The truth about Kamala Harris: caveat emptor

Make no mistake. Any Demorat or Leftist who lamented the shot placement of the demented 20 year old meant precisely what they said. Any equivocation is simply because of perceived or actual negative blowback experienced.

The Demorats were responsible, as I’ve said since 2016, for a soft coup against Donald John Trump, OMB, Orange Man Bad, the guy with the dead orange cat on top of his head — as a

  • Presidential candidate
  • Presidential nominee
  • President-elect
  • And a sitting president

In keeping with tradition, the Demorats are also responsible for the soft coup against Joe Biden, whom I term Joe Vegetable because, well, he is. This was known overtly and covertly since at least 2020. And yet every Demorat and Leftist, in concert with the American Media Maggots, somehow managed to keep Captain Obvious locked in the underground bunker until June 27th of 2024. When things just became too blatant, too indisputable to ignore.

No one could likely have foreseen 2024. It’s almost beyond human ken. Just when you thought it couldn’t have gotten more stupid, fattening, or violent — well, it did.

Yet, one solitary event seems to have stalled even the Demorat Leftist mind, when Biden debated Trump on June 27th, and this happened to be the highlight of that event.

Despite “Gaslighting Über Alles,” even Bill Maher was taken aback.

Mind you — this was only in June. That was only four months ago, yet it seems like eons.

And I’ve had people tell me, shriek at me, even on the alleged “conservative” side, that I should be kinder in my evaluations of Joe Vegetable, including my appellation. In response, I say “go to hell.”

Let’s allow a modicum of truth to escape. This is the biggest American political scandal to have occurred before and after Watergate. It only gets worse.

The Leftist cabal in the DNC has, for years, covered up the ghastly incompetence and decrepitude of an old man, solely to ensure that Bernie Sanders would not achieve the presidency.

Sanders, who meant what he said about stopping the corruptive torrent of cash into political coffers, could not be let anywhere near presidential powers. The Demorats finally realized this, and took his words to heart. They couldn’t afford to have the cash taps righty-tighty, much less potentially turned off entirely.

So Joe Vegetable was selected as the empty suit, the dancing puppet at the end of the Obama/Valerie Jarrett/Susan Rice/Ron Klain strings. As Obama himself stated, “Don’t underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to fuck things up.” You’ll find the quote buried in paragraph 724 of that linked Politico article.

As an aside, the Bidens and Obamas have never been the best of friends, as Steve Forbes explains here, particularly regarding 2016 — hence Biden’s immediate endorsement of Kamala Harris, with the intention of scuttling Big Mike. Listen:

Jill Biden, mind you, had tasted VP power. With this opportunity, she could have more. There is no more craven and cynical public elder abuser on the planet than Jill Biden.

Everyone knew. The entire “Biden presidency” was and is a massive, conspiratorial scam.

Every family member, every DNC sycophant, every assistant, every White House and Oval Office worker, the Secret Service, every Demorat, Psaki, KJP, every bit of the American Media Maggots, were “all in” on the scam, 24/7, 365.

A scam, a grift, a naked power grab behind an old man who, injected with too many chemical cocktails, finally fell apart before the eyes of the planet.

And everyone, EVERYONE, was told they were stupid, ignorant, conspiratorial, biased, ridiculous, to think Joe Vegetable wasn’t in top form, in his prime.

Here are the American Media Maggots telling us how stupid we are for believing our lying eyes.

The Binder, KJP, Karine Jean-Pierre, a Three-Fer herself, called videos of Biden being Biden “cheap fakes,” which the American Media Maggots again gladly regurgitated out countless times for consumption by the sheepses.

What these assholes did to Joe Vegetable is precisely what a violent domestic abuser does to their spouse.

It was all a staggering con job, nothing more than a Barack HUSSEIN Obama third term. And a man who wants his fourth term. Let’s not forget:

I’m absolutely convinced that Obama spoke the truth, as he has a disdain for getting his hands dirty, dealing with the great unwashed, having to be accountable to us little people, the peons. Doing the work, shaking hands, being accountable, being responsible, attending all the meetings, glad-handing, photo ops, all the political dreck associated with POTUS was beneath him and frequently the arrogance would ooze through his vocals. He just couldn’t help it. If he could command absolutely, and let somebody else be The Face, he’d be fine. Sometimes you simply have to take people at their word. Like Islam. When they say they want to kill you, well, they really want to kill you.

And now, used up, washed up, Joe Vegetable will be flushed down the Demorat toilet like a dripping, soiled tampon. He is already so incredibly Yesterday’s News.

Let’s remember, though, even in January of this year, NONE, ZIP, ZERO, the Null Set, not one media outlet here or on the planet hammered Joe Biden for incomprehensibility. Had Trump done just this, below, it would have been replayed for weeks. You know it, I know it, Demorats and Leftists know it, and the American Media Maggots know it.

It was the biggest LIE, the largest calumny in the history of American politics. It makes Watergate look like kindergarten play involving toddlers. Because everyone — and I mean everyone — in the White House, the Oval Office, the Joe Vegetable Regime, the Demorats, Leftists, the American Media Maggots, Kamala Harris, were all — absolutely all — complicit.

In a way, you can’t blame Biden. As Joe Biden, he was initially motivated and later puppeted by his own avarice — when a semblance of cognition was still remaining — pushed by the duplicitous power monger Jill Biden.

As Joe Vegetable, however, he was over-the-top obvious as a proxy for Obama, Rice, Jill Biden, Ron Klain, et all — as evidenced by the fake “snap in his step,” his getting lost on innumerable stages, reading text from cards out loud meant only to guide him, reading prompts, holding instructions on which reporters to call, escorted off stages by his elbow by both Jill Biden and Barack Obama.

Biden’s cheat sheet for his very first press conference, 3-25-21. Everything prearranged.

Biden’s cheat sheet tells him how to sit. Everything prearranged.

NewsNation’s story on his cheat sheets and pre-selected questions and answers.

People have asked: “But where is your empathy for Joe Biden?” My empathy for Joe Biden doesn’t exist. Or his wife. Or his family. They all put themselves on Front Street, playing the Big Game, playing for all the political marbles, and the moment he or those helping/deciding for him insisted on his insertion into the Big Leagues, the gloves were off, and he becomes a target for my truth. Which is: Biden is an incontinent, wandering, embarrassing vegetable.

It’s clear the Biden Crime Family has sucked at the teat of the American Taxpayer for literally decades, enriching themselves at the expense of those who can’t assemble a savings account, who can’t keep jobs, who watched their jobs, their businesses, their communities, their education, their children, their families destroyed first by lockstep Wuhan-19 sycophants, then by drugs, overdoses, deaths, and the installation of Joe Biden who, in his very first act, throttled the energy industry which launched the instigation of expanding, then exploding inflation. Whilst simultaneously destroying American national security, sovereignty, and displaying weakness for every US enemy to see in plain view.

Yet, the assclowns kept assclowning.

