15 years on: 9/11/2001

9-11Never forget.

But wait.  That is sanitized.  Where is the reality, the truth of what actually occurred on September 11th of 2001?

Since that fateful Tuesday, I have said that we — Americans — need to see what really happened to the occupants of the Twin Towers.  We need to see and hear and read and understand what truly transpired with the lives of those who were killed that day.  Because, you see, most of these real-life sights and sounds have been sanitized and scrubbed from the media these days; we find such things too disturbing, too graphic.  Our dainty sensibilities might become offended.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am here to offend.  I am pushback.  I am here to remind you in stark, gravid detail, color and description.  I couldn’t care less if you are a snowflake.  I am here to show you the 9/11 jumpers and the decisions they made.

Here is what happened to the jumpers and those still trapped within the Twin Towers: one million tonstwo billion pounds (2,000,000,000) — of concrete and steel fell down upon citizens of the United States of America, turning human tissue to liquid and leaving most with no way of being identified whatsoever.

9-11-jumperThe science of falling human flesh indicates that an average 200 pound human being, with air resistance, will eventually reach a terminal velocity of around 53 m/s (195 km/h or 122 mph).  The Twin Towers were 1,362 feet tall.  We know that 99% of the terminal velocity for a human will be reached at around 1,880 feet.  Since we also know that Americans did not jump from the top of the buildings but, instead, some stories down, it would be scientifically safe to posit that jumpers reached between 100 and 110 mph at their point of impact with the metal or concrete below.

This is what awaited the jumpers as they took their final step.

9-11-jumper-1A common misconception is that many died mid-jump.  That is incorrect.  The bulk died upon impact; only those who were already suffering from traumatic burns or egregious wounds may — and I say may — have died enroute their impact sites.

For most, at their velocities, they had a full 10 to 14 seconds to impact.  Almost all were completely conscious and, if their eyes were open, they would have seen the World Trade Center become rapidly smaller if they were on their backs, or shockingly larger if they were on their stomachs not unlike a sky diver.  Some may have even had their eyes open upon impact.  Some may actually have had the rush of the air resistance physically rip pieces of burned flesh and clothing from their bodies as they fell.

You are an employee within the World Trade Centers that day.  You would not know what was happening to you, as we know today in hindsight.  You would be confused, in panic mode.  You would either have survived or, trapped on certain floors with others, you would be attempting to locate a way out.

You could have been splashed with Jet-A fuel (Jet-A powers modern commercial airliners and is a mix of pure kerosene and anti-freeze) and set ablaze immediately.  Or you could be surrounded by burning objects and left with only one possible exit strategy: try to somehow knock out a window to the outside world.

Knowing as we do the fire triangle — that is to say, combustion requires oxygen, heat and fuel — we know that when persons trapped in the WTC even managed to break open the windows, the resultant air flow would have enabled flames to burn even hotter by enriching the oxygen content.

Now you have a choice.  Imagine.  You can burn to death via the flames behind you, or you can knock out a window.  If you fail to knock out a window, yes, you burn to death.  If you knock out a window or locate a window aperture already damaged, you have time to contemplate.  Perhaps a few minutes, perhaps a few seconds.  Do you turn to face the flames?  Or do you seek the very thing that keeps you alive and has done so for years?  The open air?

Perhaps now the flames are licking at your back.  You have seen some of your friends, or persons you don’t know, step out into the abyss, their choices having been made.  Again, your choice: do I burn to death or do I simply jump?

9-11-jumper-2And that, you recognize with finality, is the sum total of your life.

Here is how and where you end.

You did what you did, you loved who you loved, you accomplished what you accomplished, only to have your life reach this point: I am going to choose death, either way.  Your brain sees and twists things, your entire life, years, into a few seconds.  The lizard brain rules.  Survival.  Only this time survival equals death.  Either way.  You lose.

Your brain asks: how did I get here?  It doesn’t matter.  You’re here now.

There is an open portal.  The air is rushing past you because of the broken WTC window on this perfect day, this blue sky day, this day without clouds, this day that embraces you and now somehow beckons.  You see momentarily the land and the sea before and below and the seemingly strong winds blow what hair you have left back if it isn’t already burned off.

Some people wished they could have opened a window for fresh ventilation at the WTC.  You may have been one of those.  But now your wish is not to have been anywhere near an open window at this juncture.

Except that: now, the clothing on your back is on fire.

9-11-burnedTurn or go forward.  You go forward.

Ten seconds later.

You were conscious and then you die.

