Obama undermines the FBI for Hillary

Obama Lying Is StressfulLet’s get right to the meat of the matter: Obama is attempting to undermine the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s classified emails on her private server.

From the NYTimes.com:

Obama’s Comments on Clinton Emails Collide With F.B.I. Inquiry

by Matt Apuzzo and Michael D. Schmidt

WASHINGTON — Federal agents were still cataloging the classified information from Hillary Rodham Clinton’s personal email server last week when President Obama went on television and played down the matter.

“I don’t think it posed a national security problem,” Mr. Obama said Sunday on CBS’s “60 Minutes.” He said it was a mistake for Mrs. Clinton to use a private email account when she was secretary of state, but his conclusion was unmistakable: “This is not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.”

So now this becomes a situation in which the FBI — and more specifically Director James Comey — is placed in an adversarial position with the President of the United States.

The FBI is trying to determine the truth.  This is the opposite of what Obama wants, despite his insisting that his would be the most transparent administration in history.  Instead, it has been the most obtuse and opaque.

Look, Obama knew what kind of animal Hillary Clinton was back in 2007.  From AllenWest.com:

As a newly-published campaign memo shows, Barack Obama’s campaign had completely nailed Hillary Clinton for exactly who she is — as far back as 2007. The memo cites the current Democrat frontrunner’s “shifting, dodging and changing positions to satisfy the politics of the moment” and “penchant for secrecy and non-disclosure reflect an underlying disdain for the “invisible” people for whom she claims to speak.” 

And though I’m fairly certain Obama detests the Clintons, the same thing is occurring with Obama right now.  He’s putting aside his personal animosity for political gain, in order to ensure a Demorat is installed in the oval office and, with a bit more time, American politics will reach a demographic point via illegals, non-assimilators, Muslims and Free Cheesers of all stripes wherein Republicans or Conservatives will be essentially unelectable.  Demography is prophecy.

Obama can’t wait.



When you lose your borders

When we lose our borders, we get what is occurring now next to our border in Mexico.  You get Mexican cartel gunmen murdering people in broad daylight.  You get this.

LZ 1 LZ 2 LZ 3

Mexican authorities continue to look into the kidnapping that led to a firefight that killed five Los Zetas cartel members and one Mexican soldier.  Sad.  That was at one time a very nice Lincoln Navigator with beautiful leather.  The equivalent of a Mexican hoopti.

When you lose your borders, you lose your sovereignty.  Hillary Clinton and the rest of the Demorats wish to enable that to occur even faster, by granting illegal invaders rights to ObamaKare.  She said so, specifically, in Tuesday night’s Demorat debate.  Most of the Demorat contingent tried to more of a Leftist than the next — with the exception of Jim Webb, who graduated from the naval academy, first in his class, served in the Marine Corps and, further, was Secretary of the Navy.  He received the Navy Cross, Silver Star, two Bronze Stars and two Purple Hearts.  Then you have Socialist Bernie Sanders, a “conscientious objector” during Vietnam who wants to be Commander In Chief of the US military.  Can you imagine?

When you value illegals over your own countrymen, you lose your country, your sovereignty, your identity as a nation.  Go see Sicario and try not to be even more resolute that our borders absolutely must be shut and controlled.  In the meantime, an illegal alien who was deported (and came back) has raped a sleeping woman in Chicago.

Just as is happening in Europe now.  People in Europe are being removed from their own homes in order to accommodate the “refugees” from Syria.

It has been proven that the so-called “refugees” from Syria aren’t necessarily that.  The bulk of them are economic “refugees” who are taking advantage of the offer of Euro Free Cheese provided by EuroGOWPs.

The Swiss are starting to push back against the migrant crisis, and Sweden is in political turmoil over the migrant crisis and the number of “refugees” in their nation.

“Refugee” criminals are now so brazen, knowing German police will do nothing, that they have taken to social media posing with stolen property.

In Germany, 1 in 3 citizens want Angela Merkel to resign over her “open arms” refugee policy.  “Easy access” and Free Cheese are the obvious attractions for migrants.

Let’s be frank.  Europe is doomed.  Its overall visage has been fundamentally changed overnight and there is no going back.  Each country receiving Syrian “refugees” and ISIS elements (oh yes, there are ISIS elements embedded in the flood — just look at how many young males, the perfect age for soldiers, are in the throng) will not be able to turn back that clock.Syrians Fleeing From ISISCheck the photographs.  Do the research yourself.

