DHS: we can’t properly vet refugees

captain-obvious-2Wow. That’s a shocker.

You and I already knew that to be true — FBI Director James Comey too — as well as any actual thinking American Taxpayer (which excludes a high percentile of Demorats and Leftists).

But now the “secret” DHS memo is revealed.

From the WashingtonTimes.com:

DHS admits refugee fraud ‘easy to commit’

by Stephen Dinan

Refugee fraud is “easy to commit” and much tougher to detect, Homeland Security officials acknowledged in an internal memo made public by members of Congress Thursday that challenges the department’s own assurances as it seeks to increase the number of refugees from dangerous countries.

The U.S. has relaxed requirements for refugees to prove they are who they say they are, and at times may rely solely on testimony. That makes it easier for bogus applicants to conspire to get approved, according to the department memo, which was obtained by the House Judiciary and Oversight committees.

“Refugee fraud is easy to commit, yet not easy to investigate,” the undated memo says.

Yes, because that fact was so difficult to foresee — if you’re a Globalist, Leftist, Progressive, Demorat or RINO. Imagine. DHS caught flat-footed by something like this. I can hear the DHS forehead-slapping from here.

Please note: “internal memo.” We certainly can’t have this getting into the public ozone where our defeatist and capitulist policies could be exposed to the light of day! Horrors!

The revelation comes just a week after the administration said it was boosting the number of refugees it wants to accept next year to 110,000, up from 85,000 this year. Officials also said they’ll take more Syrians than the 12,000 they’ve accepted so far this year — and they are on pace to resettle as many as 30,000 in 2017.

Of course. Because we surely cannot have the bulk of lilly-white Europe devastated by the purposeful importation of young military-age Muslim males uninterested in assimilation. That same plan must also be implemented here, Obama emphasizes, so that the colonial and oppressive United States can be brought down a peg or three.

It comes down to this: DHS lies by omission.

Further: you think the DHS under Mr Obama’s administration is working for you instead of against you? Again, from the WashingtonTimes.com:

DHS trying to rush citizenship applications in bid to affect election, memo shows

by Stephen Dinan

Sens. Grassley, Johnson demand answers from department, which had previously denied doing that

The Homeland Security Department is granting as many citizenship applications as it can to try to sway participation in this year’s presidential election, an internal department document shows.

An email obtained by Senate Republicans shows a Texas immigration office demanded volunteers to work weekends, hoping to get as many people onto the citizenship rolls as possible before the end of September — which would give them enough time to register to vote in November.

Democrats and immigration groups had launched a drive to try to get eligible immigrants to become citizens in time to vote against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The advocates fell well short of their goal of registering 1 million citizens, but the 600,000 they didn’t get to sign up by June have created a massive backlog that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is now working through.

The memo from a branch chief at the USCIS Houston field office said in the July memo that the goal was to get as many applications approved as possible “due to the election year.”

I ask again: so you think your current Demorat administration under Mr Obama is working for you instead of against you?

You’d best think again.



False memes, lies and riots in Charlotte

charlotte-nc-riots-hands-up-dont-shootLet the Charlotte false meme commence. I can hear and see it coming already as the protesters above have clearly bought off on the Ferguson “hands up don’t shoot” lie. Stand by for the next false meme, this time stemming from a sign. Facts be damned.

  • Fact: police shot and killed a black male suspect.
  • Fact: the police officer who fired the shot was black. The Chief of Police is black.
  • Fact: the suspect was in physical possession of a handgun.

Before these few scant facts were in, people in Charlotte, North Carolina decided it would be in their best interest to riot, burn property, smash and loot stores. Generic “people”? Well, blacks mostly. Let’s be specific.

The state police and national guard were called in. One civilian was shot by another civilian.

Keith Lamont Scott, 43, was fatally shot. The officer who shot him, Brentley Vinson, 26, is also black. Sixteen Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officers suffered minor injuries during the chaotic night.

