Antifa, journalists, city administrators, government bureaucrats and police removing your Constitutional rights

And I’ve had enough.

I am particularly disgusted by the continuing insertion of police departments as obstructionists to our civil rights, namely our First Amendment rights of free speech and peaceful protest. Note: peaceful protest.

You police departments, police administrators and local bureaucrats who enable Antifa, never forget this Antifa phrase. They mean it quite seriously.

Let’s not forget that Leftists and Antifa despise you and oppose law enforcement. When you stand back you are at cross-purposes with yourselves and the oaths you took to protect life and property.

Let’s also not forget that SCOTUS recently ruled on free speech and so-called “hate speech.”  As I wrote on July 13th.

SCOTUS ruling on the First Amendment

The US Supreme just recently released a terribly important opinion on a First Amendment case,

One that will and has upset and pissed off Leftists nationally and globally.

From the

Supreme Court unanimously reaffirms: There is no ‘hate speech’ exception to the First Amendment

by Eugene Volokh

From today’s opinion by Justice Samuel Alito (for four justices) in Matal v. Tam, the “Slants” case:

[The idea that the government may restrict] speech expressing ideas that offend … strikes at the heart of the First Amendment. Speech that demeans on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, or any other similar ground is hateful; but the proudest boast of our free speech jurisprudence is that we protect the freedom to express “the thought that we hate.”

Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote separately, also for four justices, but on this point the opinions agreed:

A law found to discriminate based on viewpoint is an “egregious form of content discrimination,” which is “presumptively unconstitutional.” … A law that can be directed against speech found offensive to some portion of the public can be turned against minority and dissenting views to the detriment of all. The First Amendment does not entrust that power to the government’s benevolence. Instead, our reliance must be on the substantial safeguards of free and open discussion in a democratic society.

This flies directly in the fact of what Leftists, Demorats, the American Media Maggots, globalists and even a few Republicans are saying: there is “hate speech” and it is a crime.

False. So sayeth the US Supreme Court.

Leftists, however, predicate their bleats about so-called “hate speech” but upon feelings and emotions, not upon facts or reality. I wrote this back on July 31st.

Leftists: speech is brutality

As long as it fails to correspond to their version and values attached to speech. Any speech. All speech.

And to think we once had a First Amendment.

Stop. Did you realize that the United States is the only major Western country that does not have an official and onerous “hate speech” criminal law on its books?

In my mind, that bespeaks much more about all of those other countries than it does about the United States.

But isn’t some speech the equivalent of brutality? Can’t much of speech be the equivalent of brutality? Let’s consult a Leftist psychology professor.

When Is Speech Violence?

by Lisa Feldmann Barrett

Imagine that a bully threatens to punch you in the face. A week later, he walks up to you and breaks your nose with his fist. Which is more harmful: the punch or the threat?

The answer might seem obvious: Physical violence is physically damaging; verbal statements aren’t. “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

But scientifically speaking, it’s not that simple. Words can have a powerful effect on your nervous system. Certain types of adversity, even those involving no physical contact, can make you sickalter your brain — even kill neurons — and shorten your life.

Wait. So can eggs. Cow farts. A blue ringed octopus. Loose lug nuts. The cargo door from a 747. A bee. Bad spinach.

If words can cause stress, and if prolonged stress can cause physical harm, then it seems that speech — at least certain types of speech — can be a form of violence. 

You might even say that, in the eyes of Leftists, Demorats, Antifa, anarchists, the next sentence encapsulates it all, fervently embossed and endorsed by Howard Dean.

The idea of freedom of speech does not mean a blanket permission to say anything anybody thinks.

This is nothing more than one of the most brain-dead statements ever made. The writer and its jejune sympathizers fail to properly load the difference between the words “speech” and “action” into their fetid and fissured brain housing groups.

This is free speech and I support Olbermann’s right to write it. He utilized expletives. But he did not advocate outright violence as in today’s vernacular. Olbermann is insane, yes, but he has the same rights as Nazis to disagree with issues.

Leftists now believe that they can no longer even be “questioned” and, if they are, that in and of itself constitutes “hate speech.”

Free-speech protections — not only but especially in universities, which aim to educate students in how to belong to various communities — should not mean that someone’s humanity, or their right to participate in political speech as political agents, can be freely attacked, demeaned or questioned.

With that as background, the City of San Francisco decided to outright cancel this past Saturday’s (August 26th) rally organized by Patriot Prayer, a group typified by most all the American Media Maggots as Nazi-like in nature and purely evil in intent. The AMM quantified it is a “controversial free speech rally.”

Stop. You see? Free speech is now labeled “controversial.”

