BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, August 3rd, 2017, with the Underground Professor and Big Sarge

My. That’s a long headline.

Broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

We spent the first half hour with our new standard Thursday guest, the Underground Professor, Dr Michael Jones, an actual Constitutional scholar who told us about the difference in ConLaw, as in stare decisis (law involving primarily precedence) vs historical considerations. Hillsdale College students can run circles around Harvard and Yale students because of this. As Dr Jones said, “baby boomers are surrendering the interpretation of the Constitution to Millennials.”

Nice beard dude. Ahem. I am frequently confused with the Underground Professor, as his obvious stand-in.

We then spent the rest of the show speaking to Big Sarge, the creator and host of MOAB Radio who can be found on Twitter @MOABRadio101 and on Facebook here from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Big Sarge is a massive supporter of veterans, Conservatives, Sheepdogs of all models and stripes.

Please note: I didn’t play one audio cut Tuesday night — there was just great talk — and I did the same exact thing Thursday night because the talk was just SO. DAMNED. GOOD. This is a massive precedent for me. It has never happened before because, frankly, I revere my audio cuts and how I comment on them. My audio tabs are howling in protest. I simply say: nothing succeeds like success.

Tonight in the Saloon:

  • I spoke to the Underground Professor, Dr Michael Jones;
  • I spoke to Big Sarge of MOAB Radio;
  • That’s all you need to know.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on start.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, August 3rd, 2017″ on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on YouTube, please click on start.

Next Tuesday’s show will feature renowned suspense/thriller author TERRENCE McCAULEY who has written over eight books and has his own Amazon Author Page here.

And please, if you wish to help veterans, Terrence has pledged that every sale of his novella THE DEVIL DOGS OF BELLEAU WOOD goes straight to the Semper Fi Fund.

Look: buy a book. Help a vet.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here. Want to watch the past shows on YouTube? Please visit the SHR Media Network YouTube channel here.



The mayoral candidate who wants to disarm the police

First, the background to the headline, in terms of the predicating event prompting mayoral candidate Raymond Dehn’s statement about disarming the Minneapolis Police Department, first from

Minnesota cop who fatally shot Australian woman was ‘fast-tracked’ into the force

The Minnesota police officer who fatally shot Justine Damond was put on an accelerated police cadet program that required only seven months of training, a nontraditional route that aims to help those who have a college degree enter law enforcement.

Mohamed Noor, 31, shot Damond, 40, after she called 911 to report a sexual assault behind her home. When she approached the driver’s side of the squad car, Noor fired from the passenger side, across his partner, killing Damond.

The Minnesota Police Department has been under fire since the July 15 shooting. Many have questioned Noor’s experience and training after only graduating in 2015. However, former Police Chief Janeé Harteau, who resigned last week, stood by Noor’s training.

That’s a story in and of itself.

A female chief. A lesbian chief. Gone in 60 seconds.

That tells me one quite important thing. An innocent Caucasoid Australian woman and a Somali Muslim magically trump a lesbian chief of department, politically. Color me shocked.

Boom. Gone. Good to know. The hierarchy of politics. What I told each and every Patrol trainee of mine: “If it is fiscally or politically expedient, you will be sacrificed.”

There is truth here. You have to dig it out one or two or three major chisel strikes at a time.

“We have a very robust training and hiring process,” Harteau told reporters at a news conference last Thursday. “This officer completed that training very well, just like every officer. He was very suited to be on the street.”

No political correctness here or there, eh wot? That would never occur in a job as critical as peace officer, would it?

But others believe the fast-track program could leave officers ill prepared to handle real-world police scenarios.

Wait. Are you saying there is Opposition Theory?

“The cadet program is rigorous, no doubt,” James Densley, a criminal justice associate professor at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, told the Star Tribune, “but it is also an immersive paramilitary experience, taught by practitioner faculty without advanced degrees, and I suspect it leaves students with a limited view of the profession.”

Right. They’re well trained but they’re not well trained? Taught by great staff or taught by inadequate staff? Which is it?

