Leftists and firearms: three stories

1: Teacher fired for questioning student walkout.

From SacramentoCBSLocal.com:

California High School Teacher On Leave After Questioning School Shooting Walkout

ROCKLIN (CBS13) — A Rocklin High School teacher is on paid administrative leave over her views about the national school walk out. The teacher says all she did was open up a debate about the politics of the protest in her classroom.

Mrs. Benzel teaches history at Rocklin High School.

She says it was only appropriate to talk to her class about the politics of organized protests, ahead of the school walkout.
But she says the school disagreed with her views and told her to stay home Wednesday morning.

“We had a dialogue in class about it in Thursday and Friday. And today I received the call. So I am aghast,” said Julianne Benzel.

The call? The call for what?

A spokeswoman provided a statement reading in part:

“A Rocklin High School teacher has been placed on paid administrative leave due to several complaints from parents and students involving the teacher’s communications regarding today’s student-led civic engagement activities.”

What rules were “broken” at Rocklin High School? What regulations?

Benzel says she never discouraged her students from participating in the national school walk out, but she did question whether it’s appropriate for a school to support a protest against gun violence if they’re not willing to support all protests.

“And so I just kind of used the example which I know it’s really controversial, but I know it was the best example I thought of at the time—a group of students nationwide, or even locally, decided ‘I want to walk out of school for 17 minutes’ and go in the quad area and protest abortion, would that be allowed by our administration?” she said.

She says the administration didn’t talk to her about her lecture, last week.

But while thousands of students walked out of class, Mrs. Benzel received a letter from her human resources department, informing her she’s being placed on paid administrative leave.

“I didn’t get any backlash from my students. All my students totally understood that there could not be a double standard,” she said.

Including Nick Wade, who didn’t walk out.

Shh. A secret. There were many students across the country that didn’t walk out. That fact doesn’t fit the American Media Maggot meme so those situation remained uncovered.

“I feel like if we were to go to school and say something like I want to walk out maybe for abortion rights, then you know they probably wouldn’t let us because that’s more of a conservative push. But someone wants to say let’s walk out for gun control then the school’s going to go with it because it’s more of a popular view,” said Wade.

What next?

The Rocklin School District won’t say whether his teacher is in trouble, because of that classroom debate.

Benzel says she has retained legal counsel and plans to sit down with school administrators, Thursday morning.

Why stop with demonstrations about gun control? Why not let students step away from class whenever they feel a protest emerging?

2: Students suspended for being at a gun range away from school.

From the UKDailyMail.com:

New Jersey high school under fire for suspending students after they shared a picture at the gun range on Snapchat

    • Pictured showed four rifles and magazines with caption ‘fun day at the range’ 
    • The two students were initially suspended after the photo circulated at school 
    • Parents found policy that prohibits students from using guns off school grounds
    • NRA’s New Jersey chapter then threatened legal action against the district  
    • But Superintendent claims they were not suspended due to any firearm offenses

A New Jersey school district is under fire after it allegedly suspended two high school students for sharing a photo taken during a family visit to a gun range. 

The picture, which was shared on Snapchat, showed four rifles, magazines, and a gun duffel bag. The caption read: ‘fun day at the range’. 

Both students were suspended for five days after a snapshot of the picture was shared among students at Lacey Township High School in Lanoka Harbor. 

It was a decision that sent the community in uproar and prompted the New Jersey chapter of the National Rifle Association to threaten legal action.

And the community was indeed in an uproar. Above is a response letter to the school from a law firm. Additionally, NJ.com had this editorial:

When students brandishing guns are ‘none of your damn business’ | Editorial

A few weeks after the Parkland school massacre, a New Jersey school district gets a call from a nervous parent, who flags a photo on social media of two students with four rifles, magazines and a gun duffel bag, captioned, “fun day at the range.”
If you’re a school official, what do you do?
In Lacey Township, they reportedly gave the two high school seniors a five-day, in-school suspension. Problem was, this photo really wastaken on a visit to a gun range – a perfectly legal session of sport-shooting. So the district blew it.

But wait, it’s New Jersey. So it does go off the rails for a moment.

Parents were angry, and the punishment was dropped after only four days due to the outcry. Indeed, it was an overreach. It’s crazy that our gun laws are still so loose that even a 10-year-old, who can’t buy cigarettes or beer or drive, can legally shoot a rifle in New Jersey.

It’s crazy that a 10-year-old can go to a range and shoot a rifle? Are you really that insane? Of course. It’s New Jersey. A bankrupt state, by the way. At least the editorial board draws the appropriate conclusion.