Stop. What is the group “Patriot Prayer” anyway? Leftist-oriented Wikipedia writes:

Patriot Prayer is an American conservative advocacy group whose stated aim is to support free speech and the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.[1] The group is known for organizing rallies and protests in predominately liberal areas. Some of the rallies have drawn controversy due to the attendance of white nationalists, though the group’s founder Joey Gibson has disavowed them and denounced racism.[2]

Stop. Wait. Let’s list the numerous ways this group is inherently evil, yes?

  • Anything conservative is evil;
  • Anything or anyone advocating conservatism is evil;
  • Supporting free speech is evil;
  • Supporting the First Amendment is evil;
  • Supporting the US Constitution is evil;
  • Organizing rallies and protests in predominantly liberal areas is evil;
  • Joey Gibson is evil for disavowing white nationalists and denouncing racism.

You see? Rampant and unmitigated evil which must be immediately shut down.

Immediately immediately immediately!

And shut down it was.

Aided and abetted by the Berkeley Police Department. From

Berkeley Police Allowed Antifa to Jump Barricades, Assault Demonstrators

by Joel B. Pollak

Berkeley police deliberately allowed masked “Antifa” anarchists to jump a barricade and attack a demonstration by a peaceful right-wing group on Sunday, leading to five assaults, including on Patriot Prayer group leader Joey Gibson.

The counter-demonstration had reportedly been “largely peaceful” until that point.

The police later defended their decision by arguing that keeping the anarchists out would have led to greater violence. There was “no need for a confrontation over a grass patch,” Berkeley police chief Andrew Greenwood said, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

Note how Leftist Chief Greenwood inartfully and clumsily crafted his biased response in terms of “keeping the anarchists (he admits that’s what they are and their nature) out would have led to greater violence,” thusly “over a grass patch.”

This is called a cowardly excuse for not doing his job. By the way, what is the City of Berkeley paying this chief to execute their city council’s non-interventionist policy and that of its Antifa-embracing Mayor Arreguin? Right. $210,000. Not including benefits.

Check this:

Berkeley Mayor Is Member of Antifa Facebook Group that Organized Riots

by Tom Ciccotta

Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin is a member of the anti-fascist Facebook group, By Any Means Necessary, which orchestrated the riots that occurred ahead of a scheduled lecture by Milo Yiannopoulos.

Facts in evidence. Please read my quite in-depth post about the corruption of the Berkeley Police Department here.

I continue.

The original “No to Marxism” protest had been denied a permit by the city, but a small group of protesters showed up anyway, as did 2,000 “largely peaceful” counter-demonstrators, the Mercury News reported. reported that there were 400 police on hand to prevent violence.

But wait. There’s more.

But (Berkeley Police) stepped aside, the Mercury News reported, when over 100 masked anarchists “busted through police lines, avoiding security checks by officers to take away possible weapons.”

The result was several severe beatings of those who had gathered to protest against Marxism. Thirteen of the anarchists were arrested, the Chronicle reported.

Again, how many times do I have to point this out? In my opinion, I would submit that the City of Berkeley, Mayor Arreguin, the city council and Chief Andrew Greenwood are all complicit in a conspiracy, 182 PC, to allow lawful citizens of the State of California and the United States to become injured by indifference, and to allow private and public property to be damaged and destroyed, having received their marching orders not to interfere if the forces of Antifa were having their way.

I would submit that these forces possess a history sufficient to instigate both a federal RICO investigation of the entire Bay Area bureaucracy, and a 42 USC § 1983 “deprivation of civil rights” action.

Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, except that in any action brought against a judicial officer for an act or omission taken in such officer’s judicial capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes of this section, any Act of Congress applicable exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be considered to be a statute of the District of Columbia.

(R.S. § 1979; Pub. L. 96–170, § 1, Dec. 29, 197993 Stat. 1284Pub. L. 104–317, title III, § 309(c), Oct. 19, 1996110 Stat. 3853.)

It’s long past time for Leftists to be subject to the same lawful scrutiny others are.

In the meantime, this past weekend was simply another excuse for Antifa anarchist elements to riot, strike, injure and act violently because, after all, at their base they simply enjoy it.

I continue.

But the Mercury News report, citing Berkeley law enforcement authorities directly, made it clear that police knew that “Antifa” intended to cause violence, and allowed it to happen:

Berkeley police chief Andrew Greenwood defended how police handled the protest, saying they made a strategic decision to let the anarchists enter to avoid more violence.

Greenwood said “the potential use of force became very problematic” given the thousands of peaceful protesters in the park. Once anarchists arrived, it was clear there would not be dueling protests between left and right so he ordered his officers out of the park and allowed the anarchists to march in.

He ordered his officers out of the park.