How do people making $175,000 in Congress leave DC politics as millionaires? Only one way. Insider trading, insider knowledge, cheating, corruption. But that’s a story for another day.

Then came the oncoming November presidential election, the debate, the utter collapse of Joe Vegetable that affected — well, everything.

But WHY was that debate the proverbial “tipping point” when, up to then, a simple declaration by Demorats and Leftists was sufficient to soothe the fevered brows of most every one of the nipple suckers?

Because the gig was truly up. The truth was out. To the point that the sphincters of Demorat donors clenched and began to withhold the very Mother’s Milk of all politics: CASH.

The outward cry from Demorats, when cash was the focus, then became “unelectable.” But because I speak Leftist, I can translate. That meant: whereas the spice must flow, it was now slammed shut. Oh my God. Did we install Joe Biden, only to have the ghost of Bernie Sanders interrupt our cash?

This cannot stand. Joe must Goe.

The pressure was on. Hollywood via George Clooney via Barack Hussein Obama leaned in hard, as did a small but expanding cadre of Demorats. “He must step aside for the good of the order,” they bleated. The American Media Maggots dutifully took up this clarion call.

And with that, those who shrieked that Trump and Republicans were every possible “threat to democracy” — though we’re in fact a Republic — were themselves complicit in shutting down the very “democracy” to which they referred. Your 14 million votes, Demorats, suddenly didn’t mean caca. What’s worse, it’s apparent Demorats don’t care.

Kammie Harris did truly become “the anointed one.”

That’s Demorat and Leftist “democracy” at work.

Kamala Harris was installed as nominee before the August 19th DNC Convention in Chicago.

There wasn’t a debate at the convention, no opportunity for a debate at the convention, no opportunity to challenge her.

These delegates for Biden swapped for Harris. And like the TV show “Whose Line Is It Anyway,” the 14 million voters don’t matter.

The threat to democracy is via Demorats. It’s an autocracy. Providing zero access for questioning. More on that in a moment.

Another interesting point is this quote from George Orwell:

“In the case of a word like democracy, not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides. It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it: consequently the defenders of every kind of regime claim that it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using the word if it were tied down to any one meaning.”

Even though Joe Vegetable, up to the very last second, claimed he was “in it to win it.”

Veggie said he was staying, unless his health was affected. So in steps Wuhan-19, on cue, just as commanded.

Then, on Saturday, July 13th, whilst at an outdoor rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, President Trump was almost assassinated on live television by a 20 year old whose name doesn’t bear repeating — killing a good and kind American citizen named Corey Comperatore, 50, whose final act was shielding his wife and daughter. Also seriously injured were David Dutch, 57, and James Copenhaver, 74. Both, thankfully, were released from the hospital in something of a short order. But their wounds will never fully heal.

Dead sniper,1 each. His name isn’t worth mentioning, but this photo is worth posting. Fuck you with a white hot piece of rebar, all the way to a flaming, twisted Hell.

This is not the time or place to review the assassination attempt, there are thousands of questions and very few, if any, reliable answers — but of course the American Media Maggots did their level best to minimize the event, saying that “Trump fell down” and, aided and abetted by the despicable FBI Director Christopher Wray, who stated in an open Congressional hearing that Trump was hit by “shrapnel.”

Which the FBI itself later updated by stepping on their very own director, walking back his statement, which was truly delicious.

An aside: I firmly believe that the FBI in its current iteration is nothing more than the weaponized arm of the DNC and Leftists, a corrupt, anti-American terrorist organization.

The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in pursuit of political aims.

Demorats, Leftists, and the American Media Maggots pretended to be appalled regarding the attempted assassination, but in truth they were terribly disappointed.  They were disappointed it wasn’t successful.  They said Donald Trump’s harsh language brought this all on himself. While doing everything a cornered animal can do to overthrow the nation, while pretending that they’re the ones trying to save “our democracy.”


Poll shocker: 28% of Democrats think America better off if Trump had been assassinated

by John Solomon, 9-18-24

New Scott Rasmussen poll also shows Americans think anti-Trump rhetoric main reason for assassination attempts.

n a shocking display of how vitriolic U.S. politics has become, more than a quarter of Democrats believe America would be better off if GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump had been killed during one of the two assassination attempts on his life, a new survey revealed Wednesday.

The new poll of 1,000 registered voters taken by veteran pollster Scott Rasmussen’s Napolitan News Institute after the second assassination attempt against Trump on Sunday at a Florida golf course revealed that 17% of voters say it would have been better for America had Donald Trump had been killed last weekend.

That figure included a whopping 28% of Democrats, the survey showed.

It’s all make believe and pretend. Like children. Shhh. Don’t say that.

The global Crowdstrike update failure occurred on July 18th, and Biden withdrew from presidential nomination three days later, on Sunday, July 21st.

After that, the assassination attempt on Donald John Trump was completely memory-holed by the American Media Maggots, and Kamala Harris was endorsed by Joe Vegetable. We know why.

Here is the very odd letter released regarding Biden’s taking himself out of the presidential race — which never explains WHY, and is not on either official White House or Oval Office letterhead, with a signature that some are questioning.

Up until that point, we were hearing that Biden had no trust in Harris, Demorats had no trust in Harris, a person who acquired zero delegates in the 2020 presidential race, and didn’t even make it to the Iowa caucus. Barack Hussein Obama took his sweet time in endorsing Kammie Kackler.

Even — something I found absolutely gobsmacking — BLM weighed in on the crowning investiture of Kammie.

In retrospect, what were the Biden-Harris “accomplishments” anyway — that every Demorat should automatically bankroll their trust and confidence in the apparently unchallenged transition from Joe Vegetable and thusly to Kammie Kackler?

But now, it’s a love fest, replete with ass-shaking black chicks, and fake southern accents — just like Kammie’s mentor, Hillary Clinton, back in 2015.

Here’s Kammie Kackler during the Atlanta rally on July 30th. You be the judge.

Nothing like pandering to and slapping the faces of black voters with shocking buckets full of dripping condescension.

But now is the time that we must begin to understand just who is this person named Kamala Devi Harris (most def an Indian middle name)? What is her history — and how can it be traced directly back to Kalifornia and a powerful political patron?

Born in Oakland, Kalifornia, Harris turned 60 on October 20th. Her mother is Indian, and her father is Jamaican.

In 1990 she was hired as an deputy DA for Alameda County, which encompasses Oakland and the East Bay in Kalifornia.

And here it begins. That is to say, the lies and the fellation. Per Wikipedia, “In 1994, Speaker of the California Assembly Willie Brown, who was then dating Harris, appointed her to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later to the California Medical Assistance Commission.”

Had she not known Willie Brown, do you think those appointments would naturally have occurred for someone unfamiliar with insurance, and unfamiliar with medical assistance? Of course not. MMN. Merit Matters Not.

