11 California DOJ agents raid a home

Kamala Harris BIASEDAnd they raided the home for what?

For drugs?

For guns?

For explosives, for terrorist propaganda, for illegal aliens, for internet fraud, for child abuse, for robbery, for sexual assaults, for mayhem, for murder, for even traffic offenses?


Because video was taken of Planned Parenthood.  Video that makes Planned Parenthood look shameful and murdering.  People doing business on its behalf were caught being monsters.

Those embarrassing videos were taken by a person who lives in Fornicalia.  Under Kamala Harris’s purvey.  She’s the Cal DOJ Queen, after all.  In my opinion, Harris got there from one Bay Area Leftist regime to another Sacramento Leftist regime because of her melanin count and her vagina.  And Jerry Brown.  An ancient, doddering, Caucasoid Leftist.  What part of that is factually incorrect?

Kamala Harris, Fornicalia’s Attorney General, is not amused.  As a Leftist Demorat in the state, the former DA for San Francisco, and a recipient of MONEY from Planned Parenthood.  Yes.  The Imperial She is not amused.

From the UKDailyMail.com

Department of Justice ‘raids home of anti-abortion activist who made undercover planned parenthood videos’

by Hannah Parry

  • David Daleiden is founder of the Center for Medical Progress which made undercover videos at Planned Parenthood

  • The videos tried to ‘expose’ how the abortion provider ‘harvested organs’

  • Planned Parenthood was cleared of wrongdoing but Daleiden was indicted for tampering with a governmental record at his Houston trial

  • Daleiden now claims Department of Justice agents have raided his Orange County home

  • Seized his laptop, hard drives and all footage of Planned Parenthood

  • Daleiden claims raid is part of a politically motivated campaign against him

David Daleiden released this statement in response:

Today, the California Attorney General’s office of Kamala Harris, who was elected with tens of thousands of dollars from taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood, seized all video footage showing Planned Parenthood’s criminal trade in aborted baby parts, in addition to my personal information. Ironically, while seizing my First Amendment work product, they ignored documents showing the illicit scheme between StemExpress and Planned Parenthood. This is no surprise–Planned Parenthood’s bought-and-paid-for AG has steadfastly refused to enforce the law against the baby body parts traffickers in our state, or even investigate them–while at the same time doing their bidding to harass and intimidate citizen journalists. We will pursue all remedies to vindicate our First Amendment rights.

The WashingtonTimes.com writes:

California AG behind raid of pro-life activist slammed for Planned Parenthood advocacy

by Valerie Richardson

California Attorney General Kamala Harris is facing conflict-of-interest accusations after launching a raid on pro-life activist David Daleiden’s apartment even as she campaigns for the U.S. Senate on a pro-Planned Parenthood platform.

Ms. Harris, a longtime Planned Parenthood supporter seeking the Democratic Senate nomination, includes on her campaign website a petition asking voters to “take a stand and join Kamala in defending Planned Parenthood.”

Meanwhile, agents from her office searched Mr. Daleiden’s apartment Tuesday in Orange County, seizing his laptop and multiple hard drives while attempting to take his phone as he was speaking to his attorneys, according to sources close to Mr. Daleiden, lead investigator for the pro-life Center for Medical Progress.

LifeSiteNews.com also writes:

California AG who raided Daleiden taking Planned Parenthood cash for US Senate race

by Ben Johnson

SACRAMENTO, California, April 6, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The Attorney General of California, who is investigating David Daleiden for allegedly breaking state law, has received thousands of dollars from Planned Parenthood and hosts a petition on her campaign website asking voters to join her in “defending Planned Parenthood.”

Kamala Harris, who was first elected in 2010, is now seeking the U.S. Senate seat being left vacant by Barbara Boxer.

She received $15,000 from five Planned Parenthood-affiliated PACS in 2014, according to ElectionTrack.com.

In this election cycle, Harris has raised nearly three times as much money as her closest rival, Democratic Rep. Loretta Sanchez.

That total includes $254,370 thus far from groups dedicated to “women’s issues,” and a $5,000 donation from EMILY’s List to the Kamala Harris Victory Fund.

