More evidence that Obama, Rice & HRC all lied and covered up

Ladies and gentlemen, what more do you need?

And still, people say they are staying home on election day, not returning absentee ballots or voting down-ticket only.

Excellent tactic ladies and gentlemen.

Apparently you do want Hillary Rodham Clinton elected.

I don’t want to hear a word from you when you disagree with HRC’s policies, positions and giveaway tactics.



UK to press: tell no truth about Muslims

islam-religion-of-peaceWe knew it was just a matter of time before becoming official. Now it’s official.


FREE SPEECH CRACKDOWN: EU orders British press NOT to reveal when terrorists are Muslims

by Kate Mansfield

MEDDLING Brussels has said the British press should not report when terrorists are Muslims in a slew of demands to the Government to crack down on the media.

Express, by Kate Mansfield, Oct. 5, 2016:

A report from the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) found there was an increase in hate speech and racist violence in the UK from 2009 to March 2016.

Blaming the press, ECRI Chair Christian Ahlund, said: “It is no coincidence that racist violence is on the rise in the UK at the same time as we see worrying examples of intolerance and hate speech in the newspapers, online and even among politicians.”

“Hate speech,” you see, equates to not advocating on behalf of Islam. The UK now, like many Western countries, has migrated with regard to Islam in this fashion:

  • From Tolerance,
  • To Acceptance,
  • To Advocacy.

In other words, if you are not an active advocate, then you must be an _______-ist or _______-phobe. Fill in the blank.

In the 83-page report, the Commission said: “ECRI considers that, in light of the fact that Muslims are increasingly under the spotlight as a result of recent around the world, fuelling prejudice against Muslims shows a reckless disregard, not only for the dignity of the great majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom, but also for their safety.

“In this context, it draws attention to a recent study by Teeside University suggesting that where the media stress the Muslim background of perpetrators of terrorist acts, and devote significant coverage to it, the violent backlash against Muslims is likely to be greater than in cases where the perpetrators’ motivation is downplayed or rejected in favour of alternative explanations.”

Right. The nature, backgrounds and persons responsible for the various attacks — if they involve Islam in any fashion — must be “downplayed or rejected” in favor of “ALTERNATE EXPLANATIONS.”

Such as, perhaps, sunspots, tidal pull, bad flatus, global warming, parking tickets? You get the drift. Just make up shite as you go along. Let’s actively lie, as a government, to the electorate because we cower in front of Islam. We have no spine, no courage, no truth.

Despite the creation of the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) in 2014 as an independent regulator for newspapers and magazines, the “ECRI strongly recommends that the authorities find a way to establish an independent press regulator according to the recommendations set out in the Leveson Report. It recommends more rigorous training for journalists to ensure better compliance with ethical standards.”

And there you go. A press “regulator” who will “independently” determine just what it is that you, in the UK (and soon to occur in the US), will see and know. What will be the consequences should various articles not “conform” to the Brussels and ECRI ideals? Send the authors back for “regrooving” like a bad truck tire? Indoctrination classes and camps? Civil penalties? Actual criminal penalties?

“At the same time, the commission noted considerable intolerant political discourse in the UK, particularly focusing on immigration. It said that hate speech continues to be a serious problem in tabloid newspapers, and that online hate speech targeting Muslims in particular has soared since 2013.”

I wonder if said speech has increased commensurate with Muslim attacks on the UK, France, Belgium and other Western EU countries? My guess? Yes. Speech is just that. Speech. The UK does not possess our First Amendment.

So, to #NeverTrumpers and all others: if you want this in your country just stay home on election day. Refuse to fill out your absentee ballot. Vote down-ticket only. You’ll get precisely what you want, which is Hillary Rodham Clinton.

You’ll also acquire a reflective reduction of your rights such as freedom of speech, your right to self-defense, your right to not be micro-managed by the United States of America, your right to know what is occurring under your noses. Eric Arthur Blair would be patting himself on the shoulder right about now due to his prescience.

Oh boy, a continuation of more repression, corruption, lies and governmental tyranny under Hillary Rodham Clinton in the fine tradition of Barack Hussein Obama.

I can’t wait.