But wait. Read this.

Nate Grove, the head of the State Peace Officer Standards and Training Board (which controls police training and sets objectives) said that the nontraditional routes are no less rigorous in Minnesota than the traditional ones. The Peace Officer Licensing Examination includes 275 questions and takes about two to three hours to complete.

The suggestion here is that, in lieu of full training, Noor instead took a paper test which he was able to pass. Otherwise, why include the intimation that he was “fast tracked”? And if Noor was “fast tracked” by having passed only a paper test instead of a full training venue, well, a serious slight was committed in training. Perhaps, now, a deadly slight. But I don’t know because the articles do not so definitively state.

This much is true.

Damond’s shooting death has been ruled a homicide by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s office.

And this much is true as well. We know the body cams were not activated at the time of the event but, truly, that’s an internal issue with regard to whatever policy the Minneapolis PD has immured with regard to operation. The dashcam was also off. Same thing with regard to policy. And let me state that would fall under the umbrella of internal policy and not law.

MPD policy does indicate that body cams should be activated if force is used but, of course, one seldom if ever gets to accurately predict when force must be utilized. The priority should be safety and response rather than the activation of equipment.

This, in and of itself, is a massive issue with which, in my estimation, law enforcement agencies have yet to sufficiently grapple. There is yet no “one size fits all” policy with regard to body cam and video equipment. Much less the issues of storage and costs.

Then there is this puzzler from the

Australian woman shot by cop ‘did not have to die,’ Minneapolis police chief says

by Ami Forliti and Steve Karnowski

The fatal shooting of an Australian woman by a Minneapolis police officer responding to her 911 call “should not have happened,” police Chief Janee Harteau said, adding that the officer’s actions “go against who we are in the department.”

In her first public remarks since the death of Justine Damond, a 40-year-old life coach and bride-to-be, Harteau on Thursday defended Officer Mohamed Noor’s training but criticized his actions.

Wait, wait wait wait wait. He was well-trained but he screwed up? Just what are you saying here, former Chief Harteau? What are you trying to justify? His training or his actions? Because training, or lack thereof, does have a good deal to do with reactions in the field.

Oh right. She’s a former chief of police.

“He was well trained but we don’t act like this,” is what you’re saying Harteau? It would seem to me, at first blush, that you’re attempting to justify something — a Somali Muslim cop — that many would say needn’t be justified. Just what are you saying?

I’m sorry; were saying. Past tense.

Harteau faced several questions about her absence in the days following the shooting, which sparked anger and a demand for answers in the city and in Damond’s home country. She said she had been backpacking in a remote area, it was “challenging” to return and that she had been in touch with her command staff.

Priorities. Please see above.

Damond had called 911 twice late Saturday to report a possible sexual assault in the alley behind her house on Minneapolis’ southwest side. Noor, who was in the passenger seat of a squad car, shot at Damond through the driver’s side window.

Noor has declined to speak with the state’s Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, which is handling the investigation. His partner, Matthew Harrity, told investigators he was startled by a loud sound right before Damond approached the police vehicle.

Perhaps his right in Minnesota, but not his right in California. When I was in Homicide, I happened to be tasked with investigating OIS, or Officer Involved Shootings. I had to be well versed in OIS investigations as well as POBR — the Peace Officer Bill of Rights. Officers had the right to determine not to speak to me in detail but they didn’t have the right to not tell me the basics, such as firearm, place, position, backstop, number of rounds fired, location of suspect and the like.

It was a long way to get here, yes, but we can now get to the point: add a Minneapolis mayoral race.


Minneapolis Mayoral Candidate: Maybe Cops Should Just Leave Their Guns In The Car

by Matt Vespa

Is this guy high on drugs? That’s the only explanation for this nonsensical policy proposal regarding law enforcement coming out of the Minneapolis area. Mayoral candidate Raymond Dehn pretty much put forward a policy that would disarm police, requiring them to leave their firearms in their car.