Harris has also collected signatures asking federal authorities not to defund the nation’s largest abortion provider. “Voting to strip federal funding from an organization that provides vital health services to 2.7 million Americans is the epitome of dysfunction,” her campaign website says.

But hey, there’s no conflict of interest for AG Kamala Harris, is there?  No rampant Leftist bias?

Why, perish the thought!

As San Francisco District Attorney, she refused to go after the murderer of a San Francisco Police Officer with the death penalty.  Cop killer?  Nah, too harsh.

Kamala Harris is as biased and corrupt as they come.

Therefore, what a wonderful Fornicalia senator she’d make.



German govt forces police to cover up “refugee” rapes

Islam and LeftistsJust as we’ve known all along.  The politically-correct multi-kulti class in German government has been outed.  They lied.  To cover for Muslim “refugees.”  And it’s not just in Germany.

From Breitbart.com:

Cologne Police Reveal ‘Cover Up’ Of New Year’s Eve Rape Attacks Ordered By Government

by Oliver JJ Lane

A leaked cache of confidential emails and notes passed between the North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) state government and local police has revealed the extent to which the force were placed under pressure to cover up the migrant sex attacks at New Year’s Eve.

Reportedly released to Cologne-based German newspaper the Express by an inside police source, the documents may imperil the position of NRW interior minister Ralf Jäger. The minister has been clinging to his position since the attacks first became known, days after the event, and even went so far as to fire his chief of police to “restore faith” in the city.

One of the documents sent by Jäger’s interior ministry to the police ont he first of January is a so-called “Important Event-Message” (“Wichtiges Ereignis-Meldung”). Far from the initial claims made, and statements made at an early press conference about the attacks the message confirmed the state government had full knowledge of the gang sex attacks.

Wait, it gets better.  The state minister not only covered up the nature of the events and the extent of the violence and assault, but fired his chief of police when the chief asked for more officers to keep Cologne safe, and was refused.

Sweden also has some explaining to do.

From the UKSpectator:

It’s not only Germany that covers up mass sex attacks by migrant men… Sweden’s record is shameful

by Ivar Arpi

Stockholm police were warned not to give descriptions of the perpetrators lest they were accused of being racist

It took days for police to acknowledge the extent of the mass attacks on women celebrating New Year’s Eve in Cologne. The Germans were lucky; in Sweden, similar attacks have been taking place for more than a year and the authorities are still playing catch up. Only now is the truth emerging, both about the attacks and the cover-ups. Stefan Löfven, our Prime Minister, has denounced a ‘double betrayal’ of women and has promised an investigation. But he ought to be asking this: what made the police and even journalists cover up the truth?

The answer can be discovered in the reaction to the Cologne attacks. Sweden prides itself on its sexual equality and has even pioneered a feminist foreign policy. When hundreds of women were reported to have been molested and abused in Cologne — at the hands of an organised mob — the reaction from Swedish politicians and pundits ought to have been one of outrage.

Correct.  And now let the truth and the embarrassment and shame emerge.

Then last week Sweden’s own stories began to emerge. During the We Are Sthlm music festival, large groups of young men harassed girls sexually. It began in 2014 and it also went on during last year’s festival. According to internal police reports the groups were ‘so-called refugee youths primarily from Afghanistan’. The youngest of the victims was 12 years old.

The police claimed that there were ‘relatively few crimes and arrests considering the number of participants’. Internal reports told a different story. The police were shocked enough by the harassment to try to come up with a strategy to handle the groups of molesters at the festival — a strategy that was evidently unsuccessful. The trouble was that they were trying to deal with a problem but would not speak its name. As Peter Ågren, police chief in central Stockholm, put it: ‘Sometimes we do not dare to say how things really are because we believe it will play into the hands of the Sweden Democrats.’ As we now know, police officers in Stockholm are instructed not to reveal the ethnicity or nationality of any suspects lest they be accused of racism.

It’s clear, then, that apparently not only do women mean nothing to Muslims, they mean little to Europeans as well.  Europeans GOWPs purposely kept the magnitude and nature of the offenses hidden.  European government drones hazarded their women on the altar of guilt, political correctness, ignorance and abject, profound cowardice.

