BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, June 6th, 2017, D-Day’s 73rd anniversary, with very special guest Dave Milner

A U.S. Coast Guard landing barge, tightly packed with helmeted soldiers, approaches the shore at Normandy, France, during initial Allied landing operations, June 6, 1944. These barges ride back and forth across the English Channel, bringing wave after wave of reinforcement troops to the Allied beachheads. (AP Photo)

It was June 6th, 2017, the anniversary of D-Day in Europe, 1944, precisely 73 years after the historic event which resulted in the ultimate freeing of Europe and the rest of the planet from the shackles of Nazi Germany helmed by Adolf Hitler and his minions.

My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

Tuesday night we spoke to Dave Milner, the Unpleasant Blind Guy, whose weekly show can be heard in Spreaker here, and has his YouTube channel here. Dave has a great article here, by the way. Dave Milner is also co-host with Geoff Mitchell at the English Defense League.

Dave, an acknowledged expert on Islam and a well-read and informed individual regarding not only the various forms of Islam in the US but in the United Kingdom and Europe as well, is a veteran of podcasting, radio and the School of Hard Knocks. He is, as he states, a “Cold War baby.”

Tonight in the Saloon:

  • We honor those who died on D-Day in order to keep this planet safe;
  • Tucker Carlson goes toe-to-toe with an exposed black racist;
  • Kurt Schlichter’s article at in which Leftists are feeling the hate;
  • BZ again proves he’s a babbling baboon when it comes to technology;
  • Dave Milner and I discuss the recent Islamic terror events in the UK and Europe;
  • The UK has its own critical vote for Prime Minister this Thursday;
  • Will Britons vote for a Leftist as the French did for Macron?
  • How will Europe survive?

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on start.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, June 6th, 2017” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch a video of the show, please click on start.

Thanks every so kindly again to Dave Milner, the Unpleasant Blind Guy, for sharing almost two hours of his life here in the Saloon. Don’t forget to listen to his own show and also tune in to the English Defense League where Dave hosts along with EDL member Geoff “Spider” Mitchell direct from the United Kingdom.

Thursday’s guest will once again be author, journalist and military/intelligence expert Susan Katz Keating who will weigh in on those topics and whose kindness knows no bounds because, after all, she’s staying up until 11:30 PM to be on the show.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.



Half a million people were killed or lost on D-Day. That generation gave its every breath for us today, who are enjoying the freedoms we so readily seem to dismiss or surrender willingly these days. Freedoms lost to the altar of Political Correctness.

Things must change, or Western civilization as we know it is abjectly doomed.


7 killed, 48+ injured in Muslim attack on Londoners

And this is the third UK terror attack by Muslims in less than three months.


UK police investigate third terror attack in three months

by Alasdair Sandford

British authorities are investigating the third major terror attack in the UK in under three months.

Seven people were killed and nearly 50 injured in a series of coordinated attacks in London on Saturday night.

In March five people were killed in a car and knife attack near Parliament in London, and two weeks ago 22 people died in a suicide bombing at a concert in Manchester.

But after this what will the British authorities die? You and I both know: effectively nothing. There will be rhetoric and perhaps a bit of bombast but there will be no fundamental changes to the way the UK addresses Muslim killers and terrorists.

Firearms, for example, will not be roundly issued to their police forces. One might refer to the classic Lt General Russel Honore quote that Britons are “stuck on stupid.”

Stupid, in terms of not addressing the Muslim people living in enclaves in London and throughout other UK cities, attracted there specifically because of UK’s lack of addressing the issues. From

Report: Islamists from Across Europe Moving to UK for ‘Freedom’ to Practice Radical Islam

by Virginia Hale

A growing number of radical Muslims are flocking to move from France to Britain, where generous welfare payments, lack of scrutiny from the authorities, and the ease with which families can practice strict Islam have earned the UK a reputation as a halal paradise for Salafists who are unable to secure visas for Saudi Arabia.

Freedom, yes, there you go. For Muslims. Not for Britons.

French newspaper L’Obs reports that Small Heath, a neighbourhood of Birmingham where 95 per cent of residents practise Islam, is one of the most popular spots for French Muslims seeking a new home where women can wear the full face veil. The garment has been banned since 2010 in France.

