BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, July 11th, 2017, with extraordinary guest Jeff Dunetz

My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

On this episode of the Berserk Bobcat Saloon a rare bit of radio magic occurred but, as per normal with me, not because I planned it. We had the luxury of speaking to fellow SHR Media Network radio host, author and blogger Jeff Dunetz, of the, for the entire two hours of the show — despite the fact that it was way past bedtime for Jeff as he lives on the east coast and was kept up until 1 AM. Massive Radio Trooper Points to Jeff if for no other reason than that.

Tonight in the Saloon:

  • BZ and Jeff chat about cruises, ice and vibrant colors;
  • Jeff talks about having pissed off French people on a cruise;
  • We learn that Jeff started out life as a child and was breast-fed through falsies;
  • Jeff grew up in very liberal Long Island and lives there now with a pet salamander;
  • Jeff goes political early at the age of 11 and registers as a Democrat;
  • Only in 2009 did Jeff switch over to the Republican Party;
  • We discover that Jeff is a Conservative who votes Republican;
  • Jeff has been writing for 20 years and on his blog for roughly 13 years;
  • We discover that Jeff Dunetz used to write for Andrew Breitbart;
  • We also discover that Jeff worked for Hasbro, Nickelodeon and Marvel;
  • Much more buttery Zeppelin goodness! Come listen!

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on start.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, July 11th, 2017” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on YouTube, please click on start.

On Thursday’s Saloon we’ll be talking to the Underground Professor himself, Dr Michael Jones, Constitutional scholar extraordinaire, raconteur and proud Texan. You miss this at your own personal intellectual peril.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here. Want to watch the past shows on YouTube? Please visit the SHR Media Network YouTube channel here.



James Comey, leaker of classified US information

Oh, what a tangled web we weave, former FBI Director James Brien Comey, when we practice to deceive and decide to play politics from a position that should, theoretically, be the least political of any in Washington DC.

A web you created, sir, when you opened a political door that you walked through and, now, others appear to be walking through that very same door you opened. It does not bode well for you, Mr Comey.


Comey’s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material

by John Solomon

More than half of the memos former FBI Director James Comey wrote as personal recollections of his conversations with President Trump about the Russia investigation have been determined to contain classified information, according to interviews with officials familiar with the documents.

Just when the “bombshell news” today is about Donald Trump Jr’s nothing-burger emails (a ridiculous act in itself), the real news goes purposely uncovered. Representative Jason Chaffetz knows what’s happening.

This revelation raises the possibility that Comey broke his own agency’s rules and ignored the same security protocol that he publicly criticized Hillary Clinton over in the waning days of the 2016 presidential election.

Comey testified last month before the Senate Intelligence Committee that he considered the memos to be personal documents and that he shared at least one of them with a friend. He asked that friend, a law professor at Columbia University, to leak information from one memo to the news media in hopes of increasing pressure to get a special prosecutor named in the Russia case after Comey was fired as FBI director.

Comey insisted in his testimony he believed his personal memos were unclassified, though he hinted one or two documents he created might have been contained classified information.

Hinted. I see.

But when the seven memos Comey wrote regarding his nine conversations with Trump about Russia earlier this year were shown to Congress in recent days, the FBI claimed all were, in fact, deemed to be government documents.

While the Comey memos have been previously reported, this is the first time there has been a number connected to the amount of memos the ex-FBI chief wrote.

Except that now there is a problem. Solomon continues to write:

Four of the memos had markings making clear they contained information classified at the secret or confidential level, according to officials directly familiar with the matter.

A spokesman for the FBI on Sunday declined to comment.


FBI policy forbids any agent from releasing classified information or any information from ongoing investigations or sensitive operations without prior written permission, and it mandates that all records created during official duties are considered to be government property.

I myself had to sign a document which stated in part, “Unauthorized disclosure, misuse, or negligent handling of information contained in the files, electronic or paper, of the FBI or which I may acquire as an employee of the FBI could impair national security, place human life in jeopardy, result in the denial of due process, prevent the FBI from effectively discharging its responsibilities, or violate federal law. and all information acquired by me in connection with my official duties with the FBI and all official material to which I have access remain the property of the United States of America.”

The American Media Maggots are primarily avoiding this story like the plague because there is otherwise Trump Russian blood in the water. So sayeth the New York Times and CNN. More Russia Russia Russia. Fox News, however, addressed the issue with Kellyanne Conway.

