Comey’s Theater of the Absurd

Because, after all, James Brien Comey is the victim here.

Last Thursday, June 8th, a potentially great day for waterholes all over DC, former FBI Director James Comey appeared before the Senate Intelligence Committee for a little over three hours. As it turns out, air was let out of many a Demorat sail. To ask the Demorats themselves it was nothing more than confirmation of a clear impeachment for President Donald Trump.

Except that there will not be an impeachment from this and there will not be “obstruction” charges from this.

Full transcript and video is here. Initial highlights from Comey are below, as per CBS news.

We’ll be sifting through Comey’s statements, but first, this unemphasized portion of the testimony from Senator Marco Rubio.

Make no mistake. For weeks Leftists and Demorats waited breathlessly for the triumphant return of James Comey, the man they knew would skewer Donald John Trump in public and finally provide damning evidence that he was linked inexorably to Russia and, further, directly into the office of Vladimir Putin. They would find Trump’s monogrammed coffee cup in Putin’s office, no less, along with Trump’s gilt-edged chair adjacent that of ol’ Vlad.

There were countdown clocks. There was baited breath — herring, likely — on the side of the Demorats, Leftists, Never Trumpers and RINOs such as John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Paul Ryan. Bars were packed. Drinks were sold. Chairs were occupied. Lines were formed. This would be spectacular Kabuki Theater in which jaded strumpets would put on their painted political masks fraught with feathers, finery, frippery and foppishness.

But it transitioned from Kabuki Theater to Theater of the Absurd. The Leftists and Demorats were indeed “Waiting For Comey.”

“Let the steamrollering commence!” shouted the Demorats and Leftists from the highest mountaintops to the lowest dungeons in the most marked of dudgeon.

Except that, well, there was a bit of doddering disappointment. One of my favorite hosts, Tucker Carlson, stated on the matter:

The other problem came the very day before Comey was to testify on Wednesday, June 7th, when Mr Comey released a copy of his opening statement which, dammit, punctured the Hope Balloon of Leftists and Demorats everywhere. Comey revealed there was no open investigation of Donald Trump. He also revealed, as Trump stated in a Tweet, that Comey had told Trump three separate times that he was not under investigation.

Dammit, Jim. Shoulders sagged throughout the nation. These two points have been rapidly and not-so-shockingly glossed-over by our loving American Media Maggots. They ended up being a glaring loser following Comey’s testimony.

Well, the Demorats and Leftists emphasized, there’s certainly more buttery goodness yet to come from Comey’s testimony, yes? Collusion? Obstruction? Impeachment? Of course, they cried in unison.

More was in fact to come, however. More that they hadn’t anticipated. More that didn’t place either Comey or former Attorney General Loretta Lynch in a favorable light.

Again, it turns out that James Comey was himself a leaker — to a friend of his named Daniel Richman. Purposely. So that he could force a special investigator — his good friend Robert Mueller — into the Trump/Russia issue. Deed accomplished. Thanks to Comey’s leaking. Precisely the thing he was allegedly fighting whilst FBI director.

But wait. Did James Comey himself violate any laws by leaking? Perhaps so. I might refer one to this United States Code, to begin.

18 USC 641

Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

Newt Gingrich had this to say about Comey’s leaks and their intent.

If James Comey has not yet acquired competent counsel, I recommend he do so quickly.

Rand Paul weighs in on Comey’s leaks.

Leftist attorney Alan Dershowitz also weighed in on the Comey leaking issue. His insight is particularly damning considering the background of Mr Dershowitz.

James Comey leaked his own memos to a third party, who then leaked them to the American Media Maggots. He also carried corrupt water for Lynch and Obama as he specifically stated in the hearing. He said the American Maggots got it “dead wrong” and then acquiesced to Lynch’s insistence that he called Clinton’s investigation a “matter,” what he termed a “euphemism.”

Loretta Lynch may have now, by this, been placed into the gunsights of her own wonderful little investigation, as she well should be.

Another issue recently emerged regarding the probity of James Comey. From

Fmr. FBI Supervisor: Comey Likely Behind Three Anonymous Stories

by Brendan Kirby

Self-described defender of fired FBI director says he is ‘struck and troubled’ by leaks

President Donald Trump is not the only one upset that former FBI Director James Comey used a friend to place an anonymously sourced story in The New York Times.

James Gagliano said, “I was struck and troubled last Thursday when I watched the two or three hours that he testified in front of the Senate Intel Committee, and the part that bothered me the most was the admission about the leak and the way that it happened,” he said. “It wasn’t even a situation where the director went to a New York Times reporter. He actually gave it to a surrogate, a memo.”

Further, he stated.

Gagliano said it was the third of three incidents where it appears Comey anonymously placed stories in the press.

