Muslim Benghazi attack coordinator captured, enroute US

What will he say?

Will he buttress the Hillary Clinton/Susan Rice insistence that the attack was the result of a poorly-produced video? Or will he substantiate that Hillary Clinton, Rice, and the rest of the then-Obama administration were all a pack of liars?


Benghazi attack organizer captured in Libya, now en route to US, officials tell AP

by Melissa Leon

U.S. Special Operations Forces have captured a top militant who was “instrumental” in the Benghazi attack in Libya in 2012 that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, an information management officer and two former Navy SEALs, according to a report by the Associated Press.

“The officials say U.S. commandos captured the unidentified man in Libya and are transporting him back to the U.S. The officials say the mission was approved by President Donald Trump and done in coordination with Libya’s internationally recognized government,” the AP reported, adding that the officials “weren’t authorized to speak” and “demanded anonymity.”

Do you suspect he will have a tale to tell? I believe so. And I think the Trump administration wants to hear that tale.

We already know that Hillary Clinton, then Secretary of State, lied nakedly to the families of the four Americans killed in the Benghazi attack. It was caught on video.

Family member of the four slain Americans — U.S. Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens; U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith; and CIA contractors Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, both former Navy SEALs — were not only lied to their faces by Hillary Clinton, they had their integrity questioned and ridiculed by Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Read the body language, the scorn, the arrogance, the utter contempt the positioning of Hillary Clinton illustrates. She believes this is so completely beneath her, that she answers to no one.

Hillary, as revealed by her emails to the Middle East and to her own daughter Chelsea, was fully cognizant that night of the fact that a video had nothing whatsoever to do with the Benghazi attack.

The 800-page report revealed that in the months leading up to the attack, there was worsening security in Libya, poor bureaucratic leadership and inadequate resources. The report showed Clinton and the State Department’s inadequacy to protect the Libyan diplomatic outpost. The report also revealed that the CIA missed the threat and wrote faulty intelligence after the attack.

Translated: Americans asked for more help but were rebuffed by Hillary and Obama because it failed to measure up to the meme of having “al Qaeda on the run.”

Clinton told a U.S. House committee that she was aware of the dangers in Libya but “there was no actionable intelligence” indicating a planned terrorist attack. The report showed that intelligence was available, but Clinton and her top aide, Patrick Kennedy, failed to realize the risk of a potential attack.

She then displayed this wretched contempt when under oath, as dismissive and insolent as a human can be. I utilize the word “human” rather loosely.

Hillary Clinton, the Demorats, Leftists and the American Media Maggots are oh-so-going to rue the day the decided to press the “Trump/Russia/collusion” meme. Bladed boomerang.

So yes, I will be quite very curious what the unnamed Muslim organizer of the Benghazi attack has to say. For all of those reasons and more.



Mueller, Manafort and Gates: where’s the beef?

So: where is the beef?

First, from the

Ex-Trump aide Manafort charged with US tax fraud over Ukraine work

Donald Trump’s former presidential campaign manager, Paul Manafort, has been charged with conspiring to defraud the US in his dealings with Ukraine.

The 12 charges brought against Mr Manafort and one of his business associates, Rick Gates, include conspiracy to launder money.

They stem from an inquiry into alleged Russian meddling in the US election.

It has emerged that another adviser to Mr Trump admitted this month to lying about his links to Russia.

George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to making false statements to FBI agents about his dealings with an unnamed overseas academic who allegedly informed him that the Russians possessed “dirt” on Mr Trump’s presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Even the BBC admits:

The charges against Mr Manafort and Mr Gates do not relate to Mr Trump’s campaign but to the alleged concealment of payments from the pair’s Ukrainian business dealings up to 2016.

The BBC also states:

The good news for Mr Trump is these charges stem from Mr Manafort’s past business dealings, not his campaign efforts. He is being accused of working for years for pro-Russian Ukrainian politicians and laundering millions in subsequent payments.

It certainly makes Mr Trump’s decision to cut Mr Manafort loose last August after details emerged of his Ukrainian ties seem a wise one.

Perhaps at this point I should have Captain Obvious step in and say: “Russia is not Ukraine. They are two separate countries, not particularly in love with each other.”

Odd how the American Media Maggots neglect that aspect of the charges.

Some NewsWeasels have declared the charges involving Manafort and Gates as an “opening salvo” by Special Prosecutor Mueller — he of the spic-and-span background.