Solomon finally writes:

In order to make an assessment, congressional investigators will have to tackle key questions, such as where and how the memos were created, including whether they were written on an insecure computer or notepad; where and how the memos were stored, such as inside Comey’s home, in a briefcase or on an insecure laptop; whether any memos were shown to private individuals without a security clearance and whether those memos contained any classified information; and when was it determined by the government that the memos contained classified information — before Comey took them and shared one or after.

Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) indicated Comey may have violated, at minimum, four laws (one a very clear and unequivocal felony) to include:

  • 18 USC 793(E), the espionage act making it a felony for a person with “unauthorized access or possession to convey it to an unauthorized person;”
  • 18 USC 793(G); conspiracy provision under the espionage act;
  • 18 USC 371; generally criminalizes the conspiracy to violate any federal criminal law;
  • Executive Order (EO) 13526 (2009); policies and procedures for identifying and safeguarding classified information.

Okay, another exception: the also reported the information about civilian James Comey.

But of course this isn’t an issue because it doesn’t involve Trump and Russia.

I suspect it’s going to be quite the serious issue with James Comey, however.



NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio proves he despises his NYPD

NYPD and others in law enforcement turn their backs to NY Mayor de Blasio as he speaks at NYPD Officer Wenjian Liu’s funeral after he and his partner Rafael Ramos were assassinated in their car on December 20th, 2014. De Blasio has consistently sided against his officers now and during his political campaigns.

And all other law enforcement officers in the United States.

Not so in Europe, however.


De Blasio skips slain NYPD cop’s vigil to praise police in Germany

By Gabrielle Fonrouge and Laura Italiano

Mayor de Blasio flew all the way to Hamburg, Germany, to praise that city’s police in a speech — while cops back home continued to mourn, without him, the assassination of one of their own in The Bronx.

“Our right to protest is directly related to the fact that our police protect us,” Hizzoner told a crowd of thousands at the outdoor Hamburg Shows Attitude rally protesting the G-20 summit Saturday. “So help me by joining in applause and thanks for the police,” he said as the crowd cheered.

“There have also been great acts of bravery and restraint,” he said. “Remember, our police are working men and women, too.”

De Blasio’s insult is not the newest of stories but it has taken me this long to process the act and acquire the patience to write a post which, by the way, I’ve started and deleted twice prior, without it containing nothing but expletives and venom.

And back home, the mayor missed an evening vigil honoring slain NYPD Officer Miosotis ­Familia at the 46th Precinct station house where she worked in The Bronx.

Familia, 48, a mother of three, was shot in the head early Wednesday by a cop-loathing ­parolee as she sat in a police command vehicle.

“It’s disgraceful that the mayor is anywhere but at this ceremony right now,” vigil attendee Maria Rinaldi, 53, of University Heights, told The Post.

“I get where he’s at right now,” said precinct neighbor Caesar Montez, 61. “But this is your city. You need to be here when a tragedy like this happens.”

De Blasio gave two speeches Saturday during his all-expenses-paid junket to Hamburg.

I also believe Greg Gutfeld should weigh in, a bit more pointedly.

The New York Police Department’s Sergeant’s union head Ed Mullins said:

“New York City is right now mourning the loss of a police officer who was dedicated to the City of New York, and we have our mayor who has just gone to Germany to join protesters. Is this the type of city we want to live in?”

“We have a very anti-police atmosphere. We are not seeing any kind of leadership that comes out and explains the facts that are out there are not true—the police are not your enemy.”

This is, of course, all in reference to NYPD Detective Miosotis Familia, a 48-year-old mother of three (to include a 20-year old daughter and 12-year-old twins, a boy and a girl), having been literally assassinated, last Wednesday, July 5th, when she was shot in the head by a black male parolee whose social media was riddled with violent anti-police writings, and who was convicted in 2001 for assaulting and injuring an officer with brass knuckles. I’m sure the suspect, Bonds, gave that officer the same chance he provided to Familia; that is to say, none at all. The terrible irony is that Bonds, who is black, killed a black female. But that didn’t matter to him; all he knew or cared about is that she represented the blue.

Familia was shot — I’m sorry, assassinated — in an unprovoked fashion just as NYPD Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos were likewise assassinated in cold blood in 2014 as they sat in their vehicle.

Discontent between the NYPD and de Blasio isn’t new, as the NYPD believes — rightly so — that it has been totally betrayed by de Blasio and his Leftist cadre in city hall. He felt just a fraction of that scorn in 2014 following the Liu and Ramos murders.

The only good news in the entire tragedy is that the suspect in Familia’s execution was chased down and himself shot and killed by responding officers.

That said, here is what the quite brave New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio needs to hear in the environment under which his officers must operate.

