. Let them also be named. Specifically. Quite very specifically.

You either engage and do your job, or you stand back and allow chaos to ensue.

Because trust me, you beggars, the chaos you allow will soon come to visit itself upon your neighborhood and your family. Damn you for not seeing those consequences.

President Trump was correct. There was blame on both sides. He spoke the obvious truth yet was excoriated via Leftists and the American Media Maggots.

“Mr. Turner was assaulted while police officers watched but failed to act to keep him safe or arrest those responsible for the attacks,” the organization’s public relations director, Jen Little, told the Progress.

The lawsuit follows a report that federal authorities had warned Virginia law enforcement of potential violence at the rally, citing previous clashes between white supremacist groups and anti-fascist “antifa” protesters.

Guess what? True on both sides.

Finally: a Truism from President Trump that the American Media Maggots shan’t acknowledge in retrospect.

“What about the alt-left that came charging at the — as you say, the alt-right?” Trump asked three days after the deadly rally. “Do they have any semblance of guilt? What about the fact they came charging with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs? Do they have any problem? I think they do. As far as I am concerned, that was a horrible, horrible day.”

Purposeful indifference. Go RICO, go 182 PC, go 42 USC § 1983. The situation is screaming for it. Name agencies, name administrators and then name very specific individual officers. Go for broke. Break them down. Bankrupt them. Make them bleed.

Anyone remember a quote: “it takes two to tango” — ?

True then and now.

There will be many more Antifa assaults upon our fundamental rights to come.



Houston PD needs our assistance

60-year-old Houston Police Sergeant Steve Perez, drowned in his car whilst attempting to find a path to get to work during Hurricane Harvey. He had driven for over two hours in order to find a way to get to his point of assignment in the very early morning hours. His wife asked him to stay home but, instead, Perez insisted that he was going to help in Houston’s time of need. He had worked in law enforcement for 34 years. God bless this true and valiant veteran Sheepdog.

We all know that Hurricane Harvey has devastated coastal portions of Texas, centering around Houston. Houston PD and its officers have been equally devastated.

The Houston Police Officers Union under President Ray Hunt, has asked for assistance from other brother and sister officers.

First, the letter from President Hunt:

To Our Brother & Sister Officers:

As you know, the City of Houston is in the midst of a catastrophe like we have never seen before. The scope of the damage will not be known for weeks, maybe longer. We have already lost so much, including Sgt. Steve Perez, a 34-year veteran of the Houston PD, who drowned in his car trying to get to work at 4 am in the morning on Sunday, August 27th.

So many of you have reached out to ask how you can help and we are very grateful. Right now, sending money to assist those officers who lost their homes and/or vehicles is most helpful for us. We ask that you send donations to “Assist the Officer, Inc.,” a 501(C)3 charity established 30 years ago in Houston to provide aid to law enforcement people during these kinds of disasters There is a link on the site for Harvey Relief.

I can assure you that 100% of whatever you send will go directly to Houston-area law enforcement people who have suffered severe losses from the floods. Upon request, we will be happy to provide you with a complete report on donations and expenditures if you need it.

We will keep you updated on the situation as it progresses and please accept our heartfelt thanks for whatever you can do to help us. If you have suffered a loss in this terrible incident, please just send your prayers.

Make your check out to:

Assist the Officer, Inc. and indicate on the check that the donation is for Hurricane Harvey Relief for Law Enforcement.

Mail your check to:

Houston Police Officers’ Union
1600 State Street
Houston, TX 77007

Thank you and God bless.

Ray Hunt, President
Houston Police Officers’ Union

In case there was doubt, I searched in order to verify these sites, the names, addresses and the request. They are valid.

I ask my law enforcement and emergency responder readers — and anyone else who wishes — please do what you can for officers in the Houston area. Just like anyone else they too lost homes and property but came to work, knowing what they had to do.

From Breitbart,com:

EXCLUSIVE: Despite Losing Homes, Houston Cops Put Duty First, Says Chief Acevedo

by Bob Price

HOUSTON, Texas — Despite the loss or damage of their own homes, the men and women of the Houston Police Department put their duty first and stayed on the job to rescue those in danger, keep the peace, and save lives — even as they lost one of their own.

Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo came face to face with what may become the worst natural disaster to hit a major city in U.S. history. Despite his only being on the job as police chief for nine months, the men and women who work for him have done an amazing job of serving the community in rapidly changing circumstances, weather conditions, and an overwhelming number of service requests.

“The collective heart of the Houston Police Department (HPD), the Houston Fire Department, all of our municipal co-workers, (and) just the entire first-responder community in this city is second to none, and I am very proud of that,” the chief said. Despite more than 200 officers having their own homes damaged or destroyed “They’re putting their duty first.” The chief praised not only the commissioned officers who wear the dark blue uniform but the entire support staff and dispatchers.


Click on Assist The Officer, Inc, or make contact at the above address. Each and every dollar will go directly to those in need.

A brief question which you will immediately determine to be only rhetorical in nature due to its content: I wonder just how many Antifa members came to assist the victims of Hurricane Harvey? One? Twenty? Two hundred? As neatly organized to assist in time of need as they are organized and prepared to riot for anarchy?

You know the answer.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon radio show, Thursday, August 31st, 2017

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show each Wednesday evening.

Tonight in the Saloon:

  • Unfortunately The Underground Professor, Dr Michael Jones, was unable to join us due to Hurricane Harvey and its impact in his area of Texas;
  • Free speech under fire;
  • The First Amendment under fire;
  • “The Left’s War On Free Speech,” by Kimberley Strassel, from her speech;
  • The politicalization of agencies that never should be so;
  • Revealed: James Comey crafted Hillary exoneration statement BEFORE the conclusion of the investigation itself or even interviews of witnesses or Hillary Clinton herself: the terrible politicalization of the FBI;
  • FBI investigation of espionage, blackmail charges in Imran Awan case blocked by Obama DOJ appointee who worked for Holder and Lynch;
  • Let’s go 182 PC, RICO and 42 USC § 1983, the deprivation of civil rights, on those police departments or agencies who fail to perform their law enforcement job or stand down in the face of Leftist administrative direction;
  • Pelosi condemns Antifa; where is the GOP, en masse, on Antifa?
  • There is CLEAR evidence that the Berkeley Police Department played favorites in terms of Antifa vs others;
  • Berkeley PD allowed Antifa to mix with Trump supporters and others;
  • Then stood back when violence subsequently occurred;
  • Let’s sack up and name Antifa a terrorist group;
  • Laura Ingraham steals my idea: it’s time for 182, RICO and other charges against departments, and let’s remove certain aspect of qualified immunity because of the clear and obvious aspects of reckless endangerment to the public at large;
  • Law enforcement: it’s time to make a stand. Where is your courage? Where are your ethics? Where is your bravery? What happened to the oath you swore?
  • Berkeley PD: you dishonored your oaths;
  • What is a Good Sergeant?
  • Why were there NO Good Sergeants at any Berkeley riots? Do they exist on the City of Berkeley Police Department? I’ve seen none yet;
  • It’s time to make Leftist law enforcement entities hurt; sue their arses off;
  • The FBI goes out of its way to prove it can no longer be trusted; “lack of public interest” justifies withholding Hillary Clinton documents via FOIA;
  • James Comey is corrupt; Andrew McCabe is corrupt; the FBI is corrupt;
  • We know the FBI itself doesn’t obey laws;
  • An open letter to Multnomah County Sheriff Michael Reese;
  • 6 officers shot, 2 killed, in two hours, on just one day in August;
  • Deputy Bob French was killed yesterday, two CHP officers were shot;
  • Nurse practitioner REFUSES to treat gunshot deputy;
  • This is where we are now as an American society;
  • Is this sustainable? Certainly. Only if you want chaos to triumph;
  • Law enforcement must stop being politicalized, not if you want them to be efficient and unbiased.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on start.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon radio show, Thursday, August 31st, 2017” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on YouTube, please click on start.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here. Want to watch the past shows on YouTube? Please visit the SHR Media Network YouTube channel here.



