BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 7-29-21: the return of KARI BAXTER DONOVAN

Hours 1 and 2: BZ featured the return of KARI BAXTER DONOVAN, heralding bountiful political updates, all slathered with buttery political goodness! Oh, and Boat Talk with KARI and BZ!

KARI and BZ pointed out the TRUTH about Demorats, Leftists, and the American Media Maggots: they want to RUIN this nation and turn her completely Marxist.

Listen to the show and jump into the chatroom, ONLY at SHRMEDIA.COM!

Due to a lack of internet horsepower at the home of Mrs BZ, I can no longer create video of the show, but the audio is available here on Spreaker — at the links below. Click the yellow button to begin listening.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 7-29-21, w/KARI BAXTER DONOVAN, Pt I” on Spreaker.

Because the internet fails with regularity at my wife’s domicile, which now houses the SHR Media studio, Part II continues:

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 7-29-21, w/KARI BAXTER DONOVAN, Pt II” on Spreaker.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 7-15-21: the return of special guest JEFF DUNETZ

Hours 1 and 2: BZ featured the lugubrious, ebullient, loquacious and feted JEFF DUNETZ of Jeff Dunetz Fame, creator, host, Senior Writer, CEO, CBW, HRH, and Master of his spectacular blog LIDBLOG.COM, for the entire two hours — and actually more than two hours (because BZ possesses great powers of distraction)!

JEFF DUNETZ made any number of revelations tonight — to include that he applied to be the Israeli Minister of Ice Cream!

Other than that, JEFF and BZ decided that they would solve all the world’s problems in one night — and analyze the depth and breadth of Demorat corruption and cheating!

Towards that end, BZ and JEFF discussed the New York Jets (proof that God has a sense of humor), and the black national anthem to be played during NFL games.

We also talked about the Japan Olympics, CNN, Brian Stelter, and many, many other topics as well — to include the fact that the biggest anti-Semites are the Congressional Demorats, like Hank Johnson, who called Jews “termites” long before Louis Farrakhan did. Obama — remember him? — also said that the Jews got us into the Iraq war.

Speaking of the “heavy thinker” Hank Johnson, let’s review.

And no, this is not some kind of audio mash-up created by someone who is an audio and video whiz. Oh no. Hank Johnson is actually THIS stupid. People later said he was “kidding.”

Hank Johnson isn’t sufficiently intelligent to “kid.”

And this article was also discussed by JEFF and BZ:

Based on 2019 FBI data, Jews were 2.6X more likely than blacks and 2.2X more likely than Muslims to be victims of hate crimes

by Mark J Perry, 7-6-21

The FBI data for 2019 on anti-religion hate crimes also reveal that of the 1,715 victims of anti-religious hate crimes in the US, 1,032 were Jews (60.2% of the total) and 227 victims were Muslims (13.2% of the total). Obviously, since more than half (60.2%) of the anti-religious hate crimes in 2019 were against Jews, there were more anti-religious hate crimes against Jews (1,032) than incidents of hate crimes against all other religious groups combined (683). The FBI data also show that there were more Jewish hate crime victims in 2019 (1,032) than the number of gay men (863) and lesbians (143) who were victims of hate crimes.

But you can’t know about that.

BZ also referred to the Chicago Shot Clock, courtesy of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot.

Oh-so-much-more was tossed about! You’ll just have to listen to find out!

Because of a lack of internet horsepower at the home of Mrs BZ, I can no longer do video of the show, but the audio is available here on Spreaker — at the links below. Click the yellow button to begin listening.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 7-15-21, w/JEFF DUNETZ” on Spreaker.

As luck would have it — and as everyone who listens to the show knows, I’m one “lucky” guy when it comes to technology — Spreaker decided to barge into the broadcast with the demand for an update, so it briefly stopped the proceedings. Once updated, I fired everything back up and, below, Part II continues:

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 7-15-21, w/JEFF DUNETZ” on Spreaker.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 7-8-21: the State of Religion Today in the United States, a Roundtable Discussion

The SHR Media Network studio moved from downtown Sacramento to South Sacramento, seven miles south of downtown, in June, because the home where the original studio was located is on now on the housing market. The studio had to vacate. Quickly.

