Obama vetoes NDAA

Obama Microphones Oval OfficeObama said: “if you don’t go along with me to close Guantanamo, I’m going to veto the NDAA.”

So he did.  The president decided not to fund our warriors.  Screw our military people, said Barack Hussein Obama.

From YahooNews.com:

Obama vetoes $612 billion defense bill in rebuke to GOP

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama vetoed a sweeping $612 billion defense policy bill Wednesday in a rebuke to congressional Republicans, and insisted they send him a better version that doesn’t tie his hands on some of his top priorities.

In an unusual Oval Office ceremony, Obama praised the bill for ensuring the military stays funded and making improvements on armed forces retirement and cybersecurity. Yet he pointedly accused Republicans of resorting to “gimmicks” and prohibiting other changes needed to address modern security threats.

“Unfortunately, it falls woefully short,” Obama said. “I’m going to be sending it back to Congress, and my message to them is very simple: Let’s do this right.”

But here’s the real truth regarding Mr Obama’s veto of the bill:

Obama also rejects the bill as written due to provisions making it harder for him to transfer suspected terror detainees out of the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, a key campaign promise that Obama is hard-pressed to fulfill before his term ends. The White House has also expressed concerns over provisions preventing military base closures and funding equipment beyond what the military says it needs.

While Hillary Clinton lied her ass off under oath at the Benghazi hearing Thursday, clearly admitting she ignored over SIX HUNDRED emails begging her office for additional security in Benghazi, the US lost the first soldier to ISIS.  He died in Iraq, killed when US and Kurdish forces met.  I thought we weren’t fighting in Iraq.  I thought Barack Hussein Obama pulled our fighting forces out of Iraq.  He said he had.  Now the vanguard Obama helped to create, ISIS, has killed its first US soldier.  ISIS couldn’t be happier.

Finally, 93% of beltway journalists are self-identified as Demorats, by the way.  They think Obama is performing swimmingly and, additionally, that he himself isn’t biased.  Obama is right to shut down the military and give his finger to soldiers who served.

That’s why the news is so terribly unbiased.

Huh.  Imagine that.



Government micromanaging your cat

1984 - Big BrotherFor fuck’s sake, your cat.

Another reason to get the hell out of Fornicalia and to minimize government on every level and in every state.

Government wants to tell you what to eat, how to eat, when to eat, what to wear, how to wear it, what to live in, how to transport yourself, what to say, how to say it, what to think and how to think.  They even tell you how to wipe with TP, how many squares to wipe, what kind of TP to use.  And how much water to flush said shit.

Now it wants to micromanage your cat.  That’s like trying to micromanage possums.  Or air, or currents.  Not going to happen.

L.A. County will require cat owners to spay or neuter and microchip their pets

by Abby Sewell

Los Angeles County supervisors on Tuesday passed a long-awaited mandate for residents of the county’s unincorporated areas to spay or neuter and microchip their cats. 

Although the number of stray dogs euthanized in county shelters has dropped in recent years, cats that get picked up continue to face grim prospects. Last year, the county Department of Animal Care and Control impounded 28,911 cats, and 21,055 of them were euthanized.

But wait.  Here comes the actual point.

Vouchers of $50 to offset the cost of “fixing” the cats will be available for all county residents until the first $125,000 of funding is spent. After that, they will continue to be issued to low-income cat owners, Department of Animal Care and Control Director Marcia Mayeda said.

What isn’t written here?  The fine that will be levied to regular taxpayers.  You know, the persons who pay the bulk of the cash to Los Angeles County?  MONEY.  Fines and taxes.

Folks, you ever try to contain a cat?  Try to keep your cat in the back yard?  Try to keep your cat from wandering away and never appearing again?

Good damned luck.

This is another potential cash bonanza for government, under the guise of “caring.”

Next focus: your goldfish.

Goldfish Oppression.

Goldfish Liberation.




Biden says no

Joe Biden Pointing AgainAnd I must say, I am surprised.

I had thought he would run.

From AP.org:

VP Joe Biden says he will not run for president in 2016

by Josh Lederman

WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Joe Biden will not run for president in 2016, he said Wednesday, ending a months-long flirtation with a third White House campaign and setting him on a glide path toward the end of his decades-long political career.

