Voting corruption in Virginia is just fine

virginia-voterTypical poor and under-represented illegal felon voter in Virginia, endorsed and embraced by Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe.

So says Leftist Demorat Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe.

You know, the governor who decided it was a grand idea that felons be compelled to vote in his state. Gosh. I wonder how felons will vote in Virginia? Republican or Demorat? I have no damned idea. Do you?

But why has Governor McAuliffe blocked the revelation of voting corruption in Virginia? Let’s look.

Virginia’s election officials are enabling illegal voting by foreign citizens, according to an extensive new study, entitled “Alien Invasion in Virginia,” by a former Department of Justice voting-rights lawyer named J. Christian Adams who served under both Bush and Obama.

In this report, at least 1,048 non-citizens were allowed to vote, according also to the Public Interest Legal Foundation, of which Adams is the president.

That means Virginia election officials were enabling illegal registration and voting by foreign citizens, discovered by voting records.

The sad truth is: this is but a small portion of what is occurring nationwide with regard to Leftists and Demorats corrupting the vote.

Do what I call The Logical Extension.

The 1,000 illegals who were discovered? That encompasses only eight counties within Virginia. There are 95 counties in Virginia. That’s only one state. There are 50 states. There are also the territories of Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, United States Virgin Islands and American Samoa. Do the math. Hello?

Do the math.

The Virginia Board of Elections stonewalled the inquiry by Adams, via a public information request. Guess that info isn’t quite so public. The City of Alexandria had to be sued for their records as well. Each count is a felony. Does anyone care?

Where is Obama’s DOJ on this? Honed in like a missile? Given marching orders to suss out the fraud? Locked in like a laser beam? Loretta Lynch on standby?

us-doj-corrupt-smaller-aUh, no.

Perfectly understandable, considering the Leftists and Demorats who will profit from these illegal votes.

Let’s look closer at some facts. this past week sent a message written by Robert Reich about the dire circumstances of the Demorats — despite their rampant cheating and support by the American Media Maggots.

Reich wrote that there were:

“Some jaw-dropping statistics that you and I have to turn around. Only 65% of Democrats say they’re sure they’ll vote this year—which is lower than it’s been in decades. And it’s eleven points lower than the 76% of Republicans who say they’re certain to vote. With Hillary Clinton ahead by an average of just 3.7 points in the most recent polls, this gap in who plans to vote is more than large enough to cost Clinton the election. The hard reality is that this race could go either way depending on voter turnout. That’s why MoveOn’s massive voter turnout operation is so vital.”

“This race could go either way.”

That is why Demorat voter fraud is so incredibly, incredibly important to them now, more than ever, for two extremely salient reasons. 1) In their view, Hillary Clinton is DUE the presidency, and 2) Even with the rampant corruption, she is in jeopardy.

I revealed Demorat voter fraud just last post, as designated here.

In Virginia, the State Board of Elections won’t even reveal what is happening. That is because of an edict from their governor and his minions. They won’t reveal the extent of alien registration in Virginia — WHICH IS A LARGE SWING STATE.

As Lou Dobbs said: “The Republican party is almost getting Darwinian. If they haven’t got the strength, the intelligence, the energy, the drive, the principals to win — you’re going to die.”


But let’s not exclude this from

More voter fraud which never happens uncovered in Illinois

by Jazz Shaw

Voter ID laws are racist. Asking questions about people during the voter registration process is xenophobia. If you reduce early voting periods you’re suppressing minorities. All in all, Democrats know that voter fraud is essentially an illusion created by Republicans in an effort to ensure that only rich white people get to vote. That’s why I’m sure that this story out of the Land of Lincoln can’t possibly be correct. (USA Politics)

The Kankakee County Attorney’s office is investigating at least three cases of voter fraud where people were offered bribes for voting.

In addition, State’s Attorney Jamie Boyd said, “several” vote-by-mail applications have been mailed in from people who live outside the county, The Daily Journal is reporting.

“This unprecedented action was taken in response to reports of individuals from Chicago offering gifts to potential voters in exchange for a vote for Kate Cloonen, Hillary Clinton and others,” Boyd said in the news release. “Our office takes seriously the obligation to protect the rights of citizens to vote for the candidate of their choice, and to do so without undue influence from special interest groups.

Right. Gone. Racist.

The process rules are being corrupted by those who crave power and are willing to bend whatever rules confront them.

Republicans could call for this information to be released.

Will they?

Another election stolen?



