This is why America hates the media

First, please watch the video. Joe Scarborough is entirely correct. Watch the Leftist chick on his right, listen to what she says, how she says it, her body language.

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski on last Monday’s (11-28) Morning Joe on MSNBC.

But because I am “fake news” (and other Conservatives like me), what I display here must be wrong. Ginned up. False. Right?

Unless.  .  .

It would appear that Joe Scarborough is accurate and Miss Smarmy Pants is bleeding condescension, arrogance, is contemptuous, dismissive, and would rather leave facts behind as soon as humanly possible.

Joe Scarborough dared to speak the truth. You are hated, American Media Maggots, quite precisely because you and Leftists/Demorats are so alike, reveling in your hypocrisy.

That is a major factor for the AMM hemorrhaging readers and advertisers. That is also a major factor in your creation of the “fake news” theme, because you are also losing your gatekeeper status. You are in a fight and you’re assembling more weapons with which to combat those considering abandonment.

SCARBOROUGH: “You still don’t get it. You’re still being hypocritical! You can get it wrong in the primary, that’s fine – you can get it wrong in the general election but you keep getting it wrong!”

You’re losing your fastidious and once-ubiquitous grip.

You’re scared as hell.

More about that in a later post.



The truth about Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison, up for DNC chair

keith-ellison-muslim-influence(And no, ignorant Leftists, the “Rep.” does not stand for “Republican.” Just a hint from me to you.)

Conservatives have been screamed at, goaded, scolded, taunted and physically assaulted by Leftists because we are the racists, Islamophobes, fill-in the ___-ist.

Now, up for DNC Chair is Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota (5th District), who was sworn in on the Koran. A black Muslim, you see. The proverbial Demorat “best of both worlds.”

keith-ellison-sworn-in-on-koranProving — just as the donks re-established Nancy Pelosi as leader in the House — that Demorats are doubling-down on insane. You know that definition by heart.

Good for the GOP so to speak, bad for the Demorats, who fail to see that both things are very poor ideas. For one, Kevin Jackson reveals on Fox:

Interesting. This is the man the Dems seek as DNC head, an ethnocentric racist who wants to establish a separate country just for blacks.

After all, what doesn’t soothe the savage breast of a good Leftist other than calling someone a racist, illustrated below.

I say: keep it up, Demorats, please keep it up.

We need to continue seeing the massively divisive and truly racist underbelly of Leftists and Demorats exposed.

Additionally, we know nothing satisfies Leftists more than supporting entirely daft memes for entirely daft reasons, as the Caucasoid female CNN host says below, in response to the black Somali Muslim who attacked students at OSU this week. Yes, we must show support for ISIS and all Muslims who commended the now-dead suspect for his actions.

  • Male host: “I think self-defense training is good for everybody.” Translated: you need to be free to protect yourself.
  • Female host: “I know, you’re a big proponent of that.” Translated (and stated with dripping condescension): you oppressive male thug, resorting to violence as per normal.

These GOWPs are entirely — and I submit purposely — unaware of the meaning of the Muslim hijab as worn by women in the Islamic world. It is a means of exhibiting the dominance of men over women in the Muslim culture.

  • Q 24:31 – Women must cover themselves and be seen only by their husbands, father, relatives, eunuchs, slaves, and children who have not yet had sex with women.
  • Q 2:222 – Menstruating women are unclean and men must stay away from them.
  • Q 4:11, 2:282, 2:228 – A woman is worth one-half of a man and men are above women.
  • Q 4:34 – Men are above women and have authority over them, yet women must obey men or risk being beaten.

Ad nauseum. Doubt me? Read the Koran.

You bet. Make Rep Keith Ellison DNC chair.

I can’t wait.



SCOTUS Leftist female bias, violent physical threats

scotus-ginsburg-sotomayorAnd they’ve come from two of the sitting females.

Can you imagine what would occur had any remotely right-leaning Supreme Court male jurist said similar things?

Another in a continuing series of reasons why America is calling bullshite on the Left.

First, from Ruth Bader Ginsburg via

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a ‘faker,’ he says she should resign

by Joan Biskupic

Washington (CNN) Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s well-known candor was on display in her chambers late Monday, when she declined to retreat from her earlier criticism of Donald Trump and even elaborated on it.

“He is a faker,” she said of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, going point by point, as if presenting a legal brief. “He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. … How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that.”