Biden’s decision finalizes the Democratic field of White House candidates and bolsters Hillary Rodham Clinton’s standing as the front-runner by sparing her a challenge from the popular vice president.

Yes, people were saying Biden couldn’t win.  People said Biden would proffer a treasure trove of “Bidenisms” and video that would be played endlessly, including that of Biden asking the man in the wheelchair to stand up for recognition.

The real reason I think Biden didn’t run?  Final consultation with Barack Hussein Obama.

Translated: the Hillary Factor.  If Biden were to step in, some elements fear the Hillary Scorched Earth Policy.  She would pull out some of the worst incidents and positions of the Obama Administration and use those against Biden to get elected.  She would attempt to distance herself from Obama and Biden.  She would reveal the Emperor as he is: naked and ImperialObama certainly cannot condone that or allow it to be illuminated.

Finally: I think it means Hillary won’t be indicted.  Reading between the lines, you see.

In a way, sad.  I would love to have seen the fireballs and thunderstorms.



Joe Biden is IN?

Joe Biden Pointing AgainLet’s run through the theories.

1 Joe Biden is IN

The most obvious theory for Biden running, even as late as this, is that Hillary Clinton is unelectable or may even face indictment of some sort for her involvement in the email scandal that she only brought upon herself.  This may source from some kind of “insider information” possessed by the DNC or the Spite House regarding Hillary’s future viability as a candidate.  They may know something the public does not.  Hillary has not one but two substantial albatrosses about her neck: Benghazi and her server.  Of the two, I’d wager the most likely negative outcome would be from the FBI email investigation.

Some people ask about the cash aspect.  But if Hillary is swept aside, the organization and funding once funneled to Hillary could be shuttled to Slow Joe from the DNC.  Joe Biden just might be the Spite House Plan B in all its hair-plugged fleshy splendor.  The support of Obama could make a huge monetary difference, as I suspect Joe wants to continue what Obama has already installed in place.  Or so Obama may believe.

A new CNN/ORC poll, in terms of Demorat presidential favorability, indicates that Joe Biden pulls 51%, Hillary 46%, Sanders 41%, O’Malley 14%, Webb 14% and Chafee 7%.

Additionally, most everyone knows there is no love lost between the Clintons and the Obamas.  The blood is thick and turpid.  This naturally stems from Hillary running against Obama in 2008.  Apparently Hillary walked into the Spite House and asked for the dogs to Kabuki Theatrebe called off entirely.  They were not called off entirely.

That Obama spoke somewhat negatively about the FBI investigation was pure Kabuki Theater.  He did it to appease the Hillary contingent.

Hillary is much more of a Centrist.  She will bend to the prevailing Political Prairie Winds.  She learned that from Willie J.  What is Biden?  The VP.  Obama’s VP.

2 Joe Biden is OUT

Some analysts ask: what’s in it for Joe?  Some analysts say that it’s nothing more than a “Republican plot” to muddy the waters.  Yes, those insanely paranoid Leftist analysts.

The theory goes that Biden has run before and not done well.  And where is his financing right now?  His cash?  Some say the DNC knows Biden can’t pull a sufficient amount of cash at the last second.

Hillary GlassesFurther, it appears that Obama is doing his public best to try to shield Hillary Clinton, minimizing the importance of her emails.  This, of course, pissed off the FBI and Director James Comey, and it put him in a political jackpot.

It is said that Biden has been decked with the same dreck as Obama because of his position.  He is too closely aligned to Obama whereas Hillary is a bit further away, at least now.

Can Biden actually win?  Not many people think he can.  He will play for the Emotive Factor regarding his son Beau, and the deaths of wife and daughter he lost in 1972.  Yes, both tragedies.  But can emotions carry him to the White House over a Republican?  Some say Biden could win the Demorat nomination.  But he couldn’t win against the GOP.

And: just how Left is Joe Biden?  Can he run against a Bernie Sanders and cast aside the appeal of Sanders?  Because the Corporatist aspect of the DNC won’t allow Sanders to win.  He kills cash.  The DNC can’t afford their cash to be killed.  Biden needs to, therefore, win.  But can he, against Sanders?  It is theorized that Hillary can.