Translated: evil France for being so judgmental. Good and progressive UK for being so accepting and cosmopolitan.

Life in the area is “cool” for Muslims, she said, telling L’Obs how there are single sex gymnasiums and pool schedules with segregated swimming, that shops contain prayer rooms and how, in hospitals, women can ask to be seen by a female doctor.

Another reason the pair settled in Small Heath was to “blend in with the masses”, Dounia said. A big draw of the UK for Muslims seeking to leave France, L’Obs reports, is the lack of scrutiny in comparison to France and other countries in Europe, where security services often closely monitor Salafists.

Translated: the UK caters to Muslims much more conveniently than does France. But listen to this. It just gets better.

And schools played a large part in Hussein’s decision to move to Britain with his family, too, reporting they fled “the homosexual propaganda” in French state schools.

“I wanted my wife to be able to wear the veil, and for the children to get an education in keeping with our values,” he said. “This gay marriage. How can we accept that?”

In Western cultures, that would yield the clear label of “homophobia” according to Leftists. Oddly enough I find a dearth of Leftists saying this of Islam. This is a real head-scratcher, is it not?

Asked why Sharia-seeking Salafists in France move to Britain rather than a Muslim country, Paris emigrant Hassan told L’Obs that whilst a move to Saudi Arabia would be “ideal”, the country makes it difficult for families to get work or visas.

“We are caught in the crossfire, Europe does not like us, but we are not really welcome [in the Gulf states] either,” he said. “They say to you, ‘Go home, brother. You have nothing to do here.’”

Are we not told that Muslims want nothing but to become part of a country, to assimilate, to become productive citizens who are not a burden on the host country? Of course. Every Leftist would tell you so. Then there’s this.

But for Salafists wanting to live in accordance with strict Islamic teachings, “there is nothing easier for [Muslims with European passports] than to settle in Britain” where there is “a generous welfare package, public services delivered free, plenty of available work, and all with no visa or residence permit required”. according to L’Obs.

I suppose I’m bigfooting my own kicker by writing this so soon, but the above is one of the primary reasons for what the UK is experiencing. And for that, the UK is paying a most serious price.

And perhaps an immediate political one as well.

There’s a funny thing coming up this week on Thursday the 8th in the UK, however, called a general election. The biggest bone of contention was Brexit. Now it’s going to be terror.

It’s the ruling Conservatives in the guise of Theresa May as current PM since July of 2016, and the opposing Labor party in the guise of Jeremy Corbyn. There is allegedly only a single point difference between the two. Corbyn, since the most recent attacks in London, has been pointing out that May in her 6-year tenure as Home Secretary made cuts in policing, the intimation being that’s the chief reason UK finds itself in its predicament.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn used the massacre as a pretext to call on May to resign. His point: as Home Secretary between 2010 and 2016, before she became Prime Minister, May reduced the number of British police officers by 20,000, as part of the Conservative government’s cost-cutting.

Again, like Brexit and like our presidential election, do the polls have a thing to do with reality? As far as Britons are concerned, does Islam have anything to do with terror?

Former Muslim extremist Maajid Nawaz spoke to Martha MacCallum.

Charles Krauthammer also weighs in.

Even London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, seems to have thrown up his hands and said this is the new normal. There’s nothing we can do about it, if we wish to be sufficiently enlightened and progressive. That’s how living in a big city goes these days. Get used to it. Translated: in the Big Picture, you will be sacrificed on the altar of Political Correctness as well you should be.

Katie Hopkins begs to differ, and properly so.

But wait. There’s more. And perhaps there is more insight as to the clear linkage between Islam and Leftists. At a Hillsdale College speech, Ben Shapiro bats the issue right out of the park.

Think not, however, that mainstreaming Islam isn’t happening here and now in the United States. This parent from San Diego has an issue.

Muslims are “rising,” as they say. They know it and they recognize Western weakness when they see it. If there is one thing about Islam it’s this: they are never shy about what they want and how they mean to achieve. Witness.

