Sharia Law next for Michigan-dominated town?

Muslims In Dearborn MichiganThe US will very soon learn that demography is prophecy — Caucasoids in Fornicalia already know that fact as we are now a statistical minority, with Mexicans edging white folk out.

Hamtramck, Michigan, now holds a Muslim majority city bureaucracy.  From

Muslim-Majority City Council Elected in Michigan

by Breitbart News

HAMTRAMCK, Mich., Nov. 9 (UPI) – A city near Detroit made history when it elected the first Muslim-majority city council in the United States.

The town of Hamtramck, a long-time Polish-Catholic enclave, has been demographically changing for decades and the election symbolized how far the city had come. The top three vote-getters were Muslim, two were incumbents — Anam Miah and Abu Musa — and the third, newcomer Saad Almasmari, had the highest number of votes overall in last week’s election.

Estimates of Hamtramck’s Muslim population are between 30 percent to 50 percent.

In 2004, the city made headlines when the city council — then with one Muslim council member — allowed a mosque to broadcast its call to prayer from loudspeakers. Opponents of the decision said it was a religious intrusion into their lives.

You may look on the calendar and mark my words from today, Tuesday, November 10 of 2015.  The “call to prayer” is just the beginning.  Soon Hamtramck will see foot baths in town.  Sales of pork and alcohol will first be frowned upon and later forbidden.  Non-Muslim businesses will start to close because of neighborhood and town pressures.

That’s just the beginning.  Again, marking my words, there will be small forms of Sharia Law introduced and larger pushes coming in a relatively short time.  It won’t be terribly long before there are no non-Muslims in Hamtramck.  Non-Muslims are soon to feel the building pressure in their schools, in their local government, in their municipal services.  Mark my words.  There will also soon be “no-go” zones for non-Muslims.

Note to non-Muslim Hamtramck police officers: you might want to start looking for your next job; you soon won’t like the one you have and its political working conditions.

Dearborn, Michigan is already the Arab Capital of North America.  There are actual “no-go” zones in Dearborn, where Christians were stoned in broad daylight while local law enforcement officers stood by refusing to protect them.

Mark my words.



HERE is your Black Lives DON’T MATTER:

First, read my story about a 9-year-old Chicago black child lured into an alley and executed with shots to the head and back by a black male gangbanger, due to gang involvement with his father.

Proving every point I’ve ever made about Black Lives Matter and black lives truly not mattering:

Black Lives Matter - Tyshawn LeeThis is beyond disgusting — to the point you’re thinking I’m making it up, Caucasoid racist that I’m accused of being.  You might want to check local Chicago news, first.

Mommy said she didn’t do it, of course.

While she admits to buying a car, she says she used her own money to make the down payment for the 2015 Chrysler 200.

Really?  Clearly, that’s what most grieving parents would do — go out a buy a nice new car before her slain son was even laid in the ground.

If she so loved her son, why wait until now to purchase a car?  Wouldn’t it have been more considerate and logical to protect both herself and her son before something happened to him on the way to school or in the neighborhood or on the way to a store?  If she says she didn’t use the GoFundMe money for the purchase, that means she already had the cash.  Why wait?

I think I have a pretty good idea what occurred, and so do you.

Let me ask the question no one else will ask: just what kind of life would this poor little kid have had with a father inculcated in local black Chicago gangs and a mother so corrupt that she would use funds donated to the memory of her slain young boy in order to purchase herself a nice new car?  Hell, just get his death over with now, that’s what his parents wanted by dint of their carelessness and/or naked indifference.

Black Lives Matter, To Very FewBoth Tyshawn’s father and mother have proven that his life didn’t matter at all.  Further, he became a channel, a means, by which his mother upgraded her own personal transportation.  Won’t have to take public transportation anymore, yo, y’all feel me?

Life is cheap, but a 2015 Chrysler 200 is good for thousands of miles.

I bet the car is black.

Don’t get me started.  Black lives really don’t matter.

Facts in evidence.



Mystery military air ops close LAX

Catalina Trench Pacific Ocean

Catalina Island, upper right. Note extremely deep trenches near the island. Click to make graphic larger for greater detail and depth.

First, the news story, from out of Los Angeles:

Secret military operations to divert LAX planes for a week

by Jory Rand

Mysterious maneuvers over the Pacific are forcing a change in Los Angeles International Airport landings late at night, meaning noise for thousands of people in the flight path.

Instead of landing from the east over Inglewood, planes begin flying from the west and over the ocean to keep noise levels down, but due to secret military operations, the airspace over the Pacific is closed to incoming flights for the next week.

The military is not saying what exactly is causing the change, and LAX claims it’s also in the dark. Castles said all they know is planes can’t be flying at low altitudes to our west.

Here’s what you might not know.

UFOlogists believe there may be an underwater base in the area, which has been a very active USO (Underwater Submerged Object) region, investigated by MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) and others.  Santa Catalina has been a hotbed of UFO activity.

Could the purposely secret military diversion have something to do with this alleged activity?

Then there’s this from

Naval missile test off Southern California coast creates stir

The Navy fired an unarmed missile from a submarine off the Southern California coast on Saturday, creating a bright light that streaked across the state and was visible as far away as Nevada and Arizona.

Cmdr. Ryan Perry, a spokesman for the Navy, said the Navy Strategic Systems Programs conducted the missile test at sea from the USS Kentucky, a ballistic missile submarine.

