Transgender ideology is the new child abuse formula

And it’s being spread with wild abandon by Leftists nationally and globally.

First, an overall examination of the issue by Tucker Carlson, who interviewed Dr Michelle Critella, President of the American College of Pediatricians. We must establish a base line for the post. If you wish to be gobsmacked about the madness of it all, please read Dr Critella’s article here. Prepare to hear about the most immediate and personally destructive junk science of all involving children.

“Puberty blockers” which “castrate children chemically,” followed by “surgical mutilation later on.”

Children, people. These are children.

When did health care become essentially another iteration of child rape ala NAMBLA only this time endorsed by doctors and social workers? What kind of insanity is this, and what kind of unhinged people recommend such things?

The answer: when Leftists took charge of various facets of society and education, unimpeded due to rampant fear and cringing, abject GOWPishness.

“Children three to ten engage in magical thinking.” Ponder that for a moment. Let that concept sink in. Then bring in the Leftist ideology.

When is it that we did two very important things: 1. Removed childhood, and 2. Allowed children to make these kinds of decisions?

Listen: “Puberty is not a disease.”

Stop. Here is a situation I wrote about in 2013. Right out of, naturally, Fornicalia.

The little boy who started a sex change aged eight because he (and his lesbian parents) knew he always wanted to be a girl

This, ladies and gentlemen, is absolute insanity writ large.

And, with the bulk of drugged and greedy and insouciant Free Cheese gatherers in the United States, no one seems to care because — as per normal — the American Media Maggots refuse to cover the story.

Yes: I found this story on UK media.

From the

The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young.

Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, is undergoing controversial hormone blocking treatment in Berkeley, California to stop him going through puberty as a boy.

But Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel warn that children with gender identity disorder forced to postpone transitioning could face a higher risk of suicide.

Because an 11-year-old is so much in touch with themselves and clearly recognize, at that age, what they wish to be and do in their future.

If you think that was unhinged, read this.

The mothers say that one of the first things Thomas told them when he learned sign language aged three – because of a speech impediment – was, ‘I am a girl’.

So guess what? The lesbians fed that fire, stoked it day and night. They didn’t want the boy; they wanted the girl. It was a cold and calculating maneuver conducted for their benefit, not the child’s. It was, as I am wont to coldly but logically call it, a mindfuck.

This is precisely what child abusers do. Take advantage of their adults brains over the undeveloped brains of children. Their mastery of language and twisted crafting of their version of truth.

P U B E R T Y   B L O C K E R S .

San Francisco, right by Berkeley, is one of four cities in the United States with a hospital that has a program for transgender children.

The University of California San Francisco is home to the Center of Excellence for Transgender Health.

Why, of course. Why wouldn’t it be there? The Center for Piledriving the Impressionable and Malleable Brains of Infants and Children, or CPIMBIC.

In April of 2016, I wrote this about the results of the insanity: Let the dangerous sexual lunacy about kids commence.

From the

Complaint: Katy-area teacher fired for refusing to address girl, 6, as transgender boy

by Emily Foxhall

An educator this week filed a federal discrimination complaint against a learning center in Katy, alleging that she was wrongly fired for refusing to address a 6-year-old girl as a transgender boy, the teacher’s attorneys said Tuesday.

Madeline Kirksey, a former employee of the Children’s Lighthouse Learning Center on Clay Road in Katy, was fired Nov. 3 after she would not agree to treat the child as a male and call the child by a new male name, according to a copy of a filing with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission provided by her attorneys.

But here is what’s buried further down in the story:

Using fake names, Taylor said that the child left school Friday as “Sally” and returned on Monday going by “Johnny.”

“They had a real issue on their hands,” Taylor said of the school staff.

The child reportedly showed up Monday with a short haircut, and Taylor said the child’s gender identity wasn’t set in stone. He said the child continued to use the girls’ bathroom. The 6-year-old also played football with the boys and, when hit hard, cried and said, “I’m really not a little boy.”

Then as now, here is the point that Leftists purposely fail to even hear or consider, which thrusts the issue directly into the realm of child abuse.