It is highly unusual for a justice to make such politically charged remarks, and some critics said she crossed the line. House Speaker Paul Ryan told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Tuesday night the comments were “out of place.”

“For someone on the Supreme Court who is going to be calling balls and strikes in the future based upon whatever the next president and Congress does, that strikes me as inherently biased and out of the realm.”

But that, as Captain Beefheart once said, is “safe as milk.” Sonia Sotomayor went over the top. From

Sonia Sotomayor Says She Would Have Bashed Scalia with a Baseball Bat

by Thomas D. Williams PhD

In an unguarded moment Monday, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor said that conservative Justice Antonin Scalia occasionally made her so angry that she would have beaten him with a baseball bat if she could have.

During a Q&A session at the University of Minnesota with some 2,700 people present, Sotomayor admitted that Scalia’s opinions sometimes infuriated her.

“There are things he’s said on the bench,” Sotomayor told the room full of lawyers and students, “where if I had a baseball bat, I might have used it.”


And the same individual who said this:

I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.

And apparently you — like most Leftists — automatically deign to know and understand my life more intimately than I do. Wisdom, you “latina,” doesn’t suddenly visit through your jaundiced perspex simply because you are allegedly well-educated or passed a bar examination. In fact, some of the most stupid persons I’ve ever met, with regard to the real world, are “highly-educated” and/or attorneys. You wouldn’t trust them to safely open a jar of Prego or a cylinder of Pillsbury biscuits.

As I’ve said a thousand times, it isn’t what you’ve been taught; it’s what you’ve learned.



Leftists: we must fete Castro

castro-and-guevara-marchingIn one of the few photos of the two together, Fidel Castro (far left) marches with Che Guevara (middle) before they both had their massive trademark beards.

Customarily I wouldn’t have given a drop of piss from my kidneys for Castro or an inch of space in the blog, except that the reaction of Leftists the world over upon news of his death this past weekend begs the primal question: are these people loons?

The short answer up front: yes.

I find it amusing to watch Canada’s effete and jejune PM Trudeau being resoundingly mocked globally. From

Canadian PM Trudeau Praises Dictator Castro as ‘Remarkable Leader’

by Nick Hallett

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has praised Communist dictator Fidel Castro as a “legendary revolutionary” and “remarkable leader” after the former Cuban leader’s death Friday night.

The gushing continued.

Mr. Trudeau said that he learned of Castro’s death with “deep sorrow”, paying tribute to him as a “larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century”.

“A legendary revolutionary and orator, Mr. Castro made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation,” the Canadian prime minister said.

Although acknowledging the dictator was a “controversial figure”, Mr. Trudeau added: “Both Mr. Castro’s supporters and detractors recognized his tremendous dedication and love for the Cuban people who had a deep and lasting affection for ‘el Comandante’.”

Castro’s Cuban regime was notorious for imprisoning dissenters, including homosexuals, journalists, and political opponents, and nearly brought nuclear war to the United States, one of Canada’s closest allies.

Following those ridiculous remarks, social media and news outlets opened up on the ignorant Trudeau, and rightly so. While Trudeau purports to be a LGBTQ supporter, he praised the man responsible for killing gays in Cuba solely because of their sexual orientation. Just as Trudeau was slathering said praise, Raul Castro was busy shutting down Cuba’s internet. Even UK’s recognized the foolishness.

Fidel Castro: Justin Trudeau ridiculed over praise of ‘remarkable leader’

Canadian prime minister, whose father was close to the Cuban revolutionary, raised eyebrows with his eulogy to ‘legendary’ leader

Justin Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister, has been mocked and criticised over his praise of the late Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

His statement was met with puzzlement and derision by some Americans, including US Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, who is of Cuban descent.

“Is this a real statement or parody? Because if this is a real statement from the PM of Canada it is shameful and embarrassing,” Rubio tweeted.

The statement spawned the Twitter hashtag ž#TrudeauEulogies, which quickly began trending as people emulated Trudeau’s upbeat tone and lack of criticism.

“While controversial, Darth Vader achieved great heights in space construction and played a formative role in his son’s life,” tweeted @markusoff, riffing on the Star Wars movie villain.

Leftists, various celebrities and other vacuoles lavished their own forms of spittle-chinned bootlicking upon Fidel Castro who — just as Mussolini lovingly kept the Italian trains on time — provided free healthcare for all in Cuba, huzzah huzzah. Insert rim-shot here.

Communism, the ideology embraced by Castro, is responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people.