An idea about Leftist law enforcement entities, whose time has clearly come

This is Berkeley Police Chief Andrew R. Greenwood, a law enforcement official who, in my opinion, dishonors and politicizes his badge and, worse, is in charge of an entire department. Shame on you, sir. Shame on your cowardly decisions. When you have eight yellow service hash marks on your sleeve, come talk. To me you’re a puerile political sycophant whose jejune views mark you clearly.

It’s time for suits and prosecutions.

Please see my predicating post here.

Make them general and then make them very specific. Name departments. Then name very specific individuals. Start at the top. Work your way down. You know the drill. Make deals for the bigger fish.Offer immunities for testimony. Leverage. Force. Immunity. End goal in mind.

First, from my Tuesday post about Antifa, riots, Leftists and law enforcement.

In my opinion, I would submit that the City of Berkeley, Mayor Arreguin, the city council and Chief Andrew Greenwood are all complicit in a conspiracy, 182 PC, to allow lawful citizens of the State of California and the United States to become injured by indifference, and to allow private and public property to be damaged and destroyed, having received their marching orders not to interfere if the forces of Antifa were having their way.

I would submit that these forces possess a history sufficient to instigate both a federal RICO investigation of the entire Bay Area bureaucracy, and a 42 USC § 1983“deprivation of civil rights” action.

Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, except that in any action brought against a judicial officer for an act or omission taken in such officer’s judicial capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes of this section, any Act of Congress applicable exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be considered to be a statute of the District of Columbia.

(R.S. § 1979; Pub. L. 96–170, § 1, Dec. 29, 197993 Stat. 1284Pub. L. 104–317, title III, § 309(c), Oct. 19, 1996110 Stat. 3853.)

It’s long past time for Leftists to be subject to the same lawful scrutiny others are.

Oddly enough, it was Laura Ingraham who suggested precisely the same thing, the next day, on Tucker Carlson’s show.

And I wholeheartedly concur.

It’s past due time for lawyers, guns and money. And terrible lawsuits aimed at police departments.

Let there be no mistake. As most know, I served 41 years as a law enforcement officer for the FBI, US Marshals, a coastal Fornicalia sheriff’s department and finally retired from a 2,000+ sheriff’s department in the belly of the beast with 35 years on.

If there were ever an advocate for law enforcement it is I.

But I cannot conjure or tolerate law enforcement agencies or administrators or officers who abandon their oaths of office for convenience or political correctness or for fiscal safety. Somewhere, at some time, stands must occur.

Courage needs to step up, ethics need to step up, and points must be made.

Otherwise, frankly, all is lost.

I was lost.

I was told in no uncertain terms that, as a Sergeant, I should never take the test for Lieutenant because I had not cooperated with a Captain who wanted to circumvent ethics on behalf of a female recruit he was copulating. And to whom he wished to afford training above and beyond other that of other recruits. I said no, declined the extra training at my range. Further, as a Sergeant, I consulted my immediate Lieutenant who left me hanging in the political breeze because he did not wish to become involved.

And so I retired as a Sergeant. Many suggested and hoped I would make Captain and beyond. That was not in the political cards. It’s a story to tell on another day.

So imagine my chagrin and dismay when various law enforcement officials want to circumvent standards, safety, rules and regulations that otherwise I had to completely obey and honor. You can be ethical. You can do what needs to be done. You can honor your oath despite whatever political outcomes may result.

As in: you dishonored your oaths, Berkeley. You stood by whilst people were injured, you weren’t simply not proactive; you weren’t even interested in being reactive for a time. There have already been four Antifa riots at Berkeley this year.

I ask: where were the Sergeants?

First line supervisors can make or break each and every department for which they work. Why? Because they not only relay but are tasked with enforcing the policies and orders issued by their specific departments, the state in which they reside and the oaths they took to support and defend the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights, with those they supervise.

A Good Sergeant is one who looks out for his or her troops, values the troops and knows full well that it is they who truly get the job done, not the Chief and not the Sheriff. Chiefs and Sheriffs come and go like soiled toilet paper, flushed down the political Toilet of Life.

