“I’ll take France for 238, Alex”

First, from FrontPageMag.com:

Jihadist Guns Down Policeman, Wounds Two, in Paris

Islamic terrorists have claimed 238 lives in France since 2015

by Lloyd Billingsley

Abu Yusuf, known to French police for radical Islamic activities, opened fire with a Kalashnikov in Paris Thursday, killing a police officer near a subway station and leaving two others gravely wounded.

Yusuf emerged from an Audi, witnesses told reporters, took out an automatic rifle and fired six shots at police before hiding behind a truck. When he fled, French police shot him dead. French President Francois Holland’s suspicions of a terrorism were confirmed when ISIS claimed one of their fighters was responsible. The killing of the officer was at least the sixth Islamic terrorist attack in Paris during the last three years. 

“Timing is everything,” it is said, because this attack came just two days before a critical French vote where Marine Le Pen — a proponent of leaving the EU, not a friend to mass migration and a strident supporter of French sovereignty — is vying to become the 25th president of France following François Hollande.

From the UKDailyMail.com:

Outsiders Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen sweep to victory as France kicks out old guard: Europhile newcomer narrowly wins first vote to take on far-Right’s Madame Frexit for the presidency

  • Far-right leader Marine Le Pen and independent centrist Emmanuel Macron have made it to the second round 

  • 36.7million voted, a turnout of 78.2 per cent; Macron won 23.9 per cent of the vote, Le Pen 21.4 

  • Republican candidate Francois Fillon conceded after initial results showed he achieved 19.5 per cent of vote

  • Far-left leader Jean-Luc Melenchon refused to concede until final results of first-round vote announced

  • France’s Prime Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, has called on voters to support Macron instead of Le Pen 

  • This is the first time in 60 years none of France’s mainstream parties have entered the second round

  • Riots broke out in Nantes and Paris’ Place de la Bastille – the birthplace of the French Revolution 

As illustrated above, the election was stunning insofar as it appears to somewhat replicate what happened last November in the US. “This is the first time in 60 years none of France’s mainstream parties have entered the second round.” And: riots broke out after the voting.

French voters turned their backs on the political establishment last night in round one of the presidential election.

Emmanuel Macron – an independent centrist – won first place ahead of National Front leader Marine Le Pen. 

The result will have major implications for Britain and its departure from the EU.

Miss Le Pen wants to completely renegotiate France’s relationship with Brussels while Mr Macron wants closer links.  

In essence what occurred is this: voters completely held moderation at arms’ length and instead went for polarity.

According to France’s Interior Ministry, 46 million people voted in the first stage of the elections which knocked the traditional Right and Left parties out of the running for the first time in 60 years.

With 97 per cent of the vote counted, Macron achieved 23.9 per cent, followed by Le Pen on 21.4. A total of 36.7million voted, a turnout of 78.2 per cent.

But it is thought that Le Pen’s chances of winning the second round are limited as supporters for Republican candidate Francois Fillon, who conceded but has gained 19.9 per cent of the votes, will support Macron.

The next round of elections, a face-off between Le Pen and Macron, will occur on Sunday, May 7th.

What’s at stake is nothing less than the very existence of the entire European Union and the survival of Western civilization in Europe. I fear this is no overstatement in the slightest.

A continuation of France’s current policies regarding Islam are capitulist in nature as are the policies of the EU in general. Terror attacks will continue and the erosion of secularism, much less any other form of religion save Islam will be unabated. Demography will become prophecy and more French citizens will continue to be killed because of a weak French state. Muslims will push for more and greater rights to the exclusion of French law and the encroaching systemic demand for Sharia law.

Simultaneously the EU will be further weakened and its various cultures eroded whilst their streets will continue to burn and its citizens will continue to be killed at the hands of Islamists.

Already, in Germany, Merkel’s “populist foes” are seen to “be in disarray.” And though Merkel has allowed over one million Muslim migrants into Germany since 2015, the numbers have since dropped and “populist” enthusiasm is waning and the AfD party has suffered a political defeat.

