Alan Dershowitz: France had it coming, but for a different reason


Alan Dershowitz: France Reaped What It Sowed in Paris Attack

by Sean Piccolo

While France is reeling from the terrorist massacre of 12 people at the Paris offices of a satirical magazine, the country is also “one of the worst … when it comes to rewarding terrorism,” lawyer and author Alan Dershowitz told “MidPoint” host Ed Berliner on Newsmax TV Wednesday.

“They play with everybody. They reward every terrorist,” Dershowitz said of the French.

“They’ve never been part of the international campaign against terrorism. They are part of the problem, not part of the solution.”

An interesting take, one I’d not anticipated, and certainly not from Dershowitz.

“I hate to pile on when they’re suffering like this, but you have to understand how bad France has been historically in the war against terrorism,” he said.

Dershowitz said that the attack should come as no surprise, given Europe’s history of tolerating Islamic terrorism.

“When the Israeli athletes were murdered in Munich [in 1972], most European countries freed them when they came to their country,” said Dershowitz. “Germany let them go, and most European countries have freed terrorists. It shouldn’t surprise anybody. In Europe, they’ve never fought terror.”

Sadly, Mr Dershowitz makes his point — not unlike the US situation involving the World Trade Center, 1993 and 2001.



Did Obama get his wish?

Obama ExtraDo you remember when, on September 25th of 2012, Mr Obama addressed the United Nations General Assembly two weeks after Muslim terrorists killed US Ambassador Christopher Stevens — attempting to create the impression that the assault on the Benghazi Consulate was the result of one incredibly-lame and poorly-produced video found on YouTube?

And do you recall what Mr Obama pronounced?  He said: “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

Would Mr Obama have said “the future must not belong to those who slander Kim Jong Un?” — who, recently, unleashed a cyber attack on Sony because he was unimpressed with a feature film produced here in the US.

This was not Mr Obama speaking out in defense of free speech.  This was Mr Obama’s White House, like Howard Dean, refusing to acknowledge these killings for what they are: Islamic terror.

Apparently “Islamic terror” is the Lord Voldemort of phrases in the Obama regime.

And this from the president who is systematically releasing terrorist leaders from Guantanamo so that they may return to their so-called “religion of peace” in the fields of jihad against the West.