Even if these Lacey High kids had been breaking the law – smoking marijuana, say, or drinking underage – their school still doesn’t have the right to police them off-campus. “The bottom line is, schools are in charge of kids when they’re in school, and not in charge of kids when they’re not,” Shalom said.

But in most cases, for better or worse, Lacey High School parents like Frank Horvath are right: What kids do out of school is none of the district’s “damn business.”

One final case for this post.

3: Student beaten and hospitalized for opposing gun control walkouts.

From MarkPantano.com:

Student Beaten and Hospitalized for Opposing Gun Control Walkouts

School administrators and teachers across the country dutifully followed the lead of Democrat-affiliated left-wing groups and encouraged, if not required, students to participate in anti-Second Amendment gun control rallies. Predictably, many incidents of violence have taken place as a direct result of these Leftists using school kids as political pawns. One such incident happened in Oklahoma. A 16-year-old student at Glenpool High School was severely beaten for criticizing the walkouts. His injuries were so severe that the boy was hospitalized.

Can you imagine had a Leftist student been hospitalized — for any reason?

That’s the way it goes in today’s society, circa 2018.

But wait.

Does the worm deign to turn?



The fallacy of American recycling

There you go, like a diligent little prole, taking time to separate out your oil, your plastic, your rubber, your paper, your metal, your cans, your glass, placing them with care and love into the applicable bins in your recycling glee. You do the recycling dance. You wear recycled clothes. Hemp ain’t temp.

Like a puppy, you absolutely know it’s going to a good home.

Except that it really isn’t going anywhere. Not then. Not now.

From NPR.org:

Recycling Chaos In U.S. As China Bans ‘Foreign Waste’

by Cassandra Profita

Like many Portland residents, Satish and Arlene Palshikar are serious recyclers. Their house is coated with recycled bluish-white paint. They recycle their rainwater, compost their food waste and carefully separate the paper and plastic they toss out. But recently, after loading up their Prius and driving to a sorting facility, they got a shock.

Stop. You know me. You know I can’t resist. How typical is it that Leftists recycling in Oregon Leftist Central, Portlandia, have recycled paint on their house, recycled rainwater, possess a compost pile and thirty different recycling bins. They’re damned near a parody of themselves.

But when they all piled into their Toyota Prius — clearly one of the most damaging cars on the planet when it comes to toxic materials, danger posed to emergency responders and overall ground rape — I knew they were more (of course) naive little GOWPs.

A Prius damaging to the environment? From NCPA.org:


The Toyota Prius, the flagship car for the environmentally conscious, is the source of some of the worst pollution in North America, and takes more combined energy to produce than a Hummer, says the Recorder.


  • The nickel contained in the Prius’ battery is mined and smelted at a plant in Ontario that has caused so much environmental damage to the surrounding environment that NASA has used the ‘dead zone’ around the plant to test moon rovers.
  • Dubbed the Superstack, the factory has spread sulfur dioxide across northern Ontario, becoming every environmentalist’s nightmare.
  • Acid rain around the area was so bad it destroyed all the plants and the soil slid down off the hillside, according to Canadian Greenpeace energy-coordinator David Martin.
  • After leaving the plant, the nickel travels to Europe, China, Japan and United States, a hardly environmentally sound round the world trip for a single battery.

But that isn’t even the worst part, says the Record. According to a study by CNW Marketing, the total combined energy to produce a Prius (consisting of electrical, fuel, transportation, materials and hundreds of other factors over the expected lifetime), is greater than what it takes to produce a Hummer:

  • The Prius costs an average of $3.25 per mile driven over a lifetime of 100,000 miles — the expected lifespan of the Hybrid.

  • The Hummer, on the other hand, costs a more fiscal $1.95 per mile to put on the road over an expected lifetime of 300,000 miles.

  • That means the Hummer will last three times longer than a Prius and use almost 50 percent less combined energy doing it.

From Wired.com:

Go Green — Buy a Used Car. It’s Better Than a Hybrid

Chuck Squatriglia

DITCHING YOUR GAS guzzler is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint, but if you really want to do something about global warming, get a used car. You’ll be putting less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

As Matt Power notes in this month’s issue of Wired, hybrids get great gas mileage but it takes 113 million BTUs of energy to make a Toyota Prius. Because there are about 113,000 BTUs of energy in a gallon of gasoline, the Prius has consumed the equivalent of 1,000 gallons of gasoline before it reaches the showroom. Think of it as a carbon debt — one you won’t pay off until the Prius has turned over 46,000 miles or so.