As such, unfortunately, the Frontier internet service at the house of Mrs BZ is as rapid as a battered Gila monster. I hope you’re sitting down. Because, as you can clearly see, download speed is barely acceptable, and upload speed is positively execrable. Go ahead. Laugh. I know you want to.

Another friend of mine was gobsmacked. He gets 160 both up and down.

For that reason, the Berserk Bobcat Saloon no longer has the digital horsepower to run video and audio. Therefore, until the move from Kalifornia to Montana is complete (where — get this — we discovered fiber optic is available), the show will have to settle for audio only, via Spreaker.

Don’t get me wrong. The sound is still great and very clear. You’ll just have to pretend that this is what you’re seeing on video. Because the studio background is much better. You just can’t see it. “Irony, table for one, please.”

That Thursday night, July, 8th however, the show was stupendously informative, as there was an absolutely unprecedented three hour roundtable discussion with four amazing guests.

Hours 1, 2 and 3: BZ hosted a unique, astounding and unprecedented three-hour-long roundtable discussion asking, amongst many things: Is Christianity in jeopardy? What is the state of religion today in the United States? Is Man born good? Where should you keep your faith — church or heart?

And most importantly: how we turn around this great, creaking, leaking ship of the United States and put her back on the course to excellence? Because where we’re going now serves only chaos, violence and Evil.

Four subject matter and domain expert panelists weighed in on the show, to include:

Why elect Randy Purham? Play this.

Every one of the panelists tonight has a CV that will astound and amaze.

One of the larger questions for the night was “Is Man Fundamentally Good?” I say no. And, considering my background, it’s no shock that’s my viewpoint. But I hadn’t assembled it all in such a way as to make things as clear as has Dennis Prager.

There was no video of the show tonight, but the audio is available here on Spreaker — and at the links below. Click the yellow button to begin listening.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 7-8-21: the State of Religion Today in the US” on Spreaker.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Thursday, 6-17-21, The First Official New Studio Show

No SHR studio is complete without the presence of Clyde, the official bobcat of the Berserk Bobcat Saloon.

The SHR Media Network studio moved from downtown Sacramento to South Sacramento near Elk Grove. As such, it’s still the proverbial “work in progress.”

Hours 1 and 2: BZ blasted into Chicago’s Death Toll, Happy Stories, You Can’t Write This Shite, and the Racist-Sexist Industrial Complex.

PLUS the lugubrious and effervescent JACK ALEXANDER called in to provide an update with regard to Australia’s suppression of freedoms and liberties because, clearly, Australian governmental empty suits are profiting politically and fiscally from Wuhan-19 “cases” locking down its citizens for statistics that wouldn’t impress an amoeba or your average paramecium. Much less a single mecium.

Listen to the show, audio only, on Spreaker. Click on the yellow arrow below. This is Part One.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 6-17-21: the NEW STUDIO is OPEN” on Spreaker.

Continue here with Part Two, because Spreaker just worked like that on Thursday the 17th.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 6-17-21, Part Two” on Spreaker.

Please note that BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show has been rated at #18 in the Top 80 Late Night Talk Shows You Must Follow in 2021!

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives on SpreakerGo here.
  • Want to listen to the Saloon on iHeart radio? Click here.
  • Like Apple products? You can listen to the Saloon here on Apple Podcasts.
  • Want to listen to the show on the huge Podcast AddictClick on this.
  • Do you like Spotify? You can listen to the Saloon via Spotify right here.
  • Want to watch past shows on the SHR Media Facebook page? Go here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTubeGo here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”



Leaving Kalifornia

Back when I was a cop in Patrol, I used to measure other officers by what I termed their BSTL, or Bullshit Tolerance Level. Some cops had a higher BSTL than others. Some were so incredibly sedate and laissez faire that you occasionally wondered if they were alive. Some were absolute live wires. I was somewhere in between, though I also had my own personal BSTL.

But I always made sure, as I told all my trainees, that you never acted illegally, you never bluffed, and you always ensured you were within policy. If all those parameters were met and I’d had enough of your ass, you went to jail. Some days I just ran out of explanations after the first one. My BSTL threshold had been met.

