White House “unsure” if Chicago torture is a hate crime

First, the video (with some commentary from a site). I selected this version for display because faces have not been removed, nor have the words spoken been censored. You need to see this and you need to hear this.

For those who may be unaware of the story, please read this from Fox32Chicago.com:

4 in custody after mentally disabled man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live

by Lisa Chavarria

FOX 32 NEWS – Chicago investigators are questioning four African-Americans after a Facebook Live video shows a group of people torturing a white mentally disabled man while someone yelled “F*** Trump!” and “F*** white people!”

UPDATE: 4 charged in beating of special needs man on Facebook Live

Chicago police were made aware of the video Tuesday afternoon. A young African American woman streamed the video live on Facebook showing at least four people holding the young white man hostage.

Throughout the video, the victim is repeatedly kicked and hit, his scalp is cut, all while he is tied up with his mouth taped shut.

At one point, the victim is held at knife point and told to curse President-elect Donald Trump. The group also forces the victim to drink water from a toilet.

The suspects can be heard saying they want the video to go viral.

Oh, it went viral, all right. Let’s add, from the UKDailyMail.com:

Black teens are charged with a HATE CRIME after live-streaming torture of white disabled man who they held prisoner for days before he escaped – as cops reveal they have shown NO remorse

by Ashley Collman and Emily Crane

  • The four people believed to be behind the attack on a young special needs man in Chicago on Tuesday have been identified and charged 
  • The suspected attackers are Jordan Hill, 18; Tesfaye Cooper, 18; and sisters Brittany, 18, and Tanisha Covington, 24
  • The foursome face charges of aggravated kidnapping, aggravated unlawful restraint, aggravated battery and a hate crime 
  • Hill, who was acquainted with the victim, faces an additional charge of robbery and possession of a stolen vehicle
  • Hill, Cooper and Brittany Covington also face charges of residential burglary 
  • The four were arrested on Wednesday in connection to a video that was live-streamed on Facebook, showing four people torturing a special needs man 
  • The traumatized victim in the incident was found wandering a Chicago street after escaping on Wednesday 
  • The  victim – who has not been identified – has been returned to his family 

The four black friends believed to be behind the disturbing torture of a white special needs man in a Facebook live video have been identified and charged with committing a hate crime. 

Jordan Hill, 18; Tesfaye Cooper, 18; and sisters Birttany, 18, and Tanisha Covington, 24, were charged Thursday morning with aggravated kidnapping, aggravated unlawful restraint, aggravated battery and a hate crime, according to the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office. Hill was also charged with robbery and possession of a stolen motor vehicle. He, Cooper and Brittany Covington face additional charges of residential burglary.

Half an hour of this torture was live-streamed on Facebook, showing the group beating the young man, cutting off a piece of his scalp, forcing him to drink toilet water. At one point in the video, one of the four yells  ‘f*** Donald Trump. F*** white people’ at the victim.

I suspect by now you’ve a rather good grasp of the overall situation, what occurred, and the players involved. I believe you’re beginning to draw some conclusions; one of them may be “we’re dealing with a hate crime.”

Because the incident made national news on Wednesday the 4th, you can be sure that Mr Obama, Loretta Lynch, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Father Michael Pfleger, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, Southern Poverty Law Center and the ACLU immediately demanded, the same day, that hate crime charges be applied to the black suspects.


In fact, the White House said it’s “too early to tell” if the torture of a mentally-challenged white male whose semi-scalping by four black suspects — to the point where you can see the white of his skull in the video — rises to the threshold of a hate crime. Watch:

Of course. Nothing like a little live torture on the internet to convince people that no hate crime was involved whatsoever.

In fact, if we really think about it, Donald Trump, his minions and Caucasoids are responsible for this act which, if you’re honest with yourself, was committed by errant kids who simply made a mistake.

Brittany Covington clasping a semi-automatic pistol. But wait; I thought there were gun laws in Chicago. Harsh gun laws. Onerous gun laws. Right?

The impartial Don Lemon hosts one guest — Symone Sanders, a black female — who knows the suspects did not commit a hate crime.

Please note the equivocation of Sanders, who seems to be more offended that the suspects were sufficiently daft to broadcast the event live on social media. “We cannot callously go about classifying things as a hate crime.” Of course. She names “their disability” as one factor of a hate crime. Symone, did you even hear what you said? And did you listen to or watch the video? It would seem to me that, yes, I did hear the words “fuck white people.” After years in radio, wearing headphones, attending loud concerts, being Rangemaster of a 2,000+ officer department and having tinnitus, yes, my hearing isn’t what it used to be. But it’s not that bad.

