329 new classified Clinton emails released

FBI Director James ComeyThe lack of concern about an incredible security breach by Hillary Clinton continues by the American Media Maggots — covering Hillary’s ass as is their duty, being fellow Leftists.

7800 pages of emails.

999 emails amongst those pages containing classified information.  From Hillary Clinton’s private server.  Much, much more serious than General David Petraeus’s incident with Broadwell and the emails of their affair.  We can be sure that whatever those emails contained is now privy to Russia, China, North Korea and other nation-states who are not our friends.

Clinton should be prosecuted.  No one else would get the pass that she is; the argument for Clinton is simply an AMM shibboleth.

I suspect that James Comey is assembling the most sure-and-watertight case against Hillary Clinton that he is allowed, physically and politically.  I’m sure that Comey has been subject to numerous counts of intimidation by the Obama Spite House.  He watched the Clintons go after former Director Louis Freeh and knows the power of their wrath.

Comey is the linchpin.  Will he and can he do his job?  From TheHill.com:

FBI chief is wild card for Clinton

by Bob Cusack and Ian Swanson

FBI Director James Comey is the pivotal figure in the 2016 presidential race that no one is talking about.

Comey, a Republican appointed by President Obama who enjoys a stellar reputation on both sides of the aisle, is investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of State.

Clinton is the overwhelming favorite to win the Democratic presidential nomination next year and is expected to be a tough candidate for any Republican to face in 2016.

Yet the controversy surrounding her private email account remains an Achilles’ heel.

The Hill still can’t fail to throw its own dig, however.

The GOP-created House Benghazi Committee flopped in October when Clinton testified for 11 hours. That hearing failed to produce anything newsworthy about her use of a private server and attracted criticism from liberals and conservatives alike.

Its failure makes it clear that the FBI will have the final say on whether Clinton did anything wrong or illegal. And whatever the verdict is, both parties will have to accept it because Comey is, in many ways, untouchable.

But has Comey been allowed to “work the case,” was he given the information he needs, and what kind of obstructions from the Obama Spite House were thrown into the mix?

One positive note.

“My folks don’t give a rip about politics,” the 6-foot-8-inch Comey said earlier this year. “We’re competent, we’re independent and we’re honest.”

Comey also has a pattern in independence.  He’s said that Syrians cannot be vetted appropriately.  He agreed (as I do) that the “Ferguson Effect” is in fact having a deleterious impact on law enforcement and stands as one reason why crime is increasing.  Comey disagreed with Obama on the Major Hasan mass killing, that it was related to Islam and not “workplace violence.”

This is the most highly politicized federal DOJ in the history of the United States.  The DOJ sits on information, refuses to prosecute anyone on the Left or involved with the Obama Administration, refuses to prosecute New Black Panthers, refuses to do its job.

The jury is out on this one.

I still remain hopeful.



Radical mosques near YOU?

Look at the map.

Muslim Radical Mosques in the USRead the article:

This New Map Shows Locations Of Radical Mosques In US – One Could Be Near You

by Kevin Whitson

The Clarion Project (formerly Clarion Fund) is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating both policy makers and the public about the growing phenomenon of Islamic extremism. The Clarion Project is committed to working towards safeguarding human rights for all peoples.” This purpose statement from The Clarion Project can be found on their website, which also includes valuable information on where Democratic and Republican candidates stand on radical Islamic terrorism.

The Daily Caller News Foundation researched the mosques and Islamic centers listed on the Clarion Project’s website to identify what the DCNF considers “radical mosques.” The DCNF states that of the 2106 mosques, the Clarion Project has identified more than 80 radical mosques in the United States. The DCNF then attempted to map out those mosques for its readers.

Please, check the website and activate the map.  Forewarned is forearmed.

Several radical mosques on the map stand out from the others.

