Why I’m voting for Donald Trump

Not as if it were any form of military secret.

But let’s get the obligatory things out of the way first, though, shall we?

donald-trump-roadkill trump-cat-trumpThat was amusing; now back to the topic at hand.

My wife and I have been discussing this situation for any number of weeks now. Her turning point was, simply, watching the Michael Bay movie “13 Hours” in February. She stated quite unequivocally that there is no way she could ever vote for Hillary Clinton, period, after having seen and read of her complicity in abandoning our good American soldiers and then lying about it — first to the American public, then to the survivors. As far as she is concerned, that is utterly unforgivable.

You are the company you keep, and the company you marry and for what reasons.

Hillary Clinton is “for women” in the same fashion that I am “for setting babies on fire.” She is “against corporatists” like I am against pizza and vodka. The plain truth is that Hillary Clinton is for Hillary Clinton. She is no real politician and possesses the political acumen, charm and warmth — as I am wont to say — of an eastern diamondback rattlesnake. Even Leftists are afraid of Hillary’s finger on “the nuclear button.”

She knew precisely what she was doing when, over anything else, she decided affirmatively to ride the political coat-tails of her husband, William Jefferson Clinton, into any position of power she could afford, manipulate or both. Bill Clinton was geometrically smarter, more engaging, likable, astute, insightful and flexible a politician than Hillary Clinton will ever be.

She knew her position was upheld and stabilized when NOW — or any other feminist group, for that matter — never challenged her in the slightest. Why would they? She’s a Leftist, they are Leftists. And altogether too many women are hypocrites.

Hillary has made it abundantly clear that, particularly in regard to the most recent Wikileaks email revelations, she believes in open borders and will do little if anything to stem the tide of a Syrian invasion. Ask yourself: where are the women and children in this video of assaulting “refugee” hordes breaking lines?

Hillary Clinton lacks the foresight, as with other Leftists, to see that what is currently occurring in Europe is precisely what will happen in the United States should we adopt an even greater open border policy. There are already 11,000 Syrian “refugees” in the US. Clinton wants to import at least another 65,000. Wikileaks revealed she acknowledges that adequately vetting “refugees” is, in her words, “impossible.”

What may be even worse are these two points. If Clinton believes she is acquiescing to Muslims for votes, Leftists are the last people Muslims will support in terms of LGBTQ and womens’ issues. The real reason: Hillary Clinton “owes” her big Middle Eastern donors to the Clinton Foundation. This is part of payback, ladies and gentlemen. She made bargains — with your sovereignty and your security as the chips.

But hey; everyone loves Paris, right?

Also: what about the elephant in the room?

The federal government has collected a staggering and unprecedented $3.27 trillion dollars in taxes for FY 2016, yet still runs a $587 billion dollar deficit — a 34% increase over last year — and Barack Hussein Obama will be the first US president to never have at least one year of 3% GDP growth. Hello? Taxes? Debt? Unbridled spending? Logic? Rationality? Proportion? Common sense?

Still and all, I submit that Michelle Obama was actually correct — once — back in 2008.

Trump’s locker room talk? Stupid, of course. Words not actions. Anyone accuse Trump of rape? I seem to recall the husband of one of the two current presidential candidates accused of rape. I seem to recall money paid out to quiet same. I seem to recall HRC setting the political dogs loose to attack Bill’s female accusers. In the meantime, Hillary again won’t be honest and tell you that she and Huma are a “duo.”

These newest accusations against Donald Trump? Held purposely, by the American Media Maggots — NBC — literally for years in order to acquire the most destructive results possible. Moreover, despite the “suspect” timing and the “piling-on,” these accusations are now falling by the wayside as people stand up and refute the circumstances and allegations against Trump. Most of the allegations didn’t even last a full 24 hours under scrutiny. Click each link to see what I mean.

Hillary Clinton and her campaigners believe that the bulk of Americans are sufficiently shallow and emotive as to not see that Trump’s stupid sexual prattle doesn’t begin to overshadow the real issues facing America today.

Issues such as unchecked and rampant immigration, the pissing away of our Constitutional rights, the loss of American freedoms, the explosion of regulations and taxes, the gutting of our military, the reduction of America’s overall strength and posture in the world, the eschewing of American exceptionalism, the utter contempt and disregard for our rule of law.