Then there are the many resplendent “Bidenisms” and the many hours of glorious YouTube material provided us over the years, including asking the crippled man in the wheelchair to stand up.  Ooopsie.

Then there is the Hillary Factor.  If Biden were to step in, some elements fear the Hillary Scorched Earth Policy.  She would pull out some of the worst incidents and positions of the Obama Administration and use those against Biden to get elected.  She would attempt to distance herself from Obama and Biden.  She would reveal the Emperor as he is: naked and ImperialObama certainly cannot condone that or allow it to be illuminated.

Plots, subplots and sub-subplots.

So what do you think?

Is Biden in or out?

I’ll take that bet.

Biden is in.

That’s how electable and huggly-snuggly is Hillary.



Time to outlaw knives

Edged Weapons Crime


A “mass stabbing” in Yolo County, Fornicalia, injured six persons seriously this past Saturday, the 17th.

From KCRA.com:

6 birthday party guests hurt in Yolo County mass stabbing

by Maneeza Iqbal

MADISON, Calif. (KCRA) —Six people were stabbed during a girl’s birthday party Saturday night in Madison, a town 11 miles west of Woodland, the Yolo County Sheriff’s Office.

The band member said two of his band mates were stabbed. A woman who tried to stop the suspect was also hurt. Other witnesses said two of the six victims were airlifted to a hospital.

A machete attack in Stockton then occurred on Sunday the 18th, involving Mel and Big Block Loc, from the StocktonRecord.com:

Man attacked with machetes

STOCKTON — Two men armed with machetes confronted a man just south of downtown Sunday concerning the theft of a bicycle. They assaulted the man, leaving him with a large cut on his head, police reported.

The noon incident occurred in the first block of West Scotts Avenue near South Commerce Street. Police reported the 28-year-old victim was treated at an area hospital for a non-life-threatening wound on his head.

His assailants were both described as men in their 30s. One had dreadlocks and is known as “Mel.” The other suspect is known as “Big Block Loc,” according to police.

There was a second stabbing in Stockton, on Sunday the 18th.  From the StocktonRecord.com:

Man stabbed in neck

STOCKTON — During an early morning altercation Sunday in north Stockton, a 25-year-old man was stabbed in the neck and his attacker was arrested, police reported.

The incident occurred about 5:34 a.m. in the 4400 block of Cotton Court, a short street just north of the Calaveras River off East Bianchi Road east of North El Dorado Street.

The victim was transported to an area hospital for treatment of a non-life-threatening stab wound, according to police.

Officers arrested Gregorio Cisneros, 21, on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, according to a report.

A fourth deadly stabbing occurred in the city of Modesto, on Sunday morning the 18th.  Again, from KCRA.com:

Suspect arrested in fatal Modesto car wash stabbing

by Maneeza Iqbal

MODESTO, Calif. (KCRA) —A man died after he was stabbed Sunday morning at a Modesto car wash, police said.

The 39-year-old man was stabbed multiple times around 11:45 a.m. at the business on Yosemite Boulevard, near Rosina Avenue. Police said the man was taken to a nearby hospital, where he later died. No other information about the victim was released.

These four separate incidents involving edged weapons in northern Fornicalia, all within a 60-mile radius of Sacramento — the Belly of the Bill Beast — occurred in the span of a single weekend; just two days.  That’s just one 60-mile-radius within roughly one county.  There are 58 counties in Fornicalia.  Multiply this edged weapon activity times 50 states.  Per day.  There are 365 days in a year.  You get the point.  (Sorry.  Couldn’t help that.)

People shouldn’t have to worry about knife attacks.  Clearly the persons using knives against others in violence are mental defectives or abject criminals.

One thing we do know, however, is that there won’t be a state or federal hue and cry to abolish knives or edged weapons, despite the statistics involved.

For example, according to crime statistics from the FBI, knives are consistently used to kill people far more often than rifles are used. Five times as many murders were committed with knives than were committed with rifles last year.  But again, people screaming for knives to be banned over rifles?  Anyone?  Bueller?

Murder rates before and after gun bans?  Guess what?  The rates don’t plummet.  Ask the residents of Baltimore, DC, Detroit, Chicago and even the UK.