Let that sink in. By the way, for those not yet aware, it’s 2017. Not 1923. There is no Beer Hall Putsch. Or is there?

The Associated Press corroborated that report: “Berkeley Police Chief Andrew Greenwood said officers were told not to actively confront the anarchists. He applauded officers’ restraint, saying it forestalled greater violence.”

I say to the apparently scattered few police officers on the Berkeley Police Department who actually wish to uphold their law enforcement oaths — and there are obviously a shockingly-deficient number of you now — it is long past due time to make a stand. But at some point you must. Do you stay or do you go? Do you fellate the Leftist cock of your local government or do you leave it to do some actual good for a department that will appreciate your talents, your training, your education and your experience?

Because, frankly, Berkeley PD never will.

It is not unlike this:

  • DISPATCHER: Attention all units, 211 in progress, Bank of America, Main and 51st, two masked males with handguns, units to respond?
  • UNIT: Paul 17 enroute from Franklin and 17th Ave.
  • UNIT: Paul 19 enroute from Josiah and Henry.
  • UNIT: Sam 5 from Henry and Stockton.
  • CHIEF: Units stand down, reduce code, clear the call. Citizens and suspects could be injured by your response and interference.

No. I am not kidding. This is apparently where we are today in some departments, in some areas, in some municipalities, in some Leftist states.

And the above. Berkeley PD obviously standing and watching. One wants to go, one does not.

Okay, and?”

Okay and, how about you honor the law enforcement oath you took when your badge was pinned on by your wife, husband, parents, a loved one upon graduation:

“I, ______, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and Constitution of the State of California, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter.

It’s called an oath. And it is what you swore to uphold.

Not anarchy. Not Antifa. Not chaos. Not insurrection. But calm and order and the rule of law.

Some people got slapped out of Antifa as they deserved.

Some people bitched about having violated the law but not yet afforded their rights to incredible luxuries afforded nowhere else on the planet. Note to bitcher: perhaps you should have left your “service dog” at home. But no. You’re a “Four-Fer.” A black. A female. A Leftist. A recipient of a service dog. All at Taxpayer Expense, yes? Because I’m sure you had the thousands and thousands of dollars required to have your claimed dog trained, did you not? Oh wait. That was on the taxpayer’s hook, was it?

But wait. Stop. Bestill my clotted heart. Am I hearing what I think I may be hearing”

But only for a microsecond or three.

Then there were the people who had the temerity and naked audacity to suggest they had a a right to protest non-violently. Note: non-violently.

Let’s go to Tucker Carlson.

“Using the police forces for their own political gain.”

This literally makes me heartsick. Physically nauseous. But the ultimate realization makes me even more concerned.

You have two legs and at least something of a brain. You can decide to leave the room, turn off the television, stop reading, leave the website, put down the magazine, turn off the iPad, etc. Any number of logical adult decisions can be made. Logical. Adult. Decisions.

You are not a Stegosaurus. It required a semi-brain, and a ganglion of nerves in its hips to make the legs move.

And that’s my ultimate point.

Who has control? The receptor of the message? Who is forced to, say: Click on. Click off?

Even Noam Chomsky believes in free speech, and on campuses.

The United States of America is one of the very, very few Western Civilization countries left that does not have a “hate speech” law guaranteeing prosecution of that vastly nebulous phrase.

Be thankful.

Be very, very thankful.

But be very, very mindful.

Moreover: be vigilant. And be prepared to defend your Constitutional rights.

That aspect is looming.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, April 25th, 2017

My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

Tuesday night at the Saloon we discussed:

  • BZ proves himself prescient and pats himself on the pate;
  • I gab about — is it worth gabbing about?
  • BZ reveals how he got fleeced for $6,000 by Apple’s Macintosh IIcx in 1989;
  • Happy Stories: armed employee crept behind an armed suspect, foiling a robbery;
  • California judge blocks Trump’s attempted removal of sanctuary city money;
  • This CA judge, William Orrick, raised $200,000 for Barack Hussein Obama;
  • We discuss detainers vs holds vs warrants regarding illegal aliens;
  • WHY is President Trump asking all 100 senators to meet with him Wednesday?
  • Iranian ship comes within 1,000 feet of US destroyer in Persian Gulf;
  • Byron York’s “Trump’s first 100 Days; an Executive Success”;
  • AG Jeff Sessions knows how to fund President Trump’s border wall;
  • Ted Cruz knows how to fund President Trump’s border wall;
  • How and why BZ got terrible tinnitus then and now;
  • France: it’s going to be Marine Le Pen vs Emmanual Macron;
  • BZ slaughters and continues to slaughter the name Macron;
  • Where does Antifa really come from? The 30s, Brown Shirts vs Black Shirts;
  • What’s at stake for France? The survival of Western civilization in Europe;
  • EU media setting up reasons for a potential Macron loss: it’s RUSSIA;
  • France has been turned into a hell hole by Muslims;
  • The Main Event: Berkeley PD should be completely ashamed of itself;
  • We go 15 minutes into BZ Overtime and conclude the Berkeley PD issue.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, April 25th, 2017” on Spreaker.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening via podcast. Thanks again to Mary Brockman, who manages to keep the chat room engaged and growing but who, because of the unanticipated overtime, had to miss my live final rant.