Oh wait. Perhaps not so spic-and-span? From the

Peter King wants Robert Mueller to answer Congress’ questions about 2009 uranium deal

by Kyle Feldscher

New York Rep. Peter King wants special counsel Robert Mueller to come to Congress to explain why the FBI didn’t sound the alarm louder about a deal to sell a company in control of uranium reserves to a Russian company.

King said Sunday on Fox News that Mueller, who was FBI director from 2001-2013, has some questions to answer about the deal that saw a Russian state-controlled company buy Uranium One, a company that controlled 20 percent of American uranium reserves.

The deal had to be approved by nine American government agencies, including Hillary Clinton’s State Department, and went through in 2009.

Uh-oh. That was under Mr Spic-and-Span’s tenure. What did he know and when did he know it? Was he complicit in that approval?

“Bob Mueller should come forward to the Congress and explain how he addresses [the deal] because it’s not only a question whether or not the Clintons, what involvement they had with uranium,” King said, “but it’s also the fact he was head of the FBI at a time we’ve been told an investigation is being conducted by the FBI as to bribery and collusion involving the Russians and yet, this was approved the Cabinet and the treasury secretary, secretary of state and the president.”

“Did the FBI notify the administration the Obama administration at the time this investigation was ongoing and all of the allegations are being made and, if so what was done and if they didn’t, why not?”

Unpaid advisor to the Trump campaign, George Popdopoulos, was arrested in July, we now find, for lying to the FBI.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A former campaign adviser to President Donald Trump has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russians, special counsel Robert Mueller said Monday, while Trump’s former campaign manager and that official’s business partner pleaded not guilty to felony charges of conspiracy against the United States and other counts.

We are told that Popadopoulos pleaded guilty and is “cooperating.” My first two thoughts? 1. Leverage, and 2. Wire.

During the daily press briefing, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders downplayed Papadopoulos’ role in the campaign, saying it was “extremely limited.”

“He was not paid by the campaign,” Sanders said, adding later: “Any actions that he took would have been on his own.”

Allahpundit of concurred with some of my thoughts.

According to the plea agreement, Papadopoulos was arrested on July 27 and signed his deal with the feds on October 5, although not until this morning was that publicly known. The court had sealed the files related to the case. How come?

So that’s why Mueller wanted to keep Papadopoulos’s arrest a secret. Papadopoulos may have been secretly working for the feds for the past three months, since his arrest, to gather evidence on suspects in related Russiagate matters in hopes of leniency. He was a perfect guy to try to recruit for that — young, in over his head, outside the Trump inner circle and therefore owing little loyalty to the administration. Mueller may have scared him senseless with threats of a long prison sentence for lying to the FBI and the promise of much reduced charges if he played ball. Possibly he enlisted Papadopoulos to reach out to some of the major players in Russiagate and get them on record confessing to … what, exactly? The problem with using Papadopoulos is that presumably he wasn’t a big enough cheese to make a guy like Manafort comfortable with discussing campaign secrets with him in the course of a “normal” conversation between them. He was a low-level guy.

As I said, 1. Leverage, and 2. Wire.

Monday’s revelations weren’t just of concern to Republicans. Demorats are hustling as well. Tony Podesta, brother of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta (complicit in the Hillary email scandal) was shitting Twinkies on Monday. From

Brother of Clinton campaign chair steps down from lobbying firm amid reports of scrutiny from special counsel

Tony Podesta, founder of the Podesta Group and brother of former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, is resigning from his lobbying company.

Podesta and his lobbying firm were subjects of a federal investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

The Podesta Group was one of several firms that worked on a campaign called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine. The campaign was led by Paul Manafort and promoted Ukraine’s image in the West.


That said, all of this may be moot if a certain “fruit of the poisonous tree” doctrine is found to apply. Jerome Corsi writes:


by Jerome Corsi

FBI illegally obtained FISA wiretapping of Manafort based on dossier

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Special Counselor Robert Mueller’s case is in danger of being thrown out of court when the FBI is forced to admit FISA court authority to conduct electronic surveillance on former Trump campaign Paul Manafort was based on the fraudulent Fusion GPS “Russia dossier” that the FBI, the Clinton campaign, and the Democratic National Committee paid to be produced.

On Sept. 19, 2017, CNN reported that U.S. investigators conducted electronic surveillance on Manafort both before and after the election under a FISA court warrant.