Additionally, it was revealed on Wednesday that the suspect was in fact moving towards the police, in possession of a handgun, according to dashcam video. From KWCH.com:

NC TV station Source: Dash cam video shows man shot by police coming at them with handgun

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (KWCH) A Charlotte, North Carolina news station says it has confirmed with sources that there is dash camera video that shows Keith Scott getting out of a car and coming at police officers with a gun in his hand.

A police officer shot and killed Scott on Tuesday.

Chief Kerr Putney said Scott posed a threat because officers saw him exit a vehicle twice with a the gun and didn’t drop it when police ordered him to do so.

A number of witnesses at the scene were already saying the police told the suspect to drop the gun several times.

charlotte-nc-riots-it-was-a-bookBLM lunkheads are about to blast out the newest falsehood throughout social media. I thought I’d let you see it in advance. Note the sign. Ferguson promoted “hands up don’t shoot.”

Charlotte will propagate “it was a book.”



Ceding internet power to ICANN; all you need to know in 11 seconds

The smarmy, arrogant EuroGOWP drips with condescension.

Then there is this, in the span of twenty-seven seconds.

That’s all you need to know about the US under Obama wanting to cede control of the internet to the globalistas. Internet censorship. Good times, Socialists.



Obama’s American hostage rescue failure: let the finger-pointing commence

obama-golfing-while-rome-burnsJust last month, Barack Hussein Obama was made aware that an American and an Australian were taken hostage from Afghanistan. For reference, please click on and read this post first by journalist Susan Katz Keating.

Whilst there was a window in which to rescue both, and SpecOp forces were ready, executive permission could not be acquired because Mr Obama was on vacation and golfing. The operators were told “the president can’t make time on his schedule to give the go-ahead,” a security source stated.

Because of the 24-hour delay — and there was a violent firefight on site — the forces were told they missed the hostages by four hours.

Susan Katz Keating provides this important update to her original story.

White House, Pentagon trade accusations about rescue failure

by Susan Katz Keating

White House and Pentagon officials are trading accusations and shifting blame following two failed attempts to rescue Western hostages seized in Afghanistan last month. Amid the finger pointing, new details are leading Capitol Hill lawmakers to question what they call “White House micromanaging” of war operations.

The disagreements concern what happened in Washington and on Martha’s Vineyard, an isle off the coast of Massachusetts, where Obama continued the vacation he began on Aug. 6.

Don’t go away. The crux of the biscuit is next:

What is in dispute is what happened next. The Pentagon insists that it sent mission plans with plenty of time for the National Security Council to seek presidential approval.

But a National Security Council spokesman says there wasn’t enough time to prepare “the decision documents” for the President. The spokesman is referring to a one-page document, with numerous attachments, that the President reviews and signs.

“On the first night in question, the decision never reached the President to make a decision,” a senior Pentagon official wrote in an email. “The fact of the matter is the President was never presented with a decision document that day.”

However, U.S. sources with knowledge of the mission said they heard a radio message that contained words to this effect: “The President can’t make time on his schedule to give the go-ahead.”

Am I detecting the dank odor of Bureaucratic Mouth Pablum, subtitled “Let the Finger-Pointing Commence”?

“We had the teachers (hostages) the first time,” the security source said. “We knew where they were. We were closing in. The White House screwed it up bad.”

Why yes, that would be perfectly in keeping with their past behavior. Because Susan Katz Keating makes her ultimate point here.

Hostage rescues long have been a delicate balance of intelligence and timing. During the Vietnam War, American commandos raided a POW camp in order to rescue dozens of prisoners held captive by communist soldiers near Son Tay in North Vietnam. The rescuers arrived on Nov. 21, 1970, only to find that the prisoners had been moved from the camp just days before.

Meaning: forty-six years later and we still don’t have a cogent, logical and rapid way to get ops like this approved — or we don’t give our military forces the authority to act when windows of hostage retrieval are tight?

My guess is: Obama couldn’t be bothered. He’s in Lame Duck Mode.

In the meantime, an American hostage is lost and his whereabouts are unknown.



My thanks to Susan Katz Keating for having the tenacity, guts and contacts to bring the issue to light. I have seen the incident discussed nowhere else.