That said, I believe that the UK will continue with Brexit and — luckily for the UK — geography is such that the English Channel separates it from the rest of Europe, as the Atlantic luckily separate us from Europe and other continents. Sharing a border with Mexico is sufficiently corrosive, thank you.

May 7th will be a pivotal point for France and the European Union.



Your infant is racist

First you thought your toaster was racist.
Now you discover your infant is racist. What to do?

From the UKDailyMail.com.

Is YOUR baby racist? Scientists find six-to nine-month-old infants demonstrate bias in favor of members of their own race and against others

by Stacy Libertore

  • Two studies found 6- to 9-month-old infants showed racial-based bias
  • Found babies associate same race faces with happy music and others with sad 
  • Also are more inclined to take cues from adults of their race than other races
  • Experts said this is because most babies are only exposed to their own race 

It has been believed that children developed race-based bias during their preschool years, but a new study has suggested it starts much earlier.

Following a series of studies, researchers have discovered that six- to nine-month-old infants demonstrated racial bias in favor of members of their own race and bias against those of other races.

The findings are said to be a result of the overwhelming exposure infants have to their own race, and experts have warned it is wise to introduce children to people from a variety of races before the issues deepen.

There are now classes entitled “Reversing Your Baby’s Racism.”

Let’s watch Tucker Carlson interview Dr Kang Lee of the University of Toronto.

Carlson does what I call the Logical Extension, particularly with regard to how Leftists and an overbearing government are going to address what they perceive to be a major issue such as this. Studies like these will be used to justify an entirely new paradigm in terms of infant racial identification, norming, mainstreaming, and requirements for parent(s)** to comply with same.

Continuing with the Logical Extension, I submit this will lead to what I term “stairstepping” insofar as, by a certain age, an infant of two months must be exposed to ______. An infant of six months must be exposed to ______. A one-year-old must be exposed to ______ and so on. Think: California’s SB 18.

Let me guess. Such immersion won’t be mandated on behalf of any parent(s) other than Caucasoids. Because, after all, no one but Caucasoids can be racists.

The only sure way to ensure compliance is to create an entirely new bureaucracy with its concomitant mandatory monitoring, verifiable documentation and subsequent submission with training check-off lists approved by government bureaucrats, requiring its own unique and extended national database. States cannot be trusted with this. It must be federal. It’s for the children, you see.

Trust me, oh trust me, the Leftists are rubbing their hands over this one. They can’t wait.

Clearly, my toilet must be racist, as well as my sink. What about the walls of my house?


Hand me that sledgehammer.

It better not be white. Think of the implications.


** It would be racist, sexist and overall genderist/parentist of me to think that the raising of a child in anything other than a single-parent household is better or any way slightly more beneficial than that of aforementioned single parent.

I see the error of my ways.

Like a bad Michelin truck tire with no side sipes, I must be sent in for mental re-grooving.


BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, April 20th, 2017, with guest White Mamba, Esq.

My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

Thursday night on the Berserk Bobcat Saloon:

  • BZ interviews The Official Attorney of the Berserk Bobcat Saloon (TOABBS), White Mamba, Esq., concerning sanctuary cities;
  • BZ reviews the First Rule of Holes;
  • To Bill O’Reilly: what the hell, dude? There’s no one to blame but you;
  • BZ reveals his email address: bz@reagan.com;
  • Is the Cold War back again? My father recalls Defcon 1 in the Cuban missile crisis;
  • Kim Jong Un launches the un-rocket; did the US hack the missile system?
  • Did President Trump cut a deal with China’s President Xi Jinping?
  • How did America get so weak? Because of Clinton, Bush and Obama;
  • “Strategic patience”? As effective as “leading from behind”?
  • How Obama duped America into the dangerous and treacherous Iran deal;
  • Reporters: “they literally know nothing”;
  • No campus can cramp us;
  • “The days of Strategic Patience are over”;
  • China sends coal shipments back to North Korea; picks up US coal instead;
  • China may cut crude oil deliveries to North Korea;
  • BZ takes just a wee bit of umbrage with the City of Berkeley Police Department;
  • BZ was proved a lying sack of crap because he didn’t cover half of the topics he promised at the introduction of the show.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, April 20th, 2017″ on Spreaker.

