Article 50 triggered: Brexit truly begins

As opposed to all of the forces aligned against the very concept of Brexit itself by most every monied and arrogantly-assumptive elitist in Europe, a very critical step to the UK removing itself from the European Union begins.

From the

Brexit trigger approved as UK parliament approves Article 50

Parliament has given its approval for Prime Minister Theresa May to start Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, even as Scotland signalled its opposition by announcing plans for a fresh independence vote.

The House of Lords rejected a last-ditch attempt to amend a bill empowering Mrs May to begin Brexit, paving the way for it to become law as early as Tuesday.

Let me be blunt: this exists as a dagger to the heart of the Caucasoid GOWPs extant throughout the European Union whose life revolves only but about the One World Barbecue.

Just as Chuck Schumer is currently weakening America in order to provide more power to the Demorats by refusing to approve the final cabinet positions and appointments of President Trump, the Caucasoid GOWPs of the EU have done their level best to weaken Europe by trying to obstruct Brexit with all their might. Both are maliciously destructive, purposefully so.

The prime minister could then trigger Article 50 of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty at any time, starting two years of talks that will end with Britain becoming the first country to leave the bloc.

Mrs May’s spokesman sought to play down speculation that she would send her notification letter to the European Council on Tuesday, when the bill is expected to receive royal assent from the Queen.

But if independence is the issue, so it is “locally.”

But the prospect of an imminent start to Brexit was enough to push the nationalist devolved government in Scotland into calling for a new independence referendum.

For those ignorant of geography or history, let’s not forget that England is on an island, and so is Ireland. Scotland exists on the northern portion of the island. I apologize if I insult the older readers amongst us, but newer readers have no idea what is the United Kingdom.

For his service to country and courage in the face of overwhelming odds, Nigel Farage should be knighted.

Steve Hilton, former Senior Advisor to David Cameron, proposed a series of questions to be considered for roughly every bill or movement in any government:

  • Should the federal government be involved in this at all?
  • Is it a function of government and is it really necessary?
  • Should we be doing this at the federal level?
  • Power and accountability should be placed in the hands of persons in local communities in terms of decision-making, not larger government

Additionally, I would — as the Bloviating Zeppelin for the US — add these critical questions and qualifiers:

  • Is it Constitutional?
  • Is it fiscally prudent?
  • How will it be funded?
  • Does it add to the deficit?
  • Does it reduce or enhance freedoms?
  • Does it enhance or diminish US sovereignty and power?

I can guarantee you this: the instigation for Brexit revolves around the perceived and actual loss of control forced upon the EU client states by Brussels and, to an equal or greater degree, by Angela Merkel’s insistence that the EU be overwhelmed by Muslims who have no intention of assimilation whatsoever.

  • Borders
  • Language
  • Culture

You couldn’t see this coming, could you, elitists?

No. Because they couldn’t understand that, after a period of time, the proles, the serfs, the groundlings, the commoners — they sometimes come to their senses.

When they do, they are not pleased.



Rachel Maddow massively assists President Trump

Proving that she and the rest of the American Media Maggots very much believe that Barack Obama’s book was correct; it’s about the Audacity of Hype.

All of the American Media Maggots embraced hype regarding the northeast’s Snowmageddon, then proceeded to embrace Rachel Maddow’s hype regarding President Trump’s Taxmageddon.

Rachel Maddow did her level best — not her goal, I’d wager — to prove herself and her shabby MSNBC network imbecilic and, simultaneously, helped elevate President Donald Trump. Please watch the segment I call “Let’s Laugh At Leftists.”

A startling revelation, yes? A literal bombshell of information? Revelatory beyond words, beyond human ken? Something that left America gobsmacked and reeling?

Not quite. What we discovered is that the two pages of a 1040 document with Trump’s name on it indicated — as diametrically-opposed as possible to what Hillary Clinton claimed in the presidential debates — is that in 2005 Donald Trump made $150 million dollars and subsequently paid $38 million dollar in taxes. We also discovered this:

It took Rachel Maddow 23 minutes to actually get to the point of “revealing” the documents, so much time in fact that the Trump White House actually scooped her with this Tweet.

