Back to the Cold War with Russia?

BALTIC SEA - A Russian Sukhoi Su-24 attack aircraft makes a very-low altitude pass by the USS Donald Cook (DDG 75) April 12, 2016. Donald Cook, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, forward deployed to Rota, Spain is conducting a routine patrol in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe. (U.S. Navy photo/Released) BALTIC

BALTIC SEA – A Russian Sukhoi Su-24 attack aircraft makes a very-low altitude pass by the USS Donald Cook (DDG 75) April 12, 2016. Donald Cook, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, forward deployed to Rota, Spain is conducting a routine patrol in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe. (U.S. Navy photo/Released)

Both Russia and China are ensuring that they poke their collective fingers into the eyes of the United States, under the “leadership” of Barack Hussein Obama.

They do this, like bullies, because they know they can.  They can.

The Russian Sukhoi Su-24 is, truly, not a very good aircraft. It was nothing more than an abject attempt to duplicate the US F-111 with variable geometry wings.  In other words, it is a poor copy that Russia had to make do with for years.  Russia has copied American aircraft for decades, starting with their knockoff of our B-29 and extending to the Buran, their failed copy of our space shuttle.

050715-N-8163B-009 Atlantic Ocean (July 15, 2005) - The guided missile destroyer USS Donald Cook (DDG 75) conducts a close quarters exercise while underway in the Atlantic Ocean. Donald Cook is assigned to the USS Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group, currently conducting Joint Task Force Exercise (JTFEX). U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate Airman Eben Boothby (RELEASED)

Atlantic Ocean (July 15, 2005) – The guided missile destroyer USS Donald Cook (DDG 75) conducts a close quarters exercise while underway in the Atlantic Ocean. Donald Cook is assigned to the USS Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group, currently conducting Joint Task Force Exercise (JTFEX). U.S. Navy photo by Photographer’s Mate Airman Eben Boothby (RELEASED)

In a span of two days last week, Russian aircraft, both fixed wing and rotor, buzzed the USS Donald Cook (DDG 75), an Arleigh Burke class guided missile destroyer built in 1996, 505 feet long and weighing 8,900 tons.

The Cook was taking part in exercises with a Polish helicopter in Baltic Sea international waters, some 70 miles from Kaliningrad.  See the map.


USS Donald Cook buzzed again by Russian jets in Baltic

Last Updated Apr 13, 2016 2:55 PM EDT

Yet again Russian jets made provocatively close passes to an American warship, as tensions continue between Moscow and Washington over the conflicts in Ukraine and Syria.

A senior defense official told CBS News that two recent incidents were “more aggressive than anything we’ve seen in some time.”

As documented here.  Over two days the USS Donald Cole was buzzed over 30 times.

Navy veterans and pilots agree that the “flybys” are in clear violation of a 1972 international agreement signed by Russia which delineates that aircraft can come no closer than 1,500 feet laterally and lower than a 1,000 foot altitude.


On the heels of these flybys was the interception and rollover by a SU-27 of a US KC-`135 reconnaissance four-engined aircraft.

From the

Russian Jet Threatened U.S. Recon Aircraft

Barrel rolls over plane in latest Baltic Sea provocation

by Bill Gertz

A Russian fighter jet flew dangerously close to a U.S. RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft on Thursday in the latest military provocation by Moscow over the Baltic Sea, the U.S. European Command said Saturday.

“On April 14, a U.S. Air Force RC-135 aircraft flying a routine route in international airspace over the Baltic Sea was intercepted by a Russian Su-27 in an unsafe and unprofessional manner,” said Navy Capt. Danny Hernandez.

“This intercept comes shortly after the unsafe Russian encounters with USS Donald Cook,” he added. “There have been repeated incidents over the last year where Russian military aircraft have come close enough to other air and sea traffic to raise serious safety concerns, and we are very concerned with any such behavior.”