This year, 2021, my BSTL for the state of Kalifornia has been reached. And I am leaving.

It’s not “I’m thinking about it,” or “I’m talking about it,” or “the wifely wife and I are having discussions.” Nope. Fuck that. We’re both done. Fuck this state.

I’m leaving. And I’m not looking back.

For those of you who’ve told me this is wrong (and quite a number of you have said so), that more people like me need to stay and fight, I have a few responses:

  1. Clearly, my BSTL has been met
  2. I’m too old to fight this crap any more
  3. I’m completely disinterested in fighting this crap any more
  4. In my dotage, I just want to find a place where I will be minimally fucked-with
  5. I just want to be left alone as much as possible

The best way to do that is to leave this state and find an area where I will be fucked with the least. I want to not give much of a shit, on any given day, at any given hour, about much of anything except me and my wife, and our well being. We are my priority now.

I want to wake up and not care if Seattle or Portland or Minneapolis or New York or Atlanta or DC or San Francisco or Los Angeles or Oakland or Berkeley or Sacramento or Chicago or Austin or Pittsburgh or Philadelphia or San Diego or Houston or Buffalo or Baltimore or Boston is burning.

I want to wake up and not care if Urban Rat Cages are experiencing the worst crime and looting in decades.

I want to be in a normal area with normal people with normal views who believe in God, our flag, who believe in our founding fathers, the founding documents, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, the rule of law and due process. And who will fight the burgeoning Leftist hordes if they attempt to invade. You know. “Flyover country,” according to Leftists.

I’m done with those who hate this country and all the genetic mutants who try to bring her down every day, every hour.

Now, make no mistake. That doesn’t mean that I’m giving up politics. And that doesn’t mean that I’m stopping the radio show.

It just means that my blogging and broadcasting will be on hiatus for a while, likely a good portion of the summer, until the logistical stars align and I’m settled into a new abode far from Kalifornia.

Then I’m coming back.

In a free state. As free as possible. And even then — the way things are going, absent drastic changes — those states may not last long unless normal people stand up and push back.

I want a new abode far from shit, piss, bums, illegals, Leftists, mental cases, druggies, tokers, dopers (same thing, usually), syringes, tents, trash, brown grass, burned cars, mattresses on the sidewalk, shopping carts in the street, gunshots, circling helicopters, sirens and pursuits at night, every night, wildfires, no electricity, no water, blue sky every damned day (I’ll get to that in a moment), crowds, traffic up the ass, thump cars shaking my lungs, panhandlers knocking on the window at every major intersection, emasculated and cowardly (thus pretty-much-useless) police departments, towns and areas that resemble beautiful downtown Mogadishu, parolees revving motorcycles in the neighborhood at all hours (not riding them, mind you, just revving them), family fights you can hear from three houses away, four foot brown weeds in front yards, the crazy, shirtless motherfucker who yells at traffic and crosses in front of your car, daring you to hit him, the broken fences, dumped wrecks in fields festooned with trash, broken chairs, furniture, car parts, more moldy, black mattresses, shuttered businesses, for lease and for sale signs everywhere — and the Leftist elitists who shutter themselves behind walled hoods with security and who violate every law, rule, mandate or fine they levy on you — with blatant, cavalier, smug, arrogant, haughty impunity.

I could go on but I’d have to start consulting a thesaurus soon.

I’ve done my bit for God and country. Instead of serving in the military, I chose to serve a number of law enforcement agencies for 41 years, easily twice as long as most other military or law enforcement personnel.

I’ve spent, literally, thousands of dollars on politicians who held my Conservative beliefs — and not necessarily Republicans. I don’t vote Republican any more. I’m an Independent. The RNC can go to hell. They’re damned near as bad as the DNC.

I’ve spent, literally, more thousands of dollars targeting and helping personal friends, co-workers, those I supervised, and acquaintances out of binds, fiscal problems, family problems, bill problems, and more. You all know who you are. And I’ve never asked to be named or paid back or feted publicly, have I?

But those days are over too. It’s time to look out for two people now. Me and my wife. That’s it. The well is dry, the tapped keg flows no more.