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here.



The Berkeley Police Department: “Okay, and?”

At least Berkeley PD offers its officers two ways to defend themselves in terms of one shotgun and one rifle per car. Shotgun left, long rifle right.

[This post has taken over a week to write because of the serious conflicts I feel when putting fingers to keyboard on what, to me, is a deeply disturbing topic.]

As a recently-retired law enforcement officer from two venues, federal and local, who served 41 years on the job, I am a Sheepdog, I am an Oathkeeper, I am a Silverback, and I am disgusted with the reaction — or the lack of reaction — once again — from the City of Berkeley Police Department (CA) with regard to the Saturday, April 15th riots ostensibly the result of a demand for the revelation of President Trump’s tax records.

This was nothing more than an excuse to riot, and nothing more than another reason for Antifa to corral its paid members once again in order to appear at a specific event. These are not local “protesters,” ladies and gentlemen. These are George Soros-paid, nomadic rioters who do the bidding of Antifa and anarchists across the nation. The faces begin to repeat. The difference, this time, was that pro-Trump members were present as well.

The Berkeley Police Department needs to be — again — named and shamed, as well as Chief Andrew Greenwood, City of Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin and the UC Berkeley Police Department Chief Margo Bennett. This is the same Chief Margo Bennett who had her gun, badge, laptop, credentials, iPad and other very personal items recently stolen from her official government vehicle. Charges? Discipline made public? Of course not. She willingly carries political water for Leftists.

They were and are in collusion to step away from situations that they know, full well, will likely lead to violence on the UC Berkeley campus and in the city. This is entirely despicable.

First the background, from the

Anti-Trump protest turns into a massive brawl: Twenty one are arrested after hundreds of Tax Day protesters trade punches with Donald supporters in Berkeley

by Abigail Miller

  • A ‘Patriots Day’ rally was held in support of President Donald Trump in Berkeley, California Saturday

  • It coincided with thousands who marched across the country to pressure  Trump to release his his Tax returns

  • The protest turned violent as counter-protesters showed up and both sides broke through netting

  • Hundreds threw stones, lit fires, tossed explosives and tear gas and attacked with makeshift weapons

  • Police stood by through the violence and at least 15 people have been arrested due to violence in Berkeley

Please note that last bullet point. Police stood by.

At least 21 people have been arrested after violence broke out Saturday between groups of Trump supporters and detractors holding rallies in downtown Berkeley, according to police. 

Hundreds of people with opposing opinions on President Donald Trump threw stones, lit fires, tossed explosives and tear gas and attacked each other with makeshift weapons as police stood by. 

As police stood by.

Berkeley PD’s mission statement reads as follows:

Our Mission is to safeguard our diverse community through proactive law enforcement and problem solving, treating all people with dignity and respect.

The Berkeley Police Department’s Vision is: We will be a team of leaders at every level.  We will foster strong relationships with our community, inspiring trust through our service, building on our historic tradition of progressive policing, and dedicated to the safety of all.  As members of this community, we will provide proactive law enforcement and problem solving, holding these as our core values:

Integrity: We are ethical, fair, and trustworthy in all we do.

Safety: We strive to keep our community and each other safe.

Berkeley PD also has a “Protest 101” link on its site.

Welcome to Protest 101

Protest 101 is a guide to assist anyone interested in organizing or participating in a safe and legal protest, march, demonstration, rally or labor action in the City of Berkeley.

During demonstrations, protest marches, public rallies or labor actions, the Berkeley Police Department is responsible for providing for the safety and security of the general public, while both monitoring and facilitating any peaceful demonstration.

Berkeley PD swears it provides safety and security for the general public during protests.

Here are the — there is no other word for it — riots that occurred April 15th, Saturday.

The situation devolving. No police around. “We will provide proactive law enforcement.”

No police around. “We will provide proactive law enforcement.”

No police around. “We will provide proactive law enforcement.” As CNN even admits, “we have been watching these pictures for some time now.” Translated: where are the police?

An Antifa woman got punched. She’s no “local.” She admits it was a six hour drive for her.

