The truth about HRC in one short video

Each and every point affirmed by released emails from HRC, the DNC, JP and others.

Please allow me to make one critical point.

Some persons may think me daft but, as opposed to prevalent thought, I still have a few connected and functioning neurons within the Brain Housing Group remaining despite the best intentions of Ketel One.

That said, I fully recognize this election has been like no other in my decades extant upon our rotating sphere of rock. But, as a bottom-line kind of individual, I do in fact think of the election as binary. I know that Stein is as Left as they get and Johnson, with open borders, open drugs and potential abject removal of our carrier groups, is an absolute no-go for me. I am a “little L” libertarian, not of the “big L” variety.

I view November 8th as the most perilous election I’ve ever faced, for this reason. The country is on a tottering precipice. One wrong gust and we may find the nation truly unrecoverable. Leftists are pushing like never before. That is why my pushback is like never before; why I AM PUSHBACK. I must be, now. There is no alternative. The days of “gray” and “compromise” and “bipartisanship” are clearly over. Dead and gone. Killed outright by the Demorats and Leftists.

It’s make-or-break time for the nation. The stakes are indeed that vast and dynamic.

I will vote for Donald Trump because to stay home is to allow Hillary Rodham Clinton to win. To not vote for president is to allow Hillary Rodham Clinton to win. To vote for Johnson or Stein is to allow Hillary Rodham Clinton to win. A vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton is, well, you get the picture.

russian-rouletteVoting, this time around, is like your worst-case scenario of Russian Roulette. Except, with Hillary Clinton, you’re actually using a semi-automatic pistol. With Donald Trump you have some chances; you can at least spin the cylinder.

You’ll decide on Tuesday, November 8th.

Don’t say I never warned you.



The insane mess created by Hillary Clinton

And you want this lying maladroit to be your president?

Watch fully please, and learn how remarkably systemic, convoluted and careless her abuse of America’s secrets is truly.

ORCON = Originator Control. ODNI = Office of Director of National Intelligence. OIG = Office of the Inspector General. That means this: the attorneys for Hillary Clinton discovered a legal “workaround” in which, because of security, her emails cannot be revealed due to privacy concerns — though she herself originally violated said security protocols.

Ladies and gentlemen, what happens when even Congress can’t find the truth?

Who, then, can?



If looks could kill: NY Elites boo Trump for the truth

Barbs were tossed, as expected, at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Dinner on Thursday night — but the most telling were cast by Donald Trump. Because they were true.

First watch this. Then look very carefully at just who is sitting next to Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Why, that would be Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Catholic who was speaking in the top video. I’m sure Cardinal Dolan leaned over and asked Hillary “who is this Brazile and what does he mean about Haiti?” Hillary replied: “Donna Brazile is my first floor maid at Chappaqua and she’s from Haiti; pay no attention to that.”

Note the facial reactions of persons in the video. They are quite priceless.

You can clearly see that the astoundingly-delicate elitist Leftist New York sensibilities were vexed when Trump addressed the dinner. It’s not cordial, you see, to speak such blatant truth to peoples’ faces. It’s much more acceptable to plunge the machete deep into the organs of your enemy from behind when he or she isn’t paying attention.

Julian Assange asks one question, however.

julian-assange-lyingSome may say that Donald Trump was massively out of order for conducting himself in this fashion at the Waldorf-Astoria dinner. I suggest, however, that he pulled so, so many possible punches available.



Debate: Hillary thinks throwing gays from roofs is humorous?

Is this not bizarre?

Hillary Rodham Clinton thinks this is amusing?

isis-throw-gays-from-roofThanks to Jersey Joe for the post-debate h/t.



Who hacked DNC/Podesta emails and why? Was it really the Russians?

Please listen to this video from Andrew Napolitano.


NSA Whistleblower: Not So Fast On Claims Russia Behind Hillary Clinton Email Hack

The mainstream media alleges that Russia was behind the hack of Hillary Clinton’s emails.

The media is parading out the usual suspects alleged experts to back up this claim.

Washington’s Blog asked the highest-level NSA whistleblower in history, William Binney – the NSA executive who created the agency’s mass surveillance program for digital information, who served as the senior technical director within the agency, who managed six thousand NSA employees, the 36-year NSA veteran widely regarded as a “legend” within the agency and the NSA’s best-ever analyst and code-breaker, who mapped out the Soviet command-and-control structure before anyone else knew how, and so predicted Soviet invasions before they happened (“in the 1970s, he decrypted the Soviet Union’s command system, which provided the US and its allies with real-time surveillance of all Soviet troop movements and Russian atomic weapons”) – what he thinks of such claims:

Edward Snowden says the NSA could easily determine who hacked Hillary Clinton’s emails.

But mainstream media say it couldn’t:

The mainstream media is also trumpeting the meme that Russia was behind the hack, because it wants to help Trump get elected. In other words, the media is trying to deflect how damaging the email leaks are to Clinton’s character by trying to somehow associate Trump with Putin.

See e.g.

Who’s right?

The Demorat dog whistle about Russia hacking the DNC and John Podesta is just that.

Binney responded:

Snowden is right and the MSM is clueless. Here’s what I said to Ray McGovern and VIPS with a little humor at the end. [McGovern is a 27-year CIA veteran, who chaired National Intelligence Estimates and personally delivered intelligence briefings to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, their Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and many other senior government officials. McGovern is co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (“VIPS” for short).]

Ray, I am suspicious that they may have looked for known hacking code (used by Russians). And, I’m sure they were one probably of many to hack her stuff. But, does that mean that they checked to see if others also hacked in?

Further, do they have evidence that the Russians downloaded and later forwarded those emails to wikileaks? Seems to me that they need to answer those questions to be sure that their assertion is correct. Otherwise, HRC and her political activities are and I am sure have been prime targets for the Russians (as well as many others) but without intent of course.

I would add that we proposed to do a program that would monitor all activity on the world-wide NSA network back in 1991/92. We called it “Wellgrounded.” NSA did not want anyone (especially congress) to know what was going on inside NSA and therefore rejected that proposal. I have not read what Ed has said, but, I do know that every line of code that goes across the network is logged in the network log. This is where a little software could scan, analyze and find the intruders initially and then compile all the code sent by them to determine the type of attack. This is what we wanted to do back in 1991/92.

The newest allegation tying the Clinton email hack to Russia seems to be all innuendo.

Please read the rest of the article.

You have to ask yourself: cui bono? Why would Russia not want Hillary Clinton in the White House? She would continue the overall leadership begun by Barack Hussein Obama — which is to say, little. Obama’s tactic is to “lead from behind” (a ludicrous oxymoron by itself) and, with that, Russia under the guidance of Putin realizes that Obama and, by extension, Clinton have been amenable to “working” with Russia and the so-called “reset.”

Let’s not forget it was Barack Hussein Obama who, sotto voce, told Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in 2012 that “after my election I’ll have more flexibility.”

Ask yourself: would Putin truly want a loose cannon like Donald Trump in the White House? This is how Reagan was characterized in 1979 and 1980 by Carter and his campaign — a “loose cannon” with his crazy, palsied finger on the nuke pile.

When you have the government hacking itself in order to keep national security, you have in many ways lost that government. An internal hack because you don’t trust a presidential candidate not to keep your secrets or kill your people?

Ladies and gentlemen, we are losing America and watching it devolve before our very eyes. It is astounding and sad, simultaneously.

Who hacked the DNC and the emails?

Ask again: cui bono?