Hillary can’t even appear on TV without cheating

hillary-clinton-eyeballs-wideProven by

Leaked memo shows Clinton was provided questions ahead of interview

by Joe Concha

Hillary Clinton was provided the exact questions she would be asked by daytime talk show host Steve Harvey, according to a report. 

The Washington Free Beacon reports that according to a leaked memo it obtained, the program sent the Clinton campaign all questions one week before the interview between Clinton and Harvey on Feb. 17. 

“Steve is known to be a host who goes out of his way to make his guests feel comfortable,” two of Clinton’s aides wrote Clinton one week before the taping. “We coordinated closely with the show’s producers on the script and format of the show.”

You’ll like this, though:

Questions included were about Clinton’s granddaughter, the former secretary of State’s pizza preferences — thin crust versus deep dish — and her support for gun control policies. 

“Please note that the tone of the show is generally light so even on policy questions, Steve won’t go too deep into details,” the memo read. 

Translated: “Steve is going to throw fluffy snowballs to you and also provide a huge, overly-padded catcher’s mitt.” Even then, Hillary Clinton demanded everything be scripted.

Has there yet been a more plastic, inflexible, unextemporaneous, unlikable, wooden and haughty presidential candidate in recent memory? Oh wait, Kim Jong Il. But he’s dead. No wonder.



The Hillary campaign summed up in 3 videos:


That’s odd. Ever seen individuals registering people to vote who have been outwardly soliciting Trump as a candidate, wearing Trump promotional material? Me neither. Because had they, YouTube would be rife with it, as well as the American Media Maggot lapdoggies for Hillary.

You may not know it, but promoting a specific candidate whilst attempting to register people to vote is a violation of election laws. If she were not promoting Hillary Clinton, then why did she walk away? Consciousness of guilt, ladies and gentlemen.

But wait. Let’s not stop with the Hillary Clinton voter fraud. Let’s show more, shall we?

Good to know that those registering voters are unbiased and completely neutral. Wait. Are those Hillary Clinton buttons?


One can say that the Warden Arena literally burns with passion for presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. Thanks to James Woods for the second video.



DOJ corrupt AGAIN, covering for Clinton & Obama: CONNECTING THE DOTS

us-doj-corrupt-smaller-aOnce again, there is no aspect of Obama’s DC that isn’t corrupt to the bone, and that includes — sadly — the FBI as well as continuing corruption at the DOJ.


Obama DOJ drops charges against alleged provider of Libyan weapons

by Kenneth P. Vogel and Josh Gerstein

Arms dealer had threatened to expose Hillary Clinton’s talks about arming anti-Qadhafi rebels.

The Obama administration is moving to dismiss charges against an arms dealer it had accused of selling weapons that were destined for Libyan rebels.

Lawyers for the Justice Department on Monday filed a motion in federal court in Phoenix to drop the case against the arms dealer, an American named Marc Turi, whose lawyers also signed the motion.

Here come the two most important paragraphs of the entire story.

The deal averts a trial that threatened to cast additional scrutiny on Hillary Clinton’s private emails as Secretary of State, and to expose reported Central Intelligence Agency attempts to arm rebels fighting Libyan leader Moammar Qadhafi.

Just as Hillary has shite on Obama, Marc Turi has shite on Obama and Hillary. Therefore, the DOJ was directed by Lynch via DC and Mr Obama to drop the case that could further damage DC, Obama and Clinton. That’s how it’s played.


Marc Turi with his stock in trade. Not a dumb guy, as he has Obama over a barrel.

A Turi associate asserted that the government dropped the case because the proceedings could have embarrassed Clinton and President Barack Obama by calling attention to the reported role of their administration in supplying weapons that fell into the hands of Islamic extremist militants.

Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State blinkered Libya and essentially had Muammar Gaddafi killed — who for the longest time had been keeping himself quiet following the 1986 bombing of Libya under Reagan, in retaliation for a Berlin disco bombing where a US serviceman was killed. Gaddafi got in line, disarmed, gave up his nuclear program and WMD in 2003 under Bush and otherwise became a much quieter guy. He saw what happened in Iraq.

Turi adviser Robert Stryk of the government relations and consulting firm SPG accused the government of trying to scapegoat Turi to cover up Clinton’s mishandling of Libya.

“The U.S. government spent millions of dollars, went all over the world to bankrupt him, and destroyed his life — all to protect Hillary Clinton’s crimes,” he said, alluding to the deadly Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Note this as well:

Wikileaks head Julian Assange in July suggested that he had emails proving that Clinton “pushed” the “flows” of weapons “going over to Syria.”

She knew of and had a hand in the gun-running scheme which originated from the oval office.