Fake “outrage” over Trump’s words: how about HRC’s “sand niggers”?

hillary-clinton-loving-wordsWhat? Haven’t heard about Hillary Clinton’s verbal abuse? Just wait, it gets worse.

hillary-clinton-margaret-sanger-supportEver hear about that?

hillary-clinton-sand-niggerWait. You must have heard about that. No? Check Wikileaks here if you disbelieve.

hillary-clinton-racistWikileaks also revealing that HRC said:

“The main reason behind successful immigration should be painfully obvious to even the most dimwitted of observers: Some groups of people are almost always highly successful given only half of a chance (Jews*, Hindus/Sikhs and Chinese people, for example), while others (Muslims, blacks** and Roma***, for instance) fare badly almost irrespective of circumstances. The biggest group of humanity can be found somewhere between these two extremes – the perennial overachievers and the professional never-do-wells.”

A heaping helping of massive racism and stereotyping, anyone?

Ever suspect the failure to cover these facts is purposeful?

Trump fesses up and apologizes. Neither Bill nor Hillary will fess up or apologize.

So spare me the false umbrage. It’s political, plain and simple, nothing else.



ICE agents: illegals not deported because DC wants them to vote

Mexico Wants US AgainAnd there you have it. The clear reason why DC isn’t doing its job and, further, why DC is instructing border installations to reduce border interactions and arrests.

As a matter of fact, border arrests are at their lowest point since 1972.

Watch the video below.

First, from

ICE Officials Tell TRUMP Illegals Are Being Allowed to Vote – That’s Why They They Won’t Deport Them

by Jim Hoft

Cameras picked this up during a meeting Donald Trump held with ICE officials in August.
Via FOX Business Network:

What you pick up in the conversation is agent from Tucson telling Donald Trump basically why are these undocumented illegals with criminal records, why aren’t they being kicked out. And why is there such a rush to give these illegals citizenship. And he says the ICE official says simply so they can vote.

The National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, the organization representing 5,000 federal ICE immigration officers and law enforcement staff officially endorsed Trump on September 26th — the first time the union has endorsed anyone for president.

Perhaps that would be one of the reasons that the physical number of persons caught is down. From

Report: Barely Half Of Illegal Border Crossers Are Caught

SAN DIEGO (AP) — Immigration authorities caught just over half of the people who illegally entered the U.S. from Mexico last year, according to a report commissioned by the Department of Homeland Security that offers one of the most detailed assessments of border security ever compiled.

The report found that 54 percent of people who entered illegally between border crossings got caught in the 2015 fiscal year. That’s much lower than the 81 percent success rate that Homeland Security cited publicly using a different counting method.

The 98-page report was completed in May, and Homeland Security officials have declined to release it, despite urging from some members of Congress.

What? You mean your United States government is attempting to keep information from the American Taxpayers — the people who paid for the report? Perhaps because it might not shine the fanciest light on DHS under Barack Hussein Obama and Jeh Johnson?

Let us not forget this from the

Obama Administration Is Quietly Delaying Thousands of Deportation Cases

by Caitlin Dickerson

The Obama administration is delaying deportation proceedings for recent immigrants in cities across the United States, allowing more than 56,000 of those who fled Central America since 2014 to remain in the country legally for several more years.

The shift, described in interviews with immigration lawyers, federal officials, and current and former judges, has been occurring without public attention for months. It amounts to an unannounced departure from the administration’s widely publicized pronouncements that cases tied to the so-called surge of 2014 would be rushed through the immigration courts in an effort to deter more Central Americans from entering the United States illegally.

The delays are being made as a cost saving measure, federal officials said, because of a lapse in enforcement that allowed immigrants who were supposed to be enrolled in an electronic monitoring program to go free.

Some of those affected had failed to report to government offices to be fitted with GPS ankle bracelets, according to a February memo from the chief immigration judge, Print Maggard, in Arlington, Va.

Right. Because of a “lapse in enforcement.” Because it was entirely unforeseeable that “some” would “fail to report.”

Ladies and gentlemen, the US immigration system is entirely broken, because the people in DC want it to be broken. Some on the GOP side want it broken because of cheap labor — although that argument is being minimized by the booming mechanization of jobs requiring little or no skill — and the Demorats want the system broken because of the burgeoning mass of potential voters who could enable Leftists/Demorats to keep power in perpetuity.

The system is broken because that’s how DC wants it. And you, the American Taxpayer, can go straight to hell.



Black female attorney destroys WGN Chicago TV hosts

This is four minutes and twenty seconds of buttery non-Leftist goodness, spoken by a local black female attorney on a Chicago TV station to the Guilty Overeducated White People (GOWP) Leftist tools — er, “hosts.”

The hosts sat transfixed and incredulous as their brainulus camshafts were simultaneously throwing lobes and smoking. Clearly, not what they were apparently expecting — a logical and well-thought-out rejoinder.