Sanders has previously mocked a victim of mob violence who was beaten after the presidential election while the attackers shouted, “You voted for Trump.” She has also suggested that the election of Trump has “put white supremacy into the White House.”

“And I don’t mean to have favorites here, but at the end of the day – white people always tend to overreact and over-blame people for any type of incidents they get involved in,” Sanders added.

Later, Don Lemon himself said he didn’t think the suspects were evil but, instead, chalked it up to “bad home training.” Please watch the video.

Chicago Police Commander Kevin Duffin stated “They’re young adults and they make stupid decisions.”

Right. This is just a silly, forgettable mistake by misguided Chicago young adults. Who are all 18 and chargeable as adults.

My final thought is this. I always like to do what I call the “Reversal Theory.” What if four Caucasoid 18-year-olds, two male and two female, had taken a mentally-challenged young black male and done the precise same things, and had also said “fuck Barack Obama” and “fuck niggers”?

I wonder if all the persons I mentioned above would have been commenting within the very hour of the release of the story, calling for hate crime prosecution and more? Civil unrest? Riots?

I think you know the answer.



Rep Tom McClintock (R) 4th, weighs in on CA’s hiring of Eric Holder

It was discovered yesterday that California taxpayer dollars will be funneled into the pockets of ex-US Attorney General Eric Holder and his firm, Covington & Burling, in order to fight the Trump administration on behalf of the State of California. For background, please see this.

SHR Media, of which I am a part, discussed the issue Wednesday night on the Sack Heads Radio show. Before the show, however, I attempted to acquire a response from the California Attorney General’s office but was unsuccessful.

I next contacted the office of my former 4th District representative, Tom McClintock, first speaking to Bill George in Rocklin, and followed with an email in order to see if I could solicit Rep McClintock’s opinion on the hiring of former AG Eric Holder.

Representative McClintock was kind enough to respond the very next day, and had this to say:

1.     This is a huge vote of no confidence in Xavier Becerra, who as incoming Attorney General would otherwise be responsible for representing the state government’s perspective in the courts.  Implicitly, legislative leaders are saying they don’t trust Becerra’s competence and need to bring in outside counsel.  I don’t disagree with them in this assessment.  Normally, the Attorney General would decide whether he needed additional legal counsel for a specific case – it looks like legislative leaders have made this decision for him.

2.     Since the administration has not taken office and therefore has not yet taken any official actions, it is hard to see specifically what Holder et al are being hired to contest.  Placing them on general retainer once again voices no confidence in Becerra and, given the partisan political connections involved, has the appearance of a political payoff.  Holder is also a curious choice as the only Attorney General to be held in contempt of Congress.

3.     An essential component of federalism is the ability of a state to assert its constitutional powers and prerogatives and to challenge federal authority through our legal system.  If they have no confidence in Becerra, they have every reason to hire outside counsel and every right to challenge federal actions.  Although I obviously strongly disagree with them on policy, I think state legal challenges to federal action are healthy.  This is certainly preferable to recent Democratic attempts to nullify federal law by refusing to obey or enforce it.   Democrats started the discredited and defeated doctrine of nullification in the antebellum era and have revived it with “sanctuary” and non-enforcement policies in recent years.   

I wholeheartedly concur with Rep McClintock’s assessment of incoming AG Becerra. It’s, to me, something of a resounding slap in the face. Particularly in light, as Rep McClintock aptly points out, of the fact that Holder was held in contempt of Congress in 2012.

This is, essentially, the State of California posturing for the Leftists within and without; chest-puffing if you will. Holder’s retainer comes directly out of the budgets of the Senate and Assembly. Will Holder’s consultancy extend beyond the “initial” three months? Quite possibly.

Thanks kindly to Tom McClintock and Bill George for assisting me in the matter and their rapid response.



California hires former AG Eric Holder to fight Trump

The rampant insanity continues unabated in the state of the insane.

I truly am “behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia.”

My taxpayer dollars are going to be used to fight taxpayers. Meaning, I’m funding the state to fight my philosophy.

From SacBee.com:

California Legislature to pay Eric Holder to challenge Trump administration

by Taryn Luna

The California Legislature has hired the firm of former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder as outside counsel to assist legal challenges posed by conflicts with the Trump Administration, Democratic leaders announced Wednesday.