The CNN article cites only unnamed sources, strongly suggesting the leak was based on an illegal leak to the press that could end up being traced back to the FBI, to Mueller’s Special Counselor office, or to both.

In other words, a case based on bullshite becomes bullshite.

The FBI and/or Mueller may have compromised their entire investigation of Paul Manafort by either using the fraudulent “Russia dossier” paid for in part by the FBI, or by illegally leaking information derived from the FISA-authorized electronic surveillance to CNN and other mainstream media publications known to be partisan “Never Trump” mouthpieces.

CNN reported the secret FISA warrant was obtained after Manafort became the subject of the FBI investigation that began as early as 2014 under then FBI Director James Comey, and centered upon work Manafort conducted consulting with Ukraine.

Further, will Mueller focus any aspect of his investigation on the clear felony charges that could be applied to those persons who leaked grand jury material?


Trey Gowdy: Mueller Team ‘Violated the Law’ Leaking Charges in Trump-Russia Investigation

by Joshua Caplan

Congressman and House Oversight Committee chair Trey Gowdy (R-SC) told “Fox News Sunday,” that Mueller’s team broke the law by leaking news of upcoming charges to CNN. Gowdy warned Mueller about leaking details of the investigation to the press.

Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy, the leader of the House’s top investigative committee, slammed special counsel Robert Mueller  on Sunday for allowing the news media to learn that he and his legal team now have charges in their Russia investigation.

“In the only conversation I’ve had with Robert Mueller, I stressed to him the importance of cutting out the leaks,” Gowdy, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, told “Fox News Sunday.” “It’s kind of ironic that the people charged with investigating the law and the violations of the law would violate the law.”

On Friday night, CNN reported that Mueller’s team has filed the first charges in the case with a federal grand jury.

“Make no mistake, disclosing grand jury material is a violation of the law. Somebody violated their oath of secrecy,” Gowdy, a South Carolina lawmaker and former federal prosecutor, also told Fox News on Sunday.

Is the real story everything but the charges so far?

Let’s be honest. Mueller doesn’t give one shite about Manafort and Ukraine. He wants one thing: he wants Manafort and Gates and Papadopoulos to sing like birds. To me, it’s clear that Mueller got a tune out of Papadopoulos.

I don’t think he got much more than a goldfinch fart out of Manafort or Gates. Hence the charges.

Unfortunately for Mueller, their days of wearing wires are over. But perhaps this will encourage any number of individuals in DC to suck it up like buttercups and take massive gulps of STFU.

That rhymes.

“Round and round and round it goes; where it stops, nobody knows.”



What Mueller and Leftists will ignore

Because it serves their clear agenda.

Leaking grand jury information is a felony.


Trey Gowdy: Mueller Team ‘Violated the Law’ Leaking Charges in Trump-Russia Investigation

by Joshua Caplan

Congressman and House Oversight Committee chair Trey Gowdy (R-SC) told “Fox News Sunday,” that Mueller’s team broke the law by leaking news of upcoming charges to CNN. Gowdy warned Mueller about leaking details of the investigation to the press.

Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy, the leader of the House’s top investigative committee, slammed special counsel Robert Mueller  on Sunday for allowing the news media to learn that he and his legal team now have charges in their Russia investigation.

“In the only conversation I’ve had with Robert Mueller, I stressed to him the importance of cutting out the leaks,” Gowdy, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, told “Fox News Sunday.” “It’s kind of ironic that the people charged with investigating the law and the violations of the law would violate the law.”

On Friday night, CNN reported that Mueller’s team has filed the first charges in the case with a federal grand jury.

“Make no mistake, disclosing grand jury material is a violation of the law. Somebody violated their oath of secrecy,” Gowdy, a South Carolina lawmaker and former federal prosecutor, also told Fox News on Sunday.

A concept to be completely ignored.

Let us not forget that Mueller sat on the CFIUS committee that approved the sale of 20% of US uranium reserves to Russia despite knowing Russia had bribed the Clintons for the illicit sale.

Simple as that. In both cases. And yet.  .  .

Will anyone be investigated? The situation? Indictments handed down?

Of course not. Don’t be silly.

Republicans don’t have the balls to object.



Mueller’s Manic Monday

Here’s what happened.