The most striking proposal came from Raymond Dehn, a state legislator who finished first in the Minneapolis DFL’s no-endorsement convention on July 8, beating out Hodges, Council Member Jacob Frey and Tom Hoch and attracting more than a third of the support from party insiders.

“We must divest resources, disarm officers, and dismantle the inherent violence of our criminal justice system,” Dehn said in a statement Friday.

He later elaborated on what sounded like a call to take guns from cops, adding he is not advocating against police officers having access to weapons when they need them.

“Officers don’t need to carry guns on their person all the time,” Dehn said Tuesday. “Currently, officers carry all sorts of assault weapons in their cars. So why can’t one of those weapons be the side arm? It’s important that we begin to have a conversation, and I would say that all things are on the table.”

Look. I’ll be honest. Quite a number of persons have asked me to weigh in on the initial shooting involving Noor. Having served not in the military but instead 41 years in law enforcement, I have something of a perspective from the front lines.

And that is this.

No matter how Noor was trained or whatever his reputation may have been or not been, an individual who, sitting in a vehicle shared by a partner, deigns to reach across and in front of said partner crank off rounds within the unit is one of two things:

  1. Brilliant in terms of officer safety, or
  2. Massively problematic, bordering on unhinged or insane.

I suspect a bit of the latter. And most everyone in that department now knows just about everything regarding Officer Noor. There are few secrets when lives are on the line.

I also suspect this. Due to his incomplete training regimen — that is to say, the “fast tracking” the department admits to having done — much was known about Noor before he even opened his first Crown Vic door.

That said, I highly suggest each and every Leftist Urban Rat Cage eschew their police and disarm them completely. Take their guns. Give them short truncheons. Whistles. A nice dark hat like Scotland Yard. Give them Smart cars or bicycles and tablets and social media. And sarcasm. Sarcasm can be a weapon. But not too much sarcasm. You wouldn’t want to offend.

In terms of this Great Disarm the Police Experiment, I suggest these cities first:

  • Minneapolis
  • San Francisco
  • Chicago
  • New York
  • Detroit
  • Baltimore
  • Los Angeles
  • DC

It’s already been suggested, for example, that Chicago defund its police department. No. I’m not kidding.

I think the best summary is this:

But the head of the police union, Lt. Bob Kroll, says there’s not a chance this idea would fly with any cop.

“I don’t think the people in Minneapolis are logically ready for anything like this,” said Kroll. “Who would ever do the job of policing again? It’s absolutely an absurd thought.”




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, August 1st, 2017, with guests Dan Butcher and Kari Baxter Donovan

Broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

Fig. 1: Dan Butcher.

For the first half hour we spoke to Dan Butcher, media owner, mogul extraordinaire, who is bringing his radio show back again on Fridays, Sundays and Mondays, produced by SHR Media, 10 PM Central, 11 PM Eastern, 8 PM Pacific. However, High Plains Talk Radio is shutting down as is High Plains TV. Some shows will be funneled over to the SHR Media Network so that they may continue. Go to to catch more of Dan Butcher — and this Friday may be a full two hours of open lines with Dan!

Fig. 2: Kari Baxter Donovan.

For the next hour-and-a-half we carried on with Kari Baxter Donovan, the East Coast Political Goddess, and became informed on all things political in the east and northeast.

Please note: I didn’t play one audio cut Tuesday night — there was just great talk — and had the time of my life with Dan and Kari!

Tonight in the Saloon:

  • Dan Butcher and BZ talk intro music;
  • Space invaders: when people talk to you 8″ from your face;
  • Fornicalia wants to secede from the union; it needs 585,000 signatures for ballot;
  • The show turned to Texas, then became Texas Talk, Rattler Talk and Snake Talk;
  • Texans are unique; they are proud of their state like most no other state;
  • The chatroom rocked and rolled during the entire show, my thanks to you all!
  • Rattlesnakes, cottonmouths, water moccasins, bull snakes that actually eat bulls;
  • Dan responds to the Sally Hernandez throwdown; the Leftists may be coming;
  • Loved it when Texas Governor Rick Perry poached businesses from California;
  • Kari Baxter Donovan weighed in with her articles;
  • Particularly the situation involving triple-amputee & his lack of medical care;
  • It was a great show; you can’t pass this one up, folks!