Then billions of pounds collapse upon you.

On Tuesday, September 11th, of 2001.



Evidence: Obama WANTS you poor and dependent

obama-slave-ownerThese days Judicial Watch is doing some of the finest work in the nation.  It is throwing FOIA requests at the government and continually attempting to expose the rampant corruption and manipulation in the Obama administration.

Thusly today, from JudicialWatch.org:

Records Show Obama Hired Behavioral Experts to Expand Use of Govt. Programs

The Obama administration quietly hired 20 social and behavioral research experts to help expand the use of government programs at dozens of agencies by, among other things, simplifying federal forms, according to records obtained by Judicial Watch. The controversial group of experts is collectively known as the Social and Behavioral Sciences Team (SBST) and it functions under the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).

In 2015 Obama signed an executive order directing federal agencies to use behavioral science to sell their programs to the public, the records obtained by Judicial Watch reveal. By then the government had contracted “20 leading social and behavioral research experts” that at that point had already been involved in “more than 75 agency collaborations,” the records state. A memo sent from SBST chair Maya Shankar, a neuroscientist, to OSTP Director John Holdren offers agencies guidance and information about available government support for using behavioral insights to improve federal forms. Sent electronically, the memo is titled “Behavioral Science Insights and Federal Forms.”

Ladies and gentlemen, many of you in the US have been manipulated by professional behavioral scientists — purposely — in order to create your continued and expanded dependency on government for more and more assets and instances in your life.

government-big-enough-aThe goal of this is to strip away your discretionary powers, your right to choose, to make independent decisions, to make life choices, to say what you wish about any thing at any time, to defend yourself against governmental intrusion and oppression, to monitor your every move, your every action, your every dollar, your every investment of money, time or sweat equity.  The goal is dominance and tyranny.

“When behavioral insights—research findings from behavioral economics and psychology about how people make decisions and act on them—are brought into policy, the returns are significant,” according to the SBST report.

Yes.  Significant for the government; less so for you.

And now this isn’t just speculative theory, oh no.

The proof is here.

obama-freedom-removalObama, Demorats, Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, want you weak, dependent, unable to think critically, brainwashed and sucking at the government teat, in order for them to acquire vaster amounts of power and control over you and your life.



Hillary bought her cell phones on eBay

hillary-clinton-got-away-with-that-shitHow many times am I going to have to write, “you can’t write this shite”?

Just when you think Hillary can’t get more stupid, she gets more stupid.  Like a Keystone Cops kind of thingie.

I forewarn: don’t be drinking carbonated beverages when you read the article below.  Bring a towel.

From the WashingtonExaminer.com:

Chaffetz: Clinton bought used Blackberrys on eBay

by Rudy Takala

Reckless users and antiquated technology represent the federal government’s most critical cybersecurity vulnerabilities, House Oversight Chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz said on Wednesday, a problem he said was exemplified by Hillary Clinton’s practice of buying Blackberry devices from eBay.

Okay; I’m pausing now for the spewing and hurling to settle down.  Here’s where you apply that towel.

“We have a huge problem with personnel,” Chaffetz said at a forum in Washington, D.C. “I don’t want to get into this too much, but part of what was happening with the secretary of state was, she was acquiring technology that wasn’t even supported by Blackberry. You couldn’t buy it. She was actually buying this stuff off of eBay because somebody was selling their old machine. That’s what she liked, so she did. It creates this huge vulnerability. And it’s unnecessary.”

Notes released on Friday by the FBI revealed that Clinton used 13 personal devices as secretary of state, including eight Blackberrys.

And what do you do when you’re through with the Blackberry — if you haven’t lost it outright — at the Hillary Camp?

Right.  You smash it with a ballpeen hammer.

If you think this was fun, just you wait for the next post.



Hillary outed the NSA

Hillary Clinton LawsFrom the Observer.com:

EmailGate and the Mystery of the Missing GAMMA

by John R. Schindler

Hillary Clinton’s ‘unclassified’ email included highly classified NSA information—why didn’t the FBI mention this fact?

Why?  In my opinion FBI Director James Comey surrendered his veracity, his honesty and his oath when he recommended no indictment against Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Truthfully, I can only hope that Comey sleeps but only a few hours every night, if even those.  Go here for my opinion on Comey’s resultant Hillary protectivism.

Last week’s Federal Bureau of Investigation release of materials relating to their investigation of Hillary Clinton has reignited the political firestorm surrounding EmailGate. How the Democratic nominee mishandled her emails while she was secretary of state is again front-page news, which is bad news for Hillary. Particularly because the FBI’s data dump demonstrates clearly that Clinton is either dumb or dishonest—and perhaps both.

