Welcome to Monday: “Illegal immigrants who commit crimes face lesser punishment than U.S. citizens”

From the WashingtonExaminer.com:


According to Sen. John McCain, a member of the Senate’s Gang of Eight, criminals will not be legalized under the proposed bipartisan immigration bill.

“Anyone who has committed crimes in this country is going to be deported,” the Arizona Republican declared on the Senate floor last week.

However, as Washington Examiner columnist Byron York recently reported, “the bottom line is an immigrant could have more than three misdemeanor convictions in his background check and still qualify for legalization.”

Wonderful.  We need more drunk drivers.  In Fornicalia, drunk driving is a male Mexican misdemeanor mainstay.  14601 CVC, or driving on a suspended license, used to warrant bail in Fornicalia jails.  Now, absent a felony warrant, fresh felony or misdemeanor commitment warrant, 14601 individuals receive a cite and a court date.  So, yes, Fornicalia certainly needs even more of its own male Mexican drunk drivers.  There are many multiply-convicted illegal Mexicans puttering around on Fornicalia highways with suspended licenses — drunk — just waiting to become “introduced” to you or your family via 4,000 pounds of metal.  That’s just one instance of popular crime.

The Gang of Eight’s bill would allow illegal immigrants who entered the country before Dec. 31, 2011, and committed up to three misdemeanor offenses including but not limited to assault, battery, identity or document fraud, tax evasion, to remain eligible for Registered Provisional Status. Meanwhile, U.S. citizens and persons who entered the country legally could incur up to $100,000 in fines,15 years of imprisonment, or be prohibited to reenter the country for up to 10 years.

Now, you have to admit, that’s wonderful news for a Monday.  It simply follows up on free tuition for illegal Mexicans in Fornicalia’s universities.

How many people have said illegal Mexicans are here to only work, not to acquire Free Cheese?  Here’s an ad that screams for free healthcare, in Fornicalia, for illegals:

C’mon, ladies and gentlemen, she’s just “undocumented,” not illegal.

Wrong is now right, down is now up.




Corker Amendment Permanently Offers Citizenship to Those Overstaying Their Visa

Corker HoevenFrom Breitbart.com:

Just as public anxiety about the weak border security provisions in the Senate immigration bill was building, GOP Sen. Bob Corker stepped forward with an amendment to “fix” the problem. The result of his efforts, however, has been a “christmas tree” measure, covering items far beyond border security. Breitbart News has learned exclusively that one provision of Corker’s amendment will allow workers who stay in the country past their visa will remain on the “path to citizenship.”

Really? Lawbreakers given an edge?

Even in the future, breaking the law won’t stop progress on what VP Joe Biden calls the “unfettered path” to citizenship. 

The Corker Amendment ostensibly addresses measures to beef up border security. It, however, is also likely to be the last amendment considered on the immigration bill. As such, it has become a 1,000+ page amendment to supplant the current proposal and provide multiple new provisions. It has become the vehicle for ObamaCare 2.0.

Buried within the text of the Amendment is a seemingly innocuous provision:

(f) APPLICABILITY OF CERTAIN GROUNDS OF INADMISSIBILITY.—In determining an alien’s inadmissibility under this section, section 212(a)(9)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(9)(B)) shall not apply.

What does that mean? 

Current law states that those applying for green cards are ineligible if they are either “illegally present” at any point or overstay the terms of their work visa. Such an immigrant, in current law, would have to return to their home country and restart the immigration process. The Corker Amendment wipes away that enforcement mechanism.

As I am frequently wont to say: “you ever read or hear of this on any other media, alternative or otherwise?”

Uh, no.  You won’t.



Promised by the federal government: “No drones over the US.” WRONG

FBI Director Robert MuellerA blatant and bald-faced LIE.

From RT.com:

FBI director admits domestic use of drones for surveillance

The FBI uses drones for domestic surveillance purposes, the head of the agency told Congress early Wednesday.

Robert Mueller, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, confirmed to lawmakers that the FBI owns several unmanned aerial vehicles, but has not adopted any strict policies or guidelines yet to govern the use of the controversial aircraft.