Violence should come as no surprise to her. She was already speaking and writing about advocating violence.

No police around. “We will provide proactive law enforcement.”

As the man in the video stated, to me it makes no difference. A woman can injure or kill you as easily as a man. When you attend an event expecting to create violence, be surprised not when violence is visited upon you. Antifa came mentally prepared for war, dressed for war, identities masked, armed for war, carrying metal poles on which flags were attached, possessing chemical weapons and M-80s, according to Antifa protocols. You can download an Antifa manual here.

Antifa by the way, should you care, is keeping a database of all your registered Disqus comments with your associated personal information. Gosh. Is BZ registered on Disqus? Uh, not just no but hell no.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Berkeley PD officers were busy sitting and standing next to their elderly Ford CVPI riot vehicles, buffing their nails, balancing their checkbooks or playing Angry Birds . How do I know this is a riot vehicle tasked with riot duty? Because otherwise you never put more than two officers in one car and simultaneously equip them with helmets, gear, long batons and filtered masks. Captain Obvious calling. A Leftist journalista named Shane Bauer (no relation to Jack) from Leftist rag Mother Jones walked up to the Berkeley PD officers in said tasked riot vehicle and asked questions. Frankly, they were excellent questions.

The answers and responses were both enlightening and yet vastly depressing.

It is important to note there are two entirely disparate responses from two officers here, and the body language is markedly different for widely divergent reasons. Paul Ekman taught me how to read body language in an interview/interrogation room, as did Carl Stincelli.

The standing officer says nothing. He is a cipher. The officer in the car responds, “that would be a good question for the Chief of Police.” He pulls up his left hand and lets it drop back on the sill. He is not happy to be where he is, on the sidelines. This is a highly conflicted officer, depressed yet resigned.

Officer Shannon, #120, standing, doesn’t like to be questioned and makes a referral to the department PIO. “What’s your next question?” You can see there is another Berkeley PD black-and-white unit in the background to the left. Waiting.

“Mmm-hmm. Okay. And?”

He couldn’t be more dismissive. The day’s events aren’t about the issue, it’s about him. Many, many factors here. Of these few seconds I can draw something of a conclusion.

What I sense is this: he is a veteran officer. After all the years of putting up with ever-changing administrations (Berkeley PD lost its last Chief, Michael Meehan, in September of 2016 amidst allegations of slow and poor decision-making, spending too much time on community actions outside the department, and being a deficient advocate and supporter of the officers overall: low morale.) and watching his department and his profession deteriorate before his very eyes. Is he really dismissive on its face, or is he truly disgusted? Is he tired of having to be another coprophagic Berkeley PD officer? In one sense, I can’t fault his demeanor.

This is Officer Jeff Shannon on a better day. Imagine having to work for Berkeley PD. Dude, you need a leader. Many leaders. You have none.

Here, a Berkeley PD sergeant stands back, knowing full well what’s occurring around him. Note the stripes. He is a supervisor. He was given an order. Clearly by his Lieutenant or his Captain, directly from the Chief of Police in Berkeley via, I suggest, its mayor.

He too is doing nothing. For, I submit, the same reasons as delineated above. However, the Nuremberg Defense does not apply. More on this later.

After watching these two videos, I wanted both to cry and to rip some administrator’s head off their shoulders. You can be certain — and never admitted — that Berkeley PD Chief Greenwood received a phone call from either the mayor or a mayoral subordinate to stand back unless absolutely necessary to intervene. There was also likely a Lieutenant or a Captain on site to determine just what would constitute “absolutely necessary.”

Yet, as the Berkeley PD officers stood by, this was occurring. Here, a Trump supporter got smashed in the head by an Antifa person with a large, heavy Kryptonite bicycle U-lock. Why? Because possession of a bike lock could easily be explained-away to cops by Antifa rioters. I had to be prepared to lock up my bicycle, after all. Right? Really? So what’s it doing in your hands instead of on your bicycle?

The person he struck was completely unarmed.

You can see the results. Only after the injured man was removed from the scene did the Berkeley Police Department even remotely become interested. This crime falls into and should be investigated as 245 PC, Assault With A Deadly Weapon. The bike lock. Felony.

Further, just who was the heavy bike-lock swinging individual? He was allegedly identified by a number of sources on the internet as an individual named Eric Clanton, who is employed as a professor for Diablo Valley College. Please check this site. The story is not over. Here is his photograph by which he may be compared to future violence.

More on the story of Eric Clanton.

Here, Antifa rioters, predominantly dressed in black with masks take, literally, a heavy skateboard — again, easily explained-away to local Berkeley PD cops as a form of transportation — to the head of a pro-Trump advocate.

