Fed judge to State Dept: provide Clinton & Abedin documents in two weeks

Hillary Clinton On Her Cell Phone - Blackberry

“Security briefing?  I don’t need no stinkin’ security briefing.”

Just as I indicated last week was a bad week for Hillary, this week is turning out equally bad.  But you’d never know it because the American Media Maggots aren’t displaying her abrogations on page one, above the fold, or featured prominently up front on TV news segments.

Shocker, that.

From DailyCaller.com:

BREAKING: Judge Orders State Dept To Release Hillary’s Security Training Records, Or Be Deposed

by Richard Pollock

A federal judge ordered the Department of State Wednesday to produce for The Daily Caller News Foundation the security training records of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her aide Huma Abedin within two weeks, or face direct deposition of multiple government officials.

Oh my.  A direct deposition.  We can’t have that now, can we?

“I’m sure you can appreciate Mr. Lee, there is a certain time sensitivity on this issue,” U.S. District Court Judge Richard J. Leon told Department of Justice Attorney Jason Lee, representing the State Department. “We’re looking down the barrel of a presidential election from now in two months.”

Gosh.  A federal judge whose eyes are actually open and recognizes the political importance of having these documents produced in a timely manner.  Score one for Judge Leon.

TheDCNF filed the lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act last November, after the State Department refused to turn over all records of the security training for Clinton and her top aides.

In a July 29 State Department filing before Leon, attorneys for the State and Justice departments claimed they failed to locate any security briefing documents for Clinton or Abedin.

They further stated the absence of any documents meant that the “courses were not completed” by the secretary or her aides. It is unclear if Clinton explicitly refused to attend the security briefings.

Let’s be honest for a moment, however.  Would Hillary Clinton really need to attend any sort of security orientation or briefing?  She is, after all, Hillary Rodham Clinton and security orientations are for little people, not her.

The lack of training may help explain why Clinton saw no problem with setting up a private server in her New York home to process her private email account.

I’m not convinced.  She is, after all, Hillary Rodham Clinton and security orientations are for little people, not her.  She has a “history,” you see.

Clinton deliberately skipped a cybersecurity briefing in 2011, and defied national security officials by continuing to bring her unsecured BlackBerry cellphone into the confines of her secure office at the State Department.

You know me; I love this paragraph:

“Judge Leon made it clear that State can provide the simple clarifications we’ve sought one of two ways: either now, in a cooperative manner, or in a few weeks in sworn depositions,” said attorney Bradley Moss. “The choice is theirs to make.” Moss represents TheDCNF in the suit.

But wait, there’s more.  Tomorrow I tell you just why Hillary Clinton had a private server.



One Oakland denizen DARES to state the truth

One man dares to state the actual truth.

“My hard-working mom was not robbed by ‘the white right-wingers.’ ”

He also says “my dead friends were not shot by ‘white right wingers.’ ”

One man who lives where he lives, knows what he knows.

Slowly, little by little, inch by inch, the truth will out.



To Colin Kaepernick, from a LE officer

Blacks In America - 3 TypesFrom the Massachusetts Coalition of Police, on Facebook:

PLEASE do your best to SHARE this post, since it needs to be read.

By Chris Amos, a retired Norfolk Police Officer who wrote the following: An Open Letter to Colin Kaepernick

Dear Colin, Guess you have been pretty busy these last few days. For the record I don’t think any more or less of you for not standing for the National Anthem. Honestly, I never thought that much about you, or any professional athlete for that matter, to begin with. I’ve read your statement a few times and want you to know I am one of the reasons you are protesting. You see I am a retired police officer that had the misfortune of having to shoot and kill a 19-year-old African American male. And just like you said, I was the recipient of about $3,000 a month while on leave which was a good thing because I had to support a wife and three children under 7-years-old for about 2 months with that money. Things were pretty tight because I couldn’t work part time. Every police officer I’ve ever known has worked part-time to help make ends meet.

You know Colin the more I think about it the more we seem to have in common. I really pushed myself in rehab to get back on the street, kind of like you do to get back on the field. You probably have had a broken bone or two and some muscle strains and deep bruising that needed a lot of work. I just had to bounce back from a gunshot wound to the chest and thigh. Good thing we both get paid when we are too banged up to “play”, huh?