“Does the FBI use drones for surveillance on US soil?” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) asked Mr Mueller during an oversight hearing on Capitol Hill Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“Yes,” Mueller responded bluntly, adding that the FBI’s operation of drones is “very seldom.”

Asked by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California) to elaborate, Mueller added, “It’s very seldom used and generally used in a particular incident where you need the capability.” Earlier in the morning, however, Mueller said that the agency was only now working to establish set rules for the drone program.

A lie before; a lie again.

Let us not forget this is the same blithering idiot — FBI Director Robert Mueller — who conveniently knew “nothing” about the IRS scandal.

And it is that you trust your federal government to do what precisely?


FBI Director Robert Mueller Graphic


The US Senate: looking out for your best interests regarding border security

Mexican-American_border_at_NogalesAnd the US Senate has determined that your best interests are not served by having a border fence along our southern border with Mexico.

From the WashingtonTimes.com:

Senators on Tuesday rejected building the 700 miles of double-tier border fencing Congress authorized just seven years ago, with a majority of the Senate saying they didn’t want to delay granting illegal immigrants legal status while the fence was being built.

The 54-39 vote to reject the fence shows the core of the immigration deal is holding. The vote broke mostly along party lines, though five Republicans, including Sen. Marco Rubio and the rest of the bill’s authors, voted against the fence, and two Democrats voted for it.

Please note that: Marco Rubio voted against the fence.

Republicans had offered the fence as a way to build the confidence of voters skeptical that the government will enforce its laws, but opponents said building more fencing is costly, would take too long, and shouldn’t be dictated by Washington.

“I think we should leave that to the best judgment of the Border Patrol,” said Sen. John McCain, one of the eight senators who wrote the immigration bill.

John McCain, a POW from the Vietnam era, has served his country well whilst in the military.  I believe he does not serve his country now, though he “represents” the state of Arizona, obviously a border state with Mexico.  This is a conflict that I cannot conjur or condone.  Mr McCain has served his time and needs to leave politics immediately.  Which, of course, he will not.

Sen. John Thune, South Dakota Republican, proposed the border fence amendment, which would have prevented the administration from granting any illegal immigrants legal status under the bill until at least 350 miles of double-tier fencing has been erected, and would withhold full citizenship rights until 700 total miles have been built.

Correct.  Thune proffered a logical amendment in which he required the government to do something actively and up front.  I concur.  I don’t trust the federal government.  They have given us many years of execrable performance (mostly the lack thereof) to justify this tanking of trust.

This was a bit of my personal “make or break” point, and the federal government has broken things once again.  They are men and women who are primarily interested in serving their own best interests of self, and the American Taxpayers can predominantly go straight to Hell.

Minutes after the border fence, senators also voted to weaken current law that requires the government to have biometric checks such as fingerprints or eye-scans for every visitor to the U.S. — a recommendation of the 9/11 commission that looked into the terrorist attacks on Washington and New York.

Read that again: weaken CURRENT law.  A “recommendation of the 9/11 commission that looked into the terrorist attacks on Washington and New York.”

Then the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) weighs in:

CBO: Immigration bill only stops 25 percent of illegal immigration

The Senate immigration bill will be a major boost to the federal budget but does relatively little to clamp down on illegal immigration — cutting the future flow by only about 25 percent — according to the Congressional Budget Office analysis of the bill, released Tuesday afternoon.

Under the bill, which legalizes illegal immigrants and invites in foreign workers, immigration will total 10.4 million more people over the next decade and 16.2 million by 2033.

So: another “feel good” bill which is predicated, again, on naught but emotions, leaving facts and reality kicked to the curb?

Apparently so.

With a caveat to John Boehner via Politico.com:

Dana Rohrabacher warns John Boehner on speakership

By REBECCA ELLIOTT | 6/18/13 7:27 AM EDT

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) says Speaker John Boehner should be ousted if he rams through an immigration bill without majority Republican support.

“If Speaker Boehner moves forward and permits this to come to a vote even though the majority of the Republicans in the House—and that’s if they do—oppose whatever it is that’s coming to a vote, he should be removed as Speaker,” Rohrabacher said on World Net Daily radio on Monday.

On the other hand, does anyone think that, suddenly, magically, the GOP will somehow find a pair of testicles and/or a spine recently discarded from a person missing both these essential items?

I don’t.