Obama defecates on America before leaving

Mr Obama, like a spoiled child who has been told he can’t do or have something, is moving in a unilateral fashion to ensure the presidential transition is as troublesome as possible for President-Elect Donald Trump, to the point where the US could actually be under escalated threat. Cyber warfare, now, can be every bit as disastrous as kinetic warfare.

The most accurate summary of what’s happening was made by Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, when he said:

“Obama is like a tenant who has been evicted from a property, and he’s going to trash the place on the way out.”

When Obama’s Doctrine has historically been to “lead from behind,” he now feels it’s time to blow up his chest and posture. Dove turns suddenly to hawk. Why here, why now? Easy: it serves Obama’s and the Demorats’ narrative because this focus deflects from the facts that Demorats, the DNC and Hillary Clinton cheated, lied, colluded, embraced corruption and committed actual yet-unindicted crimes

Let’s not forget it’s Mr Obama who said during the 2012 debate with Mitt Romney:

Let us not forget that the Obama Doctrine itself called for a “Russian reset” in 2009, to the point where Hillary Clinton delivered as a gift, literally, a red button to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in a press conference. The “reset” was to shift from the ways of the Evil & Judgmental George Bush. As perhaps a portent of things to come, the Russian-language label had the wrong word, and read ‘overcharged’ instead of ‘reset.’

Let us not forget it was Mr Obama who leaned over to Russian President Dimitri Medvedev and was caught, sotto voce, on a active microphone asking Russian President Dmitry Medvedev for “space.” Obama said “this is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”

Our relationship with Russia is the worst it’s been since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Obama stated he wanted, specifically, sanctions and retaliation for Russia’s “hacking of our election” and the DNC, though Obama offers no evidence or facts to support the allegation — in fact, having said the Russians were not involved — therefore escalating tensions between the two countries. Obama has stated there are “covert actions” coming next. Covert actions? Of what variety? And why — if covert actions are in fact looming — would you be sufficiently daft to announce same?

Further, the sanctions and expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats from various locations and shutting down two Russian compounds in Maryland and New York is stuff of the old Cold War. “Covert actions” are not. Russia may conclude these proposed actions are true existential threats to their security, to include hacking their military and nuclear facilities, their banks, the electrical grid. While the American Media Maggots egg Mr Obama on — in itself one of the strangest things recently, the AMM now being hawks instead of doves — simultaneously Russia leaves Obama out of cease-fire talks with Syria.

In response — no shock — Putin in Moscow says that Russia is considering “retaliation” for Obama’s “retaliation.” Putin’s “retaliation” is of the unknown variety at this point.

Mr Obama does this with twenty-one days left in his lame duck administration.

Even the New York Times seemed to “get it” when it wrote on Thursday that Obama’s actions appear designed to “box in President-elect Donald Trump.” That includes the UN and Israel as well. Obama has had eight years to focus on cyber espionage and cyber warfare, yet somehow waits until the last 21 days of his presidency to make any kind of stand whatsoever? Somehow we knew not of those 35 spy/diplomats and two spy hubs prior?

Particularly with regard to Barack Hussein Obama, I don’t believe in coincidences. Up to this point Obama has had the grim determination of an asthmatic chihuahua regarding foreign hacking.

What’s conveniently forgotten, however, is that Mr Obama — using our taxpayer dollars — tried to purposely interfere in Israel’s 2015 elections in an attempt to specifically keep Benjamin Netanyahu out of office.

Here’s the point. Yes, the Russians and the Chinese are likely hacking the shite out of US government, corporate and intelligence interests perhaps on a daily basis. But we only become upset over it when Leftists, the Demorats, the DNC, John Podesta and Hillary Rodham Clinton are involved? Seriously? Ox? Gored?

Look, Barack Hussein Obama already said the Russians were not involved. The FBI said the Russians were not involved. Yet the CIA intimated with no evidence the Russians were involved and the AMM, Obama, Leftists and Demorats all line up? You expect me to believe you simply on faith? Faith is the very last thing you deserve, Barack Hussein Obama.

This is the same CIA whose DNI, James Clapper, said this in public and LIED directly to each and every American by doing so.

The CIA would never politicize its findings or lean in any particular direction for White House purposes. Would it?

Again, why is Obama doing these things? As Spite House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz said recently: in essence, because he can.

It would appear the US under Mr Obama is conducting retaliatory measures on the Drudge Report, a focus of Obama, due to its publishing a wide array of articles dealing on and critical of Mr Obama himself. Matt Drudge Tweeted: “Is the US government attacking DRUDGE REPORT? Biggest DDoS since site’s inception. VERY suspicious routing [and timing],”

DDoS is shorthand for a Distributed Denial of Service. DDoS is a type of DOS (Distribution of Service) attack where multiple compromised systems, which are often infected with a Trojan, are used to target a single system causing a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.

Let’s not lose sight of the truth. Mr Obama has had eight years to deal or even attempt to address cyber attacks by Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. He has done nothing. The Chinese hacked into millions of OPM personnel records. Obama’s response? Meh. Your intimate federal personal records meant nothing to Obama because he was not personally politically affected. It held no sway over the election.

