California has almost reached nirvana

Close, very close. But not just yet.

Nirvana in Sacramento, where the Bill Mill lives, the veritable Belly of the Beast, what I term the Locus of Evil on the entire west coast and perhaps the entire nation (I’ll let you be the judge of that) is when you have such control in the capitol building that you’ve got a lock on Demorat politicians in perpetuity. Republicans don’t even factor.

With one extra little tidbit. I’ll get to that at the end.

Demorats are close. Damned close. So close they can sense the scent of nirvana itself. It’s already wafting around the corridors during the day (at night, however, the demonic evil truly emerges and one can only smell brimstone and sulphur).

Demorats have already obtained what is termed a “supermajority” in the capitol building since November 8th. From

California Democrats regain supermajority in Legislature

by John Wildermuth

Nearly a week after the midterm elections, the news keeps getting worse for California Republicans.

Democrats claimed victory Monday in two state Senate races, giving them back the two-thirds supermajority they lost in June when Orange County Democrat Josh Newman was recalled after he voted in favor of Gov. Jerry Brown’s gas tax increase.

Republican leads also continued to slip in a pair of hotly contested Orange County congressional races.

The victories give Democrats 28 seats in the 40-member Senate, one more than they needed for a supermajority. They already hold a two-thirds advantage in the Assembly, enabling them to pass virtually any legislation without Republican help.

But wait; there’s more. Why stop at some piddling little “supermajority”? Why not make it a full-blown “megamajority” with a three-quarter packing of Demorats? From

California Democrats Near Three-Fourths ‘Mega-Majority’ in State Legislature

by Joel B Pollak

California lawmakers will begin their new legislative session Monday with Democrats holding a three-fourths majority in the State Assembly, and one vote less than three-fourths in the State Senate — the biggest Democratic majority since 1883, the Associated Press notes.

The AP adds: “[Democrats will] have 29 of the 40 state Senate seats, two more than the two-thirds supermajority they need to raise taxes, suspend legislative rules and override vetoes without Republican votes. And they will hold a three-quarters majority in the Assembly — 60 of the 80 seats.”

Undaunted by political scandals, an epidemic of sexual misconduct, and habitual tax hikes, Democrats have what some pundits are calling a “mega-majority” — more powerful than an ordinary, veto-proof supermajority.

How possibly did this occur?

The AP cites “changing demographics and attitudes toward President Donald Trump,” but another key factor was a change in the state’s voting laws in 2016, which allowed “ballot harvesting” — the mass delivery of mail-in ballots by third parties, often Democratic Party operatives.

Whoa, stop right there. New term. What is “ballot harvesting”?


‘Ballot Harvesting,’ California Dems’ Latest Election Stealing Tool

by Scott Morefield

In 2016, California took yet another significant step in its decades-long quest to become the world’s largest banana republic when then-Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 1921, a then-barely-noticed revision to the state’s vote-by-mail procedures. 

The change was a small but significant one. California, in its infinite wisdom, decided to make the practice of “ballot harvesting” legal. Thus, instead of only relatives or those living in the same household being allowed to legally collect and turn in absentee ballots for voters – as was previously the law – any “third party” can do it, including activist groups, Democratic operatives, or street-corner panhandlers.

Only the most trustworthy, you see?

Figuring out new and creative ways to steal elections being their specialty and all, Democrats knew what they were doing, and even a few conservatives saw this bill’s consequences coming from a mile away. 

It gets better.

“AB 1921 would allow anybody to walk into an elections office and hand over truckloads of vote by mail envelopes with ballots inside, no questions asked, no verified records kept,” a group opposed to the bill wrote before its passage. “It amounts to an open invitation to large-scale vote buying, voter coercion, ‘granny farming,’ and automated forgery. AB 1921 solves no problem that a simple stamp can’t solve.”

Did “ballot harvesting” work in California?

Why worry about cheating when you can write cheating directly into a state bill and approve it with your — wait for it — megamajority?

And so, as the polls closed on election day, no less than six California Republican House candidates – including Representatives Dana Rohrabacher, Steve Knight, and Mimi Walters – were ahead in their respective races, some comfortably enough to declare victory and move on with plans for the next Congressional term. However, as absentee and provisional ballot results rolled in over the next few days and weeks, the vast majority of which predictably favored Democrats, their Democratic opponents managed to ‘find’ enough votes to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

In Orange County alone, 250,000 such ballots were collected, resulting in a total Democratic sweep, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

The next quote is classic. Even RINO Ryan seemed to “get it” for at least a moment.

“California just defies logic to me,” Ryan told attendees at a Washington Post live event. “We were only down 26 seats the night of the election, and three weeks later, we lost basically every California contested race. This election system they have — I can’t begin to understand what ‘ballot harvesting’ is.”

Oops, sorry. Too much credit. He doesn’t get it. The SFChronicle wrote:

“We beat Republicans on the ground, fair and square,” said Katie Merrill, a Democratic consultant deeply involved in November campaigns. “Many of the field plans included (ballot harvesting) as an option to deliver voters or their ballots” to the polls.

Those efforts involved identifying voters who might support Democratic candidates and ignoring those who wouldn’t.

In one Orange County household, for example, both the husband and wife were longtime Republicans, said Dale Neugebauer, a veteran Republican consultant. Democratic volunteers came by the house four times, each time asking to speak only with their 18-year-old daughter, a no-party-preference voter, and asking if she wanted them to pick up her signed and completed ballot.

That’s a perfect example of the “thorough and disciplined” ground game the Democrats used, said Merrill.

“We were not wasting time talking to people who weren’t going to vote for Democrats,” she said.