Where were the Good Sergeants working for Berkeley PD? Because, trust me, in a similar circumstance, knowing people were getting hurt in front of me — no matter what my cock-gobbling managers or executive staff said — I would have intervened.

And my troops would have followed me.

Once one element was committed, my element, the others would have followed suit because someone took a stand and waded into the maelstrom.

All it takes is one.

One Good Sergeant.

You Berkeley Sergeants could have made a difference. You were provided numerous opportunities to prove your mettle and your honor. You know who you are. So do your troops.

Berkeley: is that how you want to be remembered?

We are coming closer to a bottom line. What is one of its aspects?

Americans are left to fight it out on the streets of the United States as law enforcement officers are either forced to or willingly allow violence to occur directly in front of their eyes.

Is this what we truly want as a society? I submit: no, we don’t. Chaos would ensue. But oh, be sure, that is precisely what Antifa wants as well as Leftists and anarchists. Chaos.

So I say: let the lawsuits commence.

And they should start with the San Jose Police Department, the Charlottesville Police Department, the Berkeley Police Department and the UC Berkeley Police Department.

Subpoena everything. Collect everything. There is more evidence on the internet than one can swing a dead cat upon. Take it, collect it, collate it, list it, organize it, depose individuals and soon you will have a lawsuit or series of lawsuits that — and I can only hope — put the proverbial Leftist Chilling Effect but upon each and every Leftist law enforcement entity and support bureaucracy in the nation.

Make their dollars and budgets bleed.

Shape up or get out of law enforcement. Go weave baskets. Join Antifa.

You are now on notice.



The FBI goes out of its way to prove it can no longer be trusted

And that is such a depressing statement to make, because I used to work for the FBI.

First, the article from the

FBI says lack of public interest in Hillary emails justifies withholding documents

by Stephen Dinan

Hillary Clinton’s case isn’t interesting enough to the public to justify releasing the FBI’s files on her, the bureau said this week in rejecting an open-records request by a lawyer seeking to have the former secretary of state punished for perjury.

Ty Clevenger has been trying to get Mrs. Clinton and her personal attorneys disbarred for their handling of her official emails during her time as secretary of state. He’s met with resistance among lawyers, and now his request for information from the FBI’s files has been shot down.

“Shot down” by whom? Right. The Federal Bureau of Investigation. Who should be investigating an issue such as this.

It appears I’m going to have to change my classic logo about the FBI.  .  .

From this very specific graphic .  .  .

To this very generic graphic. And it pains me. It pains me terribly to realize the biased and politicized depths to which the FBI has sunk.

I shake my head in sadness, I well and truly do. This is so incredibly disspiriting for me and for law enforcement everywhere. In retrospect, truly, what does your NA experience really mean?

“You have not sufficiently demonstrated that the public’s interest in disclosure outweighs personal privacy interests of the subject,” FBI records management section chief David M. Hardy told Mr. Clevenger in a letter Monday.

“It is incumbent upon the requester to provide documentation regarding the public’s interest in the operations and activities of the government before records can be processed pursuant to the FOIA,” Mr. Hardy wrote.

Oh. Yes. Because there isn’t more of a clangor and clamoring — by the “public” — that is sufficient justification to withhold facts and evidence.

Mrs. Clinton, was the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, former chief diplomat, former U.S. senator, and former first lady of both the U.S. and Arkansas.

Her use of a secret email account to conduct government business while leading the State Department was front-page news for much of 2015 and 2016, and was so striking that the then-FBI director broke with procedure and made both a public statement and appearances before Congress to talk about the bureau’s probe.

It was, oddly enough, under her watch in which four Americans lost their lives. That no longer “counts.” To mention that now is nothing but “bias” and “prejudice.”

In the end, the FBI didn’t recommend charges against Mrs. Clinton, concluding that while she risked national security, she was too technologically inept to know the dangers she was running, so no case could be made against her.

The FBI says it will only release records from its files if a subject consents, is dead, or is of such public interest that it overrides privacy concerns.

