Obama’s perfect Cloward-Piven Strategy:

Barack ObamaIt would seem that Mr Obama has finally revealed his true purpose:

To keep Demorats in control in perpetuity.

Cloward-PivenDo what I call the Logical Extension.

First, understand the Cloward-Piven Strategy.

With that under your belt, now read from the DailyCaller.com:

Obama “Hopeful” Immigration Will Drown Conservatism

by Neil Munro

The spread of vibrant social diversity is constricting the GOP’s ability to champion conservative causes, such as smaller government and independent families, President Barack Obama said in a softball media interview.

“Over the long term, I’m pretty optimistic, and the reason is because this country just becomes more and more of a hodgepodge of folks,” Obama told Vox editor Ezra Klein.

Check where this is going.

“People are getting more and more comfortable with the diversity of this country, much more sophisticated about both the cultural differences but more importantly, the basic commonality that we have,” he said in his talk, which was recorded Jan 23.

But for Obama, “commonality” is a go-to euphemism for big, intrusive, nation-wide government by progressive experts.

The nation’s governors “all have a common interest, and that is making sure that their constituents — who are also my constituents — are able to gain opportunity, work hard, prosper, feel secure,” Obama said in a Dec. 5 comment about visiting governors. “That happens best when we work together, whether we’re talking about Democrats and Republicans and independents working together, or whether we’re talking about state, federal and local officials working together,” he said.


Free-market variety is contrary to a common purpose, Obama said Jan. 21. “Our media is all segmented now so that instead of just watching three stations, we got 600,” he said in an Idaho speech. “You got the [single] conservative station and the liberal stations. So everybody is only listening to what they already agree with. And then you’ve got political gerrymandering… so there are a lot of institutional forces that make it seem like we have nothing in common,” he said.

What does that mean to you?

To me it means: when the nation is consumed by a greater and greater number of illegal immigrants and by an increasing number of persons who will, in fact, vote themselves “largesse” (immigrants, of course, having the right to vote) because they find dependence on the government to be vividly attractive, then Conservatives and the GOP will have nothing to offer the population.

Meaning: the electorate will continue to vote, in perpetuity, for Free Cheese, thus eliminating any competition to Demorats.

Voila.  Mr Obama enables Cloward-Piven writ large over the entire nation.

A project being worked on with great vigor by Mr Barack Hussein Obama.



Let THIS sink in about ISIS:

ISIS Stolen American Equipment

[ISIS with captured American equipment.]

From the NYDailyNews.com:

ISIS will be in position to get nuclear weapons if allowed to consolidate power, resources, says expert

by Joseph Cirincione

The jihadists terrorizing the Middle East have seized billions in assets through stolen banks and oil fields. If left unchecked and allowed to make the right connections, they could secure the material and expertise to make a deadly weapon of mass destruction.

The risk of a terrorist attack using nuclear or chemical weapons has just gone up.

ISIS is willing to kill large numbers of innocents, and it has added three capabilities that catapult the threat beyond anything seen before: control of large, urban territories, huge amounts of cash, and a global network of recruits.

British Home Secretary Theresa May warned that if ISIS consolidates its control over the land it occupies, “We will see the world’s first truly terrorist state” with “the space to plot attacks against us.”

Here is what way too many people don’t understand about ISIS:

Its seizure of banks and oil fields gave it more than $2 billion in assets. If ISIS could make the right connection to corrupt officials in Russia or Pakistan, the group might be able to buy enough highly enriched uranium (about 50 pounds) and the technical help to build a crude nuclear device. Militants recruited from Europe or America could help smuggle it into their home nations.

And Mr Obama wants to “negotiate” with Iran about nukes, bargaining away one manner of helping to ensure ISIS doesn’t get its hands on fissile materials?  ISIS doesn’t have to possess an actual deployable weapon per se; all it has to do is acquire sufficient material to create a dirty bomb.

This is not only tactically insolvent on Mr Obama’s part, it is another in a series of capitulative moves by our Apologist In Chief, the EOTUS.

Raised by Communists and Muslims, Obaka falls back to his roots when pressed or pressured.

Mr Obama doesn’t even deserve a seat at the kid’s table during Thanksgiving.

And yet, he’s in charge of our nation.

The greatest threat to the United States of America isn’t illegal immigrants.  It isn’t the budget, It isn’t the sequester.  It isn’t the southern border.  It isn’t Vladimir Putin.  It isn’t even Islamic terror, though ISIS is getting close.

The greatest threat to the United States of America is Barack Hussein Obama.



Reagan nails Obama

Prescient, over 40 years ago.

The United States of America: truly, the last stand on earth.  When we go, the rest of the planet will travel with us.