The same day that de Blasio reveled in the Leftist love heaped upon him in Europe, as NYPD Detective Familia’s vigil was being held in New York, Mexican “comedian” George Lopez thought this graphic would be a grand statement on Twitter.

Right. Perfect. Let’s deport cops.

This is as amusing and humorous as watching an ISIS video in which throats are cut and heads are placed on bleeding bodies in the surf. Ha ha. Damn. That’s so funny George. You must have attended the Kathy Griffin School of Comedy.

But wait. Isn’t it Mayor Bill de Blasio who benefits from his own well-armed City of New York Police Department taxpayer-paid personal security contingent (ten of them, none of whom are Caucasoid) and driver (in a convoy of three very large gas-guzzling black SUVs) every hour of every day whilst at work (and whose security detail Sergeant must be black)? Why yes, he does. De Blasio benefits from firearms and from NYPD officers. But that’s okay. He’s better than you are and, obviously, more deserving of protection and security. You commoner, you prole, you serf, you groundling, you unwashed rabble.

Here, Mayor de Blasio speaks to Mexican Leftist racist “journalist” Jorge Ramos of Univision; of course, to whom one bestows interviews bespeaks volumes about the message one wishes to convey. Here are two Leftists embracing shared memes in their bromance.

Note to de Blasio and Leftists and NYPD haters. Garner failed to cooperate. Therefore, when anyone fails to cooperate you would rather NYPD officers back off and go away? Good to know. When you, a Leftist, are being beaten by an individual and they fail to cooperate with the police it is clear the police should transition immediately into Spectator Mode. Again, good to know.

If Mayor de Blasio hates his officers, and I believe he does, I suspect the feeling is mutual.

The bottom line is this: we all have choices to make in life and, in politics, those choices are frequently even more carefully crafted to align with personal agendas whilst simultaneously sending messages sometimes clear, sometimes not so clear.

To whom do cops go for support or help?

Mayor de Blasio intended to send a message with his decision in terms of action and timing. His message was as subtle as a white-hot piece of rebar rammed up the ass of an enemy: his NYPD and all other law enforcement officers and Sheepdogs throughout the United States. The utter disdain and contempt with which he holds his own officers cannot be contained no matter how hard he tries.

But it wasn’t just Detective Familia’s vigil at the 46th Precinct station house that de Blasio chose to avoid. He also missed the swearing-in ceremony for 524 NYPD academy recruits, officers ready and willing to throw down their lives for the citizens of New York City — and to “Hizzoner” as well.

To Mayor Bill de Blasio cops are essentially immaterial unless they can be useful as tools in terms of various forms of political fodder when necessary.

This is a defeatist and corruptive path which guarantees no security or efficacy for the citizens of New York City.

The funeral for NYPD Detective Miosotis Familia occurred this afternoon. It was attended by Mayor de Blasio. Again, hundreds of officers turned their backs to him as he spoke.

I said it 35 years ago and I say it now.

You get the kind of law enforcement you deserve.



By the way, this is how you back your troops, as NY Police Commissioner James O’Neill illustrates at the funeral for Detective Miosotis Familia.


BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, July 6th, 2017

My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

On this very special extra edition of the Berserk Bobcat Saloon, I note that CNN apparently wishes to commit seppuku; I will gladly be their “second” and hand them their blade, then step back in anticipation.

Tonight in the Saloon:

  • Happy stories: woman in wheelchair defends herself with a gun against burglars;
  • Anjeleh Johnson goes to the Nail Salon;
  • Prayers for Dan Butcher, the High Plains Pundit: get well soon, Dan and Jane!
  • President Trump stops in Poland on the way to the G20 summit;
  • Poland his historically loved America, and America loves Poland;
  • “Does the West have the will to survive?” asks President Trump;
  • President Trump states “the west will never be broken”;
  • President Trump states “our values will prevail”;
  • President Trump states “our civilization will triumph”‘
  • Leftists all throughout the EU are grinding their teeth, losing flecks of enamel;
  • Brussels, Merkel, Macron et al all despise President Trump for his nationalism;
  • Linda Sarsour plays the Taqqiya Muslim Victim Card, or TMVC;
  • Then says she wants a Jihad against President Donald Trump. Literally;
  • Sarsour also states: as Muslims we will not assimilate; to assimilate is to cede power which Islam will never do for anyone;
  • Sharia Law uber alles;
  • Why do Leftists embrace Muslims and Islam? This is totally incongruent;
  • Muslims are now fighting against the Leftist elements of Starbucks in Indonesia;
  • Chicago = downtown Baghdad on the July 4th weekend.
  • 14 people killed, more than 100 people shot in Chicago over 4th of July weekend;
  • Jersey Joe is god-like and super-human in his radio abilities;
  • Jersey Joe is now the hallowed INTRO to the Berserk Bobcat Saloon every Tuesday and Thursday on the SHR Media Network;
  • I examine CNN in-depth. “It’s mostly bullshit right now.”