  • Dar al-Hijrah is located just outside Washington in Falls Chruch, Virginia
  • The Islamic Society of Boston, Barton said, produced the “Boston Bombers and al-Qaeda terrorists Aafia Siddiqui, Tarek Mehanna and Ahmad Abousamra.”
  • The Islamic Center of Tucson was “basically the first cell of al-Qaeda in the United States,” according to terrorism expert Rita Katz in an interview with The Washington Post in 2002.

Political Islam, or the establishment of a world-wide caliphate, is the goal of radicals, radical Islam, and some Islamic centers and mosques. That caliphate seeks to abolish the Constitution of the United States, nullify the U.S. Law Code, and replace it with Shariah Law.

And don’t you doubt that for a second.  “Radical Islam” IS HERE in the United States, as well as elements of ISIS.  You’ll notice, if you’re an aware individual, that more and more Syrians are being stopped and caught at our southern border with Mexico.  That is called a CLUE, ladies and gentlemen.

But be warned: your president has NO interest in stemming this tide whatsoever.

Some excellent links from the website, as well:

  1. Muslim Imam Reveals A Terrifying Secret About Mosques In One Of America’s Largest Cities Imam Talal Eid said increasing radicalism at the Islamic…
  2. Ted Cruz: John Kerry ‘Should Retire,’ An ‘Apologist’ For Radical Islamic Terrorism Sen. Ted Cruz told Sean Hannity that President Obama and…
  3. WATCH: Donald Trump Just Revealed What He Would ‘Absolutely’ Do To Mosques In America “I would do that. Absolutely. I think it’s great.”…
  4. WATCH: Video Just Posted Shows Young Child Doing Something Sickening Radical Islamists Love Another shocking video featuring a “cub of the caliphate.” This…
  5. Watch: Democrats Just Launched A Mind-Blowing Campaign Against The Words ‘Radical Islam’ “Don’t take our word for it…”…

Islam is not your friend; Muslims are not your friend.




Time to leave a little bit-0-paradise down in San Diego, where if anyone is daft enough to ask the question “what’s the temperature today?” you get looked at like you’re a moron.  70 degrees, you gibbering mouth-breather.  Heh.

It’s a driving day back to the Sierras, all 604 miles of it.



No freedom of speech for cops

PPB, ORI retired a few months ago after having 41 years in law enforcement, working for the FBI, being a sworn US Marshal, and serving two local Fornicalia agencies.  If I had a son or daughter considering law enforcement I’d tell them to look elsewhere and to become a nurse, a plumber, an electrical contractor, mechanic, electrical engineer or programmer — a job that cannot readily be replaced by a robot.  And I’d stay away from law enforcement because more and more the job involves politics not service, and you have fewer rights than the citizens you serve.  That trend is growing, not receding.

Including freedom of speech.

People eschewing law enforcement will occur in any event, because Millennials are not used to or desire to serve, sacrifice or have their freedoms of speech curtailed.  The small group of Millennials who do understand about sacrifice and service for a higher goal or greater good are former military personnel — but their ranks are thinning as well.

From OregonLive.com:

Portland police officer removed from street after Twitter message about Black Lives Matter

by Maxine Bernstein

A Portland police officer who wrote a Twitter message complaining that he’d be stuck late at work Friday night “to babysit these fools,” referring to a planned Black Lives Matter-Not Black Friday march at Lloyd Center, has been taken off the street while an internal investigation proceeds.

Portland police Acting Chief Donna Henderson, filling in for Chief Larry O’Dea who is off until next week, announced the investigation Tuesday afternoon in a news release.

“I am highly offended, and I think other people should be,” said Teressa Raiford, a community activist involved in Don’t Shoot Portland. “I think it’s very unprofessional, especially someone in his position.”

Officer John Hurlman, a 24-year bureau veteran, removed the post from his Twitter feed, but a screen shot was caught by others.

His message read, “Black Lives Matter is planning to protest at Lloyd Center on black Friday. Oh joy, stuck late again at work to babysit these fools.”