The nailed it with this article.

$120 million bed-hopping hypocrite: He claimed he lived on $25 a month. But Castro had 20 luxury homes, a private island, an 88ft yacht – and mistresses galore

by Tom Leonard

Fidel Castro the restless revolutionary had no time for pleasure, despising holidays as ‘bourgeois’ and claiming to live in a fisherman’s hut. His only luxury was the cigars that he continually chomped.

Or so he insisted to fellow Cubans who endured decades of abject poverty, crumbling housing and food rationing during his long rule. However, the reality — carefully kept from public consumption thanks to his iron grip on the media and public discourse — was very different.

A prodigious womaniser and food connoisseur who kept some 20 luxurious properties throughout the Caribbean — including a private island he used to visit on his beautiful yacht — Castro was a complete fraud.

The man who spent his life railing against the excesses of capitalism lived like a king — and a very debauched one at that.

Western observers have long suspected that ‘El Comandante’ — The Commander — was siphoning off the proceeds from state-run enterprises, including a small gold mine.

However, when Forbes magazine listed Castro in 2006 as one of the world’s richest ‘kings, queens and dictators’, he angrily insisted he lived on a salary of £20 a month.

Simultaneously, whilst living “la dolce vita,” he ensured that average Cubans did not and, further, is responsible for an estimated 10,000 to 100,000 Cuban deaths.

The Harvard-trained scholar Armando Lago, in his book The Black Book of Communism, first published in French, (1997) then in English 1999, made an attempt to list Castro’s deaths since 1959. So far the deaths of 97,000 persons have been named, each confirmed by at least two sources. Some 30,000 executed by firing squad, 2,000 extra-judicial assassinations, 5,000 deaths in prison due to beating by guards and denial of medical care and 60,000 deaths while trying to escape Cuba by sea. According to Dr. Lago’s and his ongoing-research partner, Cuba Archive President Maria Werlau, 78,000 innocents may have died trying to flee the dictatorship. Another 5,300 are known to have lost their lives fighting communism in the Escambray Mountains (mostly peasant farmers and their children) and at the Bay of Pigs. Another estimated 14,000 Cubans were killed in Fidel’s revolutionary adventures abroad, most notably his dispatch of 50,000 soldiers to Angola in the 1980s to help the Soviet-backed regime fight off the Unita insurgency. Their 2005 total ranges between 90,827 and 102,722 deaths.  The estimates of Cubans killed range from 35,000 to 141,000 (1959-1987) according to and available on the site of R. J. Rummel-University of Hawaii, “Power Kills.”

The thing that so many fail to realize or acknowledge is one of the most fundamental points about Cuba: if it were such a wonderful Communist haven why were so many people willing to flee? No mints on pillows?

Leftists want to idealize and romanticize Fidel Castro, just as they idolize Che Guevara. Some persons simply called them the “lawyer and the doctor.” Just common men. Common men who didn’t mind putting a bullet in your brain pan if you disagreed with them.

fidel-castro-rolex-gmt-master-reference-1675-from-jakes-rolex-worldFidel Castro, the commoner’s guerilla fighter, wears a Rolex GMT-Master Reference 1675 on his left wrist. The fashionable “thinking man’s” green-fatigued Rolex owner. Fidel Castro wore a sport Rolex Submariner when he overthrew dictator Fulgencio Batista during the Cuban Revolution in 1959. Rolex was also a favorite of Che Guevara.

The Mariel boatlift in 1980 was both an embarrassment to the Castro regime — as 125,000+ Cuban citizens decided to flee — as well as a boon in terms of Castro’s ability to empty his jails, prisons and insane asylums.

Just as Che Guevara was a naked murderer, so was Fidel Castro. Brothers in blood.

Finally: nature abhors a vacuum. With Fidel dead and Raul allegedly stepping down, who is next in line and why?



CBS 60 Minutes crew gets assaulted in Sweden by Muslims

Schadenfreude. I couldn’t think of a more applicable word.


60 Minutes Goes To Sweden To Show How Wonderful Refugees Are, But Gets Attacked By Refugees During the Piece

First, the glorious video.


When Leftists and “government officials” absolutely insist there is NO such thingie as a “no-go zone” with regard to Islam.

Isn’t it odd how reality somehow manages to bite one on the arse now and then?

Leftist media waltzes into Sweden expecting ponies, purple skies and quiescence, but gets none of that.

Isn’t it odd how things change when it gets personal?