What occurred on her show was, well, nothing. She possessed two pages of a 1040 tax document which, by the way, is illegal to acquire by way of 26 USC 7213 and 26 USC 6103, both federal felonies, absent permission of the person named. How did Maddow receive the documents? From a man named David Cay Johnston, who stated he “found” the documents in his mailbox. He now says he thinks Donald Trump himself may have sent them. If so, both Johnston and Maddow and MSNBC took a large bite out of a shit sandwich camouflaged as a tasty burger.

And as AMNewYork,com breathlessly reported:

What the documents show:

– Trump paid $38 million in taxes on more than $150 million in income in 2005.

– That amount translates to a tax rate of about 25%.

– Trump reported $103 million in losses to reduce his federal taxes.

– Trump paid most of his taxes under the alternative minimum tax, which is designed to prevent wealthy individuals from paying no taxes at all.

What the documents don’t show:

– Whether or not Trump paid taxes in other years and how much he paid in other years.

– Why he had $103 million in losses.

– Whether or not he has financial ties to Russia or others.

– Any new information about his business or where his income came from.

Once again: the Russians! Except that, wait, wasn’t it the Demorats who recently concluded there is no evidence of Trump colluding with Russia? Why yes, they did.

As a result of this Nothing Burger, the internet proceeded to mock and destroy Rachel Maddow from all sides; please check the articles here and here, just for starters. And when you find fellow Leftist Stephen Colbert mocking you, well, you’ve lost your chops.

You’ve also lost it when avowed Communist Van Jones think you pooped in the punchbowl.

The New York Times also took a proverbial hit, continuing to prove its official Fake News status, from the

NYT Eats Crow After Trump Tax Return Proves Major Story Wrong

by Alex Pfeiffer

The White House released President Trump’s tax return from 2005 on Tuesday, which showed that he paid $38 million on $150 million in income. This disproves the premise of a major New York Times story in the lead-up to the November election.

The Oct. 1 Times story was headlined: “Donald Trump Tax Records Show He Could Have Avoided Taxes for Nearly Two Decades, The Times Found.” The New York Times reporters wrote: “Donald J. Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns, a tax deduction so substantial it could have allowed him to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years, records obtained by The New York Times show.”

But what of the actual issue of legality, privacy, the deep state? Sean Hannity from Fox News had this to say:

Hannity spoke about NBC because, of course, MSNBC is an arm of that network, which is owned by NBCUniversal, all of which is owned by Comcast. All of which leads to some very important dot-connecting as laid out by Tucker Carlson.

Ladies and gentlemen, the American Media Maggots continue to bleat that they and only they can be the one, the true, the honest, the forthright and trustworthy purveyors of news in the United States of America. No one else can be consigned with such a weighty responsibility; only the Fourth Estate can carry out this monumental task with regularity, efficiency and veracity.

Except that, they continue to prove, serially, that they really are Fake News themselves by serially pulling bonehead moves as with all of the preceding. They are pissed, they are frightened, they are hemorrhaging both readers and cash, and they are quakingly desperate because they are also losing this all-too-important element: POWER. The power to make you fear their might, the power to lord it over you, the power to restrict and craft and fundamentally determine what is important across the United States.

The American Media Maggots are scared, they are desperate, and it shows.


This is why you pay me the big bucks, ladies and gentlemen. To put it all together.


BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, March 16th, 2017

My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sackheads Radio Show each Wednesday evening.

Thursday night we discussed:

  • Happy Stories and good times!
  • Kurt Schlichter: why the Left hates us
  • Nancy Pelosi is suffering a distinct marble loss;
  • Hawaii federal judge puts Trump travel stay on hold — no shock;
  • Rachel Maddow proves she is the “audacity of hype”;
  • John McCain: President Trump’s consummate Underminer;
  • Republicans can’t agree on a budget; what a shock

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, March 16, 2017″ on Spreaker.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening via podcast. Thanks and digital hugs to Mary Brockman for spreading the word about the Saloon and bringing new folks into chat. Two words, madame: you rock.