The LIE, promulgated by Demorats and Leftists, is that “Willie Brown wasn’t married” — as he was swiving the crap out of Kamala, then 29, and Willie, then 60, from 1994 to 1995. Let’s be blunt. Willie Brown was still married. Kamala was screwing a married man, and he was tapping some young chickadee literally half his age and, by dint of that, used his political power to place his strumpet into political positions of power and burgeoning wealth. Because she had, well, the appropriate kneepads and a dutiful amount of vacuum. Anyone telling you different is lying. She hitched her wagon to power by way of sexual favors, in an illicit affair. No more complicated than that. An age-old power dynamic between men and women.

The Federalist correctly wrote:

The Media Won’t Tell You Political Corruption Defined Kamala Harris’ Affair With Willie Brown

by Mark Hemingway, 7-26-24

The New York Times says it’s ‘sexist’ to question why Harris had an affair with a powerful political boss twice her age — but the facts they’re not telling you are damning.

Harris herself admits her career benefited significantly from said relationship. Other Democrats shared the perception she did not earn her positions. And Harris, a lawyer who initially failed the bar exam, can only say that she “brought a level of life knowledge and common sense” rather than actual qualifications to the jobs Brown appointed her to. But it’s a sexist insinuation to insist these facts are rather unflattering to Kamala.

Once in office, Harris then dropped or pled out corruption charges against friends of Willie Brown that Hallinan had been pursuing. There were a number of Brown’s friends let off the hook, but most notably this included a sweetheart plea deal for a notorious city contractor caught defrauding the city by using inferior recycled concrete in sensitive projects such as parking garages and the Bay Bridge. This compromised the structural integrity of those projects and endangered lives. But Harris dropped all the fraud charges and accepted a guilty plea on a single count involving an environmental violation.

No problem. If the Bay Bridge falls down again, well, we’ll just fleece the local, state, and federal taxpayers for more money.

She loved Juicy Smollett.

She loves rioters.

Never forget that Kamala Harris is an intentional racist, full well buying into a racist hoax, DEI, reparations, and the rest of the Racist Industrial Complex. I wonder if that’s the

So let’s talk about the real Kamala Harris — because there’s a very distinct reason why she has no real policy on her website, why it isn’t nailed down, why it isn’t clear, obvious, and delineated in great detail as a platform.

Instead, she’s caught in the middle of the Joe Vegetable drain, and trying to handle her history of massive Leftism. She can’t quite kick Joe Biden to the curb, and she can’t quite embrace huge Hamas terrorists — though she’d desperately love to.

Anyone with a molecule of common sense in their wheelhouse knows that, as the saying goes, “the best predictor of future behavior is past performance, or the lack thereof.”

That demands illustration. Caveat Emptor. Let the buyer beware. Because a shit-ton of ignorant people are willing to sacrifice a massive percentile of American history in order to usher in emotions over facts and common sense. Because they fail to see beyond their One Trick Pony issue: hot-and-cold running abortions on demand.

As an aside, want to watch and hear what made me anti-abortion? Let’s hear Dr Anthony Levatino talk about performing an abortion, as he testifies before Congress.

Abortion is “health care.” Abortion right up to birth is “health care.” Screw the thousands of Americans who would love to have a child, if more children were put up for adoption. But adoption? No. More infants must die because things are simply inconvenient.

This is the true Kammie Kackler. A massive Leftist, damned near a full-on Communist. Once, if elected, she’ll kick everything “moderate” she ever said and revert to her true self: an unlikeable, snake-like, back stabbing, Communist even harder aport than Barack Hussein Obama — which is quite the feat.

Gad Saad said it best:

Kammie was ranked “the most liberal Senator” in 2019, a page that has since managed to vanish at either the push, blackmail, or “convincing” of GovTrack, once the information emerged into the mainstream.


Webpage that rated Kamala Harris the ‘most liberal’ senator in 2019 suddenly disappears

7-24-24, by Yael Halon

GovTrack, an organization that tracks congressional voting records, confirmed to Fox News Digital it had removed a 2019 web page that ranked Kamala Harris as that year’s “most liberal” U.S. senator sometime within the last two weeks.

The self-described “government transparency website” scored Harris as the “most liberal compared to all senators” in 2019, outranking Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren at the time. 

But the web page with the ranking, which was widely covered in news reports during the 2020 election, was recently deactivated. The link now displays a “Page Not Found” message. The Internet Archive shows the page was deleted sometime between July 10 and July 23, with some on X claiming the page was still up on July 22.

Tauberer confirmed to Fox News Digital that the page was removed sometime in the last two weeks, but did not give a specific date. Asked why the pages weren’t removed when single-year report cards were abandoned years ago, he said, “I was focused on more impactful aspects of our work.”

I’d like to point out an important point. Bernie Sanders is an admitted Democrat Socialist. And Harris was determined to be left of him.

I speak Leftist, so I’ll translate: “We got caught with our pants down, actually revealing the truth, and had to cover for Kammie Kackler — which we did.”

Kackler doesn’t want you to see this interview with from CBS, and the ranking from GovTrack. See how the kackling somehow diminishes?

That internet, while revealing, can also be some Slim Shady Shit. But you just have to know where and how to look. Let’s move on.

What are some of the things Harris has done?

  • Co-sponsored Bernie Sanders’ Medicare For All Act
  • Sponsored a bill providing illegal invaders with a right to legal representation
  • Expressed support for sanctuary cities
  • Introduced legislation to block the implementation of the Trump travel restrictions
  • Touted the agreement at COP28 to phase out fossil fuels
  • Sponsored a bill requiring DOJ to award grants to replace cash bail systems
  • Sponsored a bill to advance the Green New Deal
  • Sponsored a bill banning DHS from using federal funds to build or expand immigration detention facilities

Demorats and Leftist bleat about the “ruination of Democracy” but, as the very wise Victor Davis Hanson wrote, the only destroyers of “democracy” are the Demorats themselves. And for idiot Leftists and Demorats, we’re not a democracy. We’re a republic. And the coups against “democracy” were committed by Demorats.

Coup Upon Coup Upon Coup

by Victor Davis Hanson, 7-25-24

In March 2020, all the major Democratic primary candidates abruptly, mysteriously, and in near unison withdrew from the presidential race, ceding the nomination to Joe Biden.

Yet Biden had lost the first three races in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada—and only won his first victory in South Carolina.

Suddenly, on the eve of the Super Tuesday mega-primaries, the candidacies of front-runner Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren, and others simply evaporated.

The fear of a front-runner Sanders’ socialist victory and nomination—and thus an enviable landslide loss to incumbent Donald Trump in the general election—had prompted the donor class and shadowy political insiders to act.

Can’t have that. Then — ruh-roh — Biden’s vegetable nature became too big to ignore in the debate.

Democrats demonized anyone critical of Biden’s obvious mental decline. Their smearing crested during Biden’s now-aborted 2024 reelection bid, even as Biden could no longer display even a veneer of mental and physical engagement.

Your lying eyes are deceiving you. Listen to what we say. Not what you see.

