Assange/Wikileaks & Hillary’s email: it’s on

julian-assange-hillary-clintonFirst it was off.

Now, apparently, it’s on.

From the

Can Assange turn it around for Trump? Wikileaks boss WILL release ‘damaging information’ about Hillary tomorrow after initially cancelling ‘October Surprise’ speech from embassy balcony

by Darren Boyle and Khaleda Rahman


  • Julian Assange had originally planned to address the world from the balcony of the Ecuadorian embassy in London on Monday
  • He was due to speak at the tenth anniversary of the founding of WikiLeaks 
  • Assange will instead speak video link to an event in Berlin on Tuesday
  • The organisation earlier released information hacked from the Democrats 
  • It came as a new report claimed Clinton had proposed a drone strike to take out Assange in 2010 

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange cancelled a planned appearance to mark the 10th anniversary of his organization from the balcony of the Ecuadorian embassy in London over security fears on Monday.

He had been planning to give a speech – amid claims he was about to release damaging information about Clinton which some claimed could be an ‘October Surprise’ which would swing the presidential election.

However, Assange, who is wanted by Swedish authorities for questioning in connection with an alleged rape, will make an announcement via video link to an event in Berlin on Tuesday morning.

In August this year, Assange told Fox News that he was holding information on Clinton which yielded ‘some quite unexpected angles, that are quite interesting, some even entertaining’.

He said he would release the information before the November 8 election.

Interesting timing in terms of the overall 2016 presidential campaign, as well as the Tuesday vice-presidential debate between Mike Pence and Tim Kaine.

Also: I wonder if Hillary Clinton considering a drone strike on Julian Assange in 2010, when she was Secretary of State, was a factor in the Wikileaks release?

My. What will be the content within?



Will or will not Julian Assange unload on Hillary?

julian-assange-wikileaksI’m hearing yes he will.

I’m hearing no he won’t.

YES has been in the news for the past two months.


‘October Surprise’ Thwarted? Wikileaks Cancels Highly Anticipated Tuesday Announcement Due to ‘Security Concerns’

by HeatStreet Staff

Wikileaks has abruptly canceled a much-anticipated announcement on Tuesday, according to NBC News. The announcement had been expected to be founder Julian Assange’s long-promised document dump on Hillary Clinton.

NBC’s Jesse Rodriguez reported that the Tuesday announcement — which was to come from the balcony of London’s Ecuadorian Embassy, where Assange has sought sanctuary for years – was canceled due to “security concerns”.

So: who “got” to Julian Assange either with cash or explosives or blackmail?

Assange appeared on Fox News last month, repeating his assertion that Wikileaks has damaging documents on Clinton and suggested WikiLeaks may soon release “teasers”. More than three weeks later, that release has yet to take place.

Assange himself has also recently hinted publicly that low-level DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was murdered this summer in Washington DC, had been the source for Wikileaks’ document dump on the DNC. And that Rich’s alleged role in the leaks was linked to his death.

Why pull back now? “Security concerns” had not been much of a concern earlier. Why are they now?



Late Sunday night musings

note-4-photos-vids-january-17-2016-413I haven’t done this for awhile. That is to say, just sat back with an adult beverage — Ketel One mixed with Fuji Apple flavored seltzer water — and let things go “stream-of-consciousness” from my Mark I, Model I brainulus.

Right now I happen to be ensconced within my cabin at the 4,000-foot level in the Sierra Nevada mountains, Occupied Fornicalia all around and beneath me. The sun has mostly set but the pines are still visible outside through my large windows. It’s cooler than its been for a while, 40-degrees and falling, and I’ve not only clicked on the Fujitsu heat but started a fire in the heavy iron stove as well. That is the photo at top.

The wind has risen, and the chimes are talking. Just now, a distant boom of thunder. Will it be coming closer? I certainly hope so. There is absolutely nothing more packed with grandeur and a bit of God’s lung-rumbling majesty than the strike of bolts and nearing reverberation of thunder to remind a person of one’s insignificance in the overall scheme.

Nice. The thudding appears to be getting closer. It’s still not completely dark so the bolt’s aren’t yet sufficiently stark. But it reminds: time to turn on the porch light. Wait. Some rain. I can hear it off the roof. Why so loud? It’s not rain; it’s hail. Then rain again. Cow. Flat rock.

What’s coming up with BZ on the blog and in other venues? Let me cogitate for a microsecond. Yes. Posts about my voting preference. I’m finally formally endorsing. Posts about the future of law enforcement. Posts about the final implementation of Brexit and Teresa May. Posts about the English Defence League in the UK. Posts about my upcoming radio show on the SHR Media. Posts about the future of freedom in the United States. Posts about history, life, oppression, reality, Historical Alzheimers, tyranny and ignorance.

second-american-revolution-silhouetteI am proud of the fact that I am a Silverback, that I am an Oathkeeper and that I am a Sheepdog. I will always be a Sheepdog. For that meaning, please go here.

sheepdog-and-sheepThe thunder is louder. A bit far away but closing still. I am starting to feel it in the floor of the cabin.

It’s completely dark now. The thunder hasn’t quailed; in fact, it’s stronger than ever. Someone is making a statement about my place in the firmament. Blast of a bolt. A good boomer. The entire room was illuminated. Now the downpour again.

