The DiaperGate of federal “diaper disparity”

Diaper Full of StewieSTOP THE PRESSES!

Yes!  Of absolutely critical import now is the DIAPER DISPARITY as described on the pages of

The Diaper Divide

by Cecelia Munoz

Many parents are struggling to afford diapers and making choices no one should have to make.

Technology and the new economy have given us access to necessities like diapers at just the click of a button. 

But the benefits of this new economy aren’t available to all Americans, and the consequences of that divide are severe. Nearly 1 in 3 families struggle to afford diapers for their babies. In some cases, moms and dads stretch the time between diaper changes to make their limited resources last. 


There is a Diaper Disparity!  A Diaper Divide!  It’s Diapergate!

This is an issue so huge, so monstrous, so overwhelming that it requires posting on the official website of 1600 Pennsylvania’s current occupant!

There is danger!  Danger for our young ones, our infants!  We must do this for the children!  There will soon be streets in cities big and small clogged with the fire-engine-yellow effluvium of undiapered infants of all races, all creedS, all colors!

Drop everything!  More money!  We need more money!  There must be diaper equality with the One Percenters!

Empty your pockets now!



James Comey:

SHEEPDOG and SheepThe last impediment to Hillary Clinton reaching the presidency.

Will he do what is right?

Or will he allow DC politics to intercede and push him aside?

It’s up to you, Director Comey.

But I would say this.

Both you and I know what is right and what is wrong.

Choose wisely.

And if you choose wrongly, I will know it.

As will all the rest of the national sheepdogs.

I am a sheepdog.



He grabbed her arm

ASSAULTThe political wackos are all a-twitter (not a-Twitter) about some Trump guy grabbing the arm of a female who once worked for Breitbart.

He has since turned himself in for booking and processing at some police station in some state.  Blah blah blah.

The female had bruises.  The guy worked for Trump.  The USSS was present when the “heinous event” occurred.  Had it been as heinous as alleged, they could have made an intervention.  They did not.

In the meantime, this incident is the talk of the internet.  The female may have been “manhandled.”  Big fat hairy deal.  The Trump guy may have “manhandled” her.  Big fat hairy deal.

Did the female cry out and fall to the floor because of the pressure the alleged assailant applied?  No she did not.  Was there video of the event?  Yes there was.  And none of it is conclusive and determinant.

Did the Trump guy lie about the contact?  He may have.  I don’t know.  But this crap could and should have been handled at the lowest possible level.  The Trump guy could have apologized and moved on.  The female could have chalked it up to rudeness and moved on.  But they are both Exclusive Political Caucasoids who take umbrage to most everything that does not go their way.  Therefore the EPC World is aghast — aghast I tell you! — at the event.

Had I been handed this case, as a Detective, and been tasked to offer it to my Intake DA during Presentations, I would have been laughed out of the office.  Once the laughter subsided, after having read the report, the Intake DA would have 1) refused to file, and 2) told me to give them an actual case to prosecute.

In the very worst case scenario possible, the Trump guy will be placed on probation in that specific county, criminally.  Civilly, yes, he’ll likely be sued.

GOWPs sue each other.  It’s what they do.

This is nothing more than a NON-EVENT between two over-massaged, over-coddled people who place their esteem way above their actual worth.

They aren’t even worth writing their names here.  I’ve been manhandled by professionals because, as I Caucasoid, I dared to attend dinner and a show in Reno on Thanksgiving, where everyone else was Chinese (and I was a member of the VFW — Very Few Whites) and shoved me out of their way for over an hour.  Continuously.  The Chinese are some of the rudest motherfuckers on earth.  Did I file a report?  Did I bleat and whine about it on social media?  Did I lie about it?

Ladies and gentlemen, at work I’ve been shot at three times, shot back once, been hit with fists, stabbed, cut, spit on, struck in the head with a bookend, had to wrestle numerous persons, been kicked in the jewels, lost my gun in a fight, lost my baton, been attacked by more than five persons, been ambushed, blah blah blah.

With all those incidents, how many times did any DA file a case against my assailant?

That’s right, never. 

It was all considered part of the job.

So two Millennials have a dust-up?
