A message signed with blood:

To the nation of the cross.

It took quite some time to locate the actual unedited message sent around the globe by ISIS, showing, in quite a seriously-produced, edited and professional video — for all that it matters — the beheading of 21 Coptic Christians adjacent a lapping Libyan ocean.

ISIS wants you to know that it has the money and the time to make as professional and disturbing a video as possible for today’s jaded audiences.  Except that this is not Hollywood and these are not actors and there are no special effects here.

There is only naked butchery at the behest of and in the name of Islam.

Let me repeat: in the name of Islam.

Not Christianity, not Buddhism, not Shinto, not Judaism.

Take it away Islam, the Religion of Peace:

There you have it, lovingly produced in HD from the Islamic State, courtesy of Islam.

So tell me, my dear readers, that I am such a Religionist for having displayed such a depravity.  And a depravity it is.

Why would I do this with no warning of the video’s content?


You need to see the true face of Islam as practiced today.  Not as espoused, not as wanted, not as dreamed-of, but as actually practiced in today’s Middle East.

Just as we need to see the video and photographs of what happened to those persons WTC Jumper On Pavementwho jumped from the World Trade Center twin towers on 9/11, as they smashed onto the cold, hard concrete below.  Those videos exist.  We, as a nation, need to see them.

Ah yes, Islam, the religion of peace, tolerance, understanding, all-inclusive and loving.


Islamic Faith

Obama: comparing ISIS to the Crusades

Obama continually — as do other Islam apologists — conflates and compares ISIS to the Crusades.  As in: Islam vs Christianity, with Christianity the abject and utterly violent loser and Evildoer in the equation.

This specious argument couldn’t be more wrong.

Megyn Kelly weighs in:

After that, this video in a more concise version:

And finally, the full 22 minute video:

They are right.  Words matter.  And when Obama speaks before any group and there are TelePrompters involved, the words Mr Obama speaks have been vetted and parsed and sifted with the greatest amount of care possible.  When he says this, he means this.

Which is why when Obama refers to “people (who) committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” he’s speaking about Christians in the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition.

This age-old saw is the first trotted out by Muslim apologists.  The major historical problem people don’t much seem to consider is: the Crusades occurred 800 years ago, and the inquisition was 600 years ago.

Since then, the blood and death and violence involving religion has been at the hands of Muslims, in the name of Islam.  Not Christianity.

Charles Krauthammer said:

“Everything he does is to minimize what’s happening, to hold us back and to essentially deny the gravity of what’s happening. That’s why today he had to compare it to the Crusades and to the Inquisition, which is simply astonishing. Mr. President, the Crusades were 800 years ago, and the Inquisition 500 years ago. What’s happening right now is not Christians on the march. It is radical Islam.”

“The only reason Obama got involved with ISIS in the first place was precisely the public reaction to the video beheading of the two Americans,” said Krauthammer. “If that hadn’t happened, he never would have stirred himself.”

Mr Krauthammer is entirely correct.

Obama still can’t say “Islamic terror.”  And ISIL is not Islamic, according to Mr Obama.



Islam: here is your Religion of Peace

Islam -- Here's Your Religion of PeaceIslam ROP 1 Islam ROP 2Islam ROP 3

Here is the full 24-minute video.  It is clearly “produced” and meant to influence.

Jordan, however, has a plan.

You need to SEE the true aspect of Islam, the Religion of Peace.  Watch carefully.  Include your children.  Bring popcorn.  Muslims certainly are.


Islam -- This Is IslamObama -- ISIL Is Not Islamic

Pat Condell: Nothing to do with Islam

Nails it.



Col Allen West names what cannot be named by Obama

First, the video:

Why is it that one black man can speak the obvious, whilst the other cowers in contemptible, base fear?

Oh, that’s right, one man actually served his country, actually graduated college (and has the transcripts to prove it) and has held actual jobs requiring accountability and responsibility in his life.

“Islamic terror.”  The Lord Voldemort of phrases in the Obama Administration.

“Well, first of all, I think that we have to come to understand that when tolerance becomes a one-way street, it leads to cultural suicide,” West said above.  “We are in a war against Islamic Fascism.”

Col West points out in his own article:

As reported by The Daily Caller, “When Islamic terrorists expressly tell their victims why they’re being attacked, our mainstream media will do anything to cover it up. They’ll change the subject, they’ll blame the victims… they’ll even stealth-edit their own copy.”

How is it we can win any war when we cannot even name or define our enemies?

Mr Obama is beyond despicable.  He is the number one primary threat to this country.

And I will name him as such.