The insanity of Leftists on Trump’s win

This video is almost too much to watch all the way through. But it’s illustrative of the length to which some people will go to demonize conservatives, the GOP or anyone who isn’t a Demorat.

This is simple insanity but important to show because Demorats and blacks are self-enforcing in terms of their insistence on being monolithic. Some day black Americans will learn that Demorats have been, historically as now, their worst slave-masters.

One reaction to the release of the video is this:

“Apparently, she thought it would be clever to videotape herself abusing him and kicking him out of her home. The cries and pleas from this little boy to his ‘mother’ begging her to let him stay are absolutely heartbreaking! Hopefully, this video will help the proper authorities to identify her and help her young son to find a safe and hate-free environment in which to live.”

The video has, not surprisingly, gone viral. A somewhat similar situation occurred following a school election in Texas.

Leftists have no shame, few values, no moral compass, no sense of proportion, no rationality, no conscience, no logic and little sense of direction save perhaps that of nihilism or base anarchy simply for its appeal, comfort and mob popularity. We get this because few people in life have ever told these people NO, up to and including their parents (if even both parents exist in the same household) and law enforcement.

Concurrently, there have been overt Donald Trump assassination advocates on social media, to include Twitter, who have attached their names to their threats. Some of the ones I encountered were forwarded, rightly so, to the US Secret Service. Others include:

ta-1 ta-2 ta-3 ta-4 ta-5 ta-6 ta-7 ta-8 ta-9 ta-10 ta-11 ta-12 ta-13 ta-14 ta-15This is but a brief smattering of what you’ll find on the internet: the outright advocacy of Trump’s assassination.

Riots began in Oakland following Trump’s election and they have continued nightly throughout the Big City Rat Cages run by Demorats and, now, raided by organized and well-funded Leftists. Paid to riot and destroy.

leftist-conspiracy-hiringEveryone except Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots realize and recognize the violence that exists historically as now has not been on the right, it has been and is now from Leftists.

george-soros-quoteThere were no riots following the Rodney King jury nullification verdict in 1992 and there were no riots when America elected the first black president, Barack Hussein Obama. Twice.

Additionally, in that peaceful, tolerant, all-inclusive northwestern enclave of mostly-Caucasoid Portland, Oregon, its resident Leftists thought it would be an excellent idea to terrorize lone women in cars in order to demonstrate their hostility to the election of Donald Trump. She had a nice car and obviously a job, so it was her turn to take the brunt of violent impulses from petulant Leftists (where was Portland PD?). Watch:

Mr Obama needs to step in and step up, telling these rioters and felons that they are accomplishing nothing and that, should they choose not to stop, the National Guard will be called for each affected city. But of course he will not because he fundamentally believes that America deserves all of this and more. This goes far beyond simple free speech, protest and the exercising of one’s rights. This was and is organized anarchy.

Enough, Leftists, enough.

Be advised: you’re not far from getting a reaction you’re not about to enjoy.



Here is how urban blacks win hearts and minds


“You voted Trump,” the mob screams, “You gonna pay for that shit.”

Another woman shouts “beat his ass,” while another man is heard laughing before remarking, “Don’t vote Trump.”

Here, ladies and gentlemen, is a crime in progress heavily documented by the suspects themselves, young black urban males. See the photograph above. In California this would be 211 PC – Robbery, and 215 PC – Carjacking. Both are felonies. Information indicates this occurred Wednesday in Chicago.

Here is the evidence. Now it is up to the local police jurisdictions to investigate, as well as the FBI and DOJ for the concomitant hate crimes involved. It is also up to the American Media Maggots to place this video on television, newspapers and the internet in order to bring the suspects to justice for the felonious hate crimes. Here is the original Facebook URL, as I provide the first clues:

What? Do I hear crickets chirping? Because blacks can’t be racist, right?

Now you know why Americans hate the media, distrust the FBI and the DOJ, and know the game is rigged for Leftists and the politically correct elites. Now you know why Donald Trump was elected. You also know why the above incident occurred on Wednesday.

Imagine if this were your father, your cousin, your brother, your uncle, your grandfather.

Racism is a two-way street. And no one is equal until all are equal.



Cher goes to Jupiter

“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.” – President Obama to House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, January 23, 2009

Yes, Mr Obama, they certainly do. You reminded America of that numerous times.

And with that, here is a partial list I have of Leftists who are not only leaving the United States but the planet as well. Can we urge them to take action on this a bit faster?

  • Cher: she’s going to Jupiter;
  • Al Sharpton: he just wants to leave;
  • Whoopi Goldberg: “Maybe it’s time for me to move, you know. I can afford to go.”
  • Bryan Cranston: “I would definitely move.”
  • Spike Lee: he’s gone;
  • Samuel L. Jackson: “If that motherfucker becomes president, I’m moving my black ass to South Africa.”
  • Amy Schumer: “My act will change because I will need to learn to speak Spanish. Because I will move to Spain or somewhere. It’s beyond my comprehension if Trump won.”
  • Barbra Streisand: she wants to go to Australia or Canada if Trump wins. Hold that thought.

Pack your bags and go, Leftists. Time’s a-wasting. Chop-chop! Stat!

Want to know what is glorious beyond comprehension? The Canadian immigration website crashed late last night. Why? From

Canada immigration website crashes as Trump clinches victory

Canada’s immigration website has crashed as Americans watched Donald Trump take the lead and then win the US election.

Searches for “move to Canada” and “immigrate to Canada” spiked on Tuesday night as election returns started favouring the Republican nominee.

The website for Citizenship and Immigration Canada was down at the same time, and has suffered several outages since. 

New Zealand has also reported an increased traffic to its website for residency visas from US nationals on the eve of the vote.

Perfect. And don’t forget to take the people listed above with you, all you smarmy little elitists, because here’s what happened. The unwashed, the commoners, the proles, groundling, serfs, got tired of being looked down upon by the political “superiors” who know better than they do how to spend their money, run their lives and what to say and think.

Elections do have consequences and I shall be documenting them further in posts to come.




Donald Trump’s speech following Hillary Clinton’s concession. This is exactly what Trump needed to say, no rancor, just unity.

I stayed up all night reporting on election returns and flooded myself with copious amounts of cola beverages, Red Bulls and pizza whilst working ElectionZilla 2016 for the SHR Media Network.

I watched history being made.

Donald John Trump will be the 45th president of the United States.

Hillary Clinton never appeared during the night, and sent an underling — John Podesta, of all people, in a bitter bit of irony — to address Demorats, proving herself to be the craven, cowardly, classless and tactless individual she is. At the same time, she made a private call to Donald Trump to concede, sending two completely polar opposite messages.

There is so much, much more to come.

Our nation was saved. For now.