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on start.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, August 1st, 2017” on Spreaker.

Customarily I’ve had the show hosted on YouTube, but with its proclivity to not record phone calls I have eschewed YT until the issue is fixed.

Remember, this Thursday’s show will feature our extraordinarily illuminating guest, the Underground Professor, Constitutional scholar Dr Michael Jones.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here. Want to watch the past shows on YouTube? Please visit the SHR Media Network YouTube channel here.



Leftists: speech is brutality

As long as it fails to correspond to their version and values attached to speech. Any speech. All speech.

And to think we once had a First Amendment.

Stop. Did you realize that the United States is the only major Western country that does not have an official and onerous “hate speech” criminal law on its books?

In my mind, that bespeaks much more about all of those other countries than it does about the United States.

But isn’t some speech the equivalent of brutality? Can’t much of speech be the equivalent of brutality? Let’s consult a Leftist psychology professor.

When Is Speech Violence?

by Lisa Feldmann Barrett

Imagine that a bully threatens to punch you in the face. A week later, he walks up to you and breaks your nose with his fist. Which is more harmful: the punch or the threat?

The answer might seem obvious: Physical violence is physically damaging; verbal statements aren’t. “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

But scientifically speaking, it’s not that simple. Words can have a powerful effect on your nervous system. Certain types of adversity, even those involving no physical contact, can make you sickalter your brain — even kill neurons — and shorten your life.

Wait. So can eggs. Cow farts. A blue ringed octopus. Loose lug nuts. The cargo door from a 747. A bee. Bad spinach.

If words can cause stress, and if prolonged stress can cause physical harm, then it seems that speech — at least certain types of speech — can be a form of violence. But which types?

There you go. Speech is in fact violent. With that in mind, I wonder just what kinds of speech Leftists will consider violent because, after all, the author is quite the Leftist herself? Moreover, who will make these weighty decisions?

This question has taken on some urgency in the past few years, as professed defenders of social justice have clashed with professed defenders of free speech on college campuses. Student advocates have protested vigorously, even violently, against invited speakers whose views they consider not just offensive but harmful — hence the desire to silence, not debate, the speaker. “Trigger warnings” are based on a similar principle: that discussions of certain topics will trigger, or reproduce, past trauma — as opposed to merely challenging or discomfiting the student. The same goes for “microaggressions.”

Ah, here we go. Safe spaces. Coloring books. Safety pins, trigger warnings and microaggressions. The only things truly required at universities any more are drool cups. And sippy cups.

The scientific findings I described above provide empirical guidance for which kinds of controversial speech should and shouldn’t be acceptable on campus and in civil society. In short, the answer depends on whether the speech is abusive or merely offensive.

Again: define “abusive.” In whose eyes? And who makes that ultimate determination?

What’s bad for your nervous system, in contrast, are long stretches of simmering stress. If you spend a lot of time in a harsh environment worrying about your safety, that’s the kind of stress that brings on illness and remodels your brain. That’s also true of a political climate in which groups of people endlessly hurl hateful words at one another, and of rampant bullying in school or on social media. A culture of constant, casual brutality is toxic to the body, and we suffer for it.

Wait. Are these hateful words. Is this an advocacy of violence?

A history of violence? On whose side?

What of the loving and peaceful Diablo College professor Eric Clanton? Correct me if I’m wrong, but this appears to be actual violence committed by a Leftist on camera.

Then there is Leftist professor Kevin Allred from Montclair State University who Tweeted last Friday night, July 28th: “Trump is a fucking joke. This is all a sham. I wish someone would just shoot him outright.”

What does that sound like to you? Just a wee tinge of violent speech? Enough to nut up a snowflake? Not necessarily for, you see, it is all quite topic-dependent.

To me it sounds like the environment one customarily encounters on any given campus in the United States when any student, singly or in a group, begins speech which is conservative in nature. In this aspect Barrett makes a perfect point. But not the one she intended.