There’s an easy way to avoid that debt — buy a used car. The debt has already been paid.

Earlier Prius models use NIMH batteries — nickel-metal hydride. You may choose now between NIMH and Lithium-Ion in 2017. Tesla is running off Lithium-Ion batteries.

Lithium-ion batteries just won’t store the amount of energy required to be as useful as Musk promises, says Milnes: “Personally I think the Tesla factory producing hundreds of thousands more lithium-ion batteries is really short sighted because those batteries are just never going to hold the amount of energy we need them to.”

But wait, there’s more.

But even as Tesla’s batteries promise to reduce tailpipe emissions, more direct environmental concerns surround the current boom in lithium-ion batteries. As hundreds of thousands more of these batteries hit the market, the problems that come with lithium mining, battery lifecycles and recycling loom large.

In a 2013 report, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Design for the Environment program concluded that batteries using nickel and cobalt, like lithium-ion batteries, have the “highest potential for environmental impacts”. It cited negative consequences like mining, global warming, environmental pollution and human health impacts.

You might want to consider this as well:

Effects of Mining Lithium

Even though you will not be individually mining the lithium used in your batteries, you should still be aware of the environmental concerns of this process. The U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted a study on the materials and production of a lithium-ion battery. The study concluded that mining these chemicals can cause the following:

  • resource depletion
  • global warming
  • ecological toxicity (Kaiser, 2013)

Some chemicals used in lithium-ion battery production are very rare and exist in tiny quantities. Rare metals are mined in China by passing bags of dirt through several acid baths, leaving behind the rare materials. “Those rare earths amounted to 0.2 percent of what gets pull out of the ground. The other 99.8 percent-now contaminated with toxic chemicals-is dumped back into the environment” (Wade, 2016).  Overall, almost every stage of the lithium mining process can lead to harmful environmental effects.

California says it wants to ban all but electric vehicles by 2040. One teensy-weensy problem: California doesn’t want to build any electric generation stations. Oopsie. And not everyone with an electric car can move to Texas.

Back to the desecration. How odd. GM stopped manufacturing the Hummer brand in 2009. The Prius and all other hybrids are still raping and plundering the environment. Leftists and dupes happily buy them.

Back to the original story.

“The fellow said we don’t take plastic anymore,” Satish says. “It should go in the trash.”

The facility had been shipping its plastic to China, but suddenly that was no longer possible.

Whoa whoa whoa. Hold up on that car wash. Did I just see that our recycling materials aren’t being taken locally — much less the United States — but are instead being shipped to China? Do you know how much more toxicity that one act adds to the environment? The cost of diesel? The cost of shipping? The cost of storage and transportation? The cost of additional ships?

And “trash”? All that must now go “in the trash”? I’m sure the Palshikar family envisions months of therapy in order to quell those horrific visions.

Check this:

The U.S. exports about one-third of its recycling, and nearly half goes to China.

For decades, China has used recyclables from around the world to supply its manufacturing boom. But this summer it declared that this “foreign waste” includes too many other nonrecyclable materials that are “dirty,” even “hazardous.”

That’s rich. After China having shipped dog food to the US “fortified” with, well, dog-killing melamine. But what the hell. Just good filler.

In a filing with the World Trade Organization the country listed 24 kinds of solid wastes it would ban “to protect China’s environmental interests and people’s health.”

Beijing, China, 2016. On a good day. This is an actual photograph.

Right. Because China is so terribly concerned with pollution.

The complete ban takes effect Jan. 1, but already some Chinese importers have not had their licenses renewed. That is leaving U.S. recycling companies scrambling to adapt.

“It has no value … It’s garbage.”

Wait wait wait wait wait wait. That cannot be. This is Utopia. How could possibly have been overlooked?

Rogue Waste Systems in southern Oregon collects recycling from curbside bins, and manager Scott Fowler says there are always nonrecyclables mixed in. As mounds of goods are compressed into 1-ton bales, he points out some: a roll of linoleum, gas cans, a briefcase, a surprising number of knitted sweaters. Plus, there are the frozen food cartons and plastic bags that many people think are recyclable but are not.

Right. Average stuff people throw away. Wait. Are you saying.  .  .

For decades, China has sorted through all this and used the recycled goods to propel its manufacturing boom. Now it no longer wants to, so the materials sits here with no place to go.

“It just keeps coming and coming and coming,” says Rogue employee Laura Leebrick. In the warehouse, she is dwarfed by stacks of orphaned recycling bales. Outside, employee parking spaces have been taken over by compressed cubes of sour cream containers, broken wine bottles and junk mail.