Europe is broken.  Islam has thundered into most every country there.  This is purposeful but it is also the result of the US taking no stance and “leading from behind.”  A vacuum was created.  Putin decided to fill it, along with Islam.

This is what you get when your country is run by GOWPs of all makes and models.  Marseilles is 90% Muslim, the UK is going, as is Germany, Sweden, Switzerland.  Islam is larfing its arse off.  Islam plays Long Ball, ladies and gentlemen.

The US — though divided from that problem by the Atlantic — has its own obvious border problems.  Also taken advantage-of by Muslim elements who only must get their ankles damp.

When you lose your borders, you lose your individuality, your language, your culture, your sovereignty, everything good that was the core of your country.  Europe is learning that lesson now and so are we.

Take a peek at the photos above once more.  This is what you will begin to see inside the US in a very short time.  On American streets.  We could have stopped it but decided, politically, not to.  Just as Mexican cartels assassinate police officers, attorneys, journalists, politicians and judges in Mexico, so may they begin to do so here.

Stand by for even more terrible consequences.


Syrian Muslim Refugees

Laura Ingraham vs Bill O’Reilly on illegal immigration: Ingraham wins big

Watch and see:

What are your thoughts?  In my opinion, O’Reilly is a sellout.  What is it about the word “illegal” that O’Reilly fails to grasp?  This is an open door to lawlessness and the picking and choosing of which laws to obey and which to disregard.

On many occasions I respect O’Reilly.  I have no respect for him here.  As far as he’s apparently concerned, when Mr Obama grants what is essentially amnesty to millions — yes, millions — of illegal aliens with a stroke of his Executive Order pen very soon, that is an event the likes of which you should not oppose.

You’re wrong O’Reilly.  Dead wrong.  And you don’t care, because your job isn’t affected and you can afford whatever fiscal hits this mandates on any level.

Sorry O’Reilly; you’re being a pinhead here.



The federal government: transporting diseases to as many states and towns as possible

Illegals, Brownsville TX Overcrowding US Customs & Border Protection Processing FacilityFrom ABCNews.com:

Exclusive: Feds Struggling to Cope With Medical ‘Breakdown’ at the Border

by Jim Avila

The federal government is so overwhelmed by the current tide of migrants crossing the border it can’t provide basic medical screening to all of the children before transporting them – often by air – to longer-term holding facilities across the country, ABC News has learned.

I hope you read that properly: your federal government is placing medically-unscreened illegals aboard various forms of transportation — to include buses and aircraft — in order to move them around the country to other holding facilities.

Diseases and ailments that haven’t been seen in the US for years are being discovered carried by children and other illegal invaders at the border, such as TB, lice, scabies, Hepatitis, chicken pox, meningitis, influenza and H1N1, to name a few.

ABC revealed:

But, according to the memo ABC News reviewed, “Curi Kim [the HHS director of the Division of Refugee Health] has identified a breakdown of the medical screening processes at the Nogales, Arizona, facility.  The  [unaccompanied children] were initially screened and cleared upon entry into that facility with no fever or significant symptoms.  They were not however re-screened and cleared for travel and placement at a temporary shelter.”

So these are the people who are being transported in buses and aircraft that you could potentially be using in the future.

Look for a ramping-up of various diseases in your community, should you be lucky enough to receive this gift from the federal government.

And the kicker, from TheHill.com?

Reid: Southern border is secure

by Alexander Bolton

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Tuesday asserted the southern border is secure despite the massive surge of illegal minors from Central America that has overwhelmed federal agencies.

“The border is secure,” he told reporters after the Senate Democrats’ weekly policy lunch. “[Sen.] Martin Heinrich [(D-N.M.)] talked to the caucus today. He’s a border state senator. He said he can say without any equivocation the border is secure.”


He also dismissed a bipartisan proposal by Senate Republican Whip John Cornyn (Texas) and Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar (Texas) to expedite deportations as “too broad.”

“From all the reports I’ve gotten, the answer for me is no, I won’t support it,” he said.

Yes.  Expediting deportations is “too broad.”

And there you have it.  Harry Reid and the Demorats are clinically insane.