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on start.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, July 6th, 2017″ on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on YouTube, please click on start.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here. Want to watch the past shows on YouTube? Please visit the SHR Media Network YouTube channel here.



CNN’s fake news: for clicks, eyeballs, money and agenda

President Trump might Tweet many things that may involve hyperbole, but one thing he’s written that’s absolutely true is this: CNN is most certainly fake news.

Biased news. Lazy news. Incurious news. Unprofessional news. Languid news. Impotent news. Selectively-outraged news. Haughty news. Elitist news. Ambiguous news. Entitled news. Agendized news. Self-absorbed news. Narcissistic news.

And these days: frightened news. Cowardly news. Bleeding dollars, laying off staffers, hemorrhaging readers. They are losing power, control and money. They are in Desperation Mode and, as with anyone who is desperate, they are not thinking straight. But could they ever?

Just as we learned despicable things about Planned Parenthood, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas is uncovering despicable things about, finally, the American Media Maggots in the guise of CNN.

You need to see these videos and hear these videos because, naturally, CNN will not even address them on-air. Likewise other media groups will eschew them. But James O’Keefe has done nothing but prove over and again in how much disdain and contempt CNN holds you, the viewer and news consumer.

Jeff Zucker and CNN believe you to be — and in many cases you are, save the bulk of my readers — completely ignorant dupes. They expect you to buy their bullshit because of the long and careful crafting of their brand which, now, is beginning to unwind and literally fall apart despite their so-called “best efforts.”

Their first video features a CNN Supervising Producer named John Bonifield who readily admits that the Russia theme regarding President Trump is, first, unmitigated bullshit and, second, a theme pushed by CNN CEO Jeff Zucker over and above most everything else.

Then, this second video from Project Veritas.

The third American Pravda, CNN video.

And the fourth American Pravda CNN video.

Why are these videos named “Pravda” you ask? After the Russian newspaper whose sole job during the Cold War was to act as nothing more than an arm and organ for the Soviet government and Communist party. Nothing more. It literally trotted out the Party Line. Just as CNN does for the Demorats and Leftists.

Remember, if you will, that it was CNN who told us it was illegal for us proles, us commoners, us groundlings, us serfs, us rabble to actually look at Wikileaks when, on the other hand, it remarkably was not so for CNN.

Right. Because only they have the lock on real news. Only they can determine what is appropriate for us to see and hear. Only they possess the wisdom and authority to truly vet what can be considered as actual news for the masses, thoroughly prepped, sifted, edited and   as it were, for consumption by CNN’s lessers — namely, us.

Let’s watch and listen — from CNN’s own video footage — how the network somehow managed to “lose” or cut off reporters when the information got too close to actual facts or negative impressions involving Hillary Clinton.

Having been exposed as fake news by a president who is a bare-knuckled brawler, and having taken some very serious hits himself from CNN and all makes and models of other news outlets since his first hour in office, the video below was Tweeted by Trump this past Sunday, July 2nd.

Creative, yes, but horribly offensive? Worse than bear scat? Not hardly. In fact, it was creative and amusing. Did I larf out loud? No, but I rarely do that these days.

However, instead of taking a large cup of shut-the-fuck-up, CNN did the one thing they really ought not to have done. It made a huge deal of the video and said, in essence, that CNN and reporter’s lives would be lost and the earth would stop rotating on its axis due to this video, not unlike the one which clearly predicated the Benghazi attack in 2012. Howard Kurtz explains by way of Bret Baier.

Even CNBC wrote this about the video and CNN’s reaction.

CNN faces backlash over handling of doctored Trump video

  • The network said late Tuesday it had identified the Reddit user who originally posted an old WWE video of Trump “roughing up” pro wrestling maven Vince McMahon
  • CNN said online that it had decided not to publish the user’s name because he is a private citizen who apologized

CNN says safety concerns led to its decision not to reveal the identity of the man behind a doctored anti-CNN video. Yet the way the decision was explained and deep distrust of the network among President Donald Trump’s supporters provoked a backlash Wednesday.

The network said late Tuesday it had identified the Reddit user who originally posted an old WWE video of Trump “roughing up” pro wrestling maven Vince McMahon, superimposing the CNN logo over McMahon’s face. Trump tweeted a link to the video, with some modifications, and it has become the president’s most-shared social media post yet, according to Twitter.

