Bisexuals in college need food

Figure 1: Bisexual female withering away in a college dorm, physically located in a room that is tens of feet too far away from the dormitory cafeteria.

And they’re dying. You can see their bodies littered throughout most any American campus today.

Because I need to larf, I quote the

The Truth About Bisexual College Students And Hunger

by Heron Greenesmith

In a USA Today opinion column published Thursday, contributor James Bovard takes issue with a new study finding 36 percent of students at colleges and universities experienced food insecurity in the last month. The study looked at data from 43,000 students at two- and four-year schools from 20 states and Washington, D.C. Researchers also found that 36 percent of students experienced housing insecurity in the past year.

Despite what appears to be a crisis for many students across the country, according to Bovard, “better research shows” these young people are simply “overweight and lazy.”

You have been warned: Bovard’s column is rife with hateful stereotyping and mean-spirited bullying.

Stop. Wait. Did the author write anything similar to “not factual” or “factually incorrect” or “this is unmitigated factual bullshite”?

“Almost half of the more than 2,000 bisexual students at universities experienced food and/or housing insecurity, compared to about one-third of their heterosexual peers,” researchers found.

The study also uncovered that “more than one in five bisexual community college students and 18% of homosexual community college students experienced homelessness, compared to 11% of their heterosexual peers.”

You can read the rest of the breathless, melodramatic article if you can withstand the pain, oh, the pain. Cue Dr Smith.

One must ask: there has to be a good reason for this, correct? Clear and obvious bias by stores nationwide who refuse to sell food to the bisexual community, the LGBT community? Histories of keeping bisexuals and gays from good jobs, keeping them out of the general economy? Continuing discrimination by states and the federal government against bisexuals and gays in terms of acquiring food stamps or meal assistance? Being able to clearly create said bias because, as we all know, every bisexual sticks out like the proverbial sore thumb.

After all, there are no solutions to hunger. Or are there? How odd is it that YouTube removed my ability to embed this video offering a solution to college hunger?

In college I was on my own. I had a car payment and insurance and an apartment to pay for. I worked five jobs from roughly 5 AM to, sometimes, 11 PM. Weekdays and weekends. Same for classes. I was young. I could take it. I didn’t know any better. It was what you did. On top of that I found the time to drink heavily, swive women, be happy and — evidently — be blissfully ignorant of my terribly oppressive college plight.

Then there’s this from

Starvation issues in universities? The real college problem is obesity.

by James Bovard

A new report claims college students are ‘food insecure’ and starving. But better research shows they’re overweight and lazy.

Starvation might be stalking among college students, according to shocking headlines in Newsweek and elsewhere, and The Washington Post warns of “The hidden crisis on college campuses.”

In reality, last week’s report from Temple University and Wisconsin HOPE Lab is typical of the baloney that spawns policy hysteria nowadays.

Oh my God. Cue the exploding Leftist heads.

Temple University/HOPE researchers assert that 36% of four-year college students and 42% of community college students are “food insecure” — a vaporous term beloved by pro-welfare advocates.

“Food insecure”? They’re not acquiring a sufficient caramel shot in their MaccaFrappaChoppaRippaLatte’s? The twist of lemon is too meager? You can’t get a gluten-free Twinkie or Bergers Cookie? Perhaps they should be more concerned about being “test insecure” with regard to their studies, their classes?

This analysis is modeled on the Department of Agriculture’s annual Food Security survey. USDA is emphatic that its survey does not measure hunger, but that neon-sized warning sign was ignored by this study (titled “Still Hungry and Homeless in College”).

“It does not measure hunger”? Then what’s the damned point? Translated: it appears these people aren’t actually starving. In fact, the reverse may be true.

But wait. Here’s how stupid it really gets.

Temple/HOPE respondents were asked questions such as whether they feared “food would run out before I got money to buy more,” or “Did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn’t enough money for food?” Redefining hunger as abstaining from second servings makes for a push-button crisis.

It gets better.

The study asserts that 26% of students with a college meal plan are “food insecure.” Did they oversleep and miss breakfast? 

Precisely. That’s how dire are the current circumstances for bisexual and LGBT students in American colleges. Thank you. Just where were the persons responsible for waking them for daily meals? Who should be punished? Their parents? Government aids? Friends? Relatives?