That’s why it’s reasonable, scientifically speaking, not to allow a provocateur and hatemonger like Milo Yiannopoulos to speak at your school. He is part of something noxious, a campaign of abuse. There is nothing to be gained from debating him, for debate is not what he is offering.

Let me unpack the obvious here, something few people point out. Milo is or isn’t anyone’s particular cup of tea. Frankly, I enjoy his willingness to display pushback right in the revered houses of “education” so unfailingly determined to restrict speech. But the reason debate isn’t generally acquired in a Milo campus presentation is because of two aspects: 1. He thinks on his feet with remarkable rapidity, and 2. He is quick to throw facts and situations back at the commenters and questioners in the audience. Leftists don’t operate in the sphere of facts but instead of emotions.

That was pretty emotional, I’d wager. Thanks, professor. Nice advocacy of violence.

By all means, we should have open conversations and vigorous debate about controversial or offensive topics. But we must also halt speech that bullies and torments. From the perspective of our brain cells, the latter is literally a form of violence.

Then Barrett encountered a problem. She appeared on the Tucker Carlson show.

Leftists are at least nothing if not consistent. They only deign to answer questions fitting their narrative. And certainly not the questions I posed as did Tucker: define abuse and tell me who becomes the ultimate determinant of same?

Leftists would resoundingly answer in unison to the one question: government should be the determinant by way of laws restricting speech. Damn that First Amendment.

Oddly enough an article exists in New York magazine countering Barrett’s argument.

Stop Telling Students Free Speech Is Traumatizing Them

by Jesse Singal

One fairly common idea that pops up again and again during the endless national conversation about college campuses, free speech, and political correctness is the notion that certain forms of speech do such psychological harm to students that administrators have an obligation to eradicate them — or, failing that, that students have an obligation to step in and do so themselves (as has happened during recent, high-profile episodes involving Charles Murray and Milo Yiannopoulos, which turned violent).

Agreed. Just ask snowflakes. I love that word. It’s so apropos.

So it’s weird, in light of all this, to see the claim that free speech on campus leads to serious psychological harm being taken seriously in the New York Times, and weirder still to see it argued in a manner draped in pseudoscience. Yet that’s what happened. In a Sunday Review column headlined “When Is Speech Violence?” Lisa Feldman Barrett, a professor of psychology at Northeastern University, explains that “scientifically speaking,” the idea that physical violence is more harmful than emotional violence is an oversimplification. “Words can have a powerful effect on your nervous system. Certain types of adversity, even those involving no physical contact, can make you sickalter your brain — even kill neurons — and shorten your life.” Chronic stress can also shrink your telomeres, she writes — “little packets of genetic material that sit on the ends of your chromosomes” — bringing you closer to death.

Is this the same science to which Al Gore shakingly refers? The same science the Australian Weather Bureau used to cobble together false climate numbers?

This is a weak and confused argument. Setting aside the fact that no one will ever be able to agree on what’s “abusive” versus what’s “merely offensive,” the articles Barrett links to are mostly about chronic stress — the stress elicited by, for example, spending one’s childhood in an impoverished environment of serious neglect and violence. Growing up in a dangerous neighborhood with a poor single mother who has to work so much she doesn’t have time to nurture you is not the same as being a college student at a campus where Yiannopoulos is coming to speak, and where you are free to ignore him or to protest his presence there.

Thank you. Finally, someone points out the Captain Obvious aspects of campus speech and pretty much speech everywhere.

And that’s this. You have two legs and at least something of a brain. You can decide to leave the room, turn off the television, stop reading, leave the website, put down the magazine, turn off the iPad, etc. Any number of logical adult decisions can be made. Logical. Adult. Decisions.

This is apparently a concept with which Leftists, snowflakes, raindrops and all makes and models of emos are stultifyingly unfamiliar.

