Obama keeps the US safe with sarcasm and MORE refugees

Obama DANGEROUS to AmericaI wrote on Friday about Mr Obama’s plan to fight ISIS: words.  Sarcasm.  “You are not strong.  You are weak.”  There.  Mission accomplished.  ISIS fleeing in terror.

But wait, there’s more.

Obama plans to keep America safe by battling ISIS with words, AND he plans on importing more “refugees” into the United States.

That Mr Obama, what a courageous man.

He made the announcement on Easter.  Good timing.

From the WashingtonExaminer.com:

Obama reiterates refugee promise

by Nicole Duran

In a brief Easter weekend radio address, President Obama vowed to decimate the self-proclaimed Islamic State, but he said the United States will do so by offering an example of freedom, tolerance and open society.

“Our openness to refugees fleeing ISIL’s violence; our determination to win the battle against ISIL’s hateful and violent propaganda — a distorted view of Islam that aims to radicalize young Muslims to their cause,” are paramount in the fight, Obama told Americans during his weekly radio address.

Admitting entry to Syrian and Iraqi refugees has become a divisive issue in the U.S. as well as Europe, but Obama made clear he has no plan to back off his promise to admit 100,000 to the U.S. this year.

Let me emphasize: Obama said he will “promise to admit 100,000 to the US this year.”

Please see the graphic below which delineates where these refugees will be placed.

Syrian Refugees to USMy stance is this: no refugees to the US.  No children.  No women.  No men.  No families.  But particularly no children.  The children and all refugees need to stay in their country of origin with family.

Why?  This is our country.  It belongs to us and no one else.  We have sovereignty and we get to keep it.  We are the determinants of who will or will not enter our country.  We get to ensure the sovereignty and safety of our citizens.  It’s a duty.  It is the duty of our federal government to keep its citizens safe.  That is its highest priority.

The United States cannot be the recipient of the world’s human outcasts and refuse and hope to continue.  Germany is already making this discovery and Merkel, by her insane decision to allow “refugees” to storm their border unimpeded, has placed her entire country in jeopardy.  In jeopardy of not just never looking or being Germany again, but in jeopardy of placing itself into November of 1923 all over again.

Whatever occurs in Germany from this point on can and is directly attributable to Merkel’s decision to flood the nation with persons who seem to have little if any interest in assimilation.

Assimilation in the culture, immersion in the language, participating in the host country’s customs — those are the least of the things you as an immigrant owe your new nation.

These things are primarily not occurring in Europe, with terrible consequences the result.

Pundits in the US brag that the major difference between Europe and the US is the assimilation that does occur here.  I should care to point out, however, that participating in American culture is occurring with greater infrequency if for no other reason that not only don’t we, for example, encourage the learning of English but, many times, we discourage it and enable immigrants to hold to their own.  We do this out of GOWP political correctness.

Two massive reasons for what I would argue as a major necessary clamp on immigration — which I wholeheartedly advocate — are the issues of employment and budget.

The bulk of persons immigrating to the US bring no inherent skills with them.  Most are unskilled individuals from poor environments and backgrounds where the aptitudes required for our future of our nation are not possessed.

Our nation will have a sufficiently difficult time ensuring our own lawful citizens can transform into the New Work Paradigm — much less having to take in persons whose background and capabilities fall behind those of our own.

The demand for a $15 an hour “living wage” (along with technology itself) is driving the push for jobs requiring menial skills to be automated.  Those persons thinking that clicking the CHEESEBURGER icon at McDonald’s will guarantee them anything more than a few extra fries per shift are deluding themselves.

Those jobs that can be automated will.  Persons who lack skills or, for any number of varied reasons, are unemployable will find themselves unemployed.  And many of today’s Americans are completely unemployable, unable to cope with the most minimal amount of discipline or diligence.

Add to that the vast potential amounts of refugees who bring nothing to the employment or culture table, and you have a recipe for another Europe in the midst of America.

Those persons who lack skills or are unemployable will then, of course, demand and apply for various forms of largesse.  The pool of those paying taxes will diminish to the point of a National Crash.  We are not far from that point already, with our own coddled bits of human flotsam and jetsam.

We can’t afford the human cost, and we can’t afford the fiscal cost.

Guns are not the greatest danger to America, nor is “global warming” according to the Religious Left.

The greatest danger to America is Barack Hussein Obama.

Or any Demorat successor.



Keith Emerson, dead at 71

Keith Emerson 1970sFans at ELP concerts, prior to health and safety codes for dangerous decibel levels, would frequently say the stacks of speakers on stage literally blew their hair and clothing. Working in radio entertainment, going to concerts like ELP and being my department’s Rangemaster all contributed to my loss of hearing.

In the 1970s, the three-man progressive rock group Emerson, Lake and Palmer (or ELP) were on top of the record charts time and again.  I attended three of their concerts and marveled at their musical chops as well as their stage theatrics.

Here is one of their most moving and recognizable songs, Lucky Man.

ELP consisted of Keith Emerson on keyboards, Carl Palmer on percussion and Greg Lake on stringed instruments.