So suddenly on a Sunday, July 21—just days left before state ballots were formalized with the names of the parties’ official nominees, and on the eve of the Democratic convention—party bosses, mega-donors, and Obama puppeteers went into action for yet a third time.

They reportedly threatened candidate Biden with a complete loss of any further campaign funding and raised the specter of invoking the 25th Amendment to end his presidency—should he not suddenly withdraw from the race and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris as his surrogate on the ticket.

In one moment, the choices of nearly 15 million Biden primary voters were vitiated. No delegates were consulted. No other alternative Democrat candidates were even considered.

Biden was dethroned; Harris was coronated—without much public input or even knowledge of how or why.

Oh my. Victor Davis Hanson does so beautifully nail this.

Democrat insiders not only removed their leading candidate, who for the prior six months had won all the 2024 primaries and almost all the delegates, but insisted that Biden keep Democrats and himself in power—but only if he agreed to quit the race.

In sum, at the 11th hour of a two-year reelection effort, a cabal arbitrarily decided that Joe Biden might well lose the Democrats the White House and the Congress.

So, they reversed course, now claiming his dementia was so acute as to destroy their November prospects. But mysteriously, his decline was not severe enough to imperil the American people, whom Biden must continue to lead until January 20, 2025.

Furthermore, the bosses’ replacement choice, Vice President Kamala Harris, had entered no primary. She never won a single delegate. Harris also never captured a single delegate in her first and only presidential run back in 2020. She then dropped out of the race even before the first Iowa and New Hampshire balloting.

We have now witnessed three left-wing veritable coups.

But hey: all in the name of “democracy.” And meanwhile, back at the ranch, that evil Donald John Trump, OMB, was a continuing existential threat to “democracy.”

Suddenly, it was 1967 again, the Summer of Love and Joy, as regaled by Kamala Harris.

And good little Demorat sycophants circled the wagons in order to support a darker female — you can’t really call her black (she’s Jamaican and Indian) — 20+ years Biden’s junior, who, likewise, couldn’t string a cogent sentence together absent the wonders of modern TelePrompters.

At first blush, she was great. She was wonderful. She was both great and wonderful. Until she opened her mouth and attempted to speak. And her history caught up to her.

This is the true Kamala Harris. This is what she really believes, despite the massive amount of flip-flops.

No matter how you parse it, Kamala Harris believes in defunding the police.

She believes that every illegal invader deserves healthcare, to be paid by YOUR American Taxpayer dollars.

Kamala Harris doesn’t support police anyway. As DA, Harris purposely chose not to attach the death penalty to the suspect convicted of murdering a police officer in 2004.

Slain SF cop’s family ‘certainly not’ supporting Kamala Harris for president over her actions as DA in 2004 shooting: report

by Deirdre Bardolf, 8-10-24

Isaac Espinoza, a 29-year-old husband and father, was shot and killed by then-22-year-old gang member David Hill during a traffic stop in the Bayview District of San Francisco the night before Easter.

Harris, just months into her role as district attorney, got on television three days after the killing to announce that she wouldn’t seek the death penalty — before even speaking with the heartbroken family.

The family of a San Francisco cop shot dead in 2004 says they won’t support Vice President Kamala Harris after she put politics before justice — adding that Donald Trump is the “better option” for police departments across the US.

No surprise. Kamala Harris is a corrupt Leftist. Then. Now. Always.

Kamala Harris prosecuted black men for smoking dope.

During her tenure as California attorney general, some 1,560 people were sent to state prisons for cannabis-related offenses between 2011 and 2016, according to state corrections data analyzed by the Washington Free Beacon.

Harris’s record in California as attorney general, district attorney, and prosecutor before her election to the Senate drew increased scrutiny as she entered the presidential arena in 2019, with voters seizing on her record.

In 2010, California introduced a ballot measure to legalize marijuana in the state. Harris, like other prominent Democrats, opposed the measure known as Proposition 10, raising concerns that it could lead to “driving while high.”

Harris declined to join a bid to remove marijuana from the Drug Enforcement Administration’s list of most-dangerous substances while she was attorney general and was accused of failing to help the state’s cannabis industryduring a2011 federalcrackdown.

But somehow things changed.

But Harris, once a hard-nosed prosecutor, rallied behind the Biden administration’s decision last week (10-11-22) to pardon all federal convictions of simple marijuana possession, a surprise announcement delivered in the countdown to the midterm election.

Kamala Harris had a young black mother for failing to have her child in school, “truancy,” despite her child having serious medical issues.

Kamala Harris refused to prosecute the Catholic Church when there were numerous cases of abuse in San Francisco and other cities in Kalifornia.

Fact Check: Kamala Harris Covered Up Sexual Abuse Allegations as a Prosecutor Before Claiming to Fight for Victims at DNC

by Olivia Rondeau, 8-22-24

Vice President Kamala Harris bragged about her supposed passion for helping victims of sexual assault while speaking at the Democratic National Convention (DNC), ignoring her track record of failing to prosecute sexual abuse cases within the Catholic Church and even hiding “vital records on abuses that had occurred” when she was a San Francisco district attorney.

During Harris’s 13-year tenure as district attorney and then attorney general, she failed to prosecute even one case of priest sexual abuse, even as at least 50 major cities brought charges against priests in the same period.

Rick Simons, an attorney who represented victims of clergy sexual abuse in California, said Harris’s action of covering up documents on the cases “shows a pattern and practice and policy of ignoring the rights of children by one of the largest institutions of the city and county of San Francisco, and in the Bay Area.”

Later in her convention speech, Harris claimed, “As a young courtroom prosecutor in Oakland California, I stood up for women and children against predators who abused them.”

Lies. Cui bono, monetarily? The question must be asked.

However, Schweizer revealed that in addition to campaign donations from multiple law firms defending San Francisco priests against abuse claims, multiple “board members of San Francisco Catholic archdiocese-related organizations and their family members donated another $50,950 to Harris’s campaign.”

“Harris had no particular ties to the Catholic Church or Catholic organizations, but the money still came in large, unprecedented sums,” the investigative journalist wrote.

Schweizer alleged that connections Harris had with powerful people within the archdiocese influenced her “to bury the records” with allegations against priests.

Her office “would strangely hide vital records on abuses that had occurred,” he added.

Kamala Harris also plans to tax unrealized gains. If something went up in value, but you didn’t sell it, didn’t make a profit — you’ll still be taxed.

Kamala is proposing an *INSANE* 25% tax on unrealized capital gains. Imagine buying shares for $100,000, and their value rises to $150,000. Under Kamala’s plan, you’d owe taxes on the $50,000 gain, even though you haven’t sold the shares or made any actual profit. Now, imagine the stock’s value drops back to $100,000 the following year. The gain you were taxed on has vanished. You’ve already paid a 25% tax on a gain that no longer exists, leaving you with a financial loss and no real benefit. Taxing unrealized gains would force investors to sell off assets to cover their tax bills, hurting long-term investment and economic growth. This isn’t just risky; it’s a recipe for a stock market crash and another Great Depression.