Holder’s firm, Covington & Burling, will advise the Legislature “in our efforts to resist any attempts to roll back the progress California has made,” said Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon in a joint statement on Wednesday.

As I said, my taxpayer dollars going to fight me. $75,000 in fact.

The Assembly and Senate have agreed to split the firm’s $25,000-a-month fee for an initial three-month period. “Given the urgency, intensity and complexity of the work, these terms are eminently fair and consistent with industry standards,” Assembly spokesman Kevin Liao said in a statement. “The initial agreement extends for a minimum of three months, at which time the parties will mutually and more specifically assess the evolving federal landscape and determine what overall scope of work will be required to meet California’s challenges going forward.”

Fornicalia politicians admit that illegals voted for them.

“This is a critical moment in the history of our nation,” Rendon and de León said. “We have an obligation to defend the people who elected us and the policies and diversity that make California an example of what truly makes a nation great.”

Note: “We have an obligation to defend the people who elected us.” Why would lawful Fornicalians require defense?

State legislative leaders have struck a defiant tone against President-Elect Donald Trump. The day after the election Rendon and de León issued a statement praising California, which voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton, and pledging to protect the state from Trump policies that may hurt the economy or infringe on the rights of people living in the state.

“I am honored that the Legislature chose Covington to serve as its legal advisor as it considers how to respond to potential changes in federal law that could impact California’s residents and policy priorities,” Holder said in a statement, “I am confident that our expertise across a wide array of federal legal and regulatory issues will be a great resource to the legislature.”

But wait. Do I detect some potential conflict of interest here?

De León has connections to Covington that extend beyond Holder.

Really? In what fashion?

Dan Shallman, a partner in the firm’s Los Angeles office, is the brother of John Shallman, whose Southern California-based political consulting and advertising agency serves as the longtime consulting house for de León and several other California elected officials. It is paid a $10,000 a month retainer by the California Democratic Party. This summer, Shallman Communications hired de León’s daughter, Lluvia de Milagros Carrasco, a recent graduate of Saint Mary’s College in Moraga, to work as an account coordinator.

There is going to be, clearly, a fight. First, a court fight. But possibly, in time, a civil fight that will extend across the nation.

Either the rule of law wins, or the rule of law loses.

If the rule of law loses and entire states can flaunt laws, then why should any other state — or, for that matter, you and me — obey state or federal laws? If the rule of law loses, the precedent will have been set.

This is a place that, trust me, California and Leftists nationally do not want to go.



Can you now see the vital importance of the Second Amendment and the First Amendment?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” – John F. Kennedy

Regulated to death under Obama

Not only has Barack Hussein Obama defecated in the upcoming punchbowl of President-elect Donald Trump, he has done so to America for years but even more pointedly in the past month.

The situation can be issue-dependent as it is with Israel — Obama despises both Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu — but in general Obama fully expected Hillary Rodham Clinton to waltz into office on November 8th. When that didn’t occur, Obama knew he had to jack up the pace of his “legacy” geometrically because he expected HRC to continue his social engineering in the form of a proverbial third Obama term. To Obama these last-minute actions serve dual purposes: to kick the upcoming Trump administration in the crotch and to realize more Leftist objectives.

If you look closely, however, you realize that not only did Obama not just “allow” but push for the federal government to remove the rights of citizens and then sell them back, but it gave stellar influence, authority, dominion and unbridled power to faceless and unaccountable bureaucrats, none of whom were elected in any fashion, unlike Congress, and who are essentially answerable to no one.

From the WashingtonExaminer.com:

Obama unleashes 3,853 regs, 18 for every law, record 97,110 pages of red tape

by Paul Bedard

President Obama‘s lame duck administration poured on thousands more new regulations in 2016 at a rate of 18 for every new law passed, according to a Friday analysis of his team’s expansion of federal authority.

While Congress passed just 211 laws, Obama’s team issued an accompanying 3,852 new federal regulations, some costing billions of dollars.

The 2016 total was the highest annual number of regulations under Obama. Former President Bush issued more in the wake of 9/11.

Gosh. Nothing like micro-managing. Have you ever had a micro-manager for a boss? Did you enjoy it? Admire them? Or was every day a piece of festering crap?