Things were not going well for the DNC, the Demorats, Hillary, Bill, Obama, Holder, Lynch, DWS, Geithner, et al, so a few panicky phone calls were made. They went something like this:

“Bobby Three Sticks, dude, can’t you kick this shit into high gear? We’re getting killed by the dossier thing and the Uranium One thing. How about some charges? The threat of some charges? We don’t care if you really do indict a ham sandwich as long as it’s a Republican ham sandwich. Hell, indict a Republican hamster. You just gotta help us out here; we need a diversion and we need it now.”

With that in mind, Mueller’s first overt act was on Friday when this was leaked to CNN.

A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter.

The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday, the sources said. It is unclear what the charges are.

A spokesman for the special counsel’s office declined to comment.

Pure coincidence. “Leaked to CNN”? Pure coincidence as well. Not like it’s branding or anything.

Five names have been thrown out, meat for the political wolves. Manafort, Flynn, Page, Kushner or Trump Jr.

Guesses as to which one?

Whatever charges are leveled will prove to be peripheral and not directly linked to Russian collusion influencing Trump or the election. Likely, I’m guessing — as with most anyone and everyone in DC — charges will be on the order of attempting some kind of coverup/lying or cash for personal gain. In Manafort’s case, wire transfers.

Mueller will do what the feds do customarily: break one person in order to get to another higher up the food chain. Leverage.

What kind of leverage is there truly?

We’ll see.

In the meantime, just when the investigations into Republicans and Russia began, the guilty parties have turned out increasingly to be Demorats.

How sad.



Three California states a tad closer?

First, this from

Plan to divide California into 3 new states clears first hurdle

A plan to split California into three separate states has cleared its first hurdle. Supporters are set to begin collecting signatures to qualify for next year’s ballot.

The plan is being funded by Bay Area tech billionaire Tim Draper, who previously funded a similar proposal back in 2014 to divide the state up into sections.

That plan failed.

Draper argues that citizens would be better served by three smaller state governments, rather than one large one.

The three-way split goes like this: Northern California would include the Bay Area all the way to the Oregon border, Southern California would begin in Fresno and cover most of the southern state.

A new California would begin in Los Angeles county and cover most of the coastal areas.

Initially, on its face, a good idea or not?

Also, from

3 Californias? Billionaire’s Plan to Split California into 3 Separate States Clears First Hurdle

by Riya Bhattacharjee

The proposal would split the Golden State into three: Northern California, Southern California and a new California

Remember that widely-joked about plan to break California up into six states that died before making it to the ballot for the 2016 state elections? It’s been reincarnated – by the same billionaire who flouted the original plan – but this time, except for six states, the proposal is to split the Golden State into three: Northern California, Southern California and a new California.

The proposal has cleared its first hurdle, and its proponent, billionaire bitcoin enthusiast Timothy Draper, can now begin collecting signatures to qualify for next year’s ballot.

There’s only one problem.

Draper doesn’t understand the total dynamics.

The state “California” would have to expand because the following counties would demand relief from association with “Northern California.” Meaning: Northern California is too far to the right for them.

Santa Cruz, San Mateo, San Francisco, Marin, Sonoma, Napa and Mendocino counties would all insist they be admitted into the mostly-coastal state of “California.” Trust me on this. And I would gladly let them do so.

Leftists don’t realize — should they decide to actually push the issue — that these divisions are pure political and not geophysical (I don’t know necessarily why I’m showing all my cards now but, hell, I am).

Because, should these lines (with my revisions) be drawn, California and Southern California would be primarily without water. They would lack agricultural status. They would lack resources. Northern California wouldn’t care in the slightest.

Conservatives would flock to Northern California. Leftists would be drawn to the primarily coastal California. And Mexicans would soon demographically blow out Southern California.

Southern California is desert and more desert.

California would be beautiful but packed with an even more massive striation of massively-wealthy “haves” vs lowly “have nots.” Just look at San Francisco if you want a picture of street pissing and defecation. Let’s remember that Leftists in Fornicalia want to remove dams, as insane as that may be.

Northern California would have the resources including the bulk of the producing Sierra Nevada mountain range, cooler temperatures, forests, lakes, reservoirs, and the ability to create even more and greater water projects. In California, water and resources are king. All else subsumes.

Most folks outside California are saying “bring it on.”

I too, with my iteration, am saying “bring it on.”

Let’s just SEE if that social experiment would be truly viable.