And so it is with Kalifornia. Kalifornia will, in a few months, no longer have my hard earned tax dollars to piss away on illegals, bums, drunks, druggies, mental defectives, and outright criminals. Fuck you and fuck that, Kalifornia.

Kalifornia is simply ugly. Almost too ugly for words. Politically and physically.

It has two seasons:

  • Brown
  • Wildfires

Its once-beautiful wilds are despoiled by a purposeful lack of caretaking.

Where once there were controlled burns, CalFire would rather spend money on firefighters than forest care and management.

I can show you areas in Kalifornia — less than a few hundred feet from my cabin (which will soon be sold, and is on the market) where the ground loam and deadfall is one, two, three feet thick. That is absolutely obscene. And in those areas, as I look around, I can only think of one very deadly, very dangerous word:


Yet you can’t log dead trees in Kalifornia. You can’t take out fallen trees. You can’t build reservoirs. You can’t build dams. You can’t build electrical generation stations, power plants. Instead, Kalifornia removes power plants from the grid. Thusly, Cal ISO, the Independent System Operator, realizes:

Almost three-tenths of California’s electricity comes from outside the state. In 2019, California was the nation’s largest net importer of electricity from out of state and received about 28% of its electricity supply from generating facilities outside the state.

Kalifornia additionally pissed away, literally, billions of gallons of water out into the ocean for SIX — count ’em, SIX delta smelt. This from in 2015:

Why Does California Let Billions Of Gallons Of Fresh Water Flow Straight Into The Ocean?

by Michael Zakaras, 4-15-15

Ashoka: What is the biggest misconception about the extended drought in California and why is this problematic?

Andy Lipkis: The biggest misconception is that it doesn’t rain in California. The fact is, it does rain, even in Los Angeles and southern California. But we throw away most of that water because rather than collect it, we let it drain into the sea.

Yeah. Kalifornia is that stupid.

Why make freshwater when we could collect the water that falls from the sky? Even on the driest year in recorded history in 2013, it still rained 3.6 inches in Los Angeles. An inch of rainfall in L.A. generates 3.8 billion gallons of runoff, so you’re talking about more than 12 billion gallons of water that could be captured, but that flows within hours down our concrete streets and into the ocean. There’s enough rainwater to be harvested to produce 30-50% of the entire city’s water needs.

Ashoka: What does harvesting rainwater actually mean?

Lipkis: It means capturing and then treating the water the flows off our roofs and down our streets each time it rains. There are a lot of ways to do so, including by removing concrete and replacing it with permeable earth to soak in the water like a sponge. And homes and businesses can install rain bins and cisterns to hold the water for later use.

Here’s how a Leftist thinks. And why I can no longer be a part of this ridiculous state.

“Is farming more important than fisheries? Is fisheries more important than farming? Personally, I think fisheries has gotten the short end of stick for years,” Moyle said.

So farmers can go to hell. Some of the finest agricultural land in the nation can go to hell. Fish over people. Which is really strange, considering that Kalifornia is first in line to let thousands, potentially hundreds of thousands, of illegals into the state.

When we are in a drought. With little water. With shit for infrastructure. With no new power stations. No new dams. No new reservoirs. No new roads or highways.

And oh yeah. Kalifornia demands all electric cars soon. Good fucking luck with that.

Wildfires burn power plants, power lines, transformers and overheads — while PG&E turns off the electricity needed to power electric vehicles fleeing burning areas.

Kalifornia is insane because Leftists are insane.

And I can have no truck with any of that any more.

I haven’t even addressed money. Taxes. Inflation. The cost of living. Fines. Penalties. The cost of doing business. Regulations. Mismanagement. The one party system.

Suffice to say: I’m done.

I’ll be writing later about my progress, because I have to simultaneously coordinate the sale of my cabin in the Sierra Nevada mountains as well as the sale of my wife’s house in Ghetto Central. For a house we are encumbered in escrow, in as free a state as I can find. At this point. That I can afford physically and monetarily.

The area I’m looking at has three rivers, numerous lakes, and a power plant nearby. Only 230 miles from the Canadian border.

I can’t wait to leave this state.

And I’m not just talking about it.

I’m doing it.



More to come as I get closer to physically making my final move and leaving Kalifornia for the last time.