The first occurred in March when reports appeared that Comey was enraged that Trump had tweeted a suggestion that wiretaps may have been placed at Trump Tower in New York. The second occurred when news outlets reported that Trump had demanded a pledge of loyalty from Comey.

“I hate to say it, but I think those three stories probably originated from the FBI director,” he said.

Even — gulp — MSNBC’s Chris Matthews admits that shite might be coming apart.

Let us remember that NSA Director Mike Rogers stated he never felt pressured by Trump or his administration.

We all know what I think of James Comey. Last year, as you can see above, I created the graphic to express my thoughts. James Comey lied to Congress, he lied to me, to you, to the American Taxpayer. He became the Political Butt Boy of the Demorats, in particular Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch. He carried their water when demanded and did so willingly under the false guise of “independence.” Comey was as independent as your average cow. He could easily have referred Hillary Clinton, for example, to the DOJ for prosecution under these statutes:

  • 18 USC 793(f)
    Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information.
  • 44 USC 3101
    Records management by agency heads.
  • 18 USC 1924
    Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or materials.
  • 18 USC 2071
    Concealment, removal or mutilation generally.
  • 18 USC 1001
    Statements or entries generally (false).

Just to start.

James Brien Comey dishonored his law enforcement oath, lied under oath, portrayed himself and the FBI as helpless in the face of corruption, crimes and obstruction. He was an embarrassment to the FBI itself, to the Department of Justice and to all of law enforcement in general. He made extremely poor decisions based but upon politics and continuously placed himself in the limelight for naught but the embellishment of his own persona. He crafted his decisions in a terribly flawed manner and seemed to consider most everything but the actual laws he himself was tasked to obey. His own agency failed to follow the law in terms of reporting. His own agency destroyed evidence.

President Trump made a number of serious mistakes with regard to James Comey. I wrote back in 2016 that, because of the clearly political decisions Comey made, Donald Trump need to immediately fire James Comey. Comey’s waffling, indecision and poor decisions stemmed from politics and personal aggrandizement. James Comey should have been removed from the FBI Directorship on January 20th.

I believe Trump thought he might be able to work with Comey once he established some kind of working relationship. He provided Comey with a chance. That decision came back to bite Trump in the arse.

James Comey, sadly, was a terrible thorn in the Trump administration which could have been avoided had a different path been chosen.

Trump’s failure to remove Comey immediately provided political fodder for Demorats and Leftists nationally and helped to continue their anti-Trump narrative. It was a serious mistake to have kept James Comey in office.

Decisions, as well as elections, have consequences.



Race or cause: Leftists, which do you pick?

First, watch the video.

Then, as the good little anarchist Leftist that you are, you’re going to have to make a decision because this potentially places you in a bit of a political jam.

Do you come to the aid of the Caucasoid male who represents Antifa, or do you come to the aid of the black male who apparently is not Antifa — and in this case that’s apparently all it takes to pull out the Antifa aggression, foul language, suppression of speech and threats of violence.

Please also note the many other Antifa members wearing masks in order to conceal their identities but the primary Antifa mouth doesn’t want a camera around. Bit of a hypocrite, I’d wager. I’m being quite kind.

As a Leftist you must of course choose one of these persons to support. Let’s do the analytics.

The Caucasoid represents Antifa. That is an excellent group doing excellent business on behalf of anti-Fascists the world over. Antifa must stand up to people and disallow them from speaking or weighing in. It’s only fair. It’s Antifa’s time, no one else’s.

The man who appears to be not a friend of Antifa is black. We do not know his affiliation. All we know is that he must apparently be a bad or repressive person because Antifa does not like him and is hurling bad words at him.

After much taunting and yelling and aggression and the threat of violence, the black young man pops the Antifa Caucasoid. Antifa responds to the black young man and tells him to “knock it off.”

  • Caucasoid = Antifa = Antifa good.
  • Young black man = not Antifa = not good.

If you support the young black man you do not support Antifa. If you do not support Antifa you must be the Fascists that Antifa is warning about.

If you support the Caucasoid you do not support the young black man. If you do not support the young black man you may be a racist.

Oh my, such a terrible conundrum, what to do?

I know: support Antifa and make sure that no one sees you taunt and threaten the young black man.

That’s the ticket.



Feinstein: crossing the Rubicon?

I suspect many Demorats may believe so today, after she said this on Sunday.

Let us not forget that Senator Feinstein (Leftist central, as Fornicalia’s second senator is none other than the next Demorat nominee for president in 2020, Kamala Harris) is the highest ranking Demorat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

She essentially called, publicly, for an open investigation into the manner in which Obama’s last Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, handled the Hillary Clinton email inquiry in re Lynch’s directive to former FBI Director James Comey.

Comey clearly outs himself that he willingly chose to step “into the tank” with Lynch, Obama and the Demorats.