Hernandez said the U.S. aircraft, a militarized Boeing 707 jet, was operating in international airspace “and at no time crossed into Russian territory.”

This is a clear signal by Russia to Barack Hussein Obama and the rest of the planet.

That message is: “The US won’t defend itself.  It lacks the will and the courage.  So what makes you think they’ll defend you, the Baltic States?”

Truly, an excellent question.

Is Barack Hussein Obama strong, or is he weak?

In the eyes of bullies, he is astoundingly weak.  They like that.

If you remember, Syria is where Mr Obama drew his proverbial red line, and then it was crossed.  Obama did nothing.

“I use the term stunned because I was stunned by that.  It reversed a very complete and comprehensive decision that had just been made a few hours prior to that.  The president made the final decision and a few hours later we’re reversing it, we’re pulling it down.  It was all over the world. 

And our allies would ask me, ‘how can we have confidence in whatever else he says?’ “
— Chuck Hagel, Secretary of Defense, 2013 to 2015

“And so the man who presented himself as a man of peace, has actually presided over much more violence in the Muslim world than happened under his predecessor.”
— Nialil Ferguson, Professor of History, Harvard University

Meaning?  Barack Hussein Obama, “winner of the Nobel Peace Prize — itself awarded to a man for no accomplishments whatsoever solely due to his melanin count by a council of Guilty Overeducated White People (GOWPs) — is responsible for more death and carnage in the Muslim world due to his arrogance, his haughtiness, his wrong-headedness, his shockingly profound inability to understand the mind of anyone other than himself,

So.  Russia builds brand new bases across the Arctic.  And China builds islands and increases its sea and land forces, the US under Obama’s direction is considering cutting an Alaskan paratrooper brigade by 71%.

All this is clearly documented in Fox’s Bret Baier’s special program “Rising Threats, Shrinking Military.”

Niall Ferguson best summarizes:

“The lesson is that, it’s what a great power withdraws, the conflict is most likely to escalate.  That’s exactly what’s happened.  And the result is a sobering one.”

Thank you ever so kindly, Mr Barack Hussein Obama.

And now you know, ladies and gentlemen another why I have never, on this blog, placed the two words “President” and “Obama” together.

It would be an obscenity.

Lastly, think about these quotes from two individuals who served under Obama:


“We’re going to see ourselves potentially in a war that is far greater than what we have experienced in the Middle East given everything that the president of the United States has been told about the complexity and the danger that exists in the world today.  Stop the bleeding that you are causing to our armed forces.”
— retired Lt. General Mike Flynn


“If the United States doesn’t provide that leadership, nobody else will.  Nobody else will.”
— former SecDef under Obama, Leon Pannetta




Again, Leftist hypocrites in California

Leftists In A GroupJust as Barack Hussein Obama demanded everyone have ObamaKare — and then exempted the Executive branch and its employees as well as his “good friends” (read: campaign donors) like GE and various labor unions — so Fornicalia Leftists want a $15 an hour “working wage” exemption for themselves.

From the

LA unions call for exemption from $15 minimum wage they fought for

by Jana Kasperkevic

Union leaders say measure could allow for better deals between businesses and labor, with benefits making up for potential lower wages

Los Angeles city council will hear a proposal on Tuesday to exempt union members from a $15 an hour minimum wage that the unions themselves have spent years fighting for.

The proposal for the exemption was first introduced last year, after the Los Angeles city council passed a bill that would see the city’s minimum wage increase to $15 by 2020. After drawing criticism last year, the proposed amendment was put on hold but is now up for consideration once again.

Union leaders argue the amendment would give businesses and unions the freedom to negotiate better agreements, which might include lower wages but could make up the difference in other benefits such as healthcare. They argue that such exemptions might make businesses more open to unionization.

Did you focus in on that last sentence?  This is a Leftist move to increase the size of labor unions — which have been diminishing over the years and with that diminishment, their power and influence — and is nothing more than a naked power grab under the guise of being conciliatory to businesses.