Official business card of the White Mamba, Esq.

White Mamba, Esq., is a bar-certified, shingle-hanging practicing attorney in the State of Florida who, as TOABBS, weighs in on heavy legal matters due to his rampant kindness and insightful insight with all things legal. This night he proffered an acumenical perspicacity on the issue of sanctuary cities and the applicable cases therein.

Please note; his telephone number will soon be changing.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on Gab.ai @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening via podcast.

Want to listen to the Berserk Bobcat Saloon podcast archives? Go here.



The startling goodness of people

Weld County Deputy Samuel K. Brownlee, a law enforcement officer in Colorado, had his life cut short on duty by a carjacker on November 23rd of 2010. He was disarmed in a physical confrontation, shot three times and killed by the suspect. He left behind a wife and children. One son was named Tanner Brownlee, who was 15 when his father was slain.

His father’s actual patrol vehicle, the one he specifically drove, subsequently came up for auction in 2015.

The son wanted to purchase the car in order to keep the memory of his father alive as long as possible.

Then something brilliant occurred.

This is called humanity.

This is called the goodness of people.

What a stellar display. One man paid $60,000 for a car worth $12,500 with 147,000 miles on the odometer, and then turned the keys over to the son, Tanner Brownlee, of the fallen officer.

That man was Steve Wells, a rancher, who’d made money from oil drilling on his property yet knew hard times as he was adopted himself.

“It never crossed my mind not to,” Wells said. “I wanted to hand the keys to that young man.”

Wells is a man who embodies America. A man who instills hope. Because he himself had no real father but was not aborted.

When Wells learned of the special auction of the fallen deputy’s retired patrol car, he knew he found a perfect opportunity to give back in a big way.

“Here was a man who lost his life as a deputy sheriff for the people of Weld County,” Wells said. “His son wanted something to remember his dad by and the fact that that young man could sit behind the wheel of that car and look through the windshield that his dad did was extremely important to me. It was just something I felt I had to do.”

It was time, he thought, to pay it forward.

“When the auction was over and I walked up and I handed him those keys. That is a lifetime moment. It was for him and it was for me,” Wells said. “That was a moment that, for me, meant everything.”

People insist we’re not an exceptional nation.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, April 18th, 2017

My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

Tuesday night at the Saloon we discussed:

  • A tad bit of humor from President Ronald Wilson Reagan;
  • Ken McClenton is the Exservative Conservative — or is he?
  • Fresno State U: white chicks dabble with Islamic burkas;
  • “Wearing a hijab can be very liberating,” says ignorant GOWP bint;
  • “Allahu Akhbar” says black Fresno racist killer of 4, gangbanger & rapper;
  • Hillary Clinton confirms this has “nothing to do with Islam;”
  • “You Gone Need Me Before I Need You” = Racist Killer Rap;
  • Chicago’s devastating, murderous Easter weekend;
  • Cleveland’s Easter killer was a Muslim who visited the Islamic Center of Cleveland;
  • Jersey Joe, the Reaver of Common Sense, gives us a sense of his history and life;
  • Tucker Carlson vs gun control advocate; gets “shot down” by Carlson;
  • Sheriff David Clarke proffers solutions to Chicago’s problem;
  • Does Sweden “get it” yet?
  • Nigel Farage on Sweden;
  • Are we going to war?

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, April 18th, 2017” on Spreaker.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on Gab.ai @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

Stay tuned this Thursday for The Aftermath, when I present The Official Attorney of the Berserk Bobcat Saloon™ (otherwise known as TOABBS), the White Mamba (one each), who will be consersalating with me about sanctuary cities and various legal issues the Trump administration now faces.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening via podcast. Thanks again to Mary Brockman, who manages to keep the chat room engaged and growing!

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here.