Damn that officer for daring to state the obvious.  BLM activists are fools because black lives don’t matterYou may care to read this link, as well as this and this and this for my reasoning.

Further, the story doesn’t immediately reveal this salient fact: the officer produced that message on his own time, off duty, with his own account and not utilizing government resources.

But because of the community it serves, the ball-less Portland Police Bureau circled its own little Leftist wagons and, realizing that if a sympathetic take wasn’t promptly expressed, the BLM activists would soon be torching the sycophantic little purple-skied territory of Portland itself.  Precisely because BLM “activists” couldn’t give a fuck.  It ain’t their property they’d burn and loot and destroy.  BLM “activists” enjoy embracing lies for the “common good” of themselves only.

It is interesting, however, to read some of the comments below the article I linked, which include some of the following:

Why aren’t black lives matter going door to door where black people live spreading their message not to kill black people?

So does this mean if a neo-nazi group were to march, only those police officers who agree with the neo nazi’s could work the neo-nazi march that day?  

Oh yes, such a peaceful community group that chants:”What do we want, dead cops, when do we want ’em. NOW!” and “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon!”

Nothing like stomping on the man’s First Amendment Rights…  What’s next from the “Thought Police”?  Lie detector tests for anybody accused of having an alternative viewpoint or perspective contrary to the Left’s?  Give me a break… 

You are assuming that somebody being called a fool should lose their job?  Does that mean I should lose my job by calling you an idiot?  Just trying to understand your perspective of justice and equality…

Office Hurlman was correct in his personal opinion description of  BLM as fools, and I would submit that the even bigger fool is acting like a moron chief Donna Henderson.  Calling someone a fool is speech protected by the 1st ammendment.  The officer did not threaten or encourage any one to threaten or harm anyone.  The Portland PD admin is wrong on this one and should publicly admit such.

So I guess you feel that the officer has to take responsibility for expressing a personal opinion on a personal twitter account? A personal opinion that did not threaten anyone?  Is that what you are trying to say?  If so, you are one misguided soul.

These comments mostly reflect a rational response to ridiculous political correctness being exercised by the Portland police chief. The sane ones among us look at the BLM fools and state the obvious. The BLM fools falsely perpetuate the myth that Michael Ferguson had his “hands up” when he was killed, when the forensic evidence shows he did not. Even the Obama administration’s Justice Department investigation concluded he was justifiably killed by a police officer defending his life. But the BLM fools refuse to believe it and agitate for the sake of agitating. They, and you by extension, can’t be reasoned with. You’re too blinded by your grievance ideology.

There are more than 1,000 additional comments.

I spoke over the air earlier this week on the Hugh Hewitt Radio Show to retired Congressman John Campbell (R, CA, 45th & 48th Dist) who was admirably filling in for Mr Hewitt.  The topic concerned the rise of homicide rates and overall crime in major cities and elsewhere.

I indicated there were any number of factors for this rise, but one of the major factors now is the lack of what law enforcement calls “self-initiated activity,” which translates to getting in there, digging, knowing your beat, district, precinct, area, community, and seriously working it.  Looking for crime, turning over the rocks and getting actively involved.  In other words, proactive vs reactive law enforcement.

Certainly, cops won’t shirk their calls for service.  Whenever the laptop or terminal beeps, or the radio beckons, cops will attend to their assignments.  But once there, it exists in their minds that they too could be another Darren Wilson.  Being “right” isn’t enough.  Being “lawful” isn’t enough.  And what law enforcement, the public and courts will soon realize: having a video body-cam isn’t enough.  Video is another tool — it is not the end-all panacea just as having the melanin-count match the neighborhood isn’t an end-all panacea.  Just ask Baltimore or New York or Chicago or LA, some of the most mixed race departments across the nation if not the planet.

Cops talk about officer survival.  The mindset that, “no matter what happens to me, I will prevail during a given critical incident.  I will survive to see another call, to help my partner, to see my family and fight another day.”