Further, I have to wholeheartedly agree with Madeline Kirksey’s attorney, Andy Taylor, when he said:

Taylor likened the imposition of such a decision over gender on a child to “child abuse.” At such a young age, he said, kids haven’t even decided what ice cream or cereal they prefer.

My point precisely.

Children are no more equipped to make these decisions than are Mexican Water Rats or centipedes.

Much less adults.

From the

Britain’s youngest sex swap patient reveals why she’s undergoing surgery to switch gender for the third time

by Grace Macaskill

Ria Cooper was born a boy, became the UK’s youngest sex-swap patient at 15 but transitioned back to being a man at the age of 18

Like many young women, Ria Cooper dreams of one day getting married and having children.

But the 23-year-old knows the odds are stacked against her.

Not only because she was born a boy, but because she has now switched gender an astonishing three times in her short life.

Ria – who was born Brad – became ­Britain’s youngest sex-swap patient at 15. Doctors controversially backed her belief she was a girl in a boy’s body.

She was given blockers to stop her going through puberty, followed by injections of female hormones to impede face and chest hair and trigger the formation of breasts.

P U B E R T Y   B L O C K E R S .

But with her life spiraling out of control as she struggled with her new identity – and the fears of never being accepted as a woman – Ria decided to transition back and live her life instead as a gay man.

Before having crucial surgery, she ended her treatment and became Brad again soon after her 18th birthday.

It turned her into the unwitting poster boy for those who claimed teenagers were too young to be given gender reassignment.

Imagine that. Didn’t see that one coming at all.

But five years on Ria is more certain than ever that is not the real her – and is making her second attempt at becoming a woman to have the future she always dreamed of.

She said: “I’ve always known I was female – it was everyone else who was confused, not me. I was wearing make-up and heels at the age of 12, there was no question.

“But I felt under so much pressure from society that six years later I caved in. I was torn. I knew exactly who I was, but I also wanted to conform and be ‘normal’.

Because, after all, children display only the finest decision-making capabilities in any event.

Then — do what I call the Logical Extension — there are now transgender summer camps.

Oh, right. For four-year-olds.

From the

Transgender Summer Camp Offers Programs for Children as Young as FOUR Years Old

by Matt Miller

Rainbow Day Camp is a summer camp for transgender and “gender fluid” children that is accepting children as young as four years old, and unfortunately enrollment is booming.

Oh wait. Did you just say this is a business? Do the BZ Logical Extension. It’s becoming its own industry. And cash is its hub.

Many opponents to the transgender agenda would go as far to say that this is indoctrination and even a form of child abuse, perhaps with good reason. Considering the trans suicide rate (at near 40%), and dozens of other life challenges trans people experience, could anyone blame a parent for wanting to exhaust all other options before casting their child down a road of life long identity and sexual confusion? The Rainbow Day Camp is the antithesis of that sentiment, hurrying the child into making severe and permanent decisions about their life before they reach a double digit age.

I have one basic question: if it is inherently evil to be male, then why is it that any female would even remotely want to become “male” and embrace the stoic ethos, the short hair, the beard, the pants, the lower voice, the provider philosophy, the whole “male” aspect? Why would this be sought-after for any reason whatsoever?

If males are so inherently evil.

Then there is the most recent issue of transgenders in the military. I’ll let Tucker Carlson again set the tone and the pace with logic and facts, not emotions.

Yes. $1.3 billion dollars over 10 years, for a minority of a minority of a minority. Roughly $183,000 per operation per person. Not to mention the $1,200 per month required to chemically transition via hormone therapy. With each individual off duty and unavailable following surgery for 238 days. Someone will have to replace them, yes? Of course.

If you thought pregnancy leave was sufficient, it has nothing on transition surgery.

Want to get your surgery free? Join the US military. That would soon be the battle cry, incentivized by your federal tax dollars. Who doesn’t want a free penis, free breasts or a free vagina?

Military readiness? Unit cohesion? Right. Who cares? The military exists only as a social experiment in any event, yes? Damn this guy for daring to speak the truth backed by facts.

