Welcome to Monday: “Illegal immigrants who commit crimes face lesser punishment than U.S. citizens”

From the WashingtonExaminer.com:


According to Sen. John McCain, a member of the Senate’s Gang of Eight, criminals will not be legalized under the proposed bipartisan immigration bill.

“Anyone who has committed crimes in this country is going to be deported,” the Arizona Republican declared on the Senate floor last week.

However, as Washington Examiner columnist Byron York recently reported, “the bottom line is an immigrant could have more than three misdemeanor convictions in his background check and still qualify for legalization.”

Wonderful.  We need more drunk drivers.  In Fornicalia, drunk driving is a male Mexican misdemeanor mainstay.  14601 CVC, or driving on a suspended license, used to warrant bail in Fornicalia jails.  Now, absent a felony warrant, fresh felony or misdemeanor commitment warrant, 14601 individuals receive a cite and a court date.  So, yes, Fornicalia certainly needs even more of its own male Mexican drunk drivers.  There are many multiply-convicted illegal Mexicans puttering around on Fornicalia highways with suspended licenses — drunk — just waiting to become “introduced” to you or your family via 4,000 pounds of metal.  That’s just one instance of popular crime.

The Gang of Eight’s bill would allow illegal immigrants who entered the country before Dec. 31, 2011, and committed up to three misdemeanor offenses including but not limited to assault, battery, identity or document fraud, tax evasion, to remain eligible for Registered Provisional Status. Meanwhile, U.S. citizens and persons who entered the country legally could incur up to $100,000 in fines,15 years of imprisonment, or be prohibited to reenter the country for up to 10 years.

Now, you have to admit, that’s wonderful news for a Monday.  It simply follows up on free tuition for illegal Mexicans in Fornicalia’s universities.

How many people have said illegal Mexicans are here to only work, not to acquire Free Cheese?  Here’s an ad that screams for free healthcare, in Fornicalia, for illegals:

C’mon, ladies and gentlemen, she’s just “undocumented,” not illegal.

Wrong is now right, down is now up.




Rubio: Legalize Illegal Immigrants So They Can Fund Border Security

Legalization For AllHonest.  I swear.  I had another post envisioned for Saturday but, when I came across this article at Breitbart.com, it got kicked to the curb because — in concert with my Thursday post — Republicans seem to be displaying the intelligence contained within the pot of an average houseplant this week.

To wit:

On Thursday, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said one reason illegal immigrants must be legalized as soon as possible is so they can help fund border security measures by paying taxes and fines. 

During an interview on “The Andrea Tantaros Show,” Rubio, as Byron York points out, first said there was no choice but to legalize at least 11 million illegal immigrants because he said the country “cannot wait another four years” to enact immigration reform.

He then said illegal immigrants needed to be registered “as soon as possible” so the fines they pay into the system help fund border security programs. 

“We need to register them as soon as possible, not just to keep the problem from getting worse, but we’re going to require them to pay a fine, and that’s the money that we are going to use to pay for the border security,” Rubio, said, according to York. “If we don’t get that fine money from the people that have violated our immigration laws, then the American taxpayer is going to have to pay for border security.”

Does anyone besides the ol’ BZ see any kind of a problem with this urgent registration?

For those amongst us who need a bit of a nudge and a prompt, let me suggest this:

Illegal immigrants are, by their very nature, law breakers.  It’s why they fall under the category of, uh, “illegal.”  Hello?  Definitions?  Words?  Actual meanings?

So what it is about the nature of Illegal immigrants that Mr Rubio thinks will somehow suddenly yield lawful activity?

As in, magically willing to be “fined”?

Because here’s the alternative to “fined:” they can simply continue to do what they currently do best.  Exist as illegals under the radar and still stay in the country to work or conduct illegal activities or stick their proboscis into the vital and nutrient-rich streams of social welfare.

In conclusion, allow me to refine the words Mr Rubio leaves unrefined: illegal Mexicans.  Mexicans are from Mexico, a nation conquered by Spain, which is why they speak Spanish and not Urdu or Swahili.  The United States is not suffering from an illegal tide of French or, say, those from Eritrea or Luxembourg or Vatican City.  Mexicans.  Illegal Mexicans.

So let’s just do what I call the Logical Extension, Mr Rubio.  Illegal Mexicans have no real motivation to “pay fines” if the status quo does not change.  And where will you get these fines, pray tell, when lawbreakers decide it’s not in their best fiscal interest to “obey” said laws?

With finality: yes.  The American Taxpayer.



Computer Access Not Restricted, Lerner Continues to Log In to IRS System

Lois Lerner Paid VacationFrom NationalReview.com:

Lois Lerner, the Internal Revenue Service’s director of Exempt Organizations currently on paid leave, has not had any of her computer access restricted since she abdicated her responsibilities, according to an IRS source with knowledge of the situation. 

Lerner was placed on administrative leave on May 21 after refusing to tender her resignation, and logged into the IRS’s computer system using her agency computer as recently as June 4, the source tells me. She has the ability to access the same information that was available to her before she was placed on leave. The sources tells National Review Online

[Lerner] can still access taxpayer data. If your duties do not inlude dealing with taxpayers, you are forbidden from seeing the information. That is a violation of IRS policy, and if she actually accesses any file that contains any Personal Identifiable Information, it is a felony violation. That would include emails that she has in her files discussing any taxpayer case that contains the name, address, phone numbers or tax data from a case. Actual Unauthorized Access (IRS uses the term UNAX) would be a really good reason for the new boss to can her in a hurry. I am sure a simple examination of her email files and hard drive would discover she still has taxpayer data.

Since Lerner is not currently dealing with taxpayers while on leave, she is forbidden from accessing any taxpayer data, though her computer permissions allow her to do so.

Imagine that.  No accountability once again during a Demorat Administration.

And the hits and abortions just keep on coming.


Lois Lerner Something To Hide


Ted Cruz to Megyn Kelly: Eric Holder Should Resign For ‘Unprecedented’ ‘Willingness To Disregard The Law’

From the FoxNewsInsider.com:

In an interview with Megyn Kelly on America Live, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) reflected on his extensive history as an attorney and used it to weigh in on the increasing scandals surrounding current U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.

“The conduct of the Justice Department does not inspire confidence. We have seen pattern after pattern with respect to investigation of the media. We have seen the Department of Justice willing to seize the phone records, to seize the emails of this network, of the Associated Press and by all appearances the attorney general went before Congress, stated he had nothing to do with it, it’s become public that he did in fact have quite a bit to do with it. The attorney general needs to come forward and explain what the truth is and why he told Congress something different,” said Cruz.

Pressure, ladies and gentlemen.  There is pressure.

I say: let the pressure increase and increase to bursting.

I want things to break in DC.



John Mitchell -- Miss Me Yet[Thanks to Conservative LA (@ConservativeLA) for the above graphic!]


The obscenity that is our American government:

Paid for by YOU, those of you who are not “poor” in America.

From Government Gone Wild:

In the words of Leftists and the Religious Left, this trend is completely UNsustainable.

Who will be left to pay, when the Parasites markedly outnumber the Hosts — and make no mistake, as a Taxpayer YOU are a Host — because, after all, Government creates no wealth?

Please answer that question, Leftists.

What happens when America runs out of the Hosts?

What happens when America runs out of those willing to take risk?

What happens when America runs out of those willing to work?

What happens when America runs out of those willing to actually produce?

What happens when America runs out of those willing to actually sacrifice their time and their own money to create their own businesses?

What happens when America runs out of those willing to sacrifice themselves in defense of their own country?


Thanks to GeeeeeZ for the reference!