John McCain continues to purposely undermine President Trump

Let’s reveal the story up front, from the

John McCain predicts ‘there’s a lot more shoes to drop’ on Trump-Russia connection

by Ben Wolfgang

Sen. John McCain predicted Sunday that “there’s a lot more shoes to drop” regarding President Trump’s connections to Russia, and said he believes top Trump associates should be called before Congress to testify.

Appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union,” the Arizona Republican said the American people need more information and need it quickly.

It was the latest in a string of revelations involving figures close to Mr. Trump meeting or speaking with individuals or groups connected to Russia. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, for example, recently was forced to admit he met several times with the Russian ambassador last year at the same time he was acting as a top surrogate for the Trump campaign.

“Obviously I think [Mr. Stone] and others need to be questioned,” Mr. McCain said.

Good old John McCain, doing the heavy lifting for the Demorat Party as much as he possibly can, slicing and dicing on innuendo and repetition because that’s all he and his fellow Demorats, American Media Maggots, anarchists and Leftists possess.

This is McCain at his obstructionist, feckless best, throwing all the smegma he can at President Trump for any number of reasons, most of them highly personal. First and foremost: McCain lost the presidential bid against George Bush in 2000 and lost against Obama in 2008. He has been cheated twice. Second, it’s always about John McCain and no one else. He vacillates for the same of convenience.

People seem to have forgotten McCain’s 2001 considerations of leaving the Republican Party in general, as well as his 2004 talks with presidential candidate John Kerry about becoming his running mate as Vice President.

This has created the phrase: “Bitter, table for one, please.”

Bitter with George Bush from 2000. Bitter to the point where the wrote in 2008:

Still, Democrats were stunned one Saturday in late March when, by their account, John Weaver, Mr. McCain’s longtime political strategist, reached out to Thomas J. Downey, a former Democratic congressman from Long Island who had become a lobbyist with powerful connections on Capitol Hill. In Mr. Downey’s telling, Mr. Weaver posed a question to him over lunch that left him stunned.

“He says, ‘John McCain is wondering why nobody’s ever approached him about switching parties, or becoming an independent and allying himself with the Democrats,’ ” Mr. Downey said in a recent interview. “My reaction was, ‘When I leave this lunch, your boss will be called by anybody you want him to be called by in the United States Senate.’ ”

As I wrote and reviewed in detail on my radio show, BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, John McCain clearly aided Buzzfeed and others in a naked attempt to take down Donald Trump with, well, unmitigated and specious bullshit regarding “Trump’s ties with Russia” and a “dossier.” From my January 16th post:

A still-unidentified wealthy GOP donor — clearly not a good pal of Donald Trump — hired a firm in 2015 called Fusion GPS to assemble opposition research on Donald Trump. Fusion ended up hiring a former British MI-6 operative named Christopher Steele, in the spring of 2016, who wrote the 35-page report on Trump. Please let me point out that the DC firm Fusion GPS is the same one hired by Planned Parenthood to put a positive spin on videos showing the sale of baby parts. This is “good to know” information.

Because the meme was “in the air,” Steele was to dig up smegma on Trump’s “obvious” ties to Russia. Steele talked to some Russians and the gossip was included in the report later compiled.

The information somehow “found its way” to the FBI. That was not magic, of course. It was purposeful, by way of Arizona Senator John McCain.

Yes, John McCain — clearly not a good pal of Donald Trump — got this hot mess started. He sent one of his own operatives across the Atlantic in order to acquire Trump’s dossier from Steele. McCain discovered the dossier’s existence when he was at a Canadian meeting with Sir Andrew Wood, a former associate of UK’s Tony Blair who is, also, not a good pal of Donald Trump, and subsequently sent an aide to acquire the report, in August of 2016.

An interesting aside. Very few persons have dared to mention the direct involvement of Senator John McCain, even that stalwart “the spin stops here” Fox News guy, Bill O’Reilly, who purposely avoided mentioning the involvement of McCain in his Thursday, January 12th Talking Points Commentary broadcast.

John McCain turned the dossier over to the FBI, saying he did “what any citizen would do.”