The wrote:

Top Democrat calls for investigation of Loretta Lynch’s Clinton probe

by Marisa Schultz

WASHINGTON – The top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee called Sunday for a congressional investigation into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said she’s concerned by former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony Thursday that Lynch asked him to downplay his “investigation” into the Democratic presidential nominee as merely a “matter.”

Comey said the political request called into the question the credibility of Lynch’s Department of Justice and made him “queasy.”

“I would have a queasy feeling too,” Feinstein admitted Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I think we need to know more about that. And there’s only one way to know about it and that’s to have the Judiciary Committee take a look at that.”

The “queasy” feeling only occurred when Comey realized he’d likely be later called onto the public carpet, which he was.

Lynch, a President Obama nominee, ultimately had to distance herself from the FBI probe after meeting with former President Bill Clinton on a tarmac in Phoenix during the height of the election campaign and email investigation.

Lynch said the meeting was impromptu and they didn’t discuss Clinton’s private email server, but the appearance of impropriety forced her to back off and for Comey to become the public face of the probe.

Asked whether Lynch provided improper political cover for Clinton, Feinstein said: “I can’t answer that,” but a “separate investigation” is worthwhile to find out.

Ultimate Translation from DemSpeak to common English: Feinstein realizes she’d best get out ahead on this one as it’s sufficiently dirty to potentially sully even her skirts.

Ah, nothing like a little political Demorat arse-covering, eh wot?



US government Kabuki Theater, Pt. VII

This is the continuation of a series of posts dealing with issues where some individuals in the United States government are attempting to hold at least a portion of the rest of the federal government accountable and responsible for its actions and inactions. The public displays we find, however, are not unlike the most bizarre of Kabuki Theater or Theater of the Absurd.

Here, Chairman Trey Gowdy lovingly guides Representative Hank Johnson (GA, 4th) back onto the tracks after Johnson attempts to direct Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu into answering questions the way he wants them answered, with regard to border and illegal immigration issues.

Let us not forget that this is the same Rep. Hank Johnson who, not unlike the Stegosaurus, has a brain the size of a walnut and requires a separate ganglion of nerves in his hips to make his rear legs walk. Guam is a perfect example.

I submit that your average bag of cement would represent Georgia’s 4th with more consistent insight than Mr Johnson, as he has so eloquently proven. Georgia, you are paying this man an excellent wage with outstanding benefits and a bulletproof pension, I should care to remind you.

Please remember, ladies and gentlemen, these are your federal tax dollars either

  1. At work, or
  2. Pissed away with abandon

More to come.



Report: Obama & Holder LIED to family of slain USBP Agent Brian Terry

This is actual news instead of the Playskool, Etch-A-Sketch, crayoned pablum the American Media Maggots are passing for information this week about James Comey this, James Comey that. From

Nets Ignore Oversight Report Showing Holder Impeded Fast and Furious Investigation

by Nicholas Fondacaro

While the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) spent Wednesday focusing on a Senate hearing they were hoping would implicate President Trump in obstruction of justice, they ignored a House Oversight Committee report that showed President Obama’s administration did just that. “An absolutely blistering report tonight out saying the Obama administration in general and former Attorney General Eric Holder in particular repeatedly lied to the family of a slain Border Patrol officer about the weapons used in his death, and stonewalled efforts to get at the truth,” announced Fox News’ Bret Baier on Special Report.

“The [Justice] Department’s belated admission that those 64,000 pages were not privileged, puts the gold seal of authenticity on the House’s bipartisan vote to hold the attorney general in contempt,” testified Senator Chuck Grassley at a hearing of the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday.

But wait. Wasn’t it Obama’s first Attorney General, Eric Holder, who was held in contempt of Congress — the first sitting Cabinet official ever to face a contempt citation from Congress — for his failure to turn over documents regarding Fast and Furious? Why yes, it was. It was a federal judge who later stayed the contempt motion.

According to the committee’s report, the evidence of the federal government’s knowledge of the botched program was damning. “Emails contained in the House Oversight Committee’s report shows top officials knew the ATF sent guns to Mexico even before Terry’s death,” LaJeunesse explain. There was even correspondence between high-ranking officials blowing off the danger they put people in.

Corruption anyone? Actual obstruction of justice anyone?

LaJuenesse also noted how “the report claims the administration tried to stop the investigation by discrediting whistleblower John Dodson.”

“I was lied about and disparaged, publicly attacked, ridiculed, libeled, I’ve been transferred 11 times, denied promotion, ostracized, barred from government workplaces, and banned from public buildings,” Dodson told the House panel.

In the meantime for the American Media Maggots, it’s Russia and Comey and Russia and impeachment and Russia and Flynn and Russia and notes and Russia and loyalty and Russia and Comey. Particularly today.

Another day dealing with fake news.