Let us not forget that Fornicalia Leftist Governor Jerry Brown signed a $15 per hour minimum wage increase just this month, saying with rare clarity and candor that the increase is a stupid economic move.

Economically, minimum wages may not make sense. But morally, socially, and politically they make every sense because it binds the community together to make sure parents can take care of their kids.

Catch that word “politically”?  That’s BrownSpeak for “it’ll help me get re-elected and make me look good for future jobs.”

Was there a reaction to the exemption?  Of course there was.

“It’s pretty hypocritical for unions to push a $15 wage law and then exempt themselves from the policy,” Matt Haller, senior vice-president of communications and public affairs at the International Franchise Association, said.

Considering the outcry, Hicks issued another statement last year saying that issues were “in need of further review”. He also pointed out that other cities in California, including San Jose, Oakland, Richmond, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Long Beach have included similar clauses exempting unions in their wage bills.

You see the difference?  Everyone else must conform to the law but unions are exempt.

Also at issue are the expanding “right-to-work” laws, which say that no employee can be required to pay any portion of union dues if they do not want to.  Absent those laws, unions are otherwise “closed shops”

Further, the Leftist Paradise known as Seattle is currently dealing with its own minimum wage increase issues.  It loses jobs and employees whilst surrounding King County benefits by picking up businesses.  Its employment is rising just as Seattle’s is decreasing.

What?  American Leftists being hypocrites?

Perish the thought.



Paul Ryan: “I don’t want to be speaker”

Ryan & ObamaAnd then he became Speaker of the House.

Paul Ryan says he doesn’t want to be a presidential candidate.

But for a guy who says he doesn’t want to be a presidential candidate, he’s making a lot of speeches about not wanting to be a presidential candidate.  A certain Bill Shakespeare line comes to mind about now.

The GOP is pretty much already convinced that it’s going to lose the presidency.

If it’s Trump or Hillary, the GOP wants Hillary.

If it’s Cruz or Hillary, the GOP wants Hillary.

They just don’t have the testicles to come out openly and say it.

GOP InvertebrateThe GOP believes Trump or Cruz lose to Hillary.  They’re planning on it.

The GOP is thinking, hell, we may as well lose with “our guy,” whomever “our guy” might turn out to be.

This is American Politics, ladies and gentlemen, politics writ large, and politics writ Establishment.  This is the Old Guard Establishment GOP doing everything it can to ensure one of the Usual Suspects gets into the race.  The GOP mostly consists of an assload of Surrender Monkeys.

GOP RINO FactsFirst the GOP was shocked that Jeb Bush didn’t resonate.  They were sure he was going to walk right into the presidency. Maybe even Mittens.  VP?

Meb Bushney 2016Then each one of their other mealy-mouthed do-nothing empty suits fell by the wayside, including Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Lindsay Graham, George Pataki and Jim Gilmore.  Hell, my dead cat Mose would have had a better chance at president than Jim Gilmore.

Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, Bobby Jindal, George Pataki, Scott Walker, Rick Perry — they persevered a while longer until it shook out to the final three.

Read carefully what Paul Ryan said on Tuesday:

Count me out: I simply believe that if you want to be the nominee for our party to be the president, you should actually run for it.  I chose not to do this, therefore I should not be considered. Period. End of story.

So what is Paul Ryan really saying?

He’s saying there needs to be a back up plan, and that back up plan should include someone from the Old Staid Establishment GOP.

Who ran for president.



Wouldn’t that be a Jeb Bush or a Mitt Romney or a Lindsay Graham or a Mike Huckabee or a Jeb Bush or a Jeb Bush?

Hey, what about Jeb Bush?

GOP Fat Cat Old Guard Establishment

You know, I think Jeb Bush might be available.  At a moment’s notice.  He speaks Spanish.  He loves him some illegal immigrants.  Syrians too, I’m sure.  Come one, come all, no background checks, it’s an “act of love.”

