Why Leftists and Democrats despise Judge Brett Kavanaugh

It can be summarized by his very own words.

The judge’s job is to interpret the law, not to make the law or make policy. So read the words of the statute as written. Read the text of the Constitution as written, mindful of history and tradition. Don’t make up new constitutional rights that are not in the text of the Constitution. Don’t shy away from enforcing constitutional rights that are in the text of the Constitution. Changing the Constitution is for the amendment process. Changing policy within constitutional bounds is for the legislatures. Remember that the structure of the Constitution — the separation of powers and federalism — are not mere matters of etiquette or architecture, but are at least as essential to protecting individual liberty as the individual rights guaranteed in that text. And remember that courts have a critical role, when a party has standing, in enforcing those separation of powers and federalism limits. Simple but profound.

He respects the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the rule of law, and is a respecter of the branches of government and checks and balances as intended.

The LDAMM — Leftists, Demorats and American Media Maggots — wish to break and eventually crush the Constitution and Bill of Rights in order to ensure a 180-degree movement is implemented.

Our founding documents as written exist to limit government and expand individual rights and freedoms. They are written in terms of what the government cannot do to the people as positive vs negative rights. Our rights come from God and not government.

Precisely what the LDAMM does not want.

They wish to geometrically expand the powers of government and thusly, by doing so, the rights of the individual must needs diminish. They wish to replace God with government.

This is entirely unacceptable and worth the upcoming fight.

Do not doubt this for a moment.




I’m back, ladies and gentlemen, and I am filled and buoyed by bucolic feelings of Lifting Liberty.

Yes, correct, after a full week in Las Vegas at the Paris Resort for the 2017 Freedom Fest’s gala 10th anniversary, BZ is back broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia, a mere three miles from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the proverbial Bill Mill itself, Leftist Central, Sacramento.

Featuring right thinking from a left brain and doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, BZ is ensuring that safety pin manufacturers are running out of metal for the diapers of the Leftists nationally and globally.

Come listen to the radio show. Not just tonight, but every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific. Of course, you can always choose to listen to the podcasts later at your convenience. Want to? Go here. All it takes is a phone or a tablet and the buttery goodness of BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon is yours whenever you choose.



Sack Heads Shaun and ol’ BZ following their interview of Salem Radio’s Sage from South Central, Larry Elder. You can hear all of the SHR Media Network interviews from Freedom Fest right here on Spreaker.


BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” with special guest Dr Michael Jones

Otherwise known as The Underground Professor.

My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

The Underground Professor, Dr Michael Jones, graced us with his presence as we heard much about his background and his extensive education. Raconteur, reprobate, Constitutional scholar extraordinaire and frequently mistaken as my personal stand-in (Or am I his stand-in? I can never remember.), Dr Jones will, with crossed phalanges and baited breath (mackerel, at last check) be a recurring guest here at the Saloon every Thursday when we require studious examination of various Constitutional and government issues.

With specialties in history and philosophy, Dr Jones brings some erudition to the show and finally classes up the joint.

I am greatly looking forward to his academic and cerebral input on weighty matters of the day and — trust me — I hope to learn every bit as much as you about our founding documents, their intent and application historically and today, good or bad.

Frankly, I think this will be a great opportunity for all of us to learn what we really need to know about the United States of America.

Tonight in the Saloon:

  • Uh-oh; the SHR Media site and its server were hacked;
  • Luckily, Techno-God Dan Butcher had backed up the SHR Media website;
  • SHR goes to Las Vegas next week for the 10th Anniversary of Freedom Fest;
  • A female SJW cries over, well, Trump — and it’s hysterical; let’s larf at Leftists;
  • DACA consequences unforeseen which were completely foreseeable;
  • Rep Gutierrez accuses DHS Secretary Kelly of obeying the law; and so what?
  • You want immigration laws changed, Leftists? Run them through Congress;
  • “It’s out of my hands” Gutierrez says, meaning: Kelly is another obedient Kraut;
  • Dr Jones reveals he worked for the Electronic Security Command in the USAF;
  • The Roswell Connection between Dr Jones and BZ; what really occurred?
  • We know: the Greatest Generation will never say;
  • Dr Jones’s great uncle was the first policeman on the Roswell scene;
  • My father was also assigned to Roswell in 1947 via the USAAF;
  • Dr Jones was a military brat who spoke English and Japanese;
  • His mother was a star in Japanese movies and his father was an F-105 pilot;
  • He moved to Long Island, New Jersey, and to Texas; a Texan ever since;
  • Dr Jones flew in RC-135s in ELINT status during the Cold War;
  • EOBs and the Wild Weasels in order to figure out an order of battle;
  • Ronald Reagan pinned an Air Medal on Dr Jones but it’s classified;
  • Korea’s KAL Flight 007 shot down by Russia may have been.  .  .
  • Dr Jones moved from the RC-135 to the EC-130H, the Jammers;
  • In Desert Storm Dr Jones helped to shut down the Republican Guard;
  • Dr Jones racked up degrees in political science, government history;
  • Constitutional Expert would be the proper appellation.
  • Dr Jones is also an ordained minister, and is an Anglican;
  • He also has two Fatwas against him; go figure!
  • The Professor started NICE: National Institute of Constitutional Exploration;
  • Dr Jones has agreed to be here in the Saloon every Thursday!
  • Finally: Mayor Bill de Blasio proves once again he despises his NYPD.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on start.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon “The Aftermath,” Thursday, July 13th, 2017″ on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on YouTube, please click on start.