Attempts are not just occurring in the UK and Europe. Here in the US this recent article proved that Islam is continuing to work against Americans. From

Minneapolis: 2 Muslims Arrested After Police Find Bomb-Making Materials, Weapons in SUV

It all started with a complaint over littering – and ended with two men arrested and the discovery of an arsenal of guns and bomb-making devices by Minneapolis police. Now, local authorities have flagged the arrests for review by the Department of Homeland Security.

5 EYEWITNESS NEWS spoke with the man who called police to the scene. He asked us not to use his name because he doesn’t want any more attention than what he’s already received. He said he walked by a parked SUV near the intersection of North 44th Avenue and Humboldt Avenue North the evening of May 11 when he said he saw someone throw food wrappers out of a vehicle window onto the ground.

Of course there is more, yes? It’s Islam, after all.

He said the two men in the car started fighting with him after he asked them to clean up the trash, and he paused to get the vehicle’s license plate number. The man said he called 911 after the men got out of the car and indicated they had guns.

“It caused me to be on alert,” he said. “What’s really going on here?”

Court documents reveal the responding officers found a hand grenade, handgun, assault rifles, magazines and a large quantity of ammunition inside the SUV. The documents also indicate officers found cellphones, computers and electronics equipment, including drone parts, which the bomb squad determined could be used to build a bomb.

No problem, though. This has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. Right? Just ask Islam. We don’t need a travel stay. We don’t need any time for reflection. We don’t need any reflection regarding Islam. We just need to accept it.

Wait. Wasn’t at least one of the suspects in the most recent London attack a “refugee“? Because, to date, all we’ve heard primarily from the American Media Maggots and from UK authorities is that the bulk of those Muslim terrorists responsible are nothing more than “lone wolves.”

Except that wouldn’t be true. One was a “refugee.” Which speaks to US President Donald Trump’s advocated “travel stay.” Oh, and this: ISIS has claimed responsibility. And it wasn’t a single “lone wolf,” obviously.


by Paul Joseph Watson

Was shown in documentary praying next to Islamist flag

One of the terrorists who carried out Saturday night’s deadly rampage in London arrived in the UK as a refugee with his Pakistani parents.

“27-year-old Khuram Shazad Butt came to Britain as a child when his parents sought asylum from Pakistan,” reports Sky News.

Manchester bomber Salman Ramadan Abedi was also the son of “refugees” who arrived from Libya.

Butt also held misogynistic views, although don’t expect feminists to be kick up a fuss about it.

“One woman, who didn’t want to be named, said he stared angrily whenever he saw women cycling on the estate. She described it as “sinister” and “sexist”.”

Watson nails it here.

The fact is that at the bare minimum there are 3,000 such individuals roaming the UK who will never be arrested or deported for their jihadist views because Britain is a country where being politically correct is deemed to be more important than stopping terrorism.

Watson also says:

Refugees were responsible for other attacks. writes:

Six of the Jihadis Involved in Paris Attacks Entered Europe as ‘Refugees’

by Virginia Hale

Surviving Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam helped at least 10 Islamic State fighters enter Belgium as “refugees” through the Balkan route, local media reported Friday.

Of these, six went on to participate in the terror attacks which struck Paris last November, and four were involved in the coordinated suicide bombings that hit Brussels in March. The two attacks left 215 people dead, and wounded hundreds more.

According to a programme set to air on the Flemish VTN television station on Sunday, Abdeslam personally brought at least 10 jihadis to Belgium in a rental car.

Picking the terrorists up in Hungary, where they had arrived from Syria amid hordes of “refugees” during the height of last year’s migrant crisis, Abdeslam drove the extremists to Western Europe.

Jihadists aren’t stupid; they know precisely what they’re doing.

On top of the six Islamic State fighters known to have been escorted by the Belgium-born terrorist, Reuters yesterday reported that 90 more Syria-trained jihadis are thought to have entered Europe via the refugee route.

But even so, Euro authorities continue to cover up the truth about Islam.

Earlier this year, the French government was accused of covering up the jihadis’ barbaric torture of victims of the November attacks. Critics claimed that information, which suggested the terrorists castrated, disembowelled, beheaded, and gouged the eyes out of victims, was suppressed so as to minimise public outrage.

Covering up the truth about Islam. Censoring and removal of expressions of opinions.

But wait. The buttery Islamic goodness marches on.