Some other interesting statistics.

Murder Victims, by Weapons Used

The following table shows the number and percent of murder victims in the United States by the cause of death. Weapons used or cause of death include guns, stabbing, blunt objects, strangulation, arson, and more.

Weapons used or cause of death
Year Murder
Guns Cutting or
hands, fists,
feet, or pushing
Arson2 All
Total Percent
1965 8,773 5,015 57.2% 2,021 505 894 226 112
1970 13,649 9,039 66.2 2,424 604 1,031 353 198
1975 18,642 12,061 64.7 3,245 1,001 1,646 193 496
1980 21,860 13,650 62.0 4,212 1,094 1,666 291 947
1985 17,545 10,296 58.7 3,694 972 1,491 243 849
1990 20,045 12,847 64.1 3,503 1,075 1,424 287 909
1991 21,676 14,373 66.3 3,430 1,099 1,529 195 847
1992 22,716 15,489 68.2 3,296 1,040 1,445 203 1,043
1993 23,180 16,136 69.6 2,967 1,022 1,482 217 1,168
1994 22,084 15,463 70.0 2,802 912 1,452 196 1,079
1995 20,232 13,790 68.2 2,557 918 1,438 166 968
1996 15,848 10,744 67.8 2,142 733 1,182 151 726
1997 15,289 10,369 67.8 1,963 702 1,187 134 934
2002 14,263 9,528 66.7 1,776 681 954 103 874
2006 14,990 10,177 67.9 1,822 607 833 115 1,128
2007 14,831 10,086 68.0 1,796 647 854 130 1,016
2008 14,224 9,528 66.9 1,888 603 964 85 1,156
2011 12,795 8,653 67.6 1,716 502 751 76 1,009
2012 12,765 8,855 69.4 1,589 518 767 85 951
1. Refers to club, hammer, etc.
2. Before 1973, includes drowning.
3. Includes poison, explosives, unknown, drowning, asphyxiation, narcotics, other means, and weapons not stated.

Source: Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Reports for the United States, 1997, 2007 and 2008; Crime in the United States 2011, 2012.

Recently, we’ve all heard that both Obama and Hillary Clinton point to Australia with regard to outright gun confiscation — something they think might be a great idea for the United States despite that pesky and confounding Second Amendment.  They both fail to learn from history.  I call that Historical Alzheimers.

In Australia, it turned out that 640,381 personal firearms were destroyed by the government, costing taxpayers $500 million dollars.

That first year, homicides went up 3.2%.  Armed robberies went up 44%.  In Victoria, homicides utilizing firearms went up 300%.

But here’s the rub, Leftists.  Guess who failed to turn in their guns?  Why yes, morons, the criminals.  That’s their job.  Check the job description.  Then check the definition of the word “criminal.”

I know I should be, but I’m not yet a member of the NRA.  Looks like I’ll be joining this week.  And here’s another odd rub: gun sales the past few months have been skyrocketing.  More weapons in the hands of — gulp! — people who actually qualified for the purchase of their weapons.  Just like the shooter in Roseburg.  Every purchase was lawful and conformed to all regulations.  There’s only one final regulation left.  You know which one.  The ultimate regulation.  I’m sure the Australians were thinking the same thing: “it can’t happen here.”

Marcus Luttreall — the SEAL who wrote the book Lone Survivor, nails my feelings precisely.  I surrender my firearms to no one, man or beast.  And as an Oathkeeper, I have sworn to uphold the US Constitution and our Bill of Rights against all enemies, foreign or domestic.  No one said my oath stopped when I retired after 41 years in law enforcement.

As of last year, there was a 73% opposition to a ban on handguns.  63% of persons said that a home was safer with a firearm present in the home.

This is another Leftist move — and make no mistake, the ultimate wet dream of Leftists is gun confiscation.

I am The Realist.  And make no mistake, the reality is that the phrase “molon labe” has real meaning for me.

Another reason that this government and the UN are in the process of attempting to remove out First Amendment rights — our very right to communicate.  Communication that provides opposition to the defeatist, unsound, illusory, unrealistic, naive and just plain stupid goals of Leftists and this current administration.


Knife Surrender It