But wait BZ. Don’t we ship cash to students? Can’t programs be identified, located and then subscribed-to? Where is all this taxpayer cash going?

Half the respondents who received Pell grants ($26.6 billion for 7 million low-income students in 2016) were labeled “food insecure.”

This study offers no clues on what happened to that largesse — or to the other $100 billion in federal assistance provided to college students in 2016.

I suspect it really will take another level of government to solve this incredibly-serious problem.

Apparently, no matter how many handouts government provides, students still cannot be expected or trusted to feed themselves.

You see? Just as I suggested. Bisexual and LGBT students need further government assistance in terms of figuring out how to eat, when to eat and where to eat. How can they be expected — with all the chaotic trauma in their lives — to keep track of any of it? They are the victims here.

Please read the rest of Bovard’s article because, frankly, the silliness of it all is becoming tedious.

Bisexuals, gays, lesbians, LGBT members are such incredible dullards as to fail to realize where to go for assistance, how to get it, whom to call, and where Kraft Mac N Cheese resides. They cannot be counted on to ask friends, check programs, consult parents, walk into a grocery store?

Yet they somehow managed to navigate the bloody, chummed waters of government student loans — the point is that they’re poor, right, so they need loans? —  but somehow lack the requisite fecundity to open their mouths and feed themselves?

But wait. We need to address this massive issue as well. Ahem. Don’t we?

Thank Gaia. I was about to faint due to lack of food and Leftist navel gazing.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 5-8-18, with DAN BUTCHER

BZ and his new friend, courtesy of show listener and devotee Whiskey Dale. Thanks so kindly for raising and housebreaking the bobcat. Now if I could just figure out a name.

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract — as well as appear on the Sack Heads: Against Tyranny Show every Wednesday night.

This was a shockingly different show that apparently dropped many listeners and viewers. I started the show two hours earlier than normal and announced the situation on social media but, apparently, failed to do so in sufficient time to alert those who customarily attend. Bad on me.

I also discovered that moving the show to an earlier time slot thusly places me in the midst of afternoon drive-time Sacramento traffic at 5 PM, in order to get the show ready by its opening at 6 PM. O joyous dei. Not something I relish in a city that has no urban planning and, further, plans to build no more roads because, after all, that would encourage more people to drive cars! Perish the thought!

Tonight we spoke to DAN BUTCHER of fame, and he and BZ kibitzed for the entire two hours about breaking news to include:

  • Mike Pompeo confirmed. Will we be able to confirm Gina Haspel as CIA Director?
  • BZ and Dan talked about the West Virginia, Ohio and Indiana primaries.
  • Don Blankenship lost, Morrissey won in WV.
  • Lt Col Oliver North is now President of the NRA, an excellent and timely move.
  • President Trump pulled out of the Iran deal and slapped additional sanctions.
  • John Kerry, in violation of the Logan Act, has been negotiating between himself and Iran in an attempt to derail Trump’s cessation of the Iran deal — not a treaty, but a deal.
  • And much more buttery political goodness!

For DISH subscribers: your Hopper has been wired to play YouTube videos. You can now toss ol’ BZ onto your massive flatscreen TV and watch him in all of his obese, biased and politically-execrable potty-mouthed goodness.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on the yellow start button at the upper left.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 5-8-18” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media YouTube channel, click on the red arrow in the middle of the video. Please SUBSCRIBE to the SHR Media channel.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media Facebook page (in glorious color), click right here. Kindly LIKE us on Facebook. Please FOLLOW us on Twitter @SHRMediaGroup. Please FOLLOW ol’ BZ @BZep. Thanks so much!

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Please remember that BZ can only monitor the SHRMEDIA.COM chat — though there is chat available on both Facebook and YouTube. If you wish to interact with myself and the bulk of the chatters, I heartily recommend and invite you into the SHR Media page for complete and utter satisfaction or triple your money back. Only a slight 92% restocking fee involved. Offer not valid in Bolivia or on Zephron.

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here.
  • Want to watch the show live on Facebook? Go to the SHR Media page on Facebook here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTube? Go here.
  • Want to watch the show on High Plains TV? Go here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”



Help BZ name that bobcat.