Protecting those elements who need to be protected by the Left for the Left, so that people continue to vote for the Left. That is the basis for the FBI’s politicized decision.

Mr. Clevenger said he thought it would have been clear why Mrs. Clinton’s case was of public interest, but he sent documentation anyway, pointing to a request by members of Congress for an investigation into whether Mrs. Clinton perjured herself in testimony to Capitol Hill.

“I’m just stunned. This is exactly what I would have expected had Mrs. Clinton won the election, but she didn’t.

It looks like the Obama administration is still running the FBI,” Mr. Clevenger told The Washington Times

“How can a story receive national news coverage and not be a matter of public interest? If this is the new standard, then there’s no such thing as a public interest exception,” he said.

Correct. This is a biased decision expected from, say, a Hillary Clinton administration.

This is another in a continuing series of revelations indicating that, clearly, the Deep State is alive and well, influencing every level and agency in DC.

You were told at some point, when learning American history, that there are three separate and distinct branches of government as created and delineated by our founding fathers in their brilliance.

I would not just submit but insist there are four branches of government, as indicated.

  • Legislative;
  • Judicial;
  • Executive;
  • Bureaucratic.

This newest branch, the likes of which we’re now realizing, is frequently every bit as powerful and occasionally more so than the other three. This is one obvious instance. Hardy is a bureaucrat. A paper shuffler. He was not elected. Therefore he gets to stymie the investigation and hold back the information.

Just one basic question: since when is whatever amount of interest shown by the public a deciding factor in the revelation of documents which are not in and of themselves classified and therefore subject to nondisclosure?

Is the FBI saying that, had their been a greater rumbling by “the public” that the agency would have looked more favorably upon Clevenger’s request? Or is the FBI saying, via Hardy, that he is solely making the determination — and he is — the information is not in the public’s interest?

Good to know. A perception of “public interest” is now a lawful criteria with which to determine the relevancy of a FOIA request. I suppose Hardy will expect future requests to have ginned-up public support behind them prior to consideration.

This is the same FBI where former director James Comey in 2016 laid out a perfect case against Hillary Clinton then decided he was going to not recommend an investigation, taking this decision out of the hands of then-AG Loretta Lynch.

This is the same FBI where former director James Comey decided there was no conflict of interest with his second-in-command.

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton confidant, helped steer $675,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an FBI official who went on to lead the probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system, according to a report.

The political action committee of McAuliffe, the Clinton loyalist, gave $467,500 to the state Senate campaign of the wife of Andrew McCabe, who is now deputy director of the FBI, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The report states Jill McCabe received an additional $207,788 from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is heavily influenced by McAuliffe.

This is the same FBI where former director James Comey decided to purposely leak classified information to a third party in order to prompt a special counsel to investigate President Trump regarding Russia, et al.

We already know the FBI doesn’t obey various laws itself.

Jason Chaffetz reveals: FBI doesn’t follow the law

And, further, it doesn’t wish to be accountable.

First, the background information from

House seeks clarity on FBI facial recognition database

by Matt Leonard

The FBI has expanded its access to photo databases and facial recognition technology to support its investigations. Lawmakers, however, have voiced a deep mistrust in the bureau’s ability to protect those images of millions of American citizens and properly follow regulations relating to transparency.

Kimberly Del Greco, the deputy assistant director of the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division, faced tough questioning from both sides of the aisle at a March 22 hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

“So here’s the problem,” said Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), the committee chairman. “You’re required by law to put out a privacy statement and you didn’t and now we’re supposed to trust you with hundreds of millions of people’s faces.”

The FBI’s NGI-IPS allows law enforcement agencies to search a database of over 30 million photos to support criminal investigations. The bureau can also access an internal unit called Facial Analysis, Comparison and Evaluation, which can tap other federal photo repositories and databases in 16 states that can include driver’s license photos. Through these databases, the FBI has access to more than 411 million photos of Americans, many of whom have never been convicted of a crime.

The FBI obeys all laws. And no, the FBI isn’t politicized at all.

Perish the thought.

Except that confidence in the FBI is itself perishing.