The question I have is this: why wasn’t Keith Emerson’s passing more widely covered not just in the general media, but more broadly in the music industry as well?

Further, I found this somewhat disconsolate article in UK media, from the DailyMail.com:

How the Hendrix of the keyboard was trolled to death by his own fans: Keith Emerson’s widow claims flamboyant showman was a ‘sensitive soul’ killed himself after taking cruel jibes to heart

by Tom Leonard

  • Keith Emerson died aged 71 at his home in Santa Monica, Los Angeles
  • Police said he died from self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head
  • Emerson set up the band in 1970 with guitarist Lake and drummer Palmer
  • He had been planning to retire after a string of concerts in Japan
  • But was ‘tormented with worry’ that he wouldn’t be good enough

Emerson died aged 71 at his home in Santa Monica, Los Angeles, on Friday morning from what police said was a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

It appears that for all his rock dinosaur image, he was the victim of a very modern fate — ‘trolled to death’ by heartless fans who had attacked him online over the quality of his recent music, even suggesting he gave up.

In fact, he had been suffering for years from a debilitating muscular condition that affected the fingers in his right hand.

‘He read all the criticism online and was a sensitive soul,’ said his Japanese girlfriend, Mari Kawaguchi, 52.

Although he had been planning to retire after a string of upcoming concerts in Japan, he was ‘tormented with worry’ that he wouldn’t be good enough, she said. ‘He didn’t want to let down his fans. He was a perfectionist and the thought he wouldn’t play perfectly made him depressed, nervous and anxious.’

It’s easy to believe that he could have been deeply troubled by the cruel barbs from fans. Not only did Emerson take his music very seriously — even if many others didn’t — but he was a deeply sensitive man who was far from the wild rock star that he appeared on stage.

‘Keith was a gentle soul whose love for music and passion for his performance as a keyboard player will remain unmatched for many years to come,’ said his former bandmate, Carl Palmer.

These parts I clearly remember, with fondness:

If ELP records were bombastic enough, the band’s live appearances were something else. The group toured with 40 tons of equipment, the vast expense justified only by the fact that no one except The Rolling Stones, The Who and Led Zeppelin drew bigger live crowds. It included 13 keyboards and a £2,000 Persian rug that Greg Lake stood on while he played.

Emerson was always centre stage and would be hoisted on a wire 20ft into the air while strapped to a Steinway grand piano. He would then play the instrument while it spun end over end as smoke billowed around him. Finally, in a huge explosion from fireworks inside the piano, it and Emerson would disappear.

The stunt had eventually to stop because Emerson kept getting hurt: once he broke his nose when the piano suddenly stopped mid-spin; another time, the fireworks went off too soon and he was covered in cuts and bruises. Down on stage, the carnage was intense. At that inaugural Isle of Wight performance, a photographer was hurled off stage into the audience by the force of antique cannons firing at the end of one song.

I had the fortunate occasion to see the spinning piano stunt twice — luckily with no broken bones or lacerations involved.

Yes, ELP was bombastic; yes, ELP was excessive.  Yes, some persons made fun of them for their over-the-top theatrics and what the Swedish call självdistans, or lack of distance.  Taking oneself a bit too seriously.

There is no denying that Keith Emerson possessed an amazing aptitude and, like many talents in entertainment with a cutting creative side, could be occasionally confused, sensitive, depressed and desperate.  We’ve all been there.

Tragically, Keith Emerson succumbed to those voices ended his life.



Obama’s plan to defeat ISIS: sarcasm

It’s good to know that our Mr Barack Hussein Obama has a detailed and concerted plan to defeat ISIS, most recently responsible for killing 31 innocent people in Belgium.

Words.  Sarcasm.  For certainly you can’t take what Mr Obama says seriously.  And I wouldn’t have believed it had I not seen and heard it:

This is how Obama fights ISIS — just like it would appear some of America and much of Europe wishes to fight ISIS.  With shawls and candles and posters and hashtags and hand-holding and vigils and singing and kind thoughts from the politically correct imbeciles who attend this puerile pap.

From the WeeklyStandard.com:

Obama: Defeat ISIS ‘By Saying You Are Not Strong, You Are Weak’

by Daniel Halper

President Obama has a new way to defeat the Islamic State: by telling the terror organization they are weak. Obama revealed his strategy at a press conference today in Argentina.


The insistence that ISIS can be fought by semi-stern language is as ridiculous as thinking that Belgium will get ahead of the terror curve by continuing to limit the service of warrants or raids between the hours of 9 PM and 5 AM.  Correct.  Sheer insanity.  Turkey President Erdogan called Belgium authorities “incompetent” as Turkey warned Belgium earlier.

America, this is the mindset you are fighting.  This is a once-European Belgian man who converted to Islam, joined ISIS, endured a trial for terrorism and received — wait for it — three years’ probation for plotting to destroy his country and Europe.  Listen to his words very carefully.

Western civilization thinks in terms of minutes, hours, a few days.  Islam thinks in terms of years, decades, centuries.

ISIS FLAGS In DEARBORN, MICHIGANBy the way, here are ISIS flags flown in Dearborn, Michigan.  You likely could have seen the same thing in Hamtramck.