But wait.  Paul Ryan said we need a rule.  A new rule.  Delegates, we need a new rule.  A rule that says to be the nominee, you need to have run in the primary.  You need to have been an actual candidate.

Speaking of Paul Ryan, there is the Super Chapter 9.  Ryan wants to go along to get along.  And bail out PUERTO RICO with American tax dollars.

Look, I don’t trust ANY politician any more.  Trusting a politician is a fool’s game and this country is already rife with a sufficient number of Free Cheese Fools.

Charles Krauthammer thinks that Ryan is just trying to rebuild the party early, seeing its destruction in progress.

But the bottom line?  If Paul Ryan pulls the Lucy Football on his own denial, I won’t be gobsmacked.  He’s done it before, he can do it again.  Think: speaker.



53% of those polled think Paul Ryan is lying when he says he won’t accept the presidential nomination according to a Fox poll displayed on the Greta Susteren show, Tuesday.

You brought this on yourselves, GOP.


UK Leftist actually realizes: “Muslims won’t assimilate”

Islam Against AmericaA tale ripped from Page 60 of the Book of Captain Obvious.

From a UK man who, in his Leftist ways, first coined the term “Islamohobia.”

But after watching reality for a few decades, he thinks he got it all wrong.

First, as an introduction from the

What do British Muslims really think?

by Trevor Phillips

Should homosexuality be illegal? Should wives always obey their husbands? And can a man have more than one wife? The most comprehensive survey of British Muslims ever conducted reveals controversial attitudes. Trevor Phillips argues that the time has come for a more muscular approach to integration

As a doctrine of religious belief, Islam has never held any terrors for me. I was born in London but grew up in a developing country, now called Guyana, where one in 10 people worshipped Allah — roughly twice the proportion in Britain today. To me, the Muslims were just boys with names like Mohammed and Ishmael; in most things that mattered — could they play cricket or do calculus, for example — they seemed no different from the rest of us.

Liberal opinion in Britain has, for more than two decades, maintained that most Muslims are just like everyone

But are they?  Phillips seems to have changed his mind.  Odd, in light of the fact that he is credited with universalizing the word “Islamophobia,”


UK Equalities Chief Who Popularised The Term ‘Islamophobia’ Admits: ‘I Thought Muslims Would Blend into Britain… I Should Have Known Better’

by Raheem Kassam

The former head of Britain’s Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), Trevor Phillips, has admitted he “got almost everything wrong” on Muslim immigration in a damning new report on integration, segregation, and how the followers of Islam are creating “nations within nations” in the West.

Now, if only we could get Barack Hussein Obama to actually read the news.

Phillips, a former elected member of the Labour Party who served as the Chairman of the EHRC from 2003-2012 will present “What British Muslims Really Think” on Channel 4 on Wednesday.

But wait; it gets better yet.  What do Muslims really think?

An ICM poll released to the Times ahead of the broadcast reveals: 

  • One in five Muslims in Britain never enter a non-Muslim house;
  • 39 per cent of Muslims, male and female, say a woman should always obey her husband;
  • 31 per cent of British Muslims support the right of a man to have more than one wife;
  • 52 per cent of Muslims did not believe that homosexuality should be legal;
  • 23 per cent of Muslims support the introduction of Sharia law rather than the laws laid down by parliament.

“Liberal opinion in Britain has, for more than two decades, maintained that most Muslims are just like everyone else.’

But thanks to the most detailed and comprehensive survey of British Muslim opinion yet conducted, we now know that just isn’t how it is.”

You mean the clouds are actually starting to part?

Phillips says his new data shows “a chasm” opening between Muslims and non-Muslims on fundamental issues such as marriage, relations between men and women, schooling, freedom of expression and even the validity of violence in defence of religion.

“It’s not as though we couldn’t have seen this coming. But we’ve repeatedly failed to spot the warning signs,” he admits.