I say: both.

Hillary’s professed inability to even recognize classified information, thinking the “C” (for Confidential) meant alphabetical order, will now enter the pantheon of laughable Clinton infamy, alongside her husband’s debating the meaning of “is” while under oath.

Right along with wiping her server, “like with a cloth or something.”

The FBI examined 81 Clinton email chains, determining that they included classified information relating to the CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon, NSA, and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency or NGA. In other words, Hillary compromised classified materials representing the full range of American espionage: human intelligence or HUMINT from CIA, signals intelligence or SIGINT from NSA, and imagery intelligence or IMINT from NGA.

Of those 81 classified email chains, the FBI assessed that 37 of them included Secret information while eight included Top Secret information. Worse, seven email chains included Special Access Program or SAP information, which is tightly protected by the Intelligence Community and shared on a restricted, need-to-know basis only.

Now again, with that in mind, remember that Comey recommended no indictment for Hillary Rodham Clinton though a navy sailor will be spending a year in prison for taking six photos inside the submarine USS Alexandria in 2009 when it was in Groton, Connecticut.  The photos were on a phone that was found at a waste transfer station in Connecticut.  One year in prison.

Keep reading.  It gets better.

Three more email chains contained Sensitive Compartmented Information or SCI, which was almost certainly SIGINT from NSA. SCI always requires special protection and handling. In fact, you’re only allowed to access it inside a specially-built Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, a SCIF (pronounced “skiff”) in spy-speak. Any exposure of SCI brings severe penalties—at least if you’re not named Clinton.

It’s nice to see the FBI finally confirm just how much highly classified information got exposed here, but I reported this many months ago from Intelligence Community sources, including that Hillary’s “unclassified” emails included Top Secret SAP information from CIA and Top Secret SCI information from NSA.

John Schindler then makes the point.

Which leads to a troubling matter: What the FBI did not mention in its big data dump on EmailGate.

This then brings up the question of Sidney Blumenthal and his email to Secretary of State Hillary regarding Sudan in 2011

Not to mention that, in terms of verbiage and format, Blumenthal’s email read exactly like classified NSA reporting, as anybody acquainted with our SIGINT would immediately recognize. As one veteran agency official told me back in January, Blumenthal’s email was NSA information with “at least 90 percent confidence.”

So: information acquired from the NSA was encapsulated in that email to Clinton.  The NSA even said Blumenthal’s Sudan email contained information from four different agency SIGINT reports, all classified Top Secret/SCI.

At least one of those reports was issued under the GAMMA compartment, which is an NSA handling caveat that is applied to extraordinarily sensitive information (for instance, decrypted conversations between top foreign leadership, as this was). GAMMA is properly viewed as a SIGINT Special Access Program, or SAP, several of which Clinton compromised in another series of her “unclassified” emails.

All on Hillary’s server.  A private server funded by you and me, the American Taxpayer.  A server which existed to keep Hillary’s machinations secret and therefore avoiding scrutiny, FOIA requests, responsibility and accountability.  A server through which she could also quietly run Clinton Foundation information and dealings.

“It’s word-for-word, verbatim copying,” an agency official of them explained. “In one case, an entire paragraph was lifted from an NSA report” that was classified Top Secret/SCI. To add to the mystery, Sid emailed Hillary his “personal” assessment on Sudan only hours after some of those classified NSA reports were issued.

So, there is unequivocally no doubt that NSA information was run through emails to Hillary’s server.  Then Schindler again hits it out of the ball park:

Somehow Sid Blumenthal—who in 2011 was not working for the U.S. government in any capacity and had not held security clearances in a decade—was reading above-top-secret NSA reports just hours after they appeared in tightly restricted GAMMA channels.

Emails sent to Hillary’s private server — information of which was hacked by Guccifer and others, likely sent to Russia and China — by a non-government person with no vetting for any form of security whatsoever.

The term GAMMA never appears in the paperwork the Bureau released last week.

Why not?  Schindler writes:

Not admitting that above-top-secret NSA information was compromised only furthers the Clintonian cover-up at this point.

The American Taxpayer needs to know, and needs to realize there’s an excellent chance that Blumenthal will be in the Hillary White House if she wins.

Here’s one other thing we know: the NSA itself was hacked.  Likely by Russians.

Are these two events connected?

Did one yield the other?