A Muslim’s reply to GOWPs:

[GOWP = Guilty Overeducated White People.]

GOWP Muslim LetterBZ


Some inconvenient truths about Islam

Crazy-Ass MuslimsIslam 1 Islam 2 Islam 3 Islam 4 Islam 5League of nations cartoon Islam 6 French Magazine Mocks Prophet Muhammad Islam 8Islam 9Mohammad PrettyBZ


I’m still here and fighting for the United States of America.  I suppose I will be slayed and butchered.  Go for it, you affronting fucks, you baby killers, you pederasts, you penetrators of boys’ anuses.  One thing US soldiers discover upon landing upon your “Persia” is that women are for procreating and boys are for pleasure.  I’m old, I’m ugly, I’m fat, I’m worn out, but I’m also well armed.  And I post what I will when I will because I have the First Amendment behind me.

If I don’t back up my words and thoughts in the clear, then I am nothing more than a coward.  I hate cowards.  And I am plain and clear.


Mohammad comes to BZ and weighs in:

Mohammad Weighs InBZ


The mainstreaming of Islam in America

And it’s continuing at Duke University.

Adhan Islam Call to PrayerFrom NewsNinja2012.com:

Duke Muslim students to begin weekly call-to-prayer from chapel tower

by Wayne Dupree

DURHAM, NCMembers of the Duke Muslim Students Association will chant a weekly call-to-prayer from the Duke Chapel bell tower beginning Friday, Jan. 16.

The chant, called the “adhan,” announces the start of the group’s jummah prayer service, which takes place in the chapel basement each Friday at 1 p.m. The service is open to the public.

The chant lasts about three minutes and will be moderately amplified.

Just precisely what this country needs.  More mainstreaming of Islam in the nation.  We fail to see what Multi-Kulti and the hugging of Islam is doing in Europe though it’s right in front of our eyes.

Because of it, France and Germany and other European countries are going to experience a rather nasty, predictable and totally avoidable backlash.

We’re next.



Chemin à parcourir, Charlie Hebdo!

Charlie Hebdo Post-Shooting Cover

[Translation: “all is forgiven,” and “I am Charlie.]

Aller jusqu’au bout, Charlie Hebdo, et ne pas abandonner!

Meilleures salutations et la grâce du soir,