Let’s be honest. This guy was brilliantly extemporaneous.

Yet, there are those in the military who think President Trump is on the wrong track with his ban. They would be the persons far removed from being immediately affected by the inclusion of transgenders in combat. Ensconced in their insulated Pentagon offices as they are.

But wait. Even more, you as males should be forced to date transgenders. Right? For the good of the order. Right?

Certainly more to come.

Oh my.



Remembering Glen Campbell

Alice Cooper on Glen Campbell, and what Glen meant to music professionals of all makes, models, stripes and genres.

People remember Glen Campbell mostly for his singing.

Too few recognize that he was a guitarist admired by many and, for some artists, considered to be one of the top five guitarists of his day — of any genre. Few realize that Glen was on every original Beach Boys record cut.

Here, Glen and Roy Clark play Ghost Riders In the Sky.

Here, Glen plays the Mason Williams song Classical Gas. And I’m sorry but this simply smokes any other version extant. Period.

You want fast and gifted? Hi-ho, Silver, away!

If it had strings, Glen Campbell could drive it. Foggy Mountain Breakdown with Glen and Carl Jackson.

Tortured and gifted. Many of us are.

Goodbye, Glen.

Yet another icon of my day disappears.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon radio show, Thursday, August 10th, with the Underground Professor

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

Tonight in the Saloon:

  • We speak to our wonderful Thursday night recurring guest, savant extraordinaire, the Underground Professor — Dr Michael Jones — about all things Constitutional;
  • You have but to look and see that BZ and the UP are united in our Majestic Beardliness;
  • I am the official Stunt Double for the Professor;
  • Or is he my Stunt Double? I can never remember;
  • Dr Jones talks about the two types of ConLaw;
  • UP and BZ exchange heinous weather horror stories;
  • MOPP gear vs EOD gear in the summer: which is worse?
  • A brief tribute to LAPD EOD specialist Detective Arleigh McCree from 1986;
  • Two types of ConLaw: stare decisis and the debates;
  • Words, history and original intent mean little in terms of stare decisis;
  • Let us not forget the Ratification Debates, the Professor suggests;
  • Reference: “The 5,000 Year Leap” by W. Cleon Skousen;
  • What is a Constitutional Convention?
  • What is an Amendment Convention?
  • The Underground Professor discusses North Korea;
  • “Giving nukes to Kim Jong Un is like handing a loaded .357 magnum revolver to a six-year-old and expecting responsibility;”
  • Loreal Space, GPS, and William Jefferson Clinton;
  • The China connection;
  • The Underground Professor was feeding his dogs during the break;
  • We refer to EO 11905 under Gerald Ford;
  • I desperately need a Producer;
  • Manafort switching legal team: it’s a DIVIDE AND CONQUER play;
  • But wait; is there not more buttery political goodness?
  • Of course there is.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on start.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Thursday, August 10th, 2017” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on YouTube, please click on start.

I interviewed thriller author Terrence McCauley last Tuesday the 8th, and I would ask you for a favor. He pledged that every sale of his novella THE DEVIL DOGS OF BELLEAU WOOD goes straight to the Semper Fi Fund. Do me this kindness if you would. Order his book and help veterans. Thank you so much from Terrence and ol’ BZ.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here. Want to watch the past shows on YouTube? Please visit the SHR Media Network YouTube channel here.



Leftists run the platforms

But they don’t run me.

I am sorry to hear of this.

Today, however, it’s what you get when you are Conservative or have a message that pushes back against Leftist norms in any fashion whatsoever.

The translation is this: Leftists run media. Realize it. Process it. Understand its ramifications — and they are multiple. In many ways this was an absolutely brilliant strategy not unlike fire stations vs police stations.

Those who know this paradigm will know of what I speak. The preternatural brilliance thereof.

They are in the process of harshing the mediums, but they cannot eliminate the messages. It will turn out that Marshall McLuhan was egregiously wrong, not just a tad bit wrong.

Even the typesetters fucked things up. How’s that for Chance Theory?

Is McLuhan right? Where is the emPHAsis now? Why is it important or is it important?