Islam Helped by GOWP Leftist WomanGermany is doomed, the rest of Europe is on the brink.  “Migrants” and “refugees” are shitting and pissing in public, raping women damned near at will.  The European women “deserve it.”  Yes.  Political correctness protects the Muslim rape culture, amongst other things.  Read this link.  European nations are accommodating Islam in their own countries, not the other way around.

Check this paragraph:

In the Arab world, it’s something of a phenomenon. It has a name: ‘Taharrush gamea’. Sometimes the girls are teased and have their veils torn off by gangs of young men; sometimes it escalates into rape. Five years ago, this form of attack was the subject of an award-winning Egyptian film, 678. Instances of young men surrounding and attacking girls were reported throughout the Arab Spring protests in Cairo in 2011 and 2012. Lara Logan, a CNN journalist covering the fall of Hosni Mubarak, was raped in Tahrir Square. Taharrush gamea is a modern evil, and it’s being imported into Europe. Our authorities ought to be aware of it.

And with all this, Mr Obama wants to duplicate what is occurring in Europe, here.  He wants more refugees imported into the US.



John Kasich to Hugh Hewitt:

John Kasich JacketJohn Kasich interviewed by Hugh Hewitt:

“I’m not a process guy.”

Right, John, as you said with disdain.

Because politicians, like yourself, only have the good of the electorate at heart.

Thanks, John.  Good to know.

Good to know you’re not much interested in being honest, because politicians live and die by process.  Yourself as well.



Hugh Hewitt is no longer on PMs.  He is now broadcasting live — temporarily from his Southern California studio — from 3 AM to 6 AM Pacific time, 6 AM to 9 AM Eastern time, during what is known in radio as “morning drive.”

He is leaving SoCal for a home in Virginia, as he is taking over Bill Bennett’s former Salem Broadcasting slot — a prime position to increase his audience and acquire more politicians and dealmakers direct from DC.


New Leftist tactic: go after ammo — “not protected by 2nd”

Obama Gun ConfiscationThose who are paying attention realize that the Second Amendment has been under assault by Leftist elements for literally years.  Decades.

This focus has been even more pronounced under Barack Hussein Obama, the worst president the United States has ever had to suffer through and attempt to survive.

That said, Leftists know that it is difficult to go after firearms themselves — though a large bulk of Europeans wish they had their own version of the Second Amendment today due to the invasion of their continent by Muslim “refugees” and usurpers.

So: how to kick Constitutionalists in the slats?

Go after ammunition.  In Fornicalia, they have already done so.  It is illegal to hunt with lead bullets, for example.  Facts be damned.

Ammunition Ban ItTherefore, from Breitbart.com:

Gavin Newsom: Ammunition ‘The Most Dangerous Part’ of a Gun

by AWR Hawkins

Californian Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom is hitching his 2018 gubernatorial campaign to a statewide ballot proposal that would sharply restrict the sale of ammunition.

“It seems to me the most dangerous part of the weapon is not the weapon itself, it’s the ammunition,” he said April 1.

He wants anyone buying ammunition to endure a background check similar to the one that would-be gun buyers currently have to pass to buy a firearm.

According to the Press Democrat, Newsom, speaking at the Graton casino, told a story about being denied a Sudafed cold medicine purchase because he did not have a driver’s license to show at the pharmacy counter. He suggested it is strange that a person has to show ID to buy cold medicine but not ammunition.

So you want ID for ammunition?  You want background checks for ammunition?

How about we apply what I call the Logical Extension then, sir?  That would be: mandatory identification for voting.  Background checks for voters.  Appearing at one’s voting precinct is a perfect time to run persons for criminal warrants. to check if they are welfare abusers, drug abusers, in violation of any number of restraining orders, tort violations, domestic abuse violations.  Imagine how many domestic abuse cases could be solved with abusers in custody?

After all, voting is one of the MOST consequential actions one can take yearly.

It’s only fair — I love that Leftist word when applied against them — that the United States know — like firearms — if actual CITIZENS are voting upon issues that determine the future of the nation.

Newsom is also pushing a ban on the possession of “high capacity” magazines. He says such magazines are “disproportionately responsible for mayhem.”

What is a “high capacity magazine”?

Would that be a hundred rounds?  Fifty rounds?  Thirty rounds?  Twenty rounds?  Ten rounds?

How about five rounds?

Like Barney Fife, keep your one round in your pocket.