Two “blasts” sparked panic among tourists amassed outside Notre Dame

French police have shot a man outside the Notre Dame in Paris after he tried to attack them with a hammer, according to local media.

The main square has been evacuated and that a police operation is underway.

Two “blasts” sparked panic among tourists amassed outside Notre Dame. A man was then seen “lying on the ground inert”, according to a journalist with France Info who works by the cathedral.

And this, in Toronto, Canada.


Swung golf club at employees and a customer and pulled out a knife while uttering threats…

A Toronto woman has been charged after a suspect masked with an ISIS bandana allegedly swung a golf club at store employees while screaming threats and Islamic chants on Saturday afternoon at the same time that a terrorist rampage occurred in London.

Sources told the Toronto Sun that a woman entered Cedarbrae Mall in Scarborough and then the Canadian Tire store, where she walked to the paint section.

She ranted “Allahu Akbar” – God is great – before swinging a golf club at employees, sources said. The woman was restrained by several employees, who allegedly found a knife on her.

Christopher Hitchens, an avowed Atheist, took Islam to task here.

We’ve seen what happens in a free society that values guilt over self-defense. That is not a formula for the continuation of a country much less Western culture.

It’s going to get much, much worse before it gets better.

Ladies and gentlemen, you may be hearing this louder and more stringently in a neighborhood near you very soon, if not already in your neighborhood.

Islam means “submission.”

And it means for you to submit.



The bitter insanity of Kathy Griffin and female Leftists

“Bitter, table for three ancient womenses please.”

First, Kathy Griffin, who considers herself a “comedian,” thought it was absolutely uproarious to release the above photo by Tyler Shields (Shields considered the photo a, quote, “piece of art.”) this past Friday, June 2nd. Of course, just as she predicted, it was met with wave after wave of gut-busting laughter due to the brilliant comedic content. Clearly, her humor is sophisticated, polished, highbrow, well-informed, cosmopolitan, advanced and perfectly nuanced for that slight Leftist flair.

Nothing says “fun” like a good decapitation joke. Just ask ISIS.

Since then, however, there’s been just a bit of a kerfuffle involving her interpretation of comedy, to include the insertion of the United States Secret Service. Boy! No one could possibly have seen any of that coming, right?

Griffin apologized sans makeup on Saturday (going for the put-upon victim look so fashionable with Leftists today) when she realized the backlash was pretty much instantaneous and growing. As far as she was concerned, however, that was that. Nothing more to see here, move on. I’m a “comedian” after all.

Except that history, social media and a burgeoning negative response combined to provide its own little tsunami of backlash for Ms Kathy. One problem was that Barron Trump, President Donald Trump’s 11-year-old son, believed for a time his father truly was harmed when he was Griffin’s photo displayed on television. This event was later belittled by the Leftist lawyer Griffin had acquired for her scenario. Proper form. Belittle an 11-year-old in public media as a means of self-defense.

Of course, the internet tends to keep unsavory bits around in various closets longer than many would wish, including Kathy Griffin, whose mindset to this was already revealed back in December of 2016 to in which the headline read:

Kathy Griffin Thinks Comedy Should Go All Out on ‘President Piece of Shit’ Donald Trump

by Shira Levine

It’s a question a lot of comedians are asking themselves lately: What should comedy look like during the Trump presidency?

“It’s his turn. So I’m happy to deliver beat down to Donald Trump — and also to Barron. You know a lot of comics are going to go hard for Donald, my edge is that I’ll go direct for Barron. I’m going to get in ahead of the game.”

Now that’s an interview and some copy the likes of which you can be beamingly-proud.

But wait. Then came the second media gaggle in which Kathy Griffin, ensconced once again in Orchidée Impériale cake makeup and hot asphalt street sealer, in a rambling, self-serving and sometimes incoherent presser eschewed most every minuscule bit of responsibility whatsoever, laying the blame squarely and rightly upon the scary and oppressive shoulders of Donald and Barron Trump.

With her attorney, of course. And with a backdrop touting her attorney, of course. Because that’s what you do when you want to apologize and get things straight, is bring your attorney, Lisa Bloom, who is the daughter of Gloria Allred. Message received.

Then you double-down on “it’s not my fault, I’m not responsible.”