You’re welcome.



Did Obama tell Cuba: return our cop killer?

Obama In Cuba with Che Guevara BehindNO.  Of course he didn’t, nor will he.  Good ol’ Obaka, with Che Guevara behind.  That’s how incredibly ignorant Mr Obama is of what Guevara said and stood for.  More on that in a moment. **

To bring up the issue of an American cop killer acquiring refuge in Cuber might “upset” the two despots of Cuber.  Can’t have that.

Obama Cuba Raul Castro

Michelle and Hussein with Smiling Raul Castro.  Good times.

So while Belgium blows up, Obama ensures he attends a nice baseball game in Cuber.  It’s important that our president does “the wave” with the rest of the crowd.

NBCNews.com actually asks:

Will Obama Demand Cuba Hand Over Fugitive Cop-Killer?

by Tom Winter

White House officials would not tell NBC News whether President Obama will raise the issue of 70 fugitives from U.S. justice — including convicted cop-killer JoAnne Chesimard — who are hiding in Cuba when he meets Cuban leaders during his visit to the island.

Chesimard, who fled to Cuba in 1984 after escaping from a New Jersey prison in 1979, was convicted of the 1973 execution-style murder of New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster. She is on the FBI’s Most Wanted International Terrorists list, and is the most notorious of a group of criminals and violent radicals who have sought refuge in Cuba since Fidel Castro took power.

Other fugitives include Willie Morales, who blew off his own hands while making bombs for a Puerto Rican independence group, and Victor Manuel Gerena, the alleged “inside man” in a $7 million armored car robbery.

Uh, no.  No.  He didn’t ask.  He was too entranced with the Castros, baseball and dancing.

Obama Che** Let’s now go back to Che Guevara, the idolized Leftist reactionary that Barack Hussein Obama was ever-so-pleased to be photographed before.

Let’s display a quote from said Che Guevara.

“The Negro is indolent and lazy, and spends his money on frivolities…”
— Che Guevara

So wait.  Barack Hussein Obama is standing before and is — by doing so — tacitly approving of the “revolutionary” Che Guevara?  The racist Che Guevara?

True.  Barack Hussein Obama is that ignorant of history.  He embraces a racist.

Che Guevara, the Argentinean communist who fermented revolutions in Cuba and the Congo, was finally dispatched by the Bolivian forces in 1967. Some 42 years later — long after the specter of revolutionary communism ceased to hound most of mankind — Che appears to be having the last laugh. His image is ubiquitous in the West — adorning the shirts and bags of an affluent but historically illiterate generation. Prince Harry, third in line to the British throne, was spotted wearing a Che t-shirt few years ago. This year’s “Icons” collection by Belstaff (an Italian clothing company) contains a “Che Guevara replica jacket.”

Che Guevara, as Alvaro Vargas Llosa shows in The Che Guevara Myth and the Future of Liberty, was a megalomaniac and a murderer. Embarrassingly for the young idealists sporting his image, he was also a racist, a homophobe and an anti-Semite. “The Negro is indolent and lazy,” Che opined about his Congolese comrades, “and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent.” Ignorance about the real Che is universal. Thus, Angola’s capital of Luanda boasts a Che Guevara Street and the South African capital of Pretoria may soon be graced by a street of the same name.

Obama isn’t stopping there.  Oh, no, not by a wide margin.  He wants to import thousands more Muslims into this country, according to the WashingtonExaminer.com:

White House wants increase of Syrian refugees

by Paul Bedard

The White House is quietly pushing for an increase in refugees from Syria, despite new concerns raised by state and county officials that federal help is often missing when they arrive.

President Obama’s assistant for immigration policy told a task force set up by the National Association of Counties that the U.S. is eyeing a bigger role to help alleviate the growing crisis.

Syrian Refugees Were CREATED by OBAMAFurther, there were 680,000 green cards issued to migrants from Muslim nations from 2009 to 2013 — and will issue another 680,000 green cards to migrants from majority-Muslim nations in the coming five years.

Unless we replace the resident of the Spite House.

Who completely believes he is the smartest man in the room.  Any room.  All the time.  No matter who else is present.  Please click the link above and read the article completely.

In the meantime, the “smartest man in the room” learns absolutely nothing from history and cannot see that he is attempting to duplicate the European Model when, in fact, Europe is in the process of shedding that model.

Because it doesn’t work, and it isn’t working.



All you need to know about Obama’s trip to Cuba

Obama In Cuba with Che Guevara BehindFirst, Raul Castro failed to meet Obama at the airport.

Massive lack of respect.

Obama pandered of course and gushed about, of all things, the food.

In the meantime there are more political prisoners now in Cuba than in many years.  Even though Raul Castro says there are no political prisoners in Cuba.  He asked Obama: name them.

Here they are.  Did or will Obama brace Raul Castro on this lie?  No.

There isn’t anything Obama does that isn’t scripted.  He stood where he did and when he did for a purpose.

Don’t fail to see it.



How sad to think that most Leftists, Millennials and college attendees won’t have any idea about the photograph at the top of this post.