I think you know the answer.

But what occurs when a particular mindset controls not only all the messages.  .  .

But the mediums as well?

I submit: it’s time for conflagration.



Judge: open that Hillary Clinton email door

I’ve written and said a few things since November 8th of last year.

  • The Demorats have not yet come to grips with the reality of November 9th;
  • There is no “there” there with regard to Trump and Russia;
  • The Demorats will come to regret the day they insisted on opening the Russia door as it’s going to lead to other doors and hallways quite unpleasant for the Demorats themselves.

It would appear that day is arriving sooner than the Demorats would like.

First, from

Judicial Watch Victory: Federal Court Orders State Department to Conduct a Search of Benghazi Emails of Hillary Clinton’s Closest Advisors

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch announced that on August 8, 2017, D.C. District Court Judge Amit P. Mehta ordered the State Department “to search the e-mail accounts of Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, and Jacob Sullivan,” former aides of Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State. The State Department is ordered to search in those accounts “for records responsive to [Judicial Watch’s] March 4, 2015, FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] request.” (A separate Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit first broke open the Clinton email scandal.)

Good news for truth, bad news for the Clinton campaign and aligned Demorats.

Judge Mehta described Judicial Watch’s Clinton Benghazi FOIA lawsuit as “a far cry from a typical FOIA case. Secretary Clinton used a private e-mail server, located in her home, to transmit and receive work-related communications during her tenure as Secretary of State.” Further:

[I]f an e-mail did not involve any user, the message would have passed through only the Secretary’s private server and, therefore, would be beyond the immediate reach of State. Because of this circumstance, unlike the ordinary case, State could not look solely to its own records systems to adequately respond to [Judicial Watch’s] demand.


[The State Department] has not, however, searched the one records system over which it has always had control and that is almost certain to contain some responsive records: the e-mail server. If Secretary Clinton sent an e-mail about Benghazi to Abedin, Mills, or Sullivan at his or her e-mail address, or if one of them sent an e-mail to Secretary Clinton using his or her account, then State’s server presumably would have captured and stored such an e-mail. Therefore, State has an obligation to search its own server for responsive records.


State has offered no assurance that the three record compilations it received [from Secretary Clinton and her aides], taken together, constitute the entirety of Secretary Clinton’s e-mails during the time period relevant to Plaintiff’s FOIA Request. Absent such assurance, the court is unconvinced “beyond material doubt” that a search of the accounts of Abedin, Mills and Sullivan is “unlikely to produce any marginal return.”


Accordingly, the court finds that State has not met its burden of establishing it performed an adequate search in response to Plaintiff’s FOIA Request and orders State to conduct a supplemental search of the e-mail accounts of Abedin, Mills, and Sullivan.

You can read the Judicial Watch document here.

But wait; there’s more.

Judicial Watch asked a federal court to compel the Trump State Department to undertake a thorough search of all emails of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regarding the terrorist attack on Benghazi, including those of Clinton’s closest advisors. Judicial Watch also specifically asked the court to compel the agency to produce all records of communications between Clinton and top aide Jake Sullivan relating to Ambassador Susan Rice’s appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press” the Sunday following the 2012 Benghazi massacre.

Oh, and it doesn’t stop there. From

Democrat Party Faces Fundraising Crisis As “Doom and Gloom” Message Falls Flat in Trump-era

by Joshua Caplan

The Democrat Party in the Trump-era is in shambles. The Party is moving full speed ahead towards the 2018 midterms without a message, a destructive fixation on Russia and a looming fundrasing crisis. Today’s “doom and gloom” message isn’t working with voters. 

Under the leadership of former Obama official Tom Perez, a new FEC report reveals the DNC finished the month of June $3.3 million in debt.

The month of May wasn’t any better for the DNC, which reported $1.9 million in debt.

In contrast, the RNC is on an amazing financial run, having raised a whopping $13.4 million in June.

How are you going to get back all those seats lost to Republicans, not to mention governorships, when you have no cash, DNC?

These, ladies and gentlemen, are called “consequences.”