Now, because of the US involved in gun-running again, not unlike Fast and Furious — (which resulted in the death of USBP Agent Brian Terry) — asses must be covered, secrets must be kept and lives, unfortunately, were lost once more. This time, four lives.

Do you see how squalid and dirty and corrupt this all is?

Now it starts to come together, does it not? The information dovetails and dots can now be connected. It is all intertwined and rife with Demorat corruption on every level. Items and incidents that you initially thought unconnected have now been linked.

Benghazi had to be minimized because it involved gun-running by the US government under Barack Hussein Obama — not unlike Iran-Contra. The running meme had to be an anti-Islamic video because Obama had already stated he had al Qaeda “on the run” and anything not in keeping that meme could not be tolerated. But that was only one aspect.

Then came the gun-running scheme from Obama and his Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton. The New York Times had already published, in December of 2012 (almost two months following the attack on the Benghazi compound, September 11th of 2012), this article:

U.S.-Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell Into Jihadis’ Hands

by James Risen, Mark Mazzetti and Michael S. Schmidt

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration secretly gave its blessing to arms shipments to Libyan rebels from Qatar last year, but American officials later grew alarmed as evidence grew that Qatar was turning some of the weapons over to Islamic militants, according to United States officials and foreign diplomats.

That was 2012. No one yet knew about Hillary and her private servers, her private emails and the reasons for their existence, so the NYT wrote:

No evidence has emerged linking the weapons provided by the Qataris during the uprising against Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi to the attack that killed four Americans at the United States diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, in September.

Except that on September 11th, 2012, following the attack, neither Barack Hussein Obama or Hillary Rodham Clinton quite knew what to do, realizing full well that their gun-running scheme had backfired.

Again, asses had to be covered since the attack had not been anticipated and the lying commenced immediately.

Susan Rice was briefed in terms of the talking points for the Sunday news shows whilst, simultaneously, Hillary Clinton emailed her own daughter Chelsea (giving her daughter the alias of “Diane Reynolds,” clear consciousness of guilt), the very night of the attack, and wrote that two officers had been killed, attributing the attack to an “Al-Qaeda-like group.” Hillary Clinton and her daughter both knew the truth yet Hillary spun lies from the very beginning, meant to be consumed by the public, that the attack was a spontaneous reaction to an anti-Islamic video created in the US.

“We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video,” Hillary Clinton said, lying to America. Then she lied to the faces of the parents of the dead Benghazi soldiers.

Susan Rice lied, Hillary Clinton lied, and Barack Obama let them both carry his water. Why? Because Barack Hussein Obama was up for re-election in 2012.

The fix was in yet, at the same time, the complications were beginning to snowball. Things were beginning to unravel for Hillary Clinton.

Even to the extent that Christopher Stevens was present to facilitate and monitor some of those acts and, because of secrecy, Christopher Stevens and three other Americans had to be sacrificed in order to keep that secrecy.

There are even indicators to suggest that Ambassador Stevens may have been killed with weapons that he helped facilitate.

benghazi-deadHillary Clinton’s emails could not be exposed because they not only illustrated that she was conducting Clinton Foundation business through her Secretary of State private email — in order to keep that secret as well — but because I suspect there is also information contained within those emails about Benghazi and gun running. And those were the emails classified as “secret” and will not be released for two reasons. One, that it would show Obama’s complicity and, two, that it would show Hillary Clinton’s as well.

Initially, Clinton likely had the server set up to hide the pay-to-play activities conducted during her tenure as secretary of state, but it had the added bonus of enabling her to hide her inevitable failures in the Libyan role — evidenced by her duplicity involving the Benghazi terror attacks.

Even worse, we learned that Barack Hussein Obama sent and received emails to Hillary’s private server — under an alias — because of FBI records released on Friday, September 23rd. At that time, Obama had no idea that the subject of Hillary’s private server would become any sort of issue. Even so, when this was discovered, the State Department refused to disclose the content of Mr Obama’s emails, citing the “presidential communications privilege” — a kind of executive privilege designed to foil FOIA requests.

You see how large and juggernaut-like the snowball became, and why both Hillary and Obama continued to perpetuate lies and cover-ups, insisting their lackeys do the same? Things didn’t get better on the email front, they got worse, thanks to Republicans like Trey Gowdy, Jason Chaffetz and Darrell Issa, who were tenacious and refused to give up — despite the constant clangor of the American Media Maggots that “there is nothing to see here, this is not the corruption you are looking for, move on, move on.”

Said lackeys would include Attorney General Loretta Lynch and FBI Director James Comey, of the so-called Department of Justice.