One man speaks the truth about the Second Amendment

Connecticut: “taking the white man’s guns.” Derrick Grayson, who was running in Georgia for Senate, speaks the truth.

“Black folks have been killing each other for the past twenty years. No one has talked about it because they didn’t give a damn.”

He is entirely correct.

Leftists, Demorats, the American Media Maggots couldn’t care less how many “minorities” die in gun violence as long as it buttresses their overall specious argument that the US is the most violent location on the planet.

It isn’t. Not by a long shot.



Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin: the truth about firearms

First, please watch the video.

You might have to listen a bit closely. The video isn’t taken with a professional microphone but, instead, as it occurred.

This is likely the most incisive and insightful response you’ll ever see or hear regarding the issue of firearms. Which is why it will be avoided like uranium or duck farts by the American Media Maggots.

Let this sink and simmer into your wheelhouse.

“The pharmacodynaimic effect of certain drugs. The pharmacogenomic effect of certain drugs.” Shooters and suspects who were on certain drugs.

Putting little boys on Ritalin, for example, because little boys can be challenging in class. They don’t just sit down and shut up like little girls.

The truth scimitars through everything.

Whilst nothing succeeds like success .  .  .

Nothing is truthful but the truth.



The last honest police chief?

Watch and decide.

And yet, he was called a racist. From the video:

Police Chief Edward Flynn has had enough.

Recently, the chief of Milwaukee’s law enforcement agency came under attack by black activists. The activists accused Flynn of not taking a recent officer-involved shooting seriously. That shooting ended with a black man named Donte Hamilton dead.

The officer was defending himself from a potentially deadly attack by the deranged Hamilton, who had taken a police baton and violently assaulted the responding officer.

As in Ferguson, groups very quickly accused white officers of being racist and of targeting blacks for no reason. At a police commission meeting related to that shooting, protesters began disrupting the group and shouting anti-police phrases at officers. They also singled out Chief Flynn as being uncaring and mocked him for being on his cell phone during part of the meeting.

There was only one problem: Flynn was actually on his phone being notified about a drive-by shooting that was carried out by a black gang, which took the life of a 5-year-old girl.

When a reporter outside the meeting brought up the phone call as a way to belittle Chief Flynn, he took it personally — and unleashed a verbal thrashing on the gathered crowd. “I was on my phone, that’s true,” Flynn began. “I was following developments with a 5-year-old little girl, sitting on her dad’s lap who just got shot in the head by a drive by shooting.”

His demeanor changed, and Flynn appeared visibly upset by the words he had just spoken. “If some of the people here gave a good God damn about the victimization of people in this community by crime, I’d take some of their invective more seriously.”

Then Flynn turned his righteous anger toward the race baiters, who were trying to use every event to call white officers racist.

“The greatest racial disparity in the city of Milwaukee is getting shot and killed, hello! 80 percent of my homicide victims every year are African American. 80 percent of our aggravated assault victims are African American.”

He tore into the the people trying to use a police-involved shooting to push an agenda, instead of facing the real crime that is happening all around them.

“Now, they know all about the last three people that have been killed by the Milwaukee police department over the course of the last several years,” the upset Flynn stated. “There’s not one of them, can name one of the last three homicide victims we’ve had in this city.”

He continued: “This city is at risk all right — but it’s not because men and women in blue risk their lives protecting it.”

The veteran officer then tried to calm himself before finishing up with one final point.

“We’re going up there, and there’s a bunch of cops processing the scene of a dead kid. And they’re the ones that are gonna be out there patrolling and stopping suspects that might have guns under the front seat. They’re the ones that are gonna take the risk to their lives, to try to clean this thing up.”

The video is a moving reminder that it is easy to criticize the police — but the reality is, they are the ones who face crime and violence on a daily basis, so that others don’t have to.

It is refreshing to see this kind of brutal honesty about black-on-black gang crime that is destroying, in essence, what has become nothing more than the bulk of large American rat cages.

And to be reminded about who actually has to deal with it.

The police are responders only. They can’t solve — in 15 minutes — what takes place 240,000,000 times per year all across the United States. That’s 657,000 911 calls per day.

These are the depths to which we have sunk as a society.