Are you saying that the American Recycling Utopia is a falsehood?

And what are recyclables with nowhere to go?

“Right now, by definition, that material out there is garbage,” she says. “It has no value. There is no demand for it in the marketplace. It’s garbage.”

For now, Rogue Waste says it has no choice but to take all of this recycling to the local landfill. More than a dozen Oregon companies have asked regulators whether they can send recyclable materials to landfills, and that number may grow if they can’t find someplace else that wants them.

Again I say: wait. This makes no sense. Weren’t and didn’t the Leftists all along tell us that recycling will save us? And by dint of that, as good little proles ourselves, didn’t we think it was going somewhere — other than the general trash heap?

Seems it isn’t it all.

Or: it went to China. China? You mean to say the Leftists weren’t in full control of the recycling chain in the first place, from collection bin to final recycled product? They certainly made us think so.

This made me wonder, of course: is recycling even viable? Does it even work? Or is simply another Leftist myth hammered into the skulls of those susceptible to this mush and/or bulled by local agencies to do so?

From TheFederalist.com:

Why Recycling Is A Waste of Time

by Bre Payton

“People who recycle should be ashamed of themselves for acting like scavengers when so much is possible to them under capitalism.”

The secret is out: recycling isn’t working, because it was never really supposed to.

The Washington Post reported that more recycling companies, including Waste Management, are turning away from recycling, as the enterprise has ‘become’ totally unprofitable. They place the blame on the (well-meaning) masses who acted like apes when they were given larger recycling bins.

The article explains:

By pushing to increase recycling rates with bigger and bigger bins — while demanding almost no sorting by consumers — the recycling stream has become increasingly polluted and less valuable, imperiling the economics of the whole system. . . Residents have also begun experimenting, perhaps with good intentions, tossing into recycling bins almost anything rubber, metal or plastic: garden hoses, clothes hangers, shopping bags, shoes, Christmas lights. That was exactly the case last year, when the District replaced residents’ 32-gallon bins with ones that are 50 percent larger.

While many are throwing shade at those big glue bins, the truth is, much of consumer recycling has been a waste of time all along. The article goes onto explain that glass probably shouldn’t have ever been recycled. It’s heavy and breaks easily, contaminating the rest of the materials in the pile. Most of it has no value, and often costs money to haul away. The stuff that is valuable is “trucked to landfills as daily cover to bury the smell and trap gases.”

There are numerous other articles on the subject. I was amazed that most of them said: “meh.”

The people above are part of what I term the Religious Left, an insular group taking all their environmental beliefs on faith, unwilling to budge or compromise on facts, trends and statistics, brooking no disagreement with their views and by which those in disagreement must be met with all remedies ranging from belittling to outright violence. Disbelief makes one an apostate and a heretic — not unlike the Borg or Islam.

Now you know where your trash is really going. To the dump.

Blue bins, here we come!



Three California states a tad closer?

First, this from ABC7.com:

Plan to divide California into 3 new states clears first hurdle

A plan to split California into three separate states has cleared its first hurdle. Supporters are set to begin collecting signatures to qualify for next year’s ballot.

The plan is being funded by Bay Area tech billionaire Tim Draper, who previously funded a similar proposal back in 2014 to divide the state up into sections.

That plan failed.

Draper argues that citizens would be better served by three smaller state governments, rather than one large one.

The three-way split goes like this: Northern California would include the Bay Area all the way to the Oregon border, Southern California would begin in Fresno and cover most of the southern state.

A new California would begin in Los Angeles county and cover most of the coastal areas.

Initially, on its face, a good idea or not?

Also, from NBCBayArea.com:

3 Californias? Billionaire’s Plan to Split California into 3 Separate States Clears First Hurdle

by Riya Bhattacharjee

The proposal would split the Golden State into three: Northern California, Southern California and a new California

Remember that widely-joked about plan to break California up into six states that died before making it to the ballot for the 2016 state elections? It’s been reincarnated – by the same billionaire who flouted the original plan – but this time, except for six states, the proposal is to split the Golden State into three: Northern California, Southern California and a new California.

The proposal has cleared its first hurdle, and its proponent, billionaire bitcoin enthusiast Timothy Draper, can now begin collecting signatures to qualify for next year’s ballot.

There’s only one problem.

Draper doesn’t understand the total dynamics.

The state “California” would have to expand because the following counties would demand relief from association with “Northern California.” Meaning: Northern California is too far to the right for them.