Retired US Army Lt Col Tony Shaffer said, on USA Radio Network’s Rusty Humphries’ show:

Listen to “Obama’s Tapping Of Trump’s Phones Is “Soviet-Dictator Level Wrongdoing”” on Spreaker.

“This could be the first time a former president could be indicted for a felony,” Shaffer answered. “Because I think it is very possible that he acted outside of the scope of his duties, responsibilities and authorities to turn the resources of a nation-state on a candidate.”

“This is, as I’ve said before, soviet-dictator level wrongdoing,” he added.

Sean Hannity had some insight regarding John McCain and Lindsey Graham and their incessant attacks on President Trump. Got that? President Trump. Not President McCain or President Graham. President Trump.

Further, John McCain goes, well, just a bit unhinged over Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. From the

John McCain: Rand Paul ‘Is Now Working for Vladimir Putin’

by Andrew Kirell

After the Kentucky senator objected to a bill advancing Montenegro’s push for NATO membership, McCain lost his cool and accused his colleague of being a Putin operative.

The long-simmering war between Sens. John McCain and Rand Paul boiled over on Wednesday when the Arizona lawmaker directly accused his colleague of working for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

While speaking from the Senate floor in support of a bill advancing Montenegro’s bid to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), McCain noted objection from his Kentucky colleague, saying that if you oppose the measure, “You are achieving the objectives of Vladimir Putin… trying to dismember this small country which has already been the subject an attempted coup.”

McCain continued: “If they object, they are now carrying out the desires and ambitions of Vladimir Putin and I do not say that lightly.”

Rand Paul had a measured and rational response in the face of McCain’s overblown rhetoric.

“Currently, the United States has troops in dozens of countries and is actively fighting in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen (with the occasional drone strike in Pakistan),” he told The Daily Beast.

“In addition, the United States is pledged to defend 28 countries in NATO. It is unwise to expand the monetary and military obligations of the United States given the burden of our $20 trillion debt.”

I cannot pass up Rand Paul’s summary of John McCain two weeks ago when he states “we’re very lucky John McCain is not in charge.”

I also cannot pass up Keith Ellison, rampant and unadulterated Leftist Supreme, concluding that “there is no there there” with regard to Trump and the Russians.

Keith Ellison seems convinced. John McCain — who loves the spotlight he acquires at CNN and MSNBC — not so much.

I have said numerous times before and continue to say now: John McCain should simply be truthful. I admire honesty and clarity.

John McCain should simply change his (R) to a (D) and be done with it.



Hawaiian federal judge puts Trump’s travel ban on hold

With loving and enthused huzzahs from everyone on the Leftist bank.


The Latest: Judge in Hawaii puts Trump’s travel ban on hold

by the Associated Press

U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson issued his ruling Wednesday after hearing arguments on Hawaii’s request for a temporary restraining order involving the ban.

His ruling prevents the executive order from going into effect Thursday.

More than half a dozen states are trying to stop the ban, and federal courts in Maryland, Washington state and Hawaii heard arguments Wednesday about whether it should be put into practice.

Hawaii argued that the ban discriminates on the basis of nationality and would prevent Hawaii residents from receiving visits from relatives in the six mostly Muslim countries covered by the ban.

The state also says the ban would harm its tourism industry and the ability to recruit foreign students and workers.

Roughly the same argument as before. Judges don’t seem to understand the law, as federal Judge Derrick Watson may be educated but fails to grasp the immediacy and plain text of 8 USC 1182, as well as Fiallo v. Bell, 430 U.S. 787. He also takes not into consideration the actions of Mr Obama in 2011 and 2015, as well as the immigration drought between roughly 1921/1924 to 1965.

8 USC 1182 states:

(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.

4:45 p.m.

A Justice Department attorney is arguing that there’s no need for a judge in Hawaii to issue an emergency restraining order against the revised travel ban issued by President Donald Trump.

Jeffrey Wall of the Office of the Solicitor General said during a hearing Wednesday that plaintiffs have said little about harm from the ban that was not speculative.

He said Hawaii is making generalized allegations.

Wall said if the judge is inclined to issue an injunction, it shouldn’t be nationwide and should be tailored to the claims raised by Hawaii.

There, of course, will be more.