We both also know what it’s like to get blindsided. You by a 280- pound defensive end, ouch! Me, by a couple of rounds fired from a gun about 2 feet away, into my chest and thigh. We also both make our living wearing uniforms, right? You have probably ruined a jersey or two on the field of play. I still have my blood stained shirt that my partner and paramedics literally ripped off my back that cold night in January. Fortunately, like you I was given a new one.

Speaking of paramedics aren’t you glad the second we get hurt trainers and doctors are standing by waiting to rush onto the field to scoop us up. I’m thankful they get to you in seconds. It only took them about 10 minutes to get to me. By the grace of God, the artery in my thigh didn’t rupture or else 10 minutes would have been about 9 minutes too late. We also have both experienced the hate and disgust others have just because of those uniforms we wear. I sure am glad for your sake that the folks who wear my uniform are on hand to escort you and those folks that wear your uniform into stadiums in places like Seattle!

I guess that’s where the similarities end Colin. You entertain for a living, I and almost 800,000 others across this country serve and protect. Are there some bad apples within my profession? Absolutely and they need to be identified and fired or arrested! But you know what, the vast majority do the right thing, the right way, for the right reason. Did I mention that seconds before I was shot, an elderly African American gentleman walking down the sidewalk, turned to my partner and I as we rode past and said, “Get them.” Get who you ask? The thugs terrorizing an otherwise good and decent neighborhood, home to dozens of good, decent African American families trying to raise those families in communities not protected by gates and security guards. No these folks and families depend on America’s Law Enforcement Officers.

Colin I have buried 7 friends, killed in the line of duty and three others who have committed suicide. I have attended more funerals than I care to remember of neighboring departments who have lost officers in the line of duty, during my career. Law Enforcement Officers with different backgrounds, upbringings, and experiences united by their willingness to answer the call to protect and serve their fellow citizens.

Colin I am sorry for the endorsement deals you may lose and the dip in jersey sales, but please know you will NEVER lose what these men and women and their families have lost. And so whether you stand or sit during the National Anthem or not means very little to me. As for me and the men and women on whose team I was privileged to serve, we will put on our ballistic vests, badge, and gun, kiss our loved one’s goodbye, for some tragically for the last time, and out into a shift of uncertainty we will go. We will continue to protect and continue to serve and we will be standing at attention Colin, not just for the playing of our National Anthem, but far more importantly for the playing of Taps.

Keep the game up, Colin Kaepernick.  You have every right to say what you want within the contract that you signed.  The 49ers and the NFL have every right to defend you verbally and in writing if they wish.

Just as I have the right to conclude you are an overpaid and under-thinking man who doesn’t deserve one cent of money paid to you, the 49ers or any of the products you endorse.

For my readers, those products would include.headphone-maker Beats by Dre — since acquired by Apple Inc — Tata Motors’ luxury car company Jaguar, MoGo Sport and nutritional supplement company MusclePharm Corp.



You can’t trust Hillary; can you even trust the vote?

Hacking Voting Systems in USThis week I showed you two examples of Hillary voter fraud, here and here.

I showed you how Google skews search results in order to protect Hillary Clinton.

Now, the FBI says our election systems have been hacked.

From the FinancialTimes.com:

Hackers attack Arizona and Illinois election computer systems

by Geoff Dyer

The FBI is investigating the suspected hacking of the election computer systems in at least two US states by a foreign agent and has warned other states to watch out for potential intrusions.

Officials in Arizona and Illinois confirmed that their systems had been the subject of cyber attacks in July, with information about as many as 200,000 voters hacked in Illinois.

The intrusion comes after the alleged Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee which led to the leak of thousands of emails discussing the election campaign.

The warning by the FBI has highlighted concerns that the computer systems that are now central to the infrastructure of managing elections in the US could be vulnerable to hacking, including by foreign actors.

The Washington Post points out:

Until now, countries such as Russia and China have shown little interest in voting systems in the United States. But experts said that if a foreign government gained the ability to tamper with voter data — for instance by deleting registration records — such a hack could cast doubt on the legitimacy of U.S. elections.

The DNC, as we already know, was penetrated and hacked by Russians.  This resulted in the “stepping down” (firing) of Debbie Wassermann Schultz as DNC chair and the subsequent rapid hiring of DWS by Hillary Clinton in order to more closely keep Hillary’s secrets secret — as in, emails.