Blackmail indeed by a corporation worth billions of dollars and having a massive cadre of attorneys on tap against one citizen whose privacy was violated so that CNN could save a modicum of face. I ask one thing: look at 18 USC 241 below. Then ask yourself if the section could be applied to CNN.

18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights

If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same.

Is CNN also exposed for prosecution under a New York law, PEN § 135.60, regarding “coercion in the second degree”?

One of my favorite hosts, Tucker Carlson, weighs in on the CNN blackmail issue.

Even the Associated Press can sack up and admit it made mistakes. From

Associated Press Admits It Published Fake News About President Trump and Russian Ties

by Penny Starr

The Associated Press issued a “clarification” on Friday regarding articles it published on multiple days, from April through the end of June. Those articles claimed 17 U.S. intelligence agencies agreed that Russia not only tried to influence the 2016 presidential election but did so to benefit Donald Trump over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

The clarification read:

WASHINGTON (AP) — In stories published April 6, June 2, June 26 and June 29, The Associated Press reported that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies have agreed that Russia tried to influence the 2016 election to benefit Donald Trump. That assessment was based on information collected by three agencies – the FBI, CIA and National Security Agency – and published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which represents all U.S. intelligence agencies. Not all 17 intelligence agencies were involved in reaching the assessment.

Do you see? Do you understand? This information became accepted as patently true, beginning and continuing the meme recognized today by Leftists and certainly many on the right, to include Michael Medved, that all 17 alphabet agencies signed off on the Russian idea. When in fact they had not.

An article the Associated Press (AP) published on June 22 not only gave false information about the number of intelligence agencies cited in it but criticized Trump for questioning the reporting. Trump also pointed out that if any Russian hacking into the election took place, it took place when former President Barack Obama was in office.

But what is CNN instead doing? It is doubling down on “we’ve done nothing wrong.”

Dr James Mitchell responds.

Of course, once CNN opened the door many people walked through it. Ahem. They crowded through it.

I suppose CNN is going to “out” these people as well?

Perhaps CNN will target this man?

Maybe CNN will go after Canadians?

Would CNN dare to enter the Matrix in search of a lawsuit?

And what of John Nada?

Or the swamp itself? Will CNN attempt to “out” the swamp? I think not.

It was Russia Russia Russia. But here’s what the American Media Maggots, to include CNN, are not covering with regard to Russia: John Podesta’s involvement.

Then this from

CNN Losing to FX, Nick-At-Nite, TLC as Scandals, Controversies Take Toll

by Adam Shaw

CNN, rocked by a fake news scandal and accusations of blackmail, is taking a significant hit in its primetime ratings, losing not only to Fox News and MSNBC, but also to FX, TLC, The Discovery Channel — and even children’s TV network Nick-at-Nite.

It appears the network is suffering in the ratings as a result. As first reported by The Federalist, cable ratings for June 26 — July 2 show that while Fox and MSNBC occupy the first and second slots for ratings 8 p.m. – 11 p.m., CNN is in 13th place.

This means that the “most trusted name in news is being beaten by Fox News, MSNBC, HGTV, USA Network, TBS Network, the History Channel, ESPN, the Discovery Channel, FX, TLC, Nick-at-Nite, and Investigation Discovery.

CNN is nothing like an impartial, objective network. They are everything but. They have done their level best to get balcony seats in the theater of their own demise. It wasn’t easy. It was long, hard, difficult work. But they’ve finally broken through to the point where more and more people are truly beginning to realize that CNN is in fact fake news.

Sights are now being set on other networks and media organs. Trust me on this.

Oh hell, wait. I can’t publish this post without including a final CNN parody.

Now that one made me larf out loud. Ahem. I continue.

Yes, CNN allowed three reporters to “resign” over fake news, the result of a retracted Russia story. But they have obviously not seeing the light. I don’t believe they can.

Let’s be honest. CNN is acting just like Hillary Rodham Clinton for the exact same reasons. They both can’t admit that November 9th ushered in a new president. Neither of them can admit they may be even the slightest percentile responsible for their current plights. They are the victims. It’s always someone else’s fault. Never theirs.

They complete lack the ability to conduct introspection. To possess insight. To focus their own incredibly-critical and judgmental eyes inwards.

There is a new paradigm shift coming for the American Media Maggots.

Oh wait; I don’t mean for the better.



Okay, okay, I couldn’t pass this one up either. Again I actually had to larf out loud.