So spare me your faux “outrage” with Trump’s words — because I’m certain your private life has been extraordinarily exemplary and nary a bad word spoken or questionable thought conjured in your work or off-work hours.

Hillary has been supported and propped-up by the AMM ever since the campaign began. Wikileaks has proven time and again that the American Media Maggots are ALL IN in terms of supporting her, facts be damned.

I wonder how many American citizens or soldiers Donald Trump was complicit in ignoring or killing? I wonder how many countries Donald Trump has destabilized? I wonder how many resets Donald Trump gave the Russians? I wonder how many times Donald Trump has lied under subpoena? I wonder how much Donald Trump has excused and embraced Islam? I wonder how many iPhones Donald Trump had destroyed? I wonder how many emails Donald Trump destroyed? I wonder how many soldiers and survivors Donald Trump has lied to, directly? I wonder how many rapists Donald Trump has supported and covered for? I wonder how many rape suspects he’s defended and then laughed at the victims?

Two final points.

Donald Trump has already proffered a list of potential SCOTUS nominees. This next president, perhaps more than any other in history, will have an opportunity to nominate one immediate SCOTUS jurist to replace Antonin Scalia — and perhaps as many as four.

Hell yes, I’ll vote for Donald Trump — on the SCOTUS issue alone.

Yes, Donald Trump can be an uncivil boor. Yes, he’s not politically correct. Blah blah blah. But I’m not staying home, I’m not voting down-ticket only, I’m not voting for HRC, I’m not voting for Johnson or Stein.

My bottom line is this: I’ll vote for Donald Trump because he’s not Hillary Rodham Clinton.

So you can stand your ground. You can easily keep your moral superiority. You can say you never stepped across your personal line in the sand. All very well and good. I’ll concur. You’re a better man or woman than I, Gunga Din. My hands are up in jejune acquiescence. Ya got me. Ya nailed me good. You stayed home or refused to vote for Trump or even, God forbid, voted for Hillary Clinton.

Good for you. You can sleep at night. With some Valium and Xanax perhaps.

But I don’t want to hear one peep from you in complaint of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s policies, EOs, viewpoints, philosophies or actions/inactions. Can you adhere to that? Of course you can’t. Many of you will fall into line once again and prop up empty suits like John Boehner, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Dick Lugar, Mitch McConnell, Snowe, Collins, Ayotte, Specter, McCain, Murkowski. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, just change your (R) to a (D) and be done with it. But that’s a post for another day.

[A thought in passing: just why is it that only Republicans must compromise, be bipartisan and find “common ground”?

Food, water, precious metals, sticks in which to carry said precious metals, ladies and gentlemen.

There is a bad moon on the rise.

Don’t say I didn’t tell you.



When you hitch your star to liars

hillary-clinton-pleading-not-to-be-jailedExpect not to be believed.

That would include Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, the American Media Maggots, NBC and, now, women that have miraculously appeared out of the woodwork just a few days from the third and final debate between HRC and Donald Trump upon alleged events that are decades old.

How can one believe the American Media Maggots when Wikileaks reveals that they are “all in” for Hillary Rodham Clinton, facts be damned?

Any semblance of objectivity or detachment from the election has been totally eschewed by the AMM, They have foresworn every national precept or hint of equanimity, fairness or impartiality. They now insert themselves, at will and with unbridled and naked abandon, into every political scheme, event, bill or notation that promotes Demorats, Leftists, progressives and excoriates the GOP, Conservatives or, to my mind, logic, common sense, proportion, rationality and history. It is shameless.

The AMM is obsessed with Trump “scandals” and is doing its level best to bury those of Hillary Rodham Clinton, her staff, support, and her husband, William Jefferson Clinton.

We have a presidential candidate, in the form of Hillary Rodham Clinton, whose entire campaign is predicated but upon lies, fear and deceit. This is the candidate the AMM have obviously and broadly pledged to support — again — facts be damned.

Because, to a large degree, the American Media Maggots are gatekeepers to whatever facts they deign to allow us proles, groundlings, serfs and commoners to witness.

Let us examine morning show media coverage the day I wrote this post, Friday, October 14th.

  • ABC, coverage of Trump allegations: 9 minutes. HRC & Wikileaks: NO MENTION.
  • CBS: coverage of Trump allegations: 7 minutes. HRC & Wikileaks: 1 minute.
  • NBC: coverage of Trump allegations: 7 minutes. HRC & Wikileaks: 30 seconds.