Trust me. If this plan in achieved, the Demorats and Leftists will be coming for everyone next. It’s their inherent nature.

I could go on. But I am literally running out of room to write, and energy to continue with her abominations.

Like Joe Biden is on the wrong side of every issue — Kamala Harris is likewise on the wrong side of every issue.

She will transform her external mouth music in order to accommodate whatever audience she speaks before. A readily apparent chameleon. Except, as she says, her “views haven’t changed.”

Because truly, she is a massive Leftist.

Don’t listen to what she says. Examine what she’s done.

Caveat Emptor, regarding Kamala Harris.

Know that, before you buy her crap.


BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show is back! Sort of. Watch the video!

The last true, official broadcast, audio only, of BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show was back on March 17th of 2022, where the studio had been relocated from the original downtown Sacramento, Kalifornia SHR Media Network locale, to my wife’s living room in Ghetto Central, South Sacramento. Go here to read and listen.

Since then, my move from Kalifornia to an actual Free State occurred, but I’d been busy with many other things, so the studio and its broadcasts had to take a back seat.

My saving grace was the decision to ask Allen Thomas, a friend of mine and a frequent guest on the show, to assist in the resurrection of the studio and the SHR Media Network in my new Free State. Thankfully, Allen Thomas said “yes.” So I flew him out on October 22nd in BZ’s personal Grumman Gulfstream G700 from Fresno, Kalifornia, 950 miles far northeast to BZ’s new studio.

BZ (L) Allen Thomas (R) in 2018, when BZ visited Fresno.

Once we both examined the plight of SHR, and plotted her future, we determined that the SHR headquarters would best be served by the construction of an all new computer, one that would kick ass and not bother with any name-taking whatsoever.

Hence, the birthing of the Black Pearl.

We fretted, we worried, we enjoyed the cold weather, we watched snow, we took photographs, and Allen Thomas cobbled the Black Pearl together from an insane basket of parts to include:

• RTX 4080-016G video card
• RYZEN 9 7950X3D processor
• HX10001 Ultra Low Noise ATX Pwr Supply
• H1501 Elite Capellix XT Liquid CPU Cooler
• Corsair LL120 RGB 120mm Fan X 3
• ASUS X670E-PLUS TUF ATX Motherboard
• Samsung 980 PRO w/ Heatsink PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD 2TB
• Shit-ton of Vengeance RGB DDR5 DRAM
• Corsair 7000D Airflow full tower case
• Plus a few extra secret pieces of buttery hot electric goodness.

And, to top things off, there was gifted an early Christmas present from Mrs BZ, to include a Samsung 49″ Odyssey OLED G95SC Neo Quantum Processor Pro 0.03M S 240 hz curved smart gaming monitor.

Also, since my laptop, a 17″ Sony Vaio, is at least 15 years old, but has provided loyal service (upgraded it to a SSD about 9 years ago), I hesitate to help run the show again with it. I therefore purchased an Asus Q540V, a 15.6″ OLED Laptop – Intel Core i9-13900H – NVIDIA RTX3050 6GB with 16GB Memory – 1TB SSD, in black. That will play my audio cuts.

So, on the very last day of Allen Thomas’s visit, we were able to cobble together a show in which we attempted a few things, we discussed a few things, and I mostly screwed up on the StreamYard transitions and such.

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

And there you have it. One attempt. More to come. This is a veritable work in progress continued by an individual you wouldn’t trust to technologically walk your dog. Yet here we are.

Proud or humiliated? You be the judge.

BZ‘s Rumble channel is here.

But me? At 73, I’m just getting started. I have not yet begun to excoriate my government and the world.

Cheer up. Shit is gonna get a lot worse before it gets better.



A Bloviating Zeppelin and Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show UPDATE

[BZ NoteFirst off, this website,, was taken down in error for over two months. I threw camshafts and birthed kittens thinking that 20 years of work had been flushed down the proverbial Crapper, Sir Thomas, 1 each.  After serious assistance by Bushwack (you know who you are) and my site host, we were able to resurrect what I think may be the entire site — as far as I can tell. With that in mind, let us continue.]

It’s no surprise to anyone who has been reading my blog since its inception in 2004 — or listening to my wireless radio show, since January of 2017 — that I am not a young man by any stretch of the imagination, being in my 7th decade on the planet.

It’s also no surprise that I retired from 41 years in law enforcement (closer to 42) in 2016 and, to keep myself off the streets and off heroin, I fortuitously ran into Sack Heads Shaun of the SHR Media Network — who was kind enough to offer a radio show on the network.

What also requires mentioning is that, simultaneously, I was allowed to appear on Ken McClenton’s TECN — The Exceptional Conservative Network — where he’d chat with me once a week, using his time, before I got my own show.

Which is why I invited him to be my guest on the final Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show I did from Kalifornia. I owed Ken all of that and more.

Those guys — Shaun, Clint, and Ken — those guys saved my life. Literally. Listen.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 3-17-22, with KEN McCLENTON — the last SHR Media show in Kalifornia, Pt I:” on Spreaker.

Since then, I have officially left the state of Kalifornia, and made a home in my new Free State, 980 miles away from Sacramento.

I have been blessed, that much is obvious. But it began to become clear to me that my maneuverings have all primarily led up to this. A new life in a northern free state, just 95 miles south of the Canadian border. Eh?

Three years ago, it was a state I hadn’t considered in the slightest. But a state now sufficiently sought-after that some can’t afford to live here at all because of housing prices. Of course, due to Biden, that too is changing.

We’re about to encounter double digit inflation, double digit mortgage rates, all kinds of food and other supply chain shortages, a collapsing economy and, if altogether too many people get their way, US boots on the ground in Ukraine and a war with China over Taiwan. Fighting on two fronts when we can’t even fulfill common military recruiting goals. And we don’t have the equipment. And we’re being led by traitors and those on the take from China. Yeah. That’ll go well.

Yay Biden.

Mrs BZ and I looked many places, in many states. Because we had honeymooned there, we thought we’d love to live in Astoria, Oregon, right next to the Columbia River. Our perfect weather: cooler, rainy, and near the ocean. Until we started looking at the property taxes attached to homes that certainly didn’t seem to deserve to have such weighty numbers involved. Holy crap. The property taxes were tremendous.

(The Astoria-Megler Bridge, connecting Astoria, Oregon to Megler, Washington.)

We went further north into Washington and that too looked attractive until we examined property taxes. In the intervening years between 2007 and now, of course, Oregon and Washington became populated by even more Kalifornia rejects who brought every bit of their insanity with them. Portland, Seattle, Everett? No fucking way was I going to live in Washington. Or Oregon. All the little Antifa fuckers with their lovely riots, in concert with the stupidity of Governors Inslee and Kotek, made me scratch those two Leftist shitholes right off my list. A great decision.