Let there be no mistake. This wasn’t something of a “sudden and spontaneous” reaction to the “need” for President Trump to expose his tax records though no one — specifically the American Media Maggots — much cared about the issue intrinsically. It was simply an excuse to riot. Funded by anarchist George Soros.

Where were the riots regarding Obama’s failure to release college transcripts and records? Where were the riots regarding the failure to release IRS documents? The release of documents regarding James Foley’s aborted rescue mission? That’s just the tip of the Leftist iceberg. I term that Historical Alzheimers.

Berkeley’s stand-away orders were documented here.

Is this truly how you wish to be remembered, members of the City of Berkeley Police Department? Because, as of this point, this is your collective and individual legacy. Your history is such that you already stood down when Milo Yiannopoulos came to speak. You want to be known as nothing more than an infantile internet photo and meme? How callow and dismissive can you be? Where are your testicles?

As in: you dishonored your oaths, you stood by whilst people were injured, you weren’t simply not proactive; you weren’t even interested in being reactive for a time. There have already been three Antifa riots at Berkeley this year.

As opposed to Berkeley PD, here are cops with actual balls, who insisted on unmasking Antifa protesters at Auburn University in Alabama, recently.

Take a note, Berkeley PD.

Yet even so, Auburn officers were seriously negligent. Did you not hear the clank of a flag pole? The officers allowed a heavy metal pole into the event, saying “get your pole”? The heavy clank of metal is called a clue. That is a significant weapon. Do. Your. Jobs.

We are coming closer to a bottom line. What is one of its aspects?

Americans are left to fight it out on the streets of the United States as law enforcement officers are either forced to or willingly allow violence to occur directly in front of their eyes.

As an aside; an examination of body language at the Berkeley riots by a female member of society.

Interesting take on the situation from an uninvolved third party.

A few unresolved issues remain.

Were official Berkeley PD munitions fired only at Trump supporters?

Was Berkeley PD therefore supporting Antifa violence?

The Chief of Berkeley PD Greenwood has already spewed political bullshite. Of course, to be expected.

What about the Mayor of Berkeley? indicates he may be a sympathizer of the groups that organized the riots in the first place.

Berkeley Mayor Is Member of Antifa Facebook Group that Organized Riots

by Tom Ciccotta

Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin is a member of the anti-fascist Facebook group, By Any Means Necessary, which orchestrated the riots that occurred ahead of a scheduled lecture by Milo Yiannopoulos.

BAMN. Are you simultaneously shocked and non-plussed?

Berkley Mayor Jesse Arreguin was revealed to be a member of the anti-fascist group, By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), on Facebook. BAMN orchestrated the violence that shut down a scheduled lecture at UC Berkeley featuring Milo Yiannopoulos in early 2017. Arreguin is allegedly also friends with BAMN leader, Yvette Felarca, on Facebook.

They were also involved in the violent clashes earlier this month.

You’ll love this additional bit of buttery goodness from, of all least-quoted sources,

Antifa wants combat training and firearms after losing the ‘Battle for Berkeley’

Last week supporters of President Donald Trump clashed with members of the leftist group known as Antifa (short for anti-fascist) in Berkeley California. The meeting of the two groups soon erupted in violence, with Antifa using mace, M80’s, and various other weapons to attack Trump supporters.

According to Rebel Media’s Lauren Southern, Trump supporters were told by police not to bring any weapons, as police would protect them. Upon Anitfa’s arrival, the police retreated, leaving the Trump supporters to utilize whatever weapons they could get their hands on. Regardless, the Trump supporters routed Antifa after one of their members threw a smoke bomb, not realizing the wind was blowing in Antifa’s direction.

This loss prompted Antifa members to begin discussion about how they could better prepare themselves for future skirmishes against Trump supporters.

Perfect. “Better prepare themselves.”

Here is where I draw the line. Perhaps you have been waiting for this. Because it’s all I have left.

Truly, whether or not the mayor issued an order to stand down from his office to Berkeley Police Chief Greenwood is pretty much immaterial. And whether or not Berkeley Police Chief Greenwood issued a sub rosa order to his Captains and Lieutenants to stand down is also mostly immaterial. (I still believe both of those things to be accurate, however.)

Do you know why?

Because the real power, the true power of any law enforcement agency rests in the hands of two people, two archetypes: 1) Its Training Officers, and 2) Its Sergeants or first-line supervisors.

First line supervisors can make or break each and every department for which they work. Why? Because they not only relay but are tasked with enforcing the policies and orders issued by their specific departments, the state in which they reside and the oaths they took to support and defend the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights, with those they supervise.

You and I both know and can instantly recall bosses who were, on one hand, absolute garbage and those whom we respected and honored. We can all name names. We never forget.

