And I won’t let it die just as the Obama Administration allowed four Americans to die. The Obama Administration purposely wants to forget, and I purposely want to continue to bring Benghazi to light because — surprise of surprises — no has “come to justice” as promised and no one in the Obama Administration has been keelhauled or held responsible. NO. ONE.
Further, here is just precisely what the Obama Administration thinks about those four dead Americans. First, from Jay Carney:
“That is old news,” Carney says, and it’s nothing but “a distraction.” Benghazi, according to Jay Carney, “happened a long time ago.” As in: a few months.
When I think of “a long time ago” I think — as I suspect do most cogent and non-agendic persons — in terms of decades or centuries. Not a few piddling months.
Jay Carney also believes that incidents where loss of American life occurs, and loss of freedom occurs — via the IRS targeting of Conservatives — under Mr Obama’s Administration, they are nothing more than “phony scandals.”
Second, Hillary Clinton also weighed in with another astoundingly-stupid and insensitive remark revealing, once again, her disdain for the American People and her naked arrogance and elitism:
Kudos to both Hillary and Jay for making any number of points for me because, after all, what real difference does it make? But after watching that video again, I think I may best summarize — into terms that Hillary Clinton may understand as coming from her husband — “it makes all the difference in the world, you plotting cunt.” I had even stronger words than that for Clinton and Carney and Obama, but after a third re-write I’ve decided to edit them out. I’ll let the current edition settle for a bit.
But then, this from Susan Katz-Keating:
An Underground Meeting and an Update on Benghazi: “Assets Were in Motion”

I met yesterday with sources on Benghazi. This was quite a feat to arrange. The sources are keenly aware that they must maintain personal security at all times. They only will talk off-grid, and wisely so.
After much old-school communication that evoked my Cold War sensibilities, we settled on an underground locale. I mean “underground” as in, “secret.” We did not burrow into a cave. But we definitely were off-grid.
For obvious reasons, I can’t reveal the sources’ identities. Instead, I’ll call them Alpha and Bravo. One spoke while the other stood lookout. Yes, they are that vigilant.
On the subject of Benghazi, Alpha and Bravo speak and act from direct knowledge. Here’s what they told me.
We all have read the mixed reports about rescue or reinforcement efforts to help fight off the Benghazi attack. Many reports revolve around the U.S. air base at Aviano, Italy, and whether jets could have been scrambled from there to assist.
According to Alpha and Bravo, though, those reports are something of a rabbit hole.
“You can talk about Aviano all day,” Alpha said. “You can argue and debate. But that’s a diversionary conversation. It will take you so far off field you’d need breadcrumbs to find your way back.
“The conversation you want to have is centered on Tripoli.”
I asked him to elaborate.
“American assets tried to come in.”
I asked if he were talking about the two brave former SEALs, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, who died while fighting off an overwhelming opposing force.
“No. Additional assets. They were available and on hand and ready to head in.”
How did they plan to arrive?
Who Gave the Order, and Why?
“From Tripoli,” Alpha said. He leaned in close, both to emphasize and further protect his words. “Assets were in motion. They had men. They had a plane.”
In case I hadn’t understood the first time, he repeated:
“Assets were in motion.”
As in, en route?
“The plane was on the runway.”
What happened?
“They were told to stop.”
Bravo jerked his head back slightly, and nodded before resuming lookout.
Why did the assets abort their mission?
“Someone gave the order to stand down.”
I asked him to repeat himself, for clarity.
“You heard me,” Bravo said. “Someone gave the order to stand down.”
Who gave the order?
“That’s something you’ll need to chase down in Washington,” Alpha said. “It didn’t originate outof Libya. More importantly, it did not come from the military.”
Where did it come from?
“Check the chain of command. Trace it up to the top. Proceed from there.”
At which point, my two sources split off, and independently returned in their own ways to the grid. And left me wondering: Who gave the order, and why?
Good question: who gave the order, and why?
Stay tuned.