Listen to this:

“For a long time, I too thought that Europe’s Muslims would become like previous waves of migrants, gradually abandoning their ancestral ways, wearing their religious and cultural baggage lightly, and gradually blending into Britain’s diverse identity landscape. I should have known better.”


And Mr. Phillips even acknowledges that the mass sexual grooming and rape scandals that are plaguing heavily Muslim populated towns across Britain are because of Muslim – not ‘Asian’ – men.

Phillips comments: “Some of my journalist friends imagine that, with time, the Muslims will grow out of it. They won’t.”

The clouds are parting: it’s GOWPs.

And indeed he lays the blame at the feet of the liberal, metropolitan elite, media classes: “Oddly, the biggest obstacles we now face in addressing the growth of this nation-within-a-nation are not created by British Muslims themselves. Many of our (distinctly un-diverse) elite political and media classes simply refuse to acknowledge the truth. Any undesirable behaviours are attributed to poverty and alienation. Backing for violent extremism must be the fault of the Americans. Oppression of women is a cultural trait that will fade with time, nothing to do with the true face of Islam.”

Really?  You apparently can’t learn from history and evidence in front of your eyes.

But: what will work?

In terms of solutions, Mr. Phillips opines on “halting the growth of sharia courts and placing them under regulation” ensuring that school governance never falls into the hands of a single-minority group, “ensuring mosques that receive a steady flow of funds from foreign governments such as Saudi Arabia, however disguised, are forced to reduce their dependency on Wahhabi patronage” and an end to the “silence-for-votes understanding between local politicians and Muslim leaders — the sort of Pontius Pilate deal that had such catastrophic outcomes in Rotherham and Rochdale”.

That’s the UK.

What about the US?  What do Muslims in the US think?  A Center For Security Policy poll taken in 2015 reveals that:

According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.”  When that question was put to the broader U.S. population, the overwhelming majority held that shariah should not displace the U.S. Constitution (86% to 2%).

More than half (51%) of U.S. Muslims polled also believe either that they should have the choice of American or shariah courts, or that they should have their own tribunals to apply shariah. Only 39% of those polled said that Muslims in the U.S. should be subject to American courts.

Even more troubling, is the fact that nearly a quarter of the Muslims polled believed that, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed.”

The push is already here.  You simply have to aware of your surroundings.

Thank God that Barack Hussein Obama wants to purposely import a greater number of Syrians and refugees into this country, at a greater rate, with less backgrounding.

What a revelation that a few Leftists are finally starting to come around to the realization that Islam as practiced — not as people want, but as it exists — is much more than just a religion, but an entire culture bereft of anything but the promotion of itself, infiltrated with violence, misogyny, barbarism.  It is a true Death Cult created by the pederast Mohammad.

Pork be upon him.



“Eye In The Sky” — SUPERIOR

Alan Rickman Eye In The SkyJust as I could not recommend the ridiculous film “Batman v Superman,” so must I highly recommend the UK film “Eye In The Sky.”

The late Alan Rickman delivers what will likely be the most coveted line in movie history just prior to a passing.

“Never tell a soldier that he does not know the cost of war.”

And perhaps it couldn’t have occurred to a finer British actor, given the range of his talents and the shocking news of his demise via pancreatic cancer at the age of 69.

I’ll leave it to you to determine which parts of the film are accurate, and which parts are not

The parts with the pussified and limp-wristed politicians unwilling to make an actual decision that could fire back on them?

Yes, that’s accurate.

The parts of the USAF drone pilots having to set up the complicated preparations to unleash missiles with murky ROEs?  Inaccurate.  Too long.  Too open.

Truth?  If drone pilots question their jobs, they can and will be replaced.  Further?  They wouldn’t be there in the first place if they questioned their missions.

If the good Lord could send me some comets, I could perhaps suggest a few locales, otherwise.