When you hitch your star to liars

hillary-clinton-pleading-not-to-be-jailedExpect not to be believed.

That would include Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, the American Media Maggots, NBC and, now, women that have miraculously appeared out of the woodwork just a few days from the third and final debate between HRC and Donald Trump upon alleged events that are decades old.

How can one believe the American Media Maggots when Wikileaks reveals that they are “all in” for Hillary Rodham Clinton, facts be damned?

Any semblance of objectivity or detachment from the election has been totally eschewed by the AMM, They have foresworn every national precept or hint of equanimity, fairness or impartiality. They now insert themselves, at will and with unbridled and naked abandon, into every political scheme, event, bill or notation that promotes Demorats, Leftists, progressives and excoriates the GOP, Conservatives or, to my mind, logic, common sense, proportion, rationality and history. It is shameless.

The AMM is obsessed with Trump “scandals” and is doing its level best to bury those of Hillary Rodham Clinton, her staff, support, and her husband, William Jefferson Clinton.

We have a presidential candidate, in the form of Hillary Rodham Clinton, whose entire campaign is predicated but upon lies, fear and deceit. This is the candidate the AMM have obviously and broadly pledged to support — again — facts be damned.

Because, to a large degree, the American Media Maggots are gatekeepers to whatever facts they deign to allow us proles, groundlings, serfs and commoners to witness.

Let us examine morning show media coverage the day I wrote this post, Friday, October 14th.

  • ABC, coverage of Trump allegations: 9 minutes. HRC & Wikileaks: NO MENTION.
  • CBS: coverage of Trump allegations: 7 minutes. HRC & Wikileaks: 1 minute.
  • NBC: coverage of Trump allegations: 7 minutes. HRC & Wikileaks: 30 seconds.

The Wikileaks emails don’t just cover one topic; they cover numerous topics with regard to the scandalous conduct of HRC and her staff.

Just as the AMM say that Trump’s staff represents Trump, so does HRC’s staff represent Hillary Clinton. If we are to be fair and unbiased, that standard must be true.

It is they who determine which events to cover, or not.  It is they who determine which rejoinder to publish, or not.  It is they who determine which fact pattern to publish, or not. It is they who determine what stories or evidence to publish, or not. It is they who determine.

The American Media Maggots no longer “cover” the news, they attempt to spin, ignore or create their own news with themselves at the center of their universe.

Friday’s Wikileaks 7th release batch included more emails from Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta, conspiring to protect the emails between Hillary Clinton and Mr Obama — as I earlier detailed here. Now, there is unadulterated documentation of same.


What do you suppose would happen had Donald Trump deleted 33,000 emails following a Congressional subpoena? Proven to have used a software scrubber called BLEACH BIT?

I wonder how many American citizens or soldiers Donald Trump was complicit in ignoring or killing? I wonder how many countries Donald Trump has destabilized? I wonder how many resets Donald Trump gave the Russians? I wonder how many times Donald Trump has lied under subpoena? I wonder how much Donald Trump has excused and embraced Islam? I wonder how many iPhones Donald Trump had destroyed? I wonder how many emails Donald Trump destroyed? I wonder how many soldiers and survivors Donald Trump has lied to, directly? I wonder how many rapists Donald Trump has supported and covered for? I wonder how many rape suspects he’s defended and then laughed at the victims?

“Kept ignorant and compliant at any cost.” That is the motto of the Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign and its staff and supporters.

Intellectual fascism? Intellectual Marxism? Creative censorship? A “consensus of facts”? A “unanimity of facts”?

Who is kept ignorant and compliant?

You, ladies and gentlemen.

And me.



Under Hillary presidency: EO on guns

hillary-clinton-common-goodFrom the WashingtonFreeBeacon.com:

Feingold: Hillary Might Issue Executive Order on Guns

by Joe Schoffstall

Russ Feingold, the former Democratic senator from Wisconsin who is running again in an attempt to win back his old Senate seat, was recorded at a fundraiser saying that Hillary Clinton might issue an executive order on guns.

That should come as no surprise given her background and history. We knew it was in her playbook.

Feingold can be heard in the video discussing what Hillary Clinton could do in relation to guns if she were to be elected president.