The stories I could tell in terms of trying to acquire a home. I was lucky. I purchased my “new” 2007 Free State house two years ago, in 2021. I saw the bubble. And I saw it bursting.

Since 2021, in a mere 9 months, my house had appreciated roughly $120,000. That didn’t continue, of course. And it might be nothing but air equity now. But I did happen to lock in my rate at 2%. As of this writing, the US mortgage rate is about 7%. Yay me.

Just wait. People will be paying close to 10% in no time, just like I did for my first house in the early 1980s. A minimum of 20% down, a 12% APR, and a five year call on the note.

But for me, my new state is everything that Kalifornia isn’t. Just as I tell those who prefer to mask up outside, in their cars, and inside public buildings: “You do you. I’ll do me. As long as you don’t tell me how to live my life.”

I’ll tell you a quick story about my new Free State, which says everything about it.

As Mrs BZ and I stayed in our first motel, the Staybridge Suites (very nice) in early 2021 to look around the areas for homes, we wore masks inside because the check-in counter had a sign saying masks were required. But I looked around and noticed no one else was wearing them. As we walked to the elevator with our bags, a guy came up beside us and said “you can take those stupid things off. No one wears them.” We pitched them into the trash and never wore them again.

Here’s what I wanted from a Free State and, in fact, here’s what we got:

People who speak English. No constant gunfire in the neighborhood. No sirens and helicopters and pursuits and loud helo announcements in the middle of the night. No drunk drivers hitting power poles and killing the electricity. No drunk, retarded, mental, drugged, genetic mutants living in tents or under tarps or buttressed by shopping carts around my neighborhood. No mental misfits in the middle of the road. No burned out cars sitting on axles in the ‘hood. No speed bumps or speed tables all over because assholes run sideshows every night.

No parking lots where you have to carefully examine your surroundings before you exit the car. No having to run the gauntlet of drunk and drugged bums demanding money before you enter a business, or when you want to pump gas because, for a while, you’re a “captive audience.”

No listening to or watching all the surrounding homes, as rentals, host parolees, probationers, and as renters start up and rev their Harley motorcycles literally at 3 AM because they’re drunk, their license is suspended, and their motorcycle will be impounded if they’re stopped.

No listening to the cross-the-street neighbor play 3 AM Mexican rap at 120 db. No listening to his asshole friends bringing their thump trucks and thump cars to his house to jar the fillings out of your teeth while you try to sleep, and you have to get up at 4 AM for work, like I had to.

No having to worry about getting shot as you approach your bank or ATM.

No sweating through consistent 120-degree summers, the loss of power, or PG&E killing your cabin’s power through a PSPS thereby destroying your microwave, refrigerator, TV, DVD player, coffee maker — and they refused to pay for their damage.

No more PG&E setting summer wildfires from faulty and ancient equipment, deficient infrastructure, going bankrupt, getting covered by Newsom and his asshole friends, while they simultaneously murdered close to 100 people by frying them into the pugilist position.

No more brown skies, falling ashes, choking air, as thousands of acres of ignored forests go up flames hundreds of feet high. Every. Fucking. Summer. A state where, when you go into its mountainous areas, an actual aware person points and says only one word: “fuel.”

No more brown yards. Brown skies. Brown plants. Brownouts. Brown fields. Brown businesses.

No more constant noise. No more constant chaos. No more rude assholes cutting you off, giving you the finger in traffic, pointing guns at you (happened), staring at you like you’re a fresh piece of meat because you’re old and white. Though heeled.

No more Sacramento riots, Antifa or BLM blocking freeways or major surface streets. (Antifa came to a town not terribly far from where I live; they were greeted by citizens openly carrying loaded AR-15s and other rifles. This is how every Antifa invasion should be met. With over a thousand armed American citizens.)

No more “bring your own bags” to the market. No more gas pumps that don’t work. No more “no straws.” No more “no ketchup packets.” No more “no tinted car windows.” All the cop car windows are tinted as hell, themselves. No more “have to wear a helmet on your bicycle or motorcycle.”

No more gas pumps stopping before your tank is filled, because they won’t go past $100.

All the people in my Free State speak English. They have paper ballots, and require you to show a valid state ID and recite your address in order to vote. Every. Damned. Time.

No living in fear of having your local stores shut down because professional theft rings loot them with regularity and impunity. No more watching cars driven on freeways trying to PIT each other because of road rage. Yes, I’ve seen that in Kalifornia. Many times.

No more fear of defending myself, my family, or my residence because my Free State is not only a “Castle Doctrine” state, but a “Stand Your Ground” state. I can purchase a suppressor. I can buy just about any firearm I want. No background checks on ammunition or waiting for ammunition. It’s right there, on shelves. In the open. Where normal Americans can pick it up and buy it.

When I was looking at homes, most of them had gun safes and many had reloading benches. One sign in a restaurant asked that you be judicious with your rounds when shooting at robbers.

It’s a Constitutional Carry state, which means it’s permitless carry. You can open carry if you wish, and I’ve seen a few younger men do it, but I’m not an advocate of open carry. At all. It’s bad advertising. You lose the advantage of surprise.

That said, the forces of evil are no less here than anywhere else. The capital of my Free State is becoming a bastion of Leftist forces because, naturally, it’s the most densely populated and, naturally, it’s where Leftists landed when they fled their own piece of shit states that they could no longer tolerate.

Unlike myself, however, they brought all their Leftist shithole philosophies and thoughts with them. And are pushing those selfsame philosophies equally as hard. You know. Just like Mexicans and other illegal invaders fleeing their own shitholes and trying to warp this nation into precisely the same thing from which they fled.

There are, of course, limitations to my new Free State. It’s popular. So contractors and mechanics and blue collar workers — hell, workers of any stripe — are not overflowing. Therefore they’re hard to find. So I’ve been a bit hamstrung trying to build the broadcast studio in my new home, because of the electrical draw required. I need a new circuit solely devoted to my studio. And finding available electricians to complete this work is, well, a tad difficult.

Like, for months difficult. Almost a year difficult.

And, naturally, because I am a Techno Luddite, my former guru and technical wizard, Sack Heads Shaun, is no longer available. Not just to reassemble the studio, but to upgrade it to some really nice video.

One positive note: instead of relying like I did on Frontier Communications — one of absolute worst providers on the planet, and famous for blocking communications — I now have access to fiber optic cable and much, much better internet speeds.

I’m crossing my fingers and hoping that all will be fixed, repaired, and upgraded by late March or some time in April of 2023 — almost precisely a year from my last broadcast.

Why? How?

Because, with luck, I’m importing my good friend and internet colleague ALLEN THOMAS to the area, who has indicated he’ll come from Kalifornia to help me out. He is every bit the Techo Wizard that I am not, and will help me not only set up, but create some great video for the show as well.