This was the last show, for two weeks, to be issued from the SHR Media Network studios. Instead, all broadcasting next week will source from the fabulous Freedom Fest in Las Vegas, at the Paris Resort. I’ll be there with the irrepressible Sack Heads Shaun and Sack Heads Clint, along with the Underground Professor himself. Check the SHR Media website for scheduling updates next week as broadcast times may change for various shows.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on Gab.ai @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here. Want to watch the past shows on YouTube? Please visit the SHR Media Network YouTube channel here.



US Kabuki Theater Pt VIII:

This is the continuation of a series of posts dealing with issues where some individuals in the United States government are attempting to hold at least a portion of the rest of the federal government accountable and responsible for its actions and inactions. The public displays we find, however, are not unlike the most bizarre of Kabuki Theater or Theater of the Absurd.

Here, the late Justice Antonin Scalia speaks with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday regarding originalism, textualism, purposivism and gun control.

This is just 1/9th of 1/3rd of our government confirming and upholding our basic freedoms. Further, let me state: this is the best of our government in action. Our government at work. What we pay it to do.

Please remember, ladies and gentlemen, these are your federal tax dollars either

  1. At work, or
  2. Pissed away with abandon

More to come.



Obama: who needs Article 1 anyway?

Obama Crime Spree PresidencyI’ll just do it all my own self, Mr Obama says.  I shall rule from on high via executive fiat.

Marco Rubio says, “Barack Obama is obsessed with undermining the Second USAmendment.”

Let’s watch Mr Obama’s condescending and tearful lecture to law-abiding Americans, shall we?

Obama wants:

  Licensing requirements for smaller-scale gun sellers.
The hiring of an additional 230 FBI employees to process background checks 24/7
Provisions enabling states to share mental health information
Dollars for research into “gun safety technology.”  I.E., “smart guns”

The truth is that currently 38 states submit less than 80% of their felony convictions into the background check system.  DC won’t even repair the current system.  Now they want to expand it.  Nonsense.  All you have to do is ENFORCE the federal gun laws currently on the books.

This isn’t so much about the “gun control” EO as it is about Mr Obama’s continuing disregard for the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Obama American CRAZIESFor the ignorant amongst us — that would include you, Millennials — here is what Article 1 of the US Constitution says.  In a nutshell.

Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution gives Congress its powers and limits. Congress is the legislative branch of the government, meaning they are the ones to make laws for the United States of America. The article also creates the two sections of Congress, which is called a bicameral legislature.

Meaning: Congress creates laws, not the president.

But here’s the truth: federal firearms convictions under Obama have fallen 15.5% in the past five years, and 34.8% in the past ten years.  Yes, that IS under Mr Obama’s rule.  Those stats are from the Syracuse University TRAC Project.

Meaning: again Mr Obama is two-faced, duplicitous and a LIAR.  He could direct his AGs to go after gun crime tenaciously BUT — here is the further truth — the suspects would be predominantly BLACK and from large urban areas like Detroit, DC, Chicago, Atlanta.  Mr Obama certainly cannot have that.

Sure.  Violent felons and gang members buy all their guns online and in gun stores and at gun shows.  There’s nothing more satisfying to a dealer with an FFL than selling an AK-47 to a tatted-up MS-13 gang member or a frothing nutcase holding a stuffed toy who walks up to their counter.

A further lie: yes, you can purchase a firearm online.  But to whom does it go and where?  Oh yes.  Your local dealer who has an FFL and must then run a background check before physically handing the gun over to you.

Sometimes the FBI and the DOJ actually miss those few felons who attempt to purchase handguns.  That’s not a local problem, that’s a federal problem.  As in: just enforce what’s on the books with more efficiency.

Obama Gun Sales Soar 1-5-2016Plus: now you’re a single mother.  You suffer from post-partum depression.  You want a firearm for protection because your apartment complex is rife with drug dealers and you want to protect your child.  Is your doctor now mandated to contact the FBI?  Under this EO your doctor is mandated to go around HIPAA privacy laws to rat you out.  But who truly is “fit to own a firearm”?  No one in the federal government can answer that question.

Second Amendment Gun NUTSIdeology doesn’t just stop at the Spite House.  It can surely exist in your doctors office.  What will you say?  What can you say?

Further you cannot wrap suicide numbers in with the homicide numbers in terms of “gun violence.”  But of course Mr Obama does that very same thing.  The vast majority of gun deaths stem from suicide.

Gun Crime STATISTICSBackground checks will not solve the issue of gun suicide.  Those who are intent on suicide will simply transition from guns to rocks to pills to knives to state-sponsored death.

Will you “commit” anyone who mentions depression, anxiety, who has talked about giving up?  How will that affect civil liberties?

AGAIN, Republicans miss a golden opportunity to state the OBVIOUS: Mr Obama couldn’t care less about our foundational documents and, instead, issues laws by imperial fiat, completely bypassing an entire THIRD branch of government.

And if you don’t know the three branches of government, then you are a massive part of the problem in America.

Because you are incompetent.