“If there’s still Republican control in Congress, and if Hillary is elected, is there anything she can do to uhh…,” a person asks Feingold within the video. “Well, there might be an executive order,” Feingold responds.

“Oh, so she can, I know that Bara…” the questioner counters. Feingold then talks of President Obama’s executive orders throughout his two terms.

“He did some executive orders with the aspects of waiting periods. But what we all need is the Senate, have her there, and then put pressure on the House. And we might win the House,” Feingold says.

I wrote earlier that with Obama enacting such sweeping Executive Orders (EOs) he is setting precedent than can be followed by other presidents. The objection is not necessarily with the number of EOs signed by Obama — in fact he has signed, to date, 252 EOs in seven years compared to George Bush’s 291 in eight years, contrasted with Bill Clinton’s 364 in eight years — but with the overarching and wide-ranging content of the EOs, subject matter best left to Congress and not to one man.

Obama’s EOs are the most restrictive in the history of the presidency, utilizing more compulsory, binding and legally obligatory words like “must” and “shall” than the six prior presidents.

Further, Obama has stated he has done so specifically because the entire DC process is frequently too slow and cumbersome for his taste.

When the president — any president — publicly states that his or her intent is to purposely bypass Congress, that eliminates the concept of “checks and balances” and thusly tends to condense the three branches of government — the Judicial, Legisaltive and Executive — into one: the Executive.

With that follows an imperial presidency and on the heels, nothing good save perhaps that of tyranny.

Finally, I ask: when was the last time a Demorat or Leftist increased your American freedoms instead of reducing them?

I’ll wait.



Gary Johnson = officially wacky

Can anyone give me one reason — just one — why a candidate for president, much less any elected office, would do this?

This was such a bizarre act that I was looking for the PhotoShop indicators, until I watched the studio reaction from the interviewer.

Besides saying that he would eliminate American carrier groups, this would clearly indicate the man is a bubble or three off plumb.



Honest federal LE agents disgusted with Comey & DOJ

James Comey, No F B IFor those who listen to the radio show or read the blog, this is not news. I said back in July that, due to the contacts I still have, the line-level agents in the FBI were extremely displeased by the selling of James Comey’s soul in terms of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. The show was rigged from the beginning, including HRC’s failure to be recorded during the interview, the fact that she was not placed under oath, and the fact that agents on the investigation had to sign non-disclosure statements — an unprecedented move in similar cases or circumstances.

I wrote about Comey’s verbal game-playing here:

But the most insightful part has arrived.  Comey outs himself:

Chaffetz then asked whether it was that he was just not able to prosecute it or that Clinton broke the law.

“Well, I don’t want to give an overly lawyerly answer,” Comey said. “The question I always look at is there evidence that would establish beyond a reasonable doubt that somebody engaged in conduct that violated a criminal statute, and my judgment here is there is not. “

And this is how James Comey attempts to rationalize his decision.  He states he does not believe his case established guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

NEWSFLASH: It is not UP to YOU, Director Comey, to assemble a case that yields a determination of “beyond a reasonable doubt.”  That threshold is up to the DOJ or more pointedly a Grand Jury, not you or your organization.  All you need to compile a case for submission is “probable cause.”  That’s what real cops and real DAs in America do.  Their jobs.  They stay in their lanes and do their jobs.

From FoxNews.com:

FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says insider

by Malia Zimmerman and Adam Housley

The decision to let Hillary Clinton off the hook for mishandling classified information has roiled the FBI and Department of Justice, with one person closely involved in the year-long probe telling FoxNews.com that career agents and attorneys on the case unanimously believed the Democratic presidential nominee should have been charged.

The source, who spoke to FoxNews.com on the condition of anonymity, said FBI Director James Comey’s dramatic July 5 announcement that he would not recommend to the Attorney General’s office that the former secretary of state be charged left members of the investigative team dismayed and disgusted. More than 100 FBI agents and analysts worked around the clock with six attorneys from the DOJ’s National Security Division, Counter Espionage Section, to investigate the case.

“No trial level attorney agreed, no agent working the case agreed, with the decision not to prosecute — it was a top-down decision,” said the source, whose identity and role in the case has been verified by FoxNews.com.