Of course not. Why would they? Shawn Steel wrote:

Legislative Democrats have rewritten election rules in their favor to expand voter eligibility, automatically register every voter, eliminate voting integrity laws and encourage questionable campaign tactics, such as ballot harvesting.

California has entered an era of near universal suffrage with illegal immigrants, felons, inmates and minors registering to vote. San Francisco now allows “people in the country illegally and other non-citizens the right to vote in a local election,” according to the Associated Press. The city has spent at least $310,000 in tax dollars to register 49 non-citizens to vote.

“Harvesting” in California, anyone?

I referenced total California nirvana earlier. Total nirvana would involve keeping the Bill Mill megamajority and harvesting illegals for votes. That’s a work in progress. Ask yourself: just why did the “caravans” choose to come to the border of California instead of other states?

I know this is getting into the weeds a little bit, perhaps too much “inside baseball,” but I take the risk because, as we all know, whatever little seed of disrepute or corruption stems from California has the tendency to wend its way into other Leftist states who think “gosh, that California, what a great model. Let’s start doing what they’re doing!”

As my mother-in-law said just before she passed away from pancreatic cancer: “Sometimes people and entities exist only as examples of what not to do in life.”



How lost is the UK?

Answer: very lost.

Answering for guilty colonialism, as they are.

Let me make one observation that will not be obvious to you. UK people refer to those from Islamic countries in the Middle East and North Africa as “Asian.” No. I am not making this up. It is either a mistake or a purposeful misnomer. Listen and become educated. Then read this.



Is free speech moribund?

Cheap Trick sang of the Dream Police. We now have the Speech Police. Given technology it’s not unclear that we won’t, at some time in the near future, have the Thought Police.

From the Express.Co.UK:

PC GONE MAD: Criticising migration could become CRIMINAL offence under new plan

by Thomas Hunt

A leading MEP has warned EU citizens that they could be “jailed” for criticising migration policies if a new United Nations agreement is acted upon.

The United Nations Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration seeks to make immigration a universal human right. MEP Marcel de Graaff said: “I would like to say some words on the global compact on migration. On the 10th and 11th of December there will be an international congress in Marrakesh Morocco. The participating countries are set to sign this agreement and although this joint agreement is not binding it is still meant to be the legal framework on which the participating countries commit themselves to build new legislation.

What does this mean?

I will let MEP (Member of European Parliament, from the Netherlands) Marcel de Graaff speak for himself.

This is not a joke.

“One basic element of this new agreement is the extension of the definition of hate speech.

“The agreement wants to criminalise migration speech. Criticism of migration will become a criminal offence.

“Media outlets that give room to criticism of migration can be shut down.”

I repeat, at the risk of proffering something from the Department of Redundancy Dept: this is not a joke. Quote: “You will be jailed for hate speech.”

For those of you in the UK, you can rest easy knowing that Prime Minister Theresa May plans to sell you completely down the river, prioritizing immigrants legal or otherwise over you.

International Development Minister Alistair Burt said the UK “is supportive” of the UN’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration document which is the subject of a major UK meeting next week.

Mr Burt said: “The UK Government is supportive of the UN’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, both as a step forward in international co-operation to tackle irregular migration and as a framework to help us deliver our commitments under the sustainable development goals.

Perhaps it’s time to insert this timely graphic.

Some European nations are not so keen on the UN compact.

The document, to be signed in Morocco, seeks to make immigration a universal human right and has been met with fury by Italy, a nation that took in the second highest number of asylum seekers behind Germany last year. Italy is boycotting the meeting.

The United States via President Trump has an opinion. From

US leading the charge in pushing back against UN’s migration agenda

by Adam Shaw

Under the Trump administration, the U.S. is leading the charge in pushing back against the U.N.’s migration agenda — a move that is picking up support from other countries and giving political cover to those seeking to join them.

The Trump administration announced last December that it would withdraw from the U.N.’s Global Migration Compact — due to be adopted by an intergovernmental conference in Morocco next month. Then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson argued last year that the compact could undermine America’s right to enforce its immigration laws and secure its borders.

“The United States supports international cooperation on migration issues, but it is the primary responsibility of sovereign states to help ensure that migration is safe, orderly, and legal,” Tillerson said.

The U.S. was the first country to withdraw, but it was soon followed by a stream of other countries pulling out of the non-binding compact, officially called the “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.” Hungary, Poland, Austria, Australia and Israel have all since announced they will not sign the accord, citing concerns that it will limit the ability of countries to set and enforce their own immigration policies.

I have five words: God bless President Donald Trump. And thank God that Hillary Clinton or some other politically-correct Leftist Demorat ass-kisser wasn’t anointed.

The UN and the EU don’t care about borders or a nation’s given ability or inability to absorb anyone and everyone they demand be taken. Not assimilated. Taken. There is a massive, massive difference. Perhaps a Teddy Roosevelt quote is appropriate here.

Europe: be afraid. Be very very afraid. Your ruination is in progress, abetted by the guilty, the ignorant, the historically illiterate.


Why not a little rock and roll?



President George Herbert Walker Bush passes at age 94

U.S. Navy pilot George Bush sits in the cockpit of his torpedo bomber “Barbara III”, named after his girlfriend and future wife Barara Pierce. Ca. 1943-1945. | Location: outdoors. (Photo by © CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)

Rest in peace, President George Herbert Walker Bush, 1924-2018, age 94, WWII Lieutenant (JG), Grumman TBM Avenger pilot shot down in 1944, rescued by USS Finback submarine, flew 58 combat missions, received the Distinguished Flying Cross, 3 Air Medals, Presidential Citation, Yale, US Congress, Senator, US Ambassador to the United Nations, Republican National Committee Chairman, US Envoy to China, CIA Director, Vice President and President of the United States.

Another American underachiever.