Your best bosses were four things:

  • Firm;
  • Fair;
  • Consistent, and
  • They praised in public, reprimanded in private. Then they moved on.

Translated to cop work, a grizzled old Sergeant once told my young ass that I’d have a successful, productive and satisfying career if I did these three things:

  • Do your job;
  • Tell the truth, and
  • Don’t be malicious.

These are the bosses you would waltz straight into Hell standing beside, working for, because they inspired you, inspired confidence, trust and loyalty. They had your six.

I found out early: the more I treated my troops like adults, the more they responded like adults. I watched: the more people were micromanaged — myself included — the less inclined they were to make decisions, stand on their own two feet, take charge or be independent. I wanted the job to get done. I knew with that the morale would be good.

I would consistently tell my troops: give me every reason to support you and I will. Lie to me, undermine me or fail to do your job and it won’t be pretty. For all of those reasons and more I had people who always wanted to work for me. I didn’t play favorites. I expected people to work. When the job got done they could be people. We could have fun. We could laugh. Job first, though. And I would grant you perks.

I would also speechify my new Lieutenants, who were legion in my career. They didn’t speechify me, I speechified them. My job was to look out for them and tell them what they didn’t want to hear, but what they needed to hear no matter the circumstances. My job, I told them, was to provide them with as much information as necessary to answer, to the best of their ability, questions posed to them by Captains. I never wanted them to be caught flat-footed. When they were caught wanting I was caught wanting. Not optimal. Many disbelieved what I told them. They were the ones proven wrong. I didn’t possess decades of experience under my belt for nothing.

That said, a Good Sergeant is one who looks out for his or her troops, values the troops and knows full well that it is they who truly get the job done, not the Chief and not the Sheriff. Chiefs and Sheriffs come and go like soiled toilet paper, flushed down the political Toilet of Life.

That said, I also told my troops this: if it is politically or fiscally expedient, you will be sacrificed. I would watch their six but they had to watch their own six. If they produced. If they worked. If they were honest. I told them genuinely: never adore your department because it will never adore you back. Be realistic. But be true.

That’s what a Good Sergeant does. That’s what a Sheepdog does. That’s what a Silverback does. That’s what an Oathkeeper does.

I once had a deputy who was a great worker but who strayed. He got into trouble. I never once reprimanded in public. I took him aside. All I had to do is tell him that I was disappointed in him. I could see the tears welling. He changed and got back on track.

That’s what a Good Sergeant does, and how effective a Good Sergeant can be.

Where were the Good Sergeants working for Berkeley PD? Because, trust me, in a similar circumstance, knowing people were getting hurt in front of me — no matter what my fucktard managers or executive staff said — I would have intervened.

And my troops would have followed me. Now you know why.

Once one element was committed, my element, the others would have followed suit because someone took a stand and waded into the maelstrom.

Sure, as cops we all know what the Ferguson Effect is. Proactive law enforcement has plummeted for obvious reasons.

But for fuck’s sake, if we can’t even be reactive when violence exists right in front of our faces, then why do we even exist? Why did we go to work that day?

You Sergeants could have made a difference. You know who you are. So do your troops.

Managers manage things. Leaders lead people.

Yes, your career could suffer. You might not promote. I didn’t. I was told that directly to my face, because I had ethics in the face of dishonesty. Those are stories for another day. That’s why I was called Sergeant and not Lieutenant or Captain. That’s what my badge read. The one under which I retired.

But, as I’ve always said, it gets down to: can you sleep at night?

I sleep like a baby.

Berkeley PD Sergeants: how are you sleeping these nights?



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, April 20th, 2017, with guest White Mamba, Esq.

My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

Thursday night on the Berserk Bobcat Saloon:

  • BZ interviews The Official Attorney of the Berserk Bobcat Saloon (TOABBS), White Mamba, Esq., concerning sanctuary cities;
  • BZ reviews the First Rule of Holes;
  • To Bill O’Reilly: what the hell, dude? There’s no one to blame but you;
  • BZ reveals his email address:;
  • Is the Cold War back again? My father recalls Defcon 1 in the Cuban missile crisis;
  • Kim Jong Un launches the un-rocket; did the US hack the missile system?
  • Did President Trump cut a deal with China’s President Xi Jinping?
  • How did America get so weak? Because of Clinton, Bush and Obama;
  • “Strategic patience”? As effective as “leading from behind”?
  • How Obama duped America into the dangerous and treacherous Iran deal;
  • Reporters: “they literally know nothing”;
  • No campus can cramp us;
  • “The days of Strategic Patience are over”;
  • China sends coal shipments back to North Korea; picks up US coal instead;
  • China may cut crude oil deliveries to North Korea;
  • BZ takes just a wee bit of umbrage with the City of Berkeley Police Department;
  • BZ was proved a lying sack of crap because he didn’t cover half of the topics he promised at the introduction of the show.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, April 20th, 2017″ on Spreaker.