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m not that brilliant. I can find all of these things on the internet. The caveat is: if I want to.

Obama focuses only at the last second on these issues and concurrently decides it’s a wonderful time to do the things he’s had two terms to consider. To wit;

With regard to that last issue, 1.6 million acres, a greater area than the state of Delaware, have been converted to federal control and minimal public use. One man can, by the stroke of a pen, take state land without even one Congressional vote under the Antiquities Act of 1906, something Mr Obama has done on 29 prior occasions, more than any president other than FDR, in order to circumvent Congress on behalf of various environmental groups and interests. This is truly a land seizure by the federal government.

Obama is acting anti-democratically, unilaterally, via edicts from his personal Mount Olympus, despite the disagreements by members of his own party. He believes his decisions are untouchable and, in fact, some of them may actually be irreversible.

In his last moments: all because he can.

If Mr Obama is actually concerned about his so-called “legacy,” he is ill-prepared mentally to recognize the facts. His legacy is that of division on every political and social level imaginable. Sam Stein, for God’s sake, Senior Political Editor for the Huffington Post, said that Obama leaves the party “in a much worse position,” the “states are decimated,” he “lost control of the House and Senate,” the “governorships are decimated.” All factually correct.

Under Obama, the American voter has consistently rejected the stance of the Demorats (including Mr Obama) for the past eight years (2008 to 2016) as they lost 63 seats in the House and 10 seats in the Senate. Republicans (from 2008 to 2016) gained 900+ seats in state legislatures, along with 12 governorships across the US — meaning that 2/3rds of the governors in the nation are now Republicans.

As the Divider-In-Chief, Obama’s entire agenda revolved around striating people by class, sex, race, religion, earnings, region, state, city, county, clothing, music, laws, wages, healthcare, culture, employment, family, mode of transport, energy consumption, food, cable channels watched, media consumed, social settings, the way you view America, even your writings, statements and thoughts.

Then we have Mr Obama’s actions in his final presidential days. In my opinion, he is moving to isolate and denigrate Donald Trump, not Vladimir Putin.

The only conclusion one can draw is that of Sheriff Clarke’s reference above, Mr Obama is purposely defecating in the national punchbowl and Mr Trump’s coming punchbowl because he is shockingly immature, self-centered and, well, because he can.



Thanks to Jill Stein, Hillary Clinton & Demorats

Because your demands for recounts and investigations of various states and precincts have, in fact, revealed election fraud biased towards Demorats, Greens and Leftists.

Not Donald Trump.

Stuart Varney also had kind words for Jill Stein:

Myself as well. Because, being me, I love it when a great Leftist plan goes awry.

From BizPacReview.com:

Stein’s recount backfires bigtime as ‘major ballot box fraud’ discovered in Hillary-heavy Detroit

by Michael Dorstewitz

People everywhere are saying, “Thanks, Jill!”

Former Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein‘s recount efforts in Michigan indicate that there was indeed voter fraud in the Great Lake State — but it favored Hillary Clinton.

The evidence of shenanigans was discovered in more than one-third of the voting precincts situated within the Democrat controlled city of Detroit. Machines in those precincts tabulated more votes than what they should have.

This is just one area. In just one state. Stein contested three states to include Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — then had her cases shot down by federal judges in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The recount is done.

So I say: let’s make sure we do in fact open invetigations into election fraud in major urban rat cages around America. Because one clear thing will be found: rampant fraud on the Left in favor of the Demorats.



Obama says: no Russian hacking

If you’re like me, you find yourself surprised every day by the news stories that appear. That is why I found myself gobsmacked today. From Breitbart.com:

Obama Crushes Conspiracy: No Evidence that Russia Tampered with Votes in Election

by Charlie Spiering

President Barack Obama emphatically denounced the conspiracy theory saying Russians successfully tampered with the American voting process.

Obama dismissed the hack and the leaked emails as “not very interesting” and lacking “explosive” revelations. He puzzled as to why it was an “obsession” by the news media despite the knowledge that the Russians were responsible.

The conflicting and interesting thing here, however, is Obama’s statement about the emails being “not very interesting.” It is another minimization by a Leftist of a continuing series of events that, had they been committed by conservatives or the GOP, would have created shite-storms of monumental proportions and endless investigations by the DOJ and FBI.

Two notations:

  1. I didn’t see that coming, and
  2. I wonder how pissed off the AMM and HRC are right now?

I can see smoke issuing from their ears from here.



Just as I said: it’s not the Russians

I speak to certain people now and then, and certain people have told me that the Russians — as Hillary Clinton accuses Donald Trump — are not behind the Wikileaks email releases from John Podesta.

As I wrote here and also here, about Hillary outing the NSA and threatening GAMMA national security classifications.

This past week another individual with whom I spoke and who has “contacts” as well, indicated he was told the NSA was responsible, due to HRC’s careless mishandling of the most sensitive intelligence possible — of that GAMMA nature — which, in turn, was responsible for the loss of life.

Steve Pieczenik (who has a doctorate from MIT in international relations, is a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Dr Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker, and whom I featured in the previous post) likewise indicates the Russians were not responsible for the Wikileaks emails.