Nowhere does Barrett fully explain how the presence on campus of a speaker like Yiannopoulos for a couple of hours is going to lead to students being afflicted with the sort of serious, chronic stress correlated with health difficulties. It’s simply disingenuous to compare the two types of situations — in a way, it’s an insult both to people who do deal with chronic stress and to student activists.

Thank you. Again more shocking clarity and honesty.

Now, it would be just as much of a stretch to say that a single column like Barrett’s could cause students to self-traumatize as it would be to say that an upcoming Yiannopoulos appearance could traumatize them. But in the aggregate, if you tell students over and over and over that certain variants of free speech — variants which are ugly, but which are aired every moment of every day on talk radio — are traumatizing them, it really could do harm. 

Yes. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

And there’s no reason to go down this road, because there’s no evidence that the mere presence of a conservative speaker on campus is harming students in some deep psychological or physiological way (with the exception of outlying cases involving preexisting mental-health problems). This is a silly idea that should be retired from the conversation about free speech on campus.

From whom does trauma occur to others? Leftists.

From whom does violence on campus occur? Leftists.

Who cannot brook or tolerate opposing viewpoints, thoughts or exposition?




An open letter to Multnomah County Sheriff Mike Reese

Multnomah County (OR) Sheriff Mike Reese.

First, for those unfamiliar with the situation and why I’m writing this post in terms of an open letter to a fellow Sheepdog, I provide the following background from a number of news sources.

First, from, the local NBC affiliate in Portland, Oregon.

ICE not alerted when sex assault suspect released from jail in 2016, official says

PORTLAND, Ore. — A man accused of breaking into a 65-year-old woman’s home, sexually assaulting her and stealing her car was arrested after allegedly assaulting another woman and running from police.

Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, was caught July 24 after officers chased him through a neighborhood.

Of course this is not the most egregious part of the story. Read on.

According to court documents filed in March 2017, Martinez has a history of illegal entry into the United States. He has been a transient in the Portland area for more than a year and has been deported 20 times.

That is not a typo. Martinez has been deported twenty times.

Martinez has at least five probation violations for re-entering the United States. His most recent removal was in November 2016, according to the March court documents.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) lodged an immigration detainer against Martinez, asking authorities to notify them before releasing Martinez to allow ICE to take him into custody. The Department of Homeland Security said a detainer was requested for Martinez in December 2016, but he was released into the community and authorities did not notify ICE.

Released by whom? The Multnomah Sheriff’s Office, whose sheriff is in charge of the jails in that county, one of 36 in Oregon. Portland is within Multnomah County and is in fact not only the largest city in Oregon but the county seat as well. The next paragraph is vastly disappointing.

Earlier this year, Multnomah County leaders and Sheriff Mike Reese wrote a letter to the community saying, “The Sheriff’s Office does not hold people in county jails on ICE detainers or conduct any immigration enforcement actions.”

This story went global too, as illustrated by the UK’s

Illegal Mexican immigrant, 31, who was deported TWENTY times ‘rapes woman, 65, at knife-point’ just months after Portland released him from jail under ‘sanctuary’ policy

by Keith Griffith

  • Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, charged in assault on two women in Portland Monday
  • Martinez has lengthy history of arrests, illegal entry and deportations to Mexico
  • Admitted meth and heroin user told jail staff that he drinks up to 10 beers a day
  • Portland jail officials released him in December in defiance of federal request
  • State of Oregon has forbidden local law enforcement to cooperate with ICE 
  • Now Martinez is accused in sickening sex assault on a 65-year-old stranger

An illegal immigrant with a long history of deportations to Mexico, and who was released by local jail officials in defiance of a federal immigration hold, is now accused of raping one woman and assaulting another in a sickening crime spree.

Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, is charged with 13 counts – including burglary, kidnapping, sodomy and sex abuse – in the knife-point attacks on two women in Portland on Monday.

But wait, there’s more.

Six months ago, on December 7, jail officials in Portland had Martinez in custody when they received a request from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, asking the jail to notify ICE before his release.

What happened?

Yet the local officials released him the next day in defiance of the federal immigration detainer, an agency spokeswoman told the Oregonian

Oregon has a state law forbidding local law enforcement from using any resources to enforce federal immigration law.