Official business card of the White Mamba, Esq.

White Mamba, Esq., is a bar-certified, shingle-hanging practicing attorney in the State of Florida who, as TOABBS, weighs in on heavy legal matters due to his rampant kindness and insightful insight with all things legal. This night he proffered an acumenical perspicacity on the issue of sanctuary cities and the applicable cases therein.

Please note; his telephone number will soon be changing.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening via podcast.

Want to listen to the Berserk Bobcat Saloon podcast archives? Go here.



American LEOs: do you remember your oaths?

A general oath that most American law enforcement officers take is this:

” I, ___________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of _________ against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of ________; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter.

Generally, upon completion of this oath, a law enforcement officer is handed her or his badge which is pinned on by a husband, wife or other important family member or friend.

That is the oath you took in America, fellow law enforcement officers.

I say “fellow law enforcement officers” because I served as a LEO for 41 years before I retired recently. I worked in the federal system and for two California agencies. I am a Sheepdog, a Silverback and an Oathkeeper. Just because I retired, my Sheepdog mindset, status and obligation has not entirely. I know who I am, what I’ve done and what I may have to do in the future.

I took the oath as delineated above and I never forgot it.

I support law enforcement. I love cops. I respect the terrifically-difficult job they must do on an hourly and daily basis. Because I was there. For, generally, twice the amount of time that most police officers put in. I did so because I believed in my role in society.

But, to me, it would appear that some LEOs have forgotten or, worse, purposely dismissed their law enforcement oaths. I love cops when I can and excoriate them when I must.

I see a disturbing trend. I see cops taking orders at face value from their supervisors or managers and then carrying them out. Or equally reprehensible, when confronted with egregious conditions, don’t act. I have taken SFPD, San Jose PD, Berkeley PD and UC Berkeley PD officers to task. OWS vs the TEA Party.

I am sorely and seriously concerned for the future of law enforcement.

In that vein, Judge Jeanine Pirro wanted to know under what conditions current peace officers operated? What laws did they uphold? Are they truly conducting themselves according to their sworn oaths?

I submit: possibly not. And that is perhaps the most disturbing trend of all.

“I hate to say this; every one of you in law enforcement who bought into this liberal nonsense also has blood on your hands,” Pirro said.

I completely concur.

“If this is a tough one for you and you are going to start listening to the ACLU or some liberal mayor who doesn’t give a damn about you, your contract or your oath, directing that you release the wanted criminal alien out the side door, then maybe you should rethink this and go into social work,” she said.

“You are too damn dumb to be in law enforcement.”

There will come a time — quite shortly, I submit — where each and every one of you in US law enforcement will have to pick a side. I say this to our military members as well.

Halfway won’t do. Non-committal won’t do. Prevaricating won’t do. You will have to, soon, decide which orders you will obey and which orders you will not.

This may create confusion in your mind and potentially place your career in jeopardy.

You will have to ask: will I obey my superiors, or will I obey the law? Will I make a stand or will I stand back because it is convenient?

People excoriate the Oathkeepers, of which I am a member. Let us not forget that their oaths are no more complicated than these:

10 Orders Oath Keepers Swear to Disobey

  1. We will not obey any order to disarm the American people.
  2. We will not obey any order to conduct warrantless searches of the American people, their homes, vehicles, papers, or effects—such as warrantless house-to-house searches for weapons or persons.
  3. We will not obey any order to detain American citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to subject them to trial by military tribunals.
  4. We will not obey orders to impose martial law or a “state of emergency” on a state, or to enter with force into a state, without the express consent and invitation of that state’s legislature and governor.
  5. We will not obey orders to invade and subjugate any state that asserts its sovereignty and declares the national government to be in violation of the compact by which that state entered the Union.
  6. We will not obey any order to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant concentration camps.
  7. We will not obey any order to force American citizens into any form of detention camps under any pretext.
  8. We will not obey orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops on U.S. soil against the American people to “keep the peace” or to “maintain control” during any emergency, or under any other pretext. We will consider such use of foreign troops against our people to be an invasion and an act of war.
  9. We will not obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food and other essential supplies, under any emergency pretext.
  10. We will not obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.

Translated: you will hold dear the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights. As you agreed.

You will soon have to ask yourself: who am I? In what do I believe? What does my oath mean? What does my job mean?

And more importantly, do I have the testosterone or the estrogen to carry out the oath I took?

Words having meaning.

Honor your oath.