Read that again: “No trial level attorney, no agent working the case agree, with the decision not to prosecute — it was a top-down decision.”

hillary-clinton-and-fbiPrecisely. That decision came directly from the Oval Office via a telephone call to Loretta Lynch and then a call to Director James Comey. It all dovetails and ties up neatly. I wrote about “connecting the dots” of corruption in the Obama administration here. Please take time to read the article — it explains most everything you’ve seen and heard.

“Mills was allowed to sit in on the interview of Clinton as her lawyer. That’s absurd. Someone who is supposedly cooperating against the target of an investigation [being] permitted to sit by the target as counsel violates any semblance of ethical responsibility,” the source said.

“Every agent and attorney I have spoken to is embarrassed and has lost total respect for James Comey and Loretta Lynch,” the source said. “The bar for DOJ is whether the evidence supports a case for charges — it did here. It should have been taken to the grand jury.”

Also infuriating agents, the New York Post reported, was the fact that Clinton’s interview spanned just 3½ hours with no follow-up questioning, despite her “40 bouts of amnesia,” and then, three days later, Comey cleared her of criminal wrongdoing.

Many FBI and DOJ staffers believe Comey and Lynch were motivated by ambition, and not justice, the source said.

hillary-clinton-health-problem-reasoningBut wait; this next paragraph is grand.

“Loretta Lynch simply wants to stay on as Attorney General under Clinton, so there is no way she would indict,” the source said. “James Comey thought his position [excoriating Clinton even as he let her off the hook] gave himself cover to remain on as director regardless of who wins.”

Then, this week from Wikileaks:

Adding to the controversy, WikiLeaks released internal Clinton communication records this week that show the Department of Justice kept Clinton’s campaign and her staff informed about the progress of its investigation.

Read that again: “the Department of Justice kept Clinton’s campaign and her staff informed about the progress of its investigation.”

us-doj-corrupt-smaller-aAstounding. The bare, naked corruption. And the American Media Maggots sit idly by and do nothing.

There you have it. Thank you Zimmerman and Housley. And that’s how massively corrupt our federal law enforcement system truly is.

Under Hillary Clinton this trend will simply continue and grow larger.



US media ALL IN for Hillary Clinton, lies and coverups

hillary-clinton-pointingProven by the recent releases via Wikileaks (and these are just a few):

Releases Another 1,000 Emails From Podesta...
How Saudi Arabia And Qatar ARE Funding ISIS...
UNIVISION chief urged Clinton to hit harder...
CNBC John Harwood Advises Campaign [And he was debate moderator?!]...
NYT Gave Hillary Veto Power On Quotes!
BOSTON GLOBE coordinated to max her 'presence' in paper...
BRAZILE BUSTED: DNC Chief Shared CNN Town Hall Questions...
Used Benghazi as distraction from email scandal...
State Dept Coordinated Email Release...

Click on any one of those and you’ll find the Obama White House, the media, the State Department, all complicit in doing anything and everything to get Hillary Clinton elected.

As revealed by Wikileaks, not only does she need written cues when to smile in a speech,  is backed by Hungarian billionaire George Soros (who does not believe in nation-states), but also does in fact have two positions for many things, one public and one private.

It’s therefore rather clear that her public positions trump her private thoughts, as she hates corporatists and Wall Street but loves their cash (her son-in-law is a Wall Street hedge fund manager living with Chelsea in what is described as a “$10-million dollar fortress“).

Hillary Clinton also wants to purposely import 65,000 more Syrian “refugees” into the United States (you know, those loving Muslim persons who gang-rape disabled females) with the eventual goal of one million “refugees.” Yet, via Wikileaks, she acknowledges that adequately vetting “refugees” is, in her words, “impossible.” So why? Votes votes votes. But for the wrong reasons. Muslims will initially vote for Demorats not for issues, but because they realize Demorats are dupes for Islam.

Cheat, lie, cover, confuse, hide — the AMM is pulling out all the stops.

Finally, just like the American Media Maggots, Hillary truly dislikes “everyday Americans.” Something she is far, far from, and to which she and they cannot relate.