The full-court-press Leftist Insanity Tour press conference is below. Watch it if you dare.

I include this only to display the nakedly unhinged lengths to which Leftists will travel in order to find fault with everyone but themselves. Rivulets of tears, Kathy? Uh, no. Not even one damned good tear. We have an axiom in the cop trade and, as I said when interviewing suspects: you don’t get through unless you acquire actual tears and snot.

Sorry. Don’t see your tears much less your snot. You’re as believable as a time-share salesman. Or any one of today’s reporters.

The wrote:

‘There’s a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!’ Kathy Griffin breaks down in tears claiming Trump family ruined her life – as her lawyer scoffs at report Barron was upset over severed head video

by Chris Spargo

  • Kathy Griffin broke down in tears speaking about the constant attacks from the public and members of the Trump family over the past few days
  • She said that she has been receiving constant death threats, which she described as detailed and specific
  • Griffin, 56, also said that President Trump ‘broke’ her and that she does not expect her career to recover from his family’s attacks 
  • She added that she will not back down from this fight, saying: ‘I am not afraid of Donald Trump. He is a bully’
  • Griffin said that the photo shoot was inspired by Megyn Kelly, and the comment Trump made to the then-Fox News host about ‘blood coming out of everywhere’
  • It was also confirmed at the press conference that the Secret Service is investigating Griffin over the image

Later in the interview Griffin said that her career was likely over now as a result of this incident, and that President Trump had ‘broke’ her, moments after she declared: ‘There’s a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!’

Griffin, 56, declared at one point that this would not be happening to her if she was a ‘white man.’

There we go. We knew we’d finally get there. It’s the White Man’s Burden to carry. She is not responsible. Everyone else is. It’s Caucasoids. Except that. Ahem. She is a Caucasoid. And amongst the palest of the pale. Caspar. Milquetoast. Becky. Ginger. She’s likely a Mud Shark as well.

Let’s see. How many Caucasoids have held up what can only be interpreted as the severed head of ANY President of the United States

Uh, yeah. Ahem. Zero.

Presidential children are also under the gunsights of Leftists. Bloom agrees.

Her lawyer Lisa Bloom also suggested during the press conference that despite reports, Barron was likely not that upset after seeing the image of Griffin with the decapitated head by stating the child was ‘allegedly’ traumatized.

‘We don’t know that. You’re assuming that everything that Trump says is true, and in fact, we know that everything Trump says is false,’ said Bloom.

Of course. It’s all Barron’s fault anyway.

After making a few jokes and stating that she stands by the apology she released earlier this week, Griffin said: ‘The president and his grown children and the first lady are personally trying to ruin my life forever.’

So I suppose because the president and/or his family responded to the event itself on social media, those acts are forbidden? They are proscribed?

Griffin also tried to explain the reason behind the photo and video shoot by saying: ‘I am not good at being appropriate.’

I’m massively ugly, but I’m not even in another galaxy this emaciatingly ugly. KG needs an immediate steak, some slabs of bacon and a few McDonald’s shakes. I know cockroaches or mealworms with greater appetites. “Clavicles & Wattled Necks R Us.” Just ask Nancy Pelosi and Hillary.

I’m not for everybody,. I am barely an acquired taste frankly,’ admitted Griffin.

‘I’ve had everybody turn on me. And I just want to make people laugh.’

That being said, Griffin declared: ‘I am not laying down for this guy.’

The comedian did not however say anything about her relationship with President Trump, who she has known for 20 years.

Then, no shock.

At a rambling press conference Friday, Griffin tearfully predicted her career is over and said Trump “broke me.” Since the video was posted Tuesday, she has lost her job co-hosting CNN’s New Year’s Eve special and had all her upcoming comedy shows cancelled. Trump, first lady Melania Trump and Donald Trump Jr. have publicly criticized the video.

Let the Leftist Pity Party commence.

Apparently President Trump’s children are subject to beat-downs and ridicule by every Leftist female, not just Kathy Griffin, as Nancy Pelosi said this about the Trump family and grandchildren.

The only inference, I suppose, is that instead of breathing air like most humans, Trump’s eight grandchildren inhale brimstone from the fiery depths of Hell. What else can one conclude from this insane and despicable statement? I wonder: would she have had the temerity to say this of Barack Obama or Bill Clinton? You know the answer.