Now you understand why Comey, in his fundamentally-flawed reasoning — yet still setting out some meaty hooks from which to hang Hillary Clinton — determined he would not recommend an indictment for Clinton and why, in her own way, Loretta Lynch threw Comey under the bus when saying she would abide by his conclusions. She knew the deed was done and the fix was in. She had received “the phone call” as well as Director Comey. They both understood what was at stake, overall. Now their own political asses were on the line. Bill Clinton’s “coincidental” meeting at the airport with Lynch was nothing more than a confirmation of same. The fix, in fact, was most definitely “in.”

Let us not forget the recent approval for destruction by the FBI of laptops belonging to former Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills and ex-campaign staffer Heather Samuelson, in an exchange for immunity which also limits the FBI’s search to no later than Jan. 31, 2015. “This meant investigators could not review documents for the period after the email server became public — in turn preventing the bureau from discovering if there was any evidence of obstruction of justice.”

Immunity is provided for testimony. Do you see testimony here? You cannot “take the 5th” because, due to the immunity itself, it is not self-incrimination. Where is the testimony of Mills and Samuelson? And why destroy evidence? The very concept of immunity is to collect and keep evidence, not to destroy it. The only possible purpose would be to permanently dispose of prejudicial evidence against Obama, Clinton, Lynch, Comey, Turi, et al.

All because of “” That was Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private email address. The one Gawker discovered by way of Sidney Blumenthal’s hacked emails via “Guccifer.”

Ruh roh.

The lies, the corruption, the deceit, the foul and noxious, malodorous stench of continued cover-ups conducted in plain sight, aided and abetted by the American Media Maggots is obvious, staggering, of much greater proportions than anything imagined by Richard Nixon as — for one — no one died behind Watergate.

Which leads us to the news that our blessed DOJ had decided not to prosecute Marc Turi because the oval office knows he would spill beans, and why Obama must continue to support Hillary Rodham Clinton as she, too, would spill beans.


If I can tie this all up in one post, why can’t the media?

Oh yes. Barack Hussein Obama has fundamentally changed America.




fbi-director-james-comey-weaselTit for tat, pay to play, time to make sure we do in fact cover the arses of DC politicians who just “happen” to be of the Demorat stripe.

Right on the heels of FBI Director James Comey providing a line-item list of reasons to recommend a criminal indictment for Hillary Clinton then — declines to recommend same.


FBI agreed to destroy laptops of Clinton aides with immunity deal, lawmaker says

by Catherine Herridge and Adam Shaw

Immunity deals for two top Hillary Clinton aides included a side arrangement obliging the FBI to destroy their laptops after reviewing the devices, House Judiciary Committee sources told Fox News on Monday.

Sources said the arrangement with former Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills and ex-campaign staffer Heather Samuelson also limited the search to no later than Jan. 31, 2015. This meant investigators could not review documents for the period after the email server became public — in turn preventing the bureau from discovering if there was any evidence of obstruction of justice, sources said.

The Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee fired off a letter Monday to Attorney General Loretta Lynch asking why the DOJ and FBI agreed to the restrictive terms, including that the FBI would destroy the laptops after finishing the search.

“Like many things about this case, these new materials raise more questions than answers,” Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., wrote in the letter obtained by Fox News.

Precisely correct. Because if you “do deals,” then you are — unless you’re a complete dunsel — expecting something in return.

“Doesn’t the willingness of Ms. Mills and Ms. Samuelson to have their laptops destroyed by the FBI contradict their claim that the laptops could have been withheld because they contained non-relevant, privileged information? If so, doesn’t that undermine the claim that the side agreements were necessary?” Goodlatte asks.

Why yes, it does. Read that paragraph over very carefully, because of the reveal. IF the laptops were not important to the case, then why would they require destruction?

Surely, destruction of the laptops was not an issue brought to the table by the FBI. It would have been an issue brought to the table specifically by Mills and Samuelson.

Wait. Isn’t that called a clue?

Immunity was provided and EVIDENCE DESTROYED because of said immunity deal.

When the government provides immunity — and only government entities can do so — it is invariably because prosecution is focusing not on the level of those provided immunity but on levels above. In other words, immunity is provided in order to catch the so-called “bigger fish.”

So I ask: what “bigger fish” were caught by providing immunity to Mills and Samuelson and, further, why did this immunity include destruction of the hard drives from their laptops?

Please read the entire article.

What did the citizens of the United States receive for this stated immunity?

Nothing that I can see.

Hillary is still wearing $12,000 jackets.