It wasn’t clear whether the test was related to the rerouting of nighttime flights into and out of Los Angeles International Airport because of an active military airspace from Friday to Nov. 12.

There exists this, as well:

The claim of a meteor (near the launch) could have been plausible because of the ongoing Taurid meteor shower that is taking place between Nov. 5 and Nov. 12 and is expected to be more active than usual this year, according to NASA.

Sometimes there are easy and clear explanations.  Sometimes not so much.  Sometimes there is a confluence of events.

And yes, I do happen to believe that mankind is not alone in the universe.

Check this and every Sunday at 6 PM Pacific for their livestream show featuring Jeffrey Gonzalez and Allen Thomas, delivering timely information on everything from Sasquatch sightings to UFO anomalies and all unusual points in between.  Jeffrey and Allen do speculative radio like no one else.

I may just attempt to call in and chat.


USO, Undersea Submerged Object

9-year-old boy lured into Chicago alley and executed

Tyshawn LeeAh yes, some more of the goodness of black males in urban American cities.  Plus, better yet, this heinous incident occurred in a city where gun control is arguably the tightest in the nation.  Controlled by a Leftist mayor, Rahm Emanual, and in Barack Hussein Obaka’s political back yard.

Good times!

The details, from

Chicago Police: 9-year-old Tyshawn Lee lured into alley, shot to death

by Dana Ford

(CNN) A 9-year-old boy killed in Chicago this week was “lured” into an alley and shot in a gang-related attack, authorities said.

“Tyshawn Lee was murdered in probably the most abhorrent, cowardly, unfathomable crime that I’ve witnessed in 35 years of policing,” Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy told reporters Thursday.

The child was targeted, according to Chicago Police Superintendant Garry McCarthy, because of his “family relationship with a member of a gang.”

When asked which family member, he identified the boy’s father.

“Tyshawn’s father has ties to a certain gang that is in conflict with another gang,” McCarthy said.

Imagine that!  A black gang-related matter in Chicago, and guns involved.  Zounds!  Here’s another shocker; you’d best sit down for this one.

The father, Pierre Stokes, is not cooperating with police.

That’s like saying, if you’re a cop going to a fight call, that “alcohol may be involved.”

This little boy, on the planet for a total of nine years, was lured into an alleyway and summarily executed with shots to the head and to the back, because a young urban black male gang member held a grudge of some unknown and stupid sort against the boy’s young urban black gang member father.

But here’s the deal.  Blacks in the neighborhood aren’t interested in helping blacks in the neighborhood.  They’d be labeled a “snitch” and that’s even worse than dead nine-year-old boys.  So if blacks couldn’t care less about a young boy who was snuffed, much less each other, why should I object?

I don’t object.  Because black lives don’t matterSomeone knows something.  I’d wager a series of someones know something.  But black lives — well — you know.

Simultaneously, isn’t it odd how the American Media Maggots won’t pick up this story and run with it for weeks, like they would if a Caucasoid cop happened to shoot a young black male criminal?

Forgotten about in a few days, this boy will be.  Sad.  Sort of.  Move along, the media and the president and the politicians and the locals in the neighborhoods say.  Nothing to see here.  He didn’t matter to anyone, outside of a small circle of friends.

Phil Ochs would be so proud.



NDA: Clinton KNEW she could be prosecuted

Hillary Clinton -- I did not have factual relations with the USA nice little bombshell just in from the

Clinton Signed NDA Laying Out
Criminal Penalties for Mishandling of Classified Info

by Lachlan Markay

Dem presidential candidate and top aides signed NDAs warning against ‘negligent handling’ of classified information

As the nation’s chief diplomat, Hillary Clinton was responsible for ascertaining whether information in her possession was classified and acknowledged that “negligent handling” of that information could jeopardize national security, according to a copy of an agreement she signed upon taking the job.

Translated: she knew precisely what she was doing when she signed that document, and she knew precisely what was expected of her and what could potentially occur to her if she were to abrogate that agreement.

It was all made plain and clear, up front.  A copy of that Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) is here.

A day after assuming office as secretary of state, Clinton signed a Sensitive Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Agreement that laid out criminal penalties for “any unauthorized disclosure” of classified information.

Hillary Clinton DELETESPart of the document she SIGNED states “I have been advised that the unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized retention, or negligent handling of SCI by me could cause irreparable injury to the United States or be used to advantage by a foreign nation.”

The FreeBeacon continues:

The language of her NDA suggests it was Clinton’s responsibility to ascertain whether information shared through her private email server was, in fact, classified.

“I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with appropriate management authorities in the Department … in order to ensure that I know whether information or material within my knowledge or control that I have reason to believe might be SCI,” the agreement says.

It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to realize Clinton acquired her own email server because she wanted total control of the information, and to ensure that its contents were not readily discoverable — when in fact likely the precise opposite occurred.  Just ask the Chinese and the Russians.

It’s already been revealed there were classified emails on her server.  They were marked “TS/SCI”—top secret/sensitive compartmented information.”  A valuable list of US security clearance delineators is here.

The incredibly smarmy Clinton arrogance and imperious conceit enters the picture when, despite all of this and, having signed her NDA and knowing so, she still believed she was of such import that she would not be touched or held accountable for any action.  The private server was an obvious attempt at avoiding her responsibilities and duties.  She, as with Obama, have administrations that are the opposite of transparent.

They were and are they most opaque by design.

Hillary Clinton jeopardized US security, lied about it, and couldn’t care less about it.


Hillary vs Petraeus