My problem now, besides getting a separate circuit for the studio, is branding. Sack Heads Shaun has nothing to do with SHR any more, and neither does Sack Heads Clint. Both are back in Kalifornia attending to their jobs and their lives, as well they should be. But because Shaun has all the usernames and passwords to all the digital programs needed to make SHR run, and a number of them he can’t remember, I find myself in a quandry:

Do I try to keep SHR cobbled together, and try to retain Spreaker, Chatroll, Ionos, the dedicated SHR Media page, the video host whose name I can’t even remember any more, and all the other assorted programs utilized — do I try to keep them all assembled together in kind of a haphazard form and plug digital leaks when they occur? In trying to keep the SHR name going?

I mean, I already threw a lot of money at this original artwork for SHR.

Or do I break free and start another new network entirely? NFSR? Northern Free State Radio? FSRN? Free State Radio Network? BZN? The BZ Network?

In many ways it would be much simpler to just create something entirely new.

But that grates in my craw, because I ideally want to try to keep the old, creaky, leaky SHR ship on the high seas, patch some leaks, and maybe drop in a newer, more powerful, 390,000 shp engine.

Even if I keep the SHR name and branding, I’ll have to re-do all the intros, outros, promos and the like, because I’m no longer broadcasting behind enemy lines in occupied Kalifornia.

My biggest roadblock is starting all over again. At one point, according to analytics Jeremy Hanson unearthed, I had up to 300,000 listeners/viewers per show. And I’d worked hard from 2017 to March of 2022 to get them, doing two, two-hour shows a week.

At one point I was #18 in the top 75 Late Night Talk Show Podcasts You Must Follow In 2021.

So this time, I’ll be starting from scratch. Again. I’ll have to try to acquire an audience all over again, because the largest show-killer is inconsistency or, in my case, the show being gone completely.

Because I insist on going live, and I’d like both audio and video involved, I’ve decided I will never go back to YouTube or Facebook video. I refuse to even give them the remotest chance to censor me, strike me, or remove me wholesale.

My video feeds will likely be either on Rumble, or Bitchute. I haven’t yet decided.

One thing I do know is this: there will NEVER be a pay wall between myself and the listener. I will never charge a subscription or listener fee.

If I’d been doing all of this, selling two homes, buying another house, moving 950+ miles away, dealing with the gurp attached to same — in my 40s or 50s — things would certainly be more of a breeze.

However, I’d like to provide a BZ public service announcement in the form of an important safety tip: don’t try this shit in your 70s, kids. It kinda sucks. But that’s how bad I had to get away from Kalifornia, in order to find a modicum of peace.

And now you know the “rest of the story.”

So that’s all the news that’s fit to print, to date.

More to come.




An update on BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show for 2022

People have been asking, “BZ, what happened to your radio show? You used to be on three times a week (Wednesday included, with the SHAT Show), then twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday nights), then now — perhaps once a week, if that.”

In fact, I was entirely gone for three months. More.

The answer to “what happened” is: change.

A metric assload of change.

The same kind of change that has affected you all individually, your family, your business, your work, your entertainment, your restaurants, your stores, every bit of your life. Ever since late 2019, all of 2020, and all of 2021. And likely every bit of 2022. Because this crap is far from over.

I’m certainly no different, and neither is the SHR Media Network.

Shaun Lewis, at the final SHR Media Network studio in downtown Sacramento, with the new Arrakis board and Shure SM7B microphone, in 2018.

The two original owners and creators of the SHR Media Network are no longer involved. Shaun Lewis experienced a life-changing event which devastated his life, as did various knee injuries requiring surgeries. Moreover, SHR had to leave its studio because the owner was going to sell the house in which it existed — in the hot Sacramento housing market.

Sack Heads Clint (right), the other SHR Media owner, found himself wrapped up in work and had no time whatsoever for SHR, with the last SHAT Show — which was his last appearance whatsoever on radio — occurring on February 26th of 2020.

BZ and CLINT on the SHAT Show, in the original SHR studio.

I make this unequivocal statement: Shaun and Clint are never coming back to the SHR Media Network. We’ve spoken numerous times. It’s not going to happen. I’m still having a bit of difficulty dealing with that, quite honestly.

Making me — the interloper, the greenhorn, the luggage-carrier, the “new guy” from 2016 who only got a show in January of 2017 — now responsible for the future of the media network that Shaun and Clint themselves created.

CLINT, BZ and SHAUN in the original SHR Media Network studio.

So I had a choice.

I could either crash the network, kill it, gut it, rip it out by its roots — or I could try my best to continue SHR.

I’ve decided to try to continue SHR to the best of my abilities, whilst simultaneously recognizing the hard work accomplished by both Shaun and Clint.

First, I was thinking of changing the name entirely — to BZN.

Or I was considering taking a hiatus from internet radio.

Or I could simply build on what Shaun and Clint had started back in 2012, ten years ago.

That turned out to be my preferred course. Because I want to honor Shaun and Clint, then attempt to strengthen and escalate what they created, if I can.

There are, naturally, a number of hurdles in my way. The primary challenge is the technology required. I’m not called a Techno Luddite for nothing — though I am light years ahead of Clint, who is 175 years my junior.

I come from analog radio where, at least in Kalifornia, the Sparta Corporation ruled the day, as did turntables, VU meters, pots, reel-to-reel tape machines, metal editing blocks for tape, razor blades for editing, cart machines, terrestrial radio, a soundproofed editing room, custom boards, and radio stations beginning with either K or W.

Sparta Electronics Corporation radio console mixer. I found Sparta equipment almost everywhere I went in 70s terrestrial radio, except at KFBK, which had its own custom-built board.

Custom, bespoke KFBK board in the 1970s, with Joyce Krieg. Cart machines sitting on top of the board.

Same board, with announcer Ron Lyons at KFBK-AM. I worked with Ron Lyons at KFBK in the 1970s, before he went back to San Francisco with KNBR and then KCBS. Note the mic, an early version of the Shure SM7B, the five cart machines on top, master VU meter in the middle, and the cart rack storage at right.

KFBK promo for the morning drive Ron Lyons show.

This is how AM radio used to work in the 1970s, with the talent — in this case, Donald Rose of 610 KFRC in San Francisco — in an announce booth, and the engineer or producer in another, running the cart machines, tape decks, mics, and everything else. Look at all the carts in the revolving cart racks, and the multiple cart machines required for the show.

Don Rose’s KFRC engineer, Steven Rude. Note the complexity of the board, the window, cart decks, multiple carts. This was everything but simple.

Without a good engineer or producer, you’re toast. Oh, right. BZ has no producer.

So this “everything is digital now” thingie is kind of confusing for an Analog Guy in a Digital World.

But wait. There’s more.

The SHR Media Network left the downtown studio and found itself plunked down into the living room of my wife’s house in South Sacramento. There, the internet, if you can call it that, “provided by” Frontier, runs at this speed.

No. In January of 2022, I’m not kidding. You can get faster speeds by either dial-up — or two tin cans connected by string.

