Michigan has, historically, been a very heavily unionized state because — naturally — of the Big Three automakers’ presence in Detroit.
On Tuesday, Michigan became the 24th state to declare itself a “right to work” locale. Right to work means: you don’t have to join a union to get a job.
Oddly enough, Michigan simultaneously possesses the highest unionization and unemployment rates in the entire Midwest. I think even the worst of my trolls can grok that math.
Demorats in Illinois have already promised: “there will be blood.”
[Demorat Doug Geiss mentions the “battle of the overpass.” You can see that reference here.]
Let’s also view how lovingly and responsibly Leftist and Progressive union people respond to a vote that doesn’t quite go their way:
Steven Crowder set up a tent. He merely asked questions. His tent was torn down and he was punched. Thugs. Union thugs. One very interesting comment on the video below:
Top Comments
They complain about a Republican controlled legislature and Governor passing legislation that they are vehemently opposed to but don’t have the votes to stop it! These THUG, MORON, HATER, HYPOCRITES never once voiced concern when the LIBERALS in DC, RAMMED, illegally, Obama care down our throats with ZERO Conservative votes!
LIBERALS = HATE, LIES, and HYPOCRISY to the 100th degree!
Call me wacky, but there seems to be very little understanding and acceptance with the Demorat union people involved here. And correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t Demorats and Leftists and Progressives portray themselves as “sensitive” and “non-violent” and “accepting of all viewpoints” — ?
I seem to find myself confused. Do I detect just a hint of hypocrisy involved?
Let’s see: the governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder, won the election. Their legislature won their multiple elections. Isn’t that exactly how Barack Hussein Obama crowed upon his first election?
The LA Times writes:
Controversial “right-to-work” legislation covering public-sector employees passed the Michigan House of Representatives on Tuesday, bringing it one step closer to being signed into law.
The House passed the bill, 58 to 51, as union opponents of the measure booed inside the Capitol and an estimated 12,000 people rallied outside. The state’s Senate approved the bill last week.
The House is now scheduled to vote on a right-to-work bill for private-sector employees, which would cover Michigan’s auto industry. If that measure passes, Michigan would become the 24th right-to-work state, meaning unions cannot require members to pay dues as a condition of employment.
Mr Obama is — shock of shocks — against this development.
Imagine that.