Santa Cruz, San Mateo, San Francisco, Marin, Sonoma, Napa and Mendocino counties would all insist they be admitted into the mostly-coastal state of “California.” Trust me on this. And I would gladly let them do so.

Leftists don’t realize — should they decide to actually push the issue — that these divisions are pure political and not geophysical (I don’t know necessarily why I’m showing all my cards now but, hell, I am).

Because, should these lines (with my revisions) be drawn, California and Southern California would be primarily without water. They would lack agricultural status. They would lack resources. Northern California wouldn’t care in the slightest.

Conservatives would flock to Northern California. Leftists would be drawn to the primarily coastal California. And Mexicans would soon demographically blow out Southern California.

Southern California is desert and more desert.

California would be beautiful but packed with an even more massive striation of massively-wealthy “haves” vs lowly “have nots.” Just look at San Francisco if you want a picture of street pissing and defecation. Let’s remember that Leftists in Fornicalia want to remove dams, as insane as that may be.

Northern California would have the resources including the bulk of the producing Sierra Nevada mountain range, cooler temperatures, forests, lakes, reservoirs, and the ability to create even more and greater water projects. In California, water and resources are king. All else subsumes.

Most folks outside California are saying “bring it on.”

I too, with my iteration, am saying “bring it on.”

Let’s just SEE if that social experiment would be truly viable.



Parents, you’re paying for this

Ever wake up one morning and ask yourself: “I wonder what new and moronic idea some Social Justice Flower will unleash upon the US today?” Wonder no more.

First play the video. Then read the article. You’ll howl out loud with larfter at the ridiculous inanity of both. The sad thing: they’re both true.

From CampusReform.org:

Texas State seeks math profs with ‘social justice’ commitment

by Toni Airaksinen

  • Texas State University has two new job openings for Math Education professors, but wants applicants to have a demonstrated commitment to social justice.
  • For one of the professorships, the university would prefer a candidate with not only a commitment to social justice, but “evidence of research” on the subject as well.
  • Campus Reform reached out to the school for additional information, but it still remains unclear how such qualifications are expected to benefit the department.

Texas State University is hoping to hire two Math Education professors with a demonstrated and longstanding commitment to “social justice.”

According to the job postings on Inside Higher Ed, the two new professors must not only share TSU’s commitment to “education equity” and “social justice,” but should preferably also have a demonstrated record of engagement or academic research on the issue.

Right. Because demonstrated academic research on “social justice” has, as demonstrated in the video above, everything to do with mathematics.

Among the preferred qualifications for the Assistant Professor rank is a “demonstrated knowledge and engagement” with issues including “social justice, equity, access, and multilingual learning,” while the Associate and Full Professor ranks prefer “evidence of research and practices” on such topics.

You’ll love the kicker:

While the job application specifies that TSU is a “Hispanic Serving Institution,” it is unclear how exactly a background in social justice is expected to benefit the department, since it currently offers no social justice programming or classes.

“One of those things is not like the other.”

My, how degeneratively-stupid we’ve become as a nation.



Hillary Clinton is the embodiment of sociopathy

As David Clarke said, “her ethics elevator has no bottom floor.”

  • She can lie nakedly in public and no one calls her on it. She can support and promote Margaret Sanger, an advocate of black genocide — which by dint of extension makes Hillary Clinton a racist — and no one calls her on it.
  • She can “stand by her man” while he places his penis down the throat of a young female intern and no one calls her on it.
  • She can take millions and millions of dollars of dirty cash from the enemies of the United States, sell our precious minerals to foreign hateful foreign governments, and no one calls her on it.
  • She can co-opt her own party by deceitful tactics enabling her to be the front-running for the Demorats and no one calls her on it.
  • She can lie to the FBI and no one calls her on it.
  • She can conduct business over illegal email servers for years — emails that likely got into the hands of US enemies — and no one calls her on it.
  • She can throw away every thread, every vestige of humanity for nothing more than political power and lie about every moment, every detail, justifying it in her mind with such easy readiness that I can only conclude sociopathy is at work.

Wait. One journalist calls Hillary Clinton out. Of course, it’s not an American Media Maggot. It’s a foreign journalist who, instead of a loving softball, throws an actual question.

Let’s be honest. Hillary Clinton couldn’t care less about anyone but herself. As far as she was concerned she was forced to have a child in order to further Bill’s political goals so as not to appear unapproachable and to mimic a family.

Do not think that, deep down, Chelsea isn’t aware of the fact.

Demorats and Leftists keep petting this animal, not realizing that one day it may well and truly bite back.