Stop. Correct. Oregon has a law from 1987 entitled the Revised Statutes 181A.820.

The criminal spree on Monday began around 7pm, when a suspect broke through an open window into a 65-year-old woman’s home, on NE Halsey street in the Sullivan’s Gulch neighborhood.

The suspect, who police say was Martinez, used scarves and socks from her closet to bind and gag the woman before sexually assaulting her, according to court documents reported by Fox12

Martinez slammed the elderly woman’s head into the wooden floor, punched her, and stole her phone, credit cars, and car, speeding away in it, according to police.

The woman was able to get to a neighbor’s home and call 911.

The crime spree continued unabated. There was yet another female lawful Oregonian victim to come.

Just hours later, police say Martinez had made his way to a parking garage, where he crouched in a dark corner until he spotted a woman.

He approached the woman saying he wanted to ‘talk’, but then produced a knife and forced the woman to walk towards her car, according to police.

Her plight, luckily, was not quite so dire as the first victim of Martinez, the 20-time and ignored potential deportee.

He is now charged with two counts of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, two counts of second-degree assault, one count of kidnapping, two counts of burglary, two counts of robbery, three counts of first-degree sexual abuse, and one count of first-degree sodomy.

Bail has been set at $2.36million in the case.

Please also see the article here.

And now comes my letter.

Dear Sheriff Reese:

I, like many others, find the recent events involving the processing of Sergio Jose Martinez through your jail both confounding and shocking, simultaneously.

I’d have thought, would have hoped, that you’d been better than that. Instead, I find you in lockstep with some seriously twisted elements in our society. Elements political in nature and, truthfully, the most political in nature.

Those elements who simply wish to do away with the terms “illegal” and “alien” and for that matter, “citizen.” Because what is a citizen if not “lawful” in the eyes of the state itself? Are there true citizens? Or are there merely “occupants”?

You’re a “new” Sheriff and not an entrenched official. That provides you some leeway.

You seem to, however, have aligned yourself with the wrong elements when you created a recent investigation, from

Sheriff Reese investigates deputies helping ICE

by Jennifer Dowling

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Multnomah County Sheriff Mike Reese said Thursday his office is still investigating a number of emails showing that his deputies were involved in assisting Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents in their efforts to deport illegal immigrants.

In a normal world, this would be a normal act. That is to say, an act committed by those wishing to see that justice is served. These days, an abnormal act.

This is you, sir, drawing a line. A line that didn’t reflect your entire good will but instead reflected your political interests and those of the persons to whom you answer or to those to whom you believe you answer.

Separate and disparate.

You have an incredible opportunity here. You have the opportunity to set a precedent not unlike that of another sheriff, in Texas, via Sally Hernandez in Travis County.

She showed remarkable heroism. I must admit.

For the wrong side. You can weigh in afresh and strong.

I challenge you sir to, at minimum, pen a letter to the victims — plural, both women — of the illegal alien your department released directly back into the community, apologizing for your actions and ensuring them your lockstep obedience of injurious and corrosive Oregon laws will end and cooperation will occur between your department and ICE in terms of timely notification for relevant holds and detainers.

I challenge you, sir, to further step up to the public podium and take the necessary political stand against so-called sanctuary cities and states because you are full well cognizant of the deleterious and life-altering consequences of allowing serial illegal alien criminals to continue abusing Oregon laws originally designed to protect the lawful citizens of your state.

Repudiate your most terrible of laws. Take a stand. Sally Hernandez did. You can do no less. Take a stand. Or simply stand by and watch your citizens be scourged by more aliens completely uninvested in your area.



This, Sheriff Reese, has been my open letter to you.

One final question to you, Sheriff Reese.

What are you?

Are you a Sheep?

Or are you well and truly a Sheepdog?

The only one who can make that decision is you.



For those unfamiliar with the relationship between sheep, wolves and Sheepdogs please see my post here about Lt Col Dave Grossman’s article entitled “On Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs.”