This cartoon from the New Yorker is a perfect illustration of how Leftists feel about us rabble, us commoners, proles, serfs, groundlings.

“These smug pilots have lost touch with regular passengers like us.
Who thinks I should fly the plane?”

The point being that the passenger represents you, me, the unwashed conservative populist rabble, and the pilots represent your highly trained and competent Leftist US government under Obama. Leftists mandate that we must have complete confidence in the pilot because, as the government, it can give us snacks, drinks. Pilots require actual skills, training, education, experience. The pilot makes all that Free Cheese happen.

In other words: you morons, you step into the cockpit and you jeopardize everyone’s safety. Our Free Cheese. Our snacks. Our drinks.

Leftists insist: we’re making these rules, these regulations, away from Congress because we absolutely must have them and that damned silly Constitution, Bill of Rights and “checks and balances” keep getting in the way.

The annual “Unconstitutional Index” from Clyde Wayne Crews, CEI’s vice president for policy, said that it was much higher under Obama than under former President George W. Bush.

“The multiple did tend to be higher during Obama administration. Bush’s eight years averaged 20, while Obama’s almost-eight have averaged 29,” said his report, first provided to Secrets.

His index is meant to show that it is the federal bureaucracy, not Congress, that levies the most rules. “There’s no pattern to any of this, since the numerators and denominators can vary widely; there had been 114 laws in 2015, and a multiple of 39. The multiple can be higher with fewer laws, or with more regulations, holding the other constant. The point is that agencies do the bulk of lawmaking, no matter the party in power,” he wrote.

Holy mother of God. Read that again: “The point is that agencies do the bulk of lawmaking, no matter the party in power.”

Let’s just look at a few of the EPA rules.

And so much more.

All of this foolishness and micro-managing has to stop. Because, with just a pen — like Obama — Trump can remove this:

■ Many environmental mandates, including limits on formaldehyde use and stricter truck fuel efficiency rules;
■ A Food and Drug Administration ban on the sale of antibacterial soaps;
■ A requirement that federal contractors provide paid sick leave for their workers;
■ Stricter consumer protections on prepaid debit cards;
■ Federal loan forgiveness for students at schools that shut down;
■ A rule that bars nursing homes that receive federal funding from requiring residents to resolve all disputes through arbitration, rather than in court.

Just a start. Please read this piece from the Cato Institute about Executive Orders.

I repeat, direct from the Department of Redundancy Dept: Obama gave stellar influence, authority, dominion and unbridled power to faceless and unaccountable bureaucrats, none of whom were elected in any fashion, unlike Congress, and who are essentially answerable to no one.

And it would seem that is part and parcel of Obama’s Legacy.

A legacy that Donald Trump can and should overturn.



Austria bends to Islam

Islam does not bend to Austria.

How daft, shallow and capitulative. First, watch the video.

I particularly enjoyed the young Caucasoid female Vienna Polizei smiling for photos with the young Caucasoid female citizen who seems to be so terribly pleased to be the recipient of the device, as though it her were her own personal IUD against assault from both sperm and “refugees.”

Police spokesperson Paul Eidenberger explained that the alarm is meant for women “so that possible danger situations can be cleared at the beginning.” He added that “Of course it is not coincidence that we are doing this on New Year’s Eve. [This is] Because of what happened last year on New Year’s Eve in Cologne, the abuse, the sexual-abuse.”

Here’s a novel idea: provide a sufficient number of Polizei in order to protect your women so that they don’t have to resort to a bit of plastic for comfort. Be seen. Have a massive presence. Make arrests. Make many public arrests. Then start massive deportations of any of the detritus causing problems or committing crimes. There’s a start. Do your jobs.

Is it true that Austrian Polizei cannot seem to do their jobs? Or is it true that certain administrative personnel or politicians do not want the line-level troops doing their jobs because it might be seen as judgmental, harsh or impolitically correct?

Stop a moment and think of the implications, what this says to the Austrian people.

Which is why I say and continue to say: it doesn’t matter if there are Syrian women and children perishing in the Middle East. Simply because there is civil war in the Middle East, the Western world, Austria or the United States is not the panacea to the globe.

It cannot afford to be psychically, physically or budgetarily. Our resources and our lands are finite. We cannot save the entire planet.

No more “Syrian refugees” to the US, no more illegal immigrants to the US. It is time to hit the PAUSE button in order to assess our national damage and plan for our own sovereign future.

When the US is weak, the rest of the planet suffers.