But wait; there’s more.

Let us not forget that even after seven months Hillary Clinton cannot come to terms with her staggering presidential loss and continues to bleat that it’s everyone’s fault but her own, to include misogynistic womenses, tidal pull and sunspots.

And oh, yes, the DNC was to blame for insufficient support — otherwise translated as AYFKM, or, Are You Fucking Kidding Me? The DNC purposely hosed Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton to the point where it is being sued by Sanders supporters.

Led Zeppelin had the perfect tonal solution for her current plight as you can joyously hear in their 1976 song from the album “Presence.”

Because, in fact, it was all nobody’s fault but hers. (A shameless excuse to listen to a great band whilst you read the rest of the post.)

By the way, want some of the bitter truth about Hillary Clinton? Here is one of the women Bill Clinton took abed whilst married to Hillary, Sally Miller.

Let’s see: Kathy Griffin. Nancy Pelosi. Hillary Clinton. This does not yield the Ultimate Responsibility Female Crew for 2017.

Let’s remember folks, if you’re a Leftist, you’re nothing unless you possess some massive and important form of victimhood.

It’s a ruse, folks, it’s all a ruse to get you to bite the hook willingly and, whilst hooked, let loose with all your cash and then, further, make you feel guilty about having been hooked in the first place and then not having willingly surrendered your life sufficiently early.

But now, every photo, video, comment or story can be chalked up to comedy, right, and must be excused in the name of comedy, right?

Just ask Kathy Griffin.



US government Kabuki Theater, Pt. VI

This is the continuation of a series of posts dealing with issues where some individuals in the United States government are attempting to hold at least a portion of the rest of the federal government accountable and responsible for its actions and inactions. The public displays we find, however, are not unlike the most bizarre of Kabuki Theater or Theater of the Absurd.

Here, Trey Gowdy addresses conflict of interest issues with a massive Leftist lawyer regarding the IRS, Lois Lerner and Loretta Lynch.

Please remember, ladies and gentlemen, these are your federal tax dollars either

  1. At work, or
  2. Pissed away with abandon

More to come.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, June 1st, 2017, featuring guest Kel Fritzi

My thanks to the SHR Media Network™ for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

Kel Fritzi with a rather unique keyboard.

I had the distinct pleasure of speaking to Kel Fritzi of RFB Radio (Red Fox Blogger), whose fantastic radio shows can be heard here on Spreaker. She is here on Facebook, as well as here, @MikeRuffiansea on Twitter. Her show on BlogTalkRadio, called RFB Radio, the Canadian Infidel, can be heard here, and she is a major contributor to Global Patriot Radio.

Kel Fritzi is also a very accomplished producer of radio shows and has been doing so for a number of years. She has the tech know-how, and she has the chops.

SoAbsolutely correct. Kel Fritzi is one very active and one very focused communicator, whose shows mostly revolve around exposing the true nature of Islam.

Highly polished, highly professional, highly educated, Kel will educate you about the fundamentals of Islam and its vision for you and your future. Convert or, well, perish.

Tonight in the Saloon:

  • We speak to special guest Kel Fritzi for a full 90 minutes;
  • President Trump pulls the US out of the Paris Climate Treaty;
  • Looking out for the USA is now considered evil, horrible and world-ending;
  • The true pants-shitting hysteria commenced on the part of Leftists globally;
  • Instead, the State Department rams a shiv right into President Trump’s back by very quietly expanding the number of “refugees” it’s going to be taking;
  • Thank you ever so kindly, Obama Deep State Loyalistas; your undermining treachery has been quite duly noted;
  • The blithering US government idiots continue to stultify;
  • And oh-so-much-more buttery and brain-glazing goodness.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, June 1st, 2017″ on Spreaker.

Tonight was a “first” for the Saloon, because it was my initial foray into simulcasting the show on both Spreaker and YouTube, below. Clearly, when I say “and the lava lamp is lighted,” well, you can see it is.

My thanks again to Kel Fritzi for her kind appearance on The Aftermath. It was a grand event and I would be pleased to have her back any and every time she wishes.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening via podcast.

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here.