The Wikileaks emails don’t just cover one topic; they cover numerous topics with regard to the scandalous conduct of HRC and her staff.

Just as the AMM say that Trump’s staff represents Trump, so does HRC’s staff represent Hillary Clinton. If we are to be fair and unbiased, that standard must be true.

It is they who determine which events to cover, or not.  It is they who determine which rejoinder to publish, or not.  It is they who determine which fact pattern to publish, or not. It is they who determine what stories or evidence to publish, or not. It is they who determine.

The American Media Maggots no longer “cover” the news, they attempt to spin, ignore or create their own news with themselves at the center of their universe.

Friday’s Wikileaks 7th release batch included more emails from Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta, conspiring to protect the emails between Hillary Clinton and Mr Obama — as I earlier detailed here. Now, there is unadulterated documentation of same.


What do you suppose would happen had Donald Trump deleted 33,000 emails following a Congressional subpoena? Proven to have used a software scrubber called BLEACH BIT?

I wonder how many American citizens or soldiers Donald Trump was complicit in ignoring or killing? I wonder how many countries Donald Trump has destabilized? I wonder how many resets Donald Trump gave the Russians? I wonder how many times Donald Trump has lied under subpoena? I wonder how much Donald Trump has excused and embraced Islam? I wonder how many iPhones Donald Trump had destroyed? I wonder how many emails Donald Trump destroyed? I wonder how many soldiers and survivors Donald Trump has lied to, directly? I wonder how many rapists Donald Trump has supported and covered for? I wonder how many rape suspects he’s defended and then laughed at the victims?

“Kept ignorant and compliant at any cost.” That is the motto of the Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign and its staff and supporters.

Intellectual fascism? Intellectual Marxism? Creative censorship? A “consensus of facts”? A “unanimity of facts”?

Who is kept ignorant and compliant?

You, ladies and gentlemen.

And me.



Under Hillary presidency: EO on guns

hillary-clinton-common-goodFrom the WashingtonFreeBeacon.com:

Feingold: Hillary Might Issue Executive Order on Guns

by Joe Schoffstall

Russ Feingold, the former Democratic senator from Wisconsin who is running again in an attempt to win back his old Senate seat, was recorded at a fundraiser saying that Hillary Clinton might issue an executive order on guns.

That should come as no surprise given her background and history. We knew it was in her playbook.

Feingold can be heard in the video discussing what Hillary Clinton could do in relation to guns if she were to be elected president.

“If there’s still Republican control in Congress, and if Hillary is elected, is there anything she can do to uhh…,” a person asks Feingold within the video. “Well, there might be an executive order,” Feingold responds.

“Oh, so she can, I know that Bara…” the questioner counters. Feingold then talks of President Obama’s executive orders throughout his two terms.

“He did some executive orders with the aspects of waiting periods. But what we all need is the Senate, have her there, and then put pressure on the House. And we might win the House,” Feingold says.

I wrote earlier that with Obama enacting such sweeping Executive Orders (EOs) he is setting precedent than can be followed by other presidents. The objection is not necessarily with the number of EOs signed by Obama — in fact he has signed, to date, 252 EOs in seven years compared to George Bush’s 291 in eight years, contrasted with Bill Clinton’s 364 in eight years — but with the overarching and wide-ranging content of the EOs, subject matter best left to Congress and not to one man.

Obama’s EOs are the most restrictive in the history of the presidency, utilizing more compulsory, binding and legally obligatory words like “must” and “shall” than the six prior presidents.

Further, Obama has stated he has done so specifically because the entire DC process is frequently too slow and cumbersome for his taste.

When the president — any president — publicly states that his or her intent is to purposely bypass Congress, that eliminates the concept of “checks and balances” and thusly tends to condense the three branches of government — the Judicial, Legisaltive and Executive — into one: the Executive.

With that follows an imperial presidency and on the heels, nothing good save perhaps that of tyranny.

Finally, I ask: when was the last time a Demorat or Leftist increased your American freedoms instead of reducing them?

I’ll wait.



Gary Johnson = officially wacky

Can anyone give me one reason — just one — why a candidate for president, much less any elected office, would do this?

This was such a bizarre act that I was looking for the PhotoShop indicators, until I watched the studio reaction from the interviewer.

Besides saying that he would eliminate American carrier groups, this would clearly indicate the man is a bubble or three off plumb.