Frontier’s explanation is simply this: you live in an old neighborhood in a predominantly copper wire based area where the chances of us performing upgrades are twofold: slim and none. Why? Because most of the people there can’t afford really good internet anyway, so screw ’em.

Oh sure. We’re upgrading like crazy in new neighborhoods. Because those houses are at least $750,000 homes. But in yours? Nah.

So on Thursday, June 10th, 2021, Shaun and I moved the SHR studio from downtown. Shaun set the whole thing up in about two hours.

Shaun did his job, but Frontier couldn’t care less about doing its job, so I could no longer run streaming video of the show. Audio only. And audio only on a good day when Frontier deigns to not dump the audio stream — either entirely, or, off and on during the show itself.

Necessitating my having to chop up the show into two or three or four separate pieces, with lots of show missing in between. I’ve done that. You can see the posts.

But wait. There’s more.

I’m not staying in Kalifornia. Thank God.

In fact, I’ve already purchased a house in a free state (with a very soon-to-be-coveted 2.1% APR) where permitless concealed carry is lawful. And everyone hates Kalifornians. For obvious reasons.

The driveway of BZ’s new house, in the first days of winter, 2021.

Which means that I have to move the studio again. From downtown Sacramento, to South Sacramento, to the free state, about 950+ miles away.

This is something I hope to have accomplished by the end of January or February. Crossed phalanges. Frankly, it all depends on the ability of a moving truck to surmount the five mountain passes between Sacramento, Kalifornia, and New Town, Free State, a great distance, in winter.

Within that new house, I will have fiber-optic. Connections will not be an issue. But, because BZ is still a Techno Luddite, and there is no such thing as a Shaun nearby, BZ will have to figure out the initial connections.

So for a while, you can bank on the show being audio only.

Until either Shaun, Allen Thomas, Jack Alexander, Jeremy Hanson, or some other kind of “deus ex machina” comes down from on high and hooks me up to audio and back to live video streaming via xSplit — or perhaps even Streamyard, vMix, or OBS Studio, I’ll have to figure that out also.

Then, of course, I’ll have to find a live streaming host that won’t kill me because I’m politically Conservative. I won’t do podcasts or stale shows. I want to be LIVE at the time I broadcast. I can post the shows as podcasts later.

You can bet I’m never streaming live on either YouTube or Facebook again. At this point I’m looking into either BitChute or Rumble for live streaming. If you have suggestions, let me know.

Arrakis mixer on left, with BZ’s gorgeous Electro-Voice RE20 microphone.

Then I’m going to have to figure out if I wish to continue working with my Arrakis ARC Talk 8 Blue mixer, or hook up the Rode Rodecaster Pro I have sitting nearby in a box.

Rodecaster Pro mixer. Will it work for The Saloon if I do audio and video?

That’s a story for another day.

But I’m faced with another dilemma. I will no longer want to be associated with the state of Kalifornia, so I’m trying to figure out if I want to start a sub-network to SHR. Something similar to this, in order to celebrate the freedom aspect of the network.

I’m on the edge with regard to this. Do it or not?

My New Year’s Resolution for the network is this:

Ideally, my goal is to bring BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show back to two, two-hour shows per week, on Tuesday and Thursday nights — just like I was doing since January of 2017.

I was even toying with the idea of increasing the frequency of the show, from two nights a week to four or five nights a week — making it a one hour instead of a two hour show.

I’d also like to bring back the SHAT Show, on Wednesday night again — with a rotation of co-hosts — until I find one that works with me as smoothly as possible, as “Clint-like” as possible.

Maybe that combination will never occur again; but I’d certainly like to try.

I don’t think Money Talk With Melanie will return to SHR, because Melanie Collette is finding success on Newsmax TV — but I believe I’ll be able to keep The Wright Way with Shannon and Mike, Dave Milner, Southern Sense, The Liberty Cast with Earl Jackson, and perhaps even expand our hosts.

I very much would like to expand the SHR shows with more great hosts — perhaps with an eye to enticing LONNIE POINDEXTER to return, as well as RALPH J CHITTAMS and JEFF DUNETZ — if we can figure out more technology.

2020 was a huge challenge. 2021 as well. And I readily admit that I found myself massively distracted in 2021, didn’t keep my eye on the SHR ball, because of losing the downtown Sacramento studio, the problems I encountered with the South Sacramento studio, selling my house, purchasing another house in a free state, and wrangling the sale and cleanup of my wife’s house.

To everyone on SHR, for that I apologize. Life. It happens.

But once moved to my new digs, once my studio is up and running in a room entirely devoted to it, and once I get a grip on the various technological aspects of running an internet radio network in 2022 — I hope to bring consistency and even more excellence back to the SHR Media Network, such that people can count on shows, count on quality, and count on great guests and information.

My life is like your life — turned upside down, challenged, fairly uncertain, all the while trying to remain Semper Gumby. Not always possible.

But now you know my goals.

Now let’s see if I can achieve them.

God bless you all, and thanks for listening to the SHR Media Network, Conservative Media Done Right.




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 7-10-18 with KAISER SHUFF

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract — as well as appear on the Sack Heads: Against Tyranny Show every Wednesday night.


  • HOUR 1: Happy Stories include the rescue of the 13 people from the flooded caves in Thailand; Japan refuses to take Muslim “refugees,” HRC is going to seek the presidency in 2020; the DNC thinks Alexandria OC is the “future of the Demorat Party.” Wowzer. Couldn’t get any better than that! PLUS: Leftist skulls detonate over Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to SCOTUS, creating a veritable Leftist “Kavalanche.”
  • HOUR 2: The inimitable KAISER SHUFF. ‘Nuff said.

For DISH subscribers: your Hopper has recently been wired to play YouTube videos. You can now toss ol’ BZ onto your massive flatscreen TV and watch him in all of his obese, biased and politically-execrable potty-mouthed goodness.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, click on the yellow button at the upper left.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 7-10-18” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media YouTube channel, click on the red start button below. Please SUBSCRIBE to the SHR Media channel!

Moreover, if you care to watch the show on the SHR Media Facebook page (in glorious color), click right here. Kindly LIKE us on Facebook. You can FOLLOW us on Twitter @SHRMediaGroup. Please FOLLOW ol’ BZ @BZep. Thanks so much.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Please remember that BZ can only monitor the SHRMEDIA.COM chat — though there is chat available on both Facebook and YouTube. If you wish to interact with myself and the bulk of the chatters, I heartily recommend and invite you into the SHR Media page. My thanks to those chatters who have migrated over to the upgraded chat room, thanks for Shaun. Instead of a paltry limit of 10 chatters, we can take up to 100. A bit optimistic, perhaps, but BZ can dream, can’t he?

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here.
  • You can listen to the show here on Dan Butcher’s High Plains Talk Radio page.
  • Want to watch the show live on Facebook? Go to the SHR Media page on Facebook here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTube? Go here.
  • Want to watch the show on High Plains TV? Go here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”