A few years ago in 2009 and 2010, besides officer survival my deputies faced budgetary survival.  My department eliminated over two-hundred deputy positions.

Cops are having to additionally consider political and career survival.

They are having to ask: just how deep into this call do I want to go?  Just how far do I want to dig into my beat or district or precinct?  Particularly in terms of political survival or career, officers are now asking: what is my career worth?  Where is the line where I’ll even remotely consider jeopardizing my family’s future?  The security of my wife or husband, my children, my retirement?

Even more important to officers is this: does my department have my back if I acted in good faith and within the “reasonable officer” mantra?

Darren Wilson was proven correct, he was completely acquitted on any number of levels by any number of investigative resources and separate agencies including — literally — one hundred FBI agents swarming over Ferguson and the case itself.

Yet Darren Wilson had to physically leave his department, had to take his family and physically leave the town where he was employed and, truly, will forever be unemployable by any law enforcement agency in the US.  He and his family received very serious death threats and his department had little interest in supporting or providing security for him.

You ask why crimes, homicides and the like are starting to increase?  The so-called “Ferguson Effect” is most definitely a factor no matter what any police administrator or spokesperson says.  I know this because my own deputies tell me so.  Quietly.  They are constantly having to weigh these thoughts on their calls.  They are doing the “balance test.”  How do I do my job while not jeopardizing myself, family or future?

And that is the truth.

Portland, Oregon is certainly the locus of Leftist thought in Oregon, right there with Seattle, and the Portland PB isn’t radically different from the Leftards it protects.

Ladies and gentlemen, Leftists, Demorats and Progressives alike, if you don’t like cops — they’re too judgmental — but instead wish to be involved in a Robocop future, monitored and arrested by mechanicals, you are well on your way.  You won’t care for it one bit when the human element is eliminated.  You can’t argue or reason with a robot.

Perhaps you’d just care to do away with your civilian police protection altogether.  Make sure, however, that if this is your choice you likewise surrender all your firearms, defensive or offensive materials such as slingshots, baseball bats, rocks and any sort of edged weapon.  Hell, any weapon whatsoever.  Live by your code.  Be honest and live your honesty.  Mark or placard your car, your house, your apartment, your tent as a WEAPONS FREE ZONE.  Be proud of your philosophies and take a real stand.  Show some courage.

There is a problem however: when you have fewer and fewer persons who desire to be Sheepdogs, your society is in greater and greater jeopardy from within and without.  Because the wolves, you ignorant and complacent sheep, are not reducing their numbers.

Your job is already being targeted for elimination by robots, Mr and Ms Millennial.  Your life, property and sense of security is already being target by criminals whose philosophy is generally “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine unless you have the strength to stop me.”  Gosh.  Just like Islamists or China or Russia.  Or any bully.

You think that won’t or can’t happen?  Just you watch.



Officer John Hurlman, an extremely interesting article about freedom of speech and police officers can be found here, at the FraternalOrderof Police.net.

You may find it handy and applicable.  You also might wish to click here and here.


Happy Thanksgiving 2015

Norman Rockwell ThanksgivingYesterday was a driving day, because I’m down in San Diego to visit my brothers.  As I was silly enough to drive through LA the day before Thanksgiving, it took me from 8 AM to 9 PM, eleven hours on the road, including stops for lunch and dinner.  It also took me two hours alone to crawl — literally crawl — through LA.  Although, frankly, I still would much rather have crawled through LA in my own car under my own control than to have TSA crawl up my arse and have my luggage buggered and lost.  Plus, premium fuel for the nice Kraut car is cheap.

Enjoy this Thanksgiving because — and I dislike interjecting politics today — I still can’t help but think there is a major cataclysm coming late this year or some time in 2016.  I can’t shake the feeling, and thinking that it won’t be pleasant at all.

Hug your loved ones, even the ones you may not love so much.