In addition, Paul Watson writes:


Insiders attempting to save America from Hillary presidency

It’s now clear from numerous sources that the Podesta hack, which led to Wikileaks releasing tens of thousands of Clinton campaign emails, as well as other hacks targeting the Democratic Party, were the work of U.S. intelligence operatives attempting to save America from a Clinton presidency.

The Clinton campaign has repeatedly insinuated that Russian agents were responsible for the release of the emails, but the reality is far different.

The hackers were concerned individuals who were alarmed at Hillary Clinton’s rampant corruption and mishandling of classified material as far back as 2009, when officials with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) became aware of violations of record keeping procedures at the Department of State under Secretary Clinton.

This is backed up by former British ambassador Craig Murray, who was told by security insiders that the email leak “comes from within official circles in Washington DC.”

This is most telling:

“Hillary has a problem with NSA because she compromised Gamma material,” (NSA whistleblower William) Binney said. “That is the most sensitive material at NSA.”

A phrase comes to mind now; something about “reaping” and “sowing.”



Who hacked DNC/Podesta emails and why? Was it really the Russians?

Please listen to this video from Andrew Napolitano.

From ZeroHedge.com:

NSA Whistleblower: Not So Fast On Claims Russia Behind Hillary Clinton Email Hack

The mainstream media alleges that Russia was behind the hack of Hillary Clinton’s emails.

The media is parading out the usual suspects alleged experts to back up this claim.

Washington’s Blog asked the highest-level NSA whistleblower in history, William Binney – the NSA executive who created the agency’s mass surveillance program for digital information, who served as the senior technical director within the agency, who managed six thousand NSA employees, the 36-year NSA veteran widely regarded as a “legend” within the agency and the NSA’s best-ever analyst and code-breaker, who mapped out the Soviet command-and-control structure before anyone else knew how, and so predicted Soviet invasions before they happened (“in the 1970s, he decrypted the Soviet Union’s command system, which provided the US and its allies with real-time surveillance of all Soviet troop movements and Russian atomic weapons”) – what he thinks of such claims:

Edward Snowden says the NSA could easily determine who hacked Hillary Clinton’s emails.

But mainstream media say it couldn’t:   http://www.businessinsider.com/dnc-hack-russian-government-2016-7

The mainstream media is also trumpeting the meme that Russia was behind the hack, because it wants to help Trump get elected. In other words, the media is trying to deflect how damaging the email leaks are to Clinton’s character by trying to somehow associate Trump with Putin.

See e.g. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/26/us/politics/kremlin-donald-trump-vladimir-putin.html

Who’s right?

The Demorat dog whistle about Russia hacking the DNC and John Podesta is just that.

Binney responded:

Snowden is right and the MSM is clueless. Here’s what I said to Ray McGovern and VIPS with a little humor at the end. [McGovern is a 27-year CIA veteran, who chaired National Intelligence Estimates and personally delivered intelligence briefings to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, their Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and many other senior government officials. McGovern is co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (“VIPS” for short).]

Ray, I am suspicious that they may have looked for known hacking code (used by Russians). And, I’m sure they were one probably of many to hack her stuff. But, does that mean that they checked to see if others also hacked in?

Further, do they have evidence that the Russians downloaded and later forwarded those emails to wikileaks? Seems to me that they need to answer those questions to be sure that their assertion is correct. Otherwise, HRC and her political activities are and I am sure have been prime targets for the Russians (as well as many others) but without intent of course.

I would add that we proposed to do a program that would monitor all activity on the world-wide NSA network back in 1991/92. We called it “Wellgrounded.” NSA did not want anyone (especially congress) to know what was going on inside NSA and therefore rejected that proposal. I have not read what Ed has said, but, I do know that every line of code that goes across the network is logged in the network log. This is where a little software could scan, analyze and find the intruders initially and then compile all the code sent by them to determine the type of attack. This is what we wanted to do back in 1991/92.

The newest allegation tying the Clinton email hack to Russia seems to be all innuendo.

Please read the rest of the article.

You have to ask yourself: cui bono? Why would Russia not want Hillary Clinton in the White House? She would continue the overall leadership begun by Barack Hussein Obama — which is to say, little. Obama’s tactic is to “lead from behind” (a ludicrous oxymoron by itself) and, with that, Russia under the guidance of Putin realizes that Obama and, by extension, Clinton have been amenable to “working” with Russia and the so-called “reset.”

Let’s not forget it was Barack Hussein Obama who, sotto voce, told Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in 2012 that “after my election I’ll have more flexibility.”

Ask yourself: would Putin truly want a loose cannon like Donald Trump in the White House? This is how Reagan was characterized in 1979 and 1980 by Carter and his campaign — a “loose cannon” with his crazy, palsied finger on the nuke pile.

When you have the government hacking itself in order to keep national security, you have in many ways lost that government. An internal hack because you don’t trust a presidential candidate not to keep your secrets or kill your people?

Ladies and gentlemen, we are losing America and watching it devolve before our very eyes. It is astounding and sad, simultaneously.

Who hacked the DNC and the emails?

Ask again: cui bono?