Politico emphasizes that the hacking in Arizona and Illinois is no laughing matter.

One person who works with state election officials called the FBI’s memo “completely unprecedented.”

“There’s never been an alert like that before that we know of,” said the person, who requested anonymity to discuss sensitive intergovernmental conversations.

Cory Bennett and Eric Geller rightly point out:

While such thefts could be the work of ordinary criminals, these same experts explained that Russian cyber gangs often act at the behest of the Kremlin, either directly or indirectly. In exchange, these groups receive immunity from prosecution and “maintain their untouchable status,” said Kellermann, of Cybersecurity Strategic Ventures.

If this is indeed the case with the recent intrusions of state voter registration databases, Kellermann believes the suspected campaign to undermine the U.S. election process is “reaching a tipping point.”

“It’s high time that the U.S. government took off its own gloves,” he said.

Translated: it’s past time to begin hacking the shite out of anyone who is found doing this to the United States.

A very simple point: it is rather clear this scheme won’t occur under Obama and likely not under Hillary Clinton or any other Leftist Demorat who believes in extending hands across the water in grand Chamberlain-like conciliatory gestures of pants-shitting hysteria in fear of offending other countries.

I say: time for good old paper ballots nationally.



In case you think this is much ado about nothing, cast your eyes upon this from CBS:


Hillary voter fraud caught on video, Pt II — Google HIDES Hillary voter fraud

Ah yes, more Hillary voter fraud in Nevada (What is it with Nevada anyway?):

You, of course, already watched Part I yesterday; click here to see it.

After embedding this video, I wondered: just what would you get in Google if you searched “Hillary voter fraud”?

Being Google and all, and being extra superior about its auto-filling logarithms, I immediately noticed that Google absolutely did not “auto-fill” as I typed on the keyboard.  You had to type the complete phrase “Hillary voter fraud” into the field and, even with that, there was nothing provided below until you hit the ENTER key.

Try it.

Hmmm, I thought, I wonder what other search engines might be yielding?

So I tried Bing.com.  Which, oddly enough, I’ve never tried before.  This time, at the point I got to “Hillary voter” this is what appeared below:

  • hillary voter fraud
  • hillary voter fraud exposed
  • hillary voters meme
  • hillary voter registration
  • hillary voters stupid
  • hillary voters are suckers
  • hillary voters
  • hillary voter suppression

How odd, I thought.  “Hillary voter fraud” came up immediately and was at the top of the list.  My guess: this is precisely what most persons are searching for when they begin typing that phrase.

But wait, I thought.  There are other search engines.  I wonder what Yahoo.com would show?  I wrote “Hillary voter” in the field and this is what I received:

  • hillary voter fraud
  • hillary voters grave markers
  • hillary voters
  • hillary voter suppression
  • hillary voter cartoon
  • hillary voter registration
  • hillary voter stumped
  • hillary voter turnout
  • hillary voter fraud cartoon
  • hillary voter fraud lawsuit

Once again, “Hillary voter fraud” came out on top.  A real chin-scratcher, that.  But what the hell, let’s try it one more time.  I lastly went to Ask.com using the same methods.  It came up with:

  • hillary voter fraud
  • hillary voter fraud exposed
  • hillary voters meme
  • hillary voter registration
  • hillary voters stupid
  • hillary voters are suckers
  • hillary voters
  • hillary voter fraud iowa

I suspected I was starting to see a pattern.  It made me wonder: do you think that Google would in any way purposely jiggle its search engine AlGoreIthms with regard to Hillary Clinton or the Democrats or Leftists or voter fraud identification/information on behalf of the Democrats?

Would Larry Page or Sergei Brin or Alphabet or Eric Schmidt or Ruth Porat actually lean left on as serious an issue as this?  As in, purposely skewing or hiding results that became immediately obvious on other search engines?




Obama Meets Silicon Valley Tech LeadersAbove, please note Barack Hussein Obama meeting personally and intimately with Silicon Valley tech leaders on February 17, 2011, to include Apple CEO Steve Jobs, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, Google CEO Eric Schmidt (far Left, imagine that) and Twitter CEO Dick Costolo.