I’m sure Leftists say this about me, but I write it about them now. Those on the Left must be seriously brain damaged. They have not a foot or even a pinkie dipped into the pool of Reality. Michael Savage, moron as he is, happens to be correct about four things:

  1. Liberalism is in fact a mental disorder;
  2. To keep our sovereignty we must maintain our BORDERS
  4. And our CULTURE

That is the ultimate challenge today not just for the United States, but for the UK and every other western nation possessing GOWPs who are interested in naught but a complete giveaway.

The wind and the rain is increasing. I can hear it on my metal roof. You dare not have a wooden roof at altitude unless you’re a bleeding moron. There are still some of you about around here.

The bolts are here, the rain is here, the thunder is here and shaking my floor.

We are heading for a crash, ladies and gentlemen.

Food, water, precious metals.

For the sake of your families.

Get to it.





Let the silencing of free speech commence

freedom-of-speechBecause, after all, you didn’t think it would stop at the internet, did you?

Silly person.

From the

FEC Dems lay groundwork to ban Fox, WSJ political coverage

by Paul Bedard

In their biggest threat yet to conservative media, Democrats on the Federal Election Commission are laying the groundwork to bar companies with even the tiniest foreign ownership from American politics, a move that could ban Fox, the Wall Street Journal and even the New York Times from covering political races or giving endorsements.

In a last-minute submission Wednesday, a top Democrat on the evenly split FEC proposed that the Thursday meeting of the commission begin the process to prohibit companies with foreign ownership as small as 5 percent “from funding expenditures, independent expenditures, or electioneering communications.”

Democratic Commissioner Ellen Weintraub

Stop right there. Note: “Democratic Commissioner Ellen Weintraub.”

said in her submission, “Given everything we have learned this year, it blinks reality to suggest that that there is no risk of foreign nationals taking advantage of current loopholes to intercede invisibly in American elections. This is a risk no member of the Federal Election Commission should be willing to tolerate.”

Under Weintraub’s proposal, entities that reach her foreign ownership target would conceivably be banned from advocating for a candidate’s election or defeat.

Right. It’s okay if we sell most anything to foreign nationals but the precious press — it must be protected so that it may continue to be the pure, unvarnished and unbiased agent for the Left that it was and is. The Leftist bent of the American Media Maggots cannot be diverted for any reason. So, we’ll simply make up as much specious shite as possible since we already recognize the internet has been compromised.

Several media giants have at least 5 percent foreign ownership, some with as much as 25 percent. Included is News Corp, which owns Fox, the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal. The New York Times also has foreign ownership, as do many politically active firms like Ben & Jerry’s.

Oh no. American ice cream has been tainted by foreign ownership.

That prohibition could include Fox commentator Sean Hannity or Wall Street Journal editorials. And, according to one analysis, because foreign nationals also are prohibited from making electioneering communications, those media would not even be able to mention Donald Trump or Hillary Rodham Clinton, even if just covering them.

Democrats on the commission have been on a three-year campaign to limit the voice of conservative media, stopped by Republican commissioners who have warned that the First Amendment is under attack in the FEC.

Let us not forget that roughly two months ago the DNC was hacked and America learned the DNC was helping CBS to create the poll questions in a bias of clear and obvious proportions.

No. I’m not making this up.

Leftists, Demorats and Progressives really do wish to silence you — unless your speech, writings, opinions and thoughts are completely congruent with theirs. They will brook no opposition, no pushback, not even discussion.

The First Amendment is being attacked, openly, nakedly, right in front of our eyes, hiding in plain sight, because — guess who? — isn’t covering much of it at all.

This is orchestrated, this is purposeful, this is organized, this is an assault on your freedoms and my freedoms. Just wait a few minutes; the FCC will be piling on any moment now in the same manner.

America, are you listening? Are you seeing? Are you comprehending?

I fear you are asleep.



Support emergency responders? Please support Jersey Joe

reaver-of-common-senseI have been writing this blog since 2004.

From that very day I have resisted advertisements.

I understand their need, but I have been shafted twice by persons seeking to advertise on my blog; one with regard to a website distributing knives, and the second involving an individual who offered digital graphics.

Since then there have been others who wished to advertise on the blog but, if I don’t use the product personally, I’m not interested. In the past two months I have received six active solicitations for advertising involving products the likes of which I couldn’t care less.

I am a believer in not only talking the talk, but walking the walk. People ask: “so what have you done to actually support Conservative values?” If you were to read my blog, you might think this is where my support ends. You couldn’t be further from the truth.

I do support people where and when I can — who shall remain nameless because I have asked them to remain nameless — with various amounts. I also provide fiscal assistance to seven other Conservative blogs. You know who you are. I’m not looking for props. Doing what I do is good enough for me. I justify nothing to nobody.

That said, I would ask that you consider affirming an individual who is worthy of your support, in my estimation. And, in a way, this amounts to an advertisement. But an ad that advances not only a general ideal but a personal one as well. It’s not just “something for nothing.

Jersey Joe is selling a variety of now-popular survival bracelets  They look great, people use them, and they have a purpose..

jersey-joe-the-reaver-of-common-senseA bit about Jersey Joe. He is a former New Jersey firefighter who was injured on duty and worked on 9/11. Medically retired, he has good and bad days. He can be found on Facebook here and has a radio show, the Reaver of Common Sense, here. His shows are on YouTube here. His basic web site is here.

And he sells his Jersey Joe, Reaver of Common Sense products here.

jersey-joe-survival-braceletJersey Joe’s survival bracelets can be found here.

Please check them out. I suspect that you, like me, will find something to suit you. I found a bracelet not